Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 95 Parade

"Everyone, don't worry! If I don't redress your grievances this time, I will definitely not leave Fengli County! Everyone should get up and speak out your grievances slowly, so that the lord can make the decision for you!" Du Long could only speak loudly promised.

With his promise, the people kneeling on the ground stood up one after another under the leadership of the old man, and then listened to the old man tell about the grievances that happened to him!

Du Long had already ordered the old horse to record. Although the emperor gave him the right to behead the guilty person first, he had to have a reasonable excuse. After all, he had to have a reasonable excuse to behead !

It turned out that the old man's surname was Zhang Mingdian, and he was one of the earliest masters in the Fengli County's city government. No matter how poor Fengli County was at that time, the people under his rule still had at least three meals of food and clothing!

When Qian Jinlong took over Fengli County, the life of the people in Fengli County began to change. Those corrupt officials only wanted to fill their pockets. Zhang Dian was always upright and loved by the people of Fengli County. The filthy officials were in the company, and were finally pushed out of the county magistrate's office. In order to make a living, they opened a private school in the county town, teaching local children to earn a little money to support their families!

Seeing the dark fog in Fengli County, Zhang Dian went to the capital several times to sue the corrupt officials of Fengli County for all kinds of bad deeds. Unfortunately, no matter whether he went to any yamen in the capital to file a complaint, no one accepted it. There is no response, no response!

Later he found out that Qian Jinlong, the governor of the county, was backed by his left minister, Fan De, and had always ignored the lord of Fengli County. No one dared to accept him when he went to the capital to sue him!

After running around the capital several times in succession, he came back disappointed and continued to teach in the private school. He never thought that Qian Jinlong knew that he had done wrong to him many times, and he already held a grudge. He not only sent someone to smash the private school secretly , and kidnapped his daughter Zhang Liner, and her life and death are still unknown!

She appealed to Zhang Dian, who had nowhere to go, and asked her connections everywhere to find out the whereabouts of her beloved daughter. Finally, she heard that after she was defiled by the damned Qian Jinlong, she was actually sold to the Blue Moon Empire as a slave and a prostitute!

Hearing the news, Zhang Dian vomited blood and passed out on the spot. He was bedridden from then on and did not recover slowly until a year later. I don't believe that His Majesty the Emperor really gave up on the people of Fengli County, and I want to open my eyes wide to see when the dark sky in Fengli County will be clear again!

Above the lobby, Zhang Dian sadly told the story that happened to him, which moved the audience and brought tears to his eyes. The many people in Fengli County who surrounded him all cried bitterly, but they forcibly suppressed him in order not to disturb him telling about his grievances. Weeping, the scene saw Du Long and his group of noble sons and daughters from the capital all weeping.

"It's so abominable! Such a corrupt official, a hundred deaths can't escape the crime!" Princess Huofeng, who was sitting upright in the lobby, had red eyes, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief from time to time, and shouted angrily.


Murderous intent loomed in the red-eyed Du Long's eyes. He, who had never killed anyone before, looked at the shivering Fatty Qian kneeling in the hall, and wished he could be cut into pieces.

"Qian Jinlong! Do you have any objections to Zhang Dian's words?" Du Long asked in a deep voice almost every word.

In the hall, the shivering lump of fat shook violently, and Qian Jinlong wept bitterly and wailed: "My lord, my lord! You have been wronged! You must not trust Zhang Dian's one-sided words, his own daughter Eloped with a wild man, but put the crime on the lower official, he is obviously spouting blood!"

"Hmph! You can rest assured! Since I choose to conduct a public trial against you today, I will definitely find out the evidence!" Du Long was not at all surprised by Fatty Qian's argument. Old Youtiao, if you don't produce evidence to convict him, it would be strange if he would plead guilty!

"Mr. Zhang! Since you can find out that Zhang Lin'er was sold to the Blue Moon Empire after she was defiled by the county guard Qian Jinlong! Can you tell the lord who is more clear about this matter and can prove that the county guard Qian Jinlong said What crime did you commit?" Du Long politely asked Zhang Dian.

"My lord! The county guard Qian Jinlong not only seeks personal gain by opening gold mines, but also sets up gambling workshops, human trafficking, and monopolizing commercial firms in Fengli County. His name is Gu Chen, this person is very clear about all kinds of illegal transactions in the Sheriff's Mansion, as long as he is taken for interrogation, the crimes committed by the Sheriff Qian Jinlong will be made public!" Zhang Dian answered loudly after a moment of hesitation road.

"Very good! Come on! Go to the city lord's mansion and tell Captain Sun Lin that he will bind the housekeeper Gu Chen to me! By the way, lead someone to seal the account room of the city lord's mansion, and transport all the account books to the mansion for review by the chief steward, Uncle Fu! "Du Long immediately issued an order to arrest people, and he also followed the advice of the ring spirit beauty to seal up the accounting room of the City Lord's Mansion to prevent the secret accounts from being destroyed!

After Sun Lin received the order, he immediately carried it out. Leaving aside the fact that Du Long did not stop hearing the case because of this, he continued to let the other people report their grievances one by one, and let the old horse record all of them!

After the interrogation, all kinds of grievances emerged one after another, and most of the masterminds behind the scenes pointed to the sheriff Qian Jinlong. Even though many crimes were not committed by him, there is also the shadow of him using the sheriff's office to cover up the suspects behind the scenes!

For money, this Qian Jinlong can be used as an exaggeration to describe him as doing all kinds of evil. Some aristocrats break the law, and they can close the case as long as they spend money. In fact, he was charged with trafficking human beings without permission, and at the same time, he could earn huge profits for him!

In addition to human trafficking and indiscriminate collection of land taxes, he also forcibly seized residential land, privately collected taxes from shops in the county, and monopolized several basic livelihood industries in the county. As a result, prices soared, many people were displaced, and the lives of the people in Fengli County were miserable. Word!

As a result, many people had to flee this city that eats people with their families, and because of this, the population of Fengli County has dropped sharply. When Du Long entered the city, he saw that many shops were closed, and only a few shops were still open. Open, ten out of ten of these open shops have the shadow of Qian Jinlong, the governor of the county, behind them!

As a result, the tax collected by Nuo Da's county town can't support the few public officials and hundreds of officers and soldiers in Fengli County!

"I am wronged, I am really wronged! Your lord, Your Royal Highness! Don't listen to those unscrupulous people talking nonsense, I am wronged..." Qian Jinlong, who knelt on the ground under the hall, trembled all over his body. He muttered the words over and over again.

In this regard, almost no one in the lobby paid any attention to this disgusting guy, and people from the county continued to come up to tell their grievances in turn. As time went by, the courtyard outside the lobby was already full of people from Fengli County. The common people that Wen Xun rushed could only stand on the street outside the gate of the government office!

Du Long had no choice but to arrange manpower to maintain order. Due to the shortage of manpower, the highly respected chapter asked some young people to help, at least to maintain a passage from the government office to the outside, so that the orders of the lord can be passed on smoothly!

Just when Du Long was extremely shocked by the various injustices suffered by countless people in Fengli County, outside the lobby, two royal imperial guards entered an old man with a cunning and cunning face.

"My lord! Gu Chen brought it here!"

Du Long's eyes lit up when he finally waited for a heavyweight criminal. No matter how the people in the hall narrate their grievances, it is always just one-sided words.

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