Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 94 Public Trial

"Don't pay attention to us, I'd like to see how you plan to work in class!" Su Jinbao replied with a smile, and the others also nodded to say that they would stay and watch how he works. In order not to disturb him, a group of friends Then I stepped back to watch the play!

Nodding his head, Du Long stopped talking nonsense. After putting away the smile on his face, he stood up and took out a golden book and shouted: "The emperor's decree!"


Many officials who were originally puzzled and dissatisfied knelt down on the ground reflexively, and then waited respectfully for Du Long to read the emperor's will!

"By God's blessing, the emperor's decree said! Today, the concubine Dulong Fengli is granted the land of a county, and he has the full power to command all the government affairs of Fengli County. All government officials under the jurisdiction of Fengli County are fully controlled by him, and he has the right to kill first and then play in his fief. , hereby!"

Above the hall, Du Long loudly read out the imperial decree issued by the emperor himself. In the hall, Qian Jinlong, the prefect who was fat and ruddy, turned pale in an instant.

Since the founding of the Haotian Empire, there has been a precedent for a lord to rule the fief with full power. He understands the meaning of the so-called full power. Damn!

What made him panic the most was the last clause of the imperial decree - cut first and play later!

In this way, the new lord sitting high in the hall immediately became a terrifying existence that could take his own life at any time, and he could feel the new lord's dissatisfaction with him from the beginning to the end. Do you think he can't be terrified?

"Everyone! Have you heard the contents of the emperor's edict clearly? Do you have any comments?" Du Long looked down at the group of kneeling and trembling people below, with a slightly playful smile on his lips.

"Don't dare, dare not! From now on, I will definitely obey the instructions of my son-in-law!" Those corrupt officials below dared not have any objection to the emperor's will, their heads were all nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"Very good!" Du Long nodded in satisfaction, and then shouted loudly, "Fu Bo!"

"The subordinate is here!" In the crowd, Fu Bo suddenly realized that he was calling himself, and responded loudly in a conditioned reflex, looking at Du Long with a look of admiration on his face, and secretly decided in his heart that he would Determined to hang out with the young master!

"You immediately lead someone to take over the finance office of the government office, and you must sort out the general financial situation within half an hour!" Du Long said in a deep voice.

"Your subordinates obey!" Uncle Fu respectfully accepted the order, and then led his dozen or so subordinates out.

"Come here! Bind Qian Jinlong, the former governor of the county, and all the officials of Fengli County!" On both sides of the hall, after arranging manpower to seal off the county government office, they immediately led dozens of people back to separate The two generals Sun and Wang on both sides immediately sent people to tie up all the people who were tied up.

"Lord Lord! Your Royal Highness! I don't know what crime we have committed? Why did you tie us all up?" Fatty Qian asked loudly while pretending to be calm while his face was pale.

"Shut up for me! Otherwise, be careful and I will serve you with great torture! Come, except for the county guard Qian Jinlong, take all the other officials down for interrogation separately!" Du Long completely ignored the protest of the county guard Qian Jinlong and continued to issue the latest instruction.

Soon, soldiers like wolves and tigers came up and brought down a group of officials who were tied up. Du Long then continued: "Sun Lin!"

With a clatter, Sun Lin in battle armor walked to the front of the hall with a face full of excitement, knelt on one knee and cupped his hands and answered loudly: "The last general is here!"

"Lead you to lead the Royal Guards and fifty generals of the Li family to seal the city lord's mansion for me. No one is allowed to enter and leave at will, and all the family guards in the mansion are gathered for me. They are not allowed to move around at will. Shoot and kill!" Du Long pulled out a command arrow from the desk and threw it down.

"The last general takes the order!" After Sun Lin received the order loudly, he picked up the command arrow and immediately summoned the troops!

"Old horse!"

"The last general is here!" In the crowd, the old horse who was born in Wu never thought that he would have his own role in this kind of occasion. He was nervous for a while, and he even regarded himself as a general, and almost ignored the serious Du Long in the hall. Made me laugh.

"You will bring a few families out of the gate of the government office, and invite a group of people from Fengli County to come in and watch the trial of this lord!" Du Long suppressed his smile and confessed his meaning loudly.

"The last general takes orders!" At this moment, the old horse could only make a mistake, and after saying yes, he took a few Du family generals out of the government office, and brought in a group of people from the county outside the government office after a while.

Originally, there were many people watching the arrival of the two teams of elite troops, so Lao Ma invited nearly a hundred people into the courtyard outside the hall of the government office with little effort.

"Fathers and elders! I am Du Long, the newly appointed lord of Fengli County! Have you seen it? The person tied up in the hall is Qian Jinlong, the governor of Fengli County! My lord has made private visits and found out that Qian Jinlong is corrupt and accepts bribes. Backed by those sinners who mine gold mines privately, they don’t care about the life and death of the people under their control, and they levy taxes randomly, which has caused Fengli County to live in poverty for so many years!"

"Today, my lord is going to put this corrupt official on public trial, and return Fengli County to the blue sky! If you have any grievances, you can tell them one by one, and my lord will definitely seek justice for everyone!"

Standing on the main seat, Du Longgao shouted loudly to the people outside the hall. The people in the county looked at the fat man tied up in the hall in disbelief. Everyone recognized that it was the damned county guard Qian fat man!

However, after years of accumulating prestige, although many people showed signs of excitement, none of them dared to be that early bird. What happened today was so sudden that they couldn't believe it was true!

"My lord!" Just when Du Long wanted to continue to say a few words to encourage the people below, an older man who looked very knowledgeable spoke loudly. As soon as he took the lead, Du Long immediately laughed , as long as someone dares to speak up, everything will be fine.

"Old man, do you have any questions?" Du Long replied in as kind a tone as possible, obviously fearing that being too serious would frighten him from speaking.

"There is something unclear in Caomin's mind, so please ask the lord to explain it. As far as I know! The lord of the Haotian Empire does not have the power to control the imperial officials in his fief!" The old pedant directly expressed the doubts in his heart.

"Haha! Good question, old man! First of all, besides being the lord of Fengli County, I am also the emperor's son-in-law! The person next to me is His Royal Highness Princess Huofeng! The emperor bestowed Fengli County on the most Beloved His Highness Huofeng Princess as a dowry, and my son-in-law has the full power to take over this fief, and also gave my lord the right to kill first and play later!"

After the old man heard Du Long's words, his eyes lit up immediately, and then he felt grief, and he knelt down on the ground and cried bitterly: "Woooo! His Majesty the Emperor of the Haotian Empire has not forgotten our land! The heavens are open! You guys, kneel down quickly, and pay respects to Her Royal Highness Princess Huofeng and Lord Consort Du!"

This old man is very popular in Fengli County. When he yelled, he heard a crash, and the people in Fengli County in the courtyard outside the hall immediately fell to their knees, and then shouted: "Meet the princess!" Your Highness, pay respects to Lord Consort Lord!"

"Your Royal Highness, my lord! You have to make decisions for us poor people in Fengli County!" the old man cried with tears streaming down his face.

Du Long couldn't sit still at this moment, he got up and left the case immediately, and hurried to the outside of the hall to help everyone get up, but all the people in Fengli County, including the old man, knelt down and couldn't afford it, and each of them used their eagerness to get up. Looking at him.

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