Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 557 Phoenix Dance in the Cave

Soon, Qiong, the main master of Bi Kongtian, led a group of experts into the Haitian area outside Biluo Cave, and fired at the location of Du Long and others!

"See His Majesty the Golden Dragon King in the main Qiong of the Blue Hole!"

"See His Majesty the Golden Dragon King!" Under the leadership of Liu Qiong, many high-level experts in the blue sky respectfully knelt down on one knee to Du Long and paid homage!

Three Void Return level chiefs and deputy Cave Heaven Lords, plus a large group of high-level god-transformation commanders gathered together, exuding a terrifying aura, which made countless sea monsters at the scene dare not take a breath, and they all looked at this command in shock. It's an unforgettable scene!

Especially those members of the mermaid tribe in Biluo Cave. They had been drinking and feasting in the same cave hall with the Golden Dragon King for several days before. All of this was like a dream and seemed extremely unreal!

At this moment, Lan Yan and the other five commanders, who were kneeling in front of Du Long, began to tremble slightly. They were not fools. The mainstream Qiong of Bi Kong had come, but they did not receive any news. The matter must have been exposed!

Those guys who had always had a good relationship with Lan Yan now began to hate him to the core of their hearts. If it weren't for his instigation, how could he covet this little money and benefit? In the end, even the Golden Dragon King from Chifeng Palace was lured out!

"Master Liuqiong Cave! Capture the five commanders of Lan Yan for me, capture the master of Ninghai Palace Pang Zhuo and all his subordinates!" Du Long finally said: "Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy!"

"I obey!" Liu Qiong accepted the order on the spot, and then began to send people to arrest these criminals designated by Du Long. The whole process did not encounter any resistance, and it went very smoothly!

Even the Master of the Blue Hollow who has returned to the Void Stage has taken action personally. Who dares to resist at the scene? !

Seeing that the arrest did not encounter any resistance, Du Long nodded with satisfaction and said: "Lan Yan! As the commander-in-chief of the Blue Sky, the five of you actually colluded with pirates to privately collect protection taxes in the caves under your jurisdiction, and also massacred several people. Killing chickens and honoring monkeys in a village! Can you plead guilty?!"

"Your Majesty the Golden Dragon King! My subordinates have been wronged!" Lan Yan took the lead in shouting that he was wronged before the other commanders could admit their guilt.

"Unjust?! Hahaha, then I'm here to ask you! Why did the five of you come here?!" Du Long laughed disdainfully.

"We received a letter from Pang Zhuo, the master of Ninghai Palace, saying that the bandit leader was captured in Biluo Cave, so we rushed over to find out..." Lan Yan still wanted to quibble, but was interrupted by Du Long on the spot: "Fart! "

With a flash of golden light, Du Long directly punched Lan Yan's dantian vital part. The huge power instantly destroyed his entire body, and the elixir in the dantian space also collapsed!


"Golden Dragon King! You...you killed my two younger brothers, and now you have destroyed my cultivation. You are clearly avenging your personal revenge. Is this all a conspiracy set up by you?!" Lan Yan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. , looked at Du Long with wide eyes in astonishment and shouted angrily.

His eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness. Although he had the intention to dodge just now, as a prisoner, he had long been tied into a rice dumpling. There was no chance for him to dodge!

Facing his resentful gaze, Du Long raised the corners of his mouth slightly, took off his space ring, instantly erased his soul imprint, and then refined it into his own.

Turning his hand and taking out a message formation stone, Du Long read out several messages on the spot, and the expression on his face began to solidify: "Huh! You are so cruel, let Pang Zhuo take the pirate leader away, and then the five of you A great commander took action to massacre the entire Biluo Cave and create the illusion that this place was being retaliated by pirates?!"

At this point, the commander-in-chief Lan Yan still has no arrogance at all. He has long since collapsed to the ground, his face is ashen, his cultivation has been ruined, and now the evidence is irrefutable, and there is no room for him to continue to quibble!

"Your Majesty the Golden Dragon King, His Majesty the Golden Dragon King! All this was Lan Yan's idea. We were just deceived by him and fell into his trap! Your Majesty, please spare your life, spare your life!" The other four tied commanders Among them, the one-horned dragon demon hurriedly begged for mercy.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the other three commanders also shouted for mercy...

"Spare your life?!" Du Long narrowed his eyes slightly, and the sharp light flashed away: "When the innocent sea people in those villages were slaughtered by you, when you asked for mercy, did you stop?"

"Come here! Pull out these guys who are colluding with the pirates and causing trouble for us. Cut their corpses into pieces and feed them to the fish!" How could Du Long, who was so angry, give these guys who were causing trouble in his territory a chance to survive? .

"Yes!" Liu Qiong immediately asked people to destroy all the criminals, and then pulled them out and executed them on the spot.

As the screams stopped, Du Long said with a faint look: "Under the jurisdiction of Chifeng Palace, there are one hundred and fifty-seven caves in the Three Cave Heavens. We must bear in mind the lessons of this bloodshed. No one or any force can If you dare to do it again, you will be punished without mercy!"

Not far away, countless mermaid warriors in Biluodong looked at this golden figure excitedly. They never expected that the pirates that had plagued Biluodong for a long time would be solved by the Golden Dragon King of Chifeng Palace himself!

Originally, they were somewhat dissatisfied with Bi Kongtian's separation from the Dragon Palace's sphere of influence and its integration into Chifeng Palace. Later, due to rampant pirate forces, the Biluodong Mermaid Tribe, which had no sense of belonging to Chifeng Palace, finally saw a little light and had feelings for Chifeng Palace. Get some sense of identity!

Soon, Chifeng Palace announced the details of the Gilded Cave pirate incident to the three major caves and 157 caves under its jurisdiction. The purpose was very simple, that is, to warn those who were ready to take action. It’s better not to touch the bottom line of Chifeng Palace!

For this reason, Chifeng Palace has carried out drastic reforms to the management system of the three caves under its jurisdiction. The leader is not allowed to interfere in politics. Each cave has specially set up administrative chief and deputy officials. If there are any problems in the caves and villages under the jurisdiction of the cave, there is no need to Then report to the commander-in-chief, just report directly to these administrative units!

In short, the trip to Biluo Cave allowed Du Long, the high-ranking Golden Dragon King, to successfully resolve a seemingly insignificant crisis. In fact, its impact was extremely far-reaching!

At the entrance of Biluo Cave, Du Long said goodbye to all the mermaids. After learning his true identity, all the mermaids became extremely respectful and cautious. Naturally, he could not stay here any longer!

Surrounded by masters such as Zhu Qiong of Biluo Cave, the group of people stepped out of Biluo Cave. After traveling for dozens of miles, they parted ways. Du Long and Xia Qinglian turned a corner and continued to shoot toward the northeast. Liuqiong But he led a group of subordinates back to the blue sky!

Liuqiong is not worried about Du Long's safety. He is a sea monster who came out of Xuanyu Cave, so he naturally understands Du Long's background!

Rushing all the way to the northeast, because his whereabouts were finally exposed, Du Long had to change the color of his scales and turned into a dragon with dark green scales. After Xia Qinglian learned the color-changing skill, she also changed the color of her scales. It turned into a dark green slightly lighter than his.

When the two of them pass by some underwater villages along the way, they always stop to go in and buy some goods. The underwater jewelry is so cheap, don’t give it up!

Nearly ten thousand miles away in the northeast direction of Biluo Cave, the two finally arrived at the final goal of their trip, the Phoenix Dance Cave!

There is a Sunset Mountain Range in the northwest of the Overseas Fairy Island. The Sunset Mountain Range stretches for thousands of miles from west to north. It has high mountains and dense forests, and various monsters and beasts are entrenched. It is known as the Forest of Little Spirit Beasts on the Fairy Island!

To the north of the Sunset Mountain Range, there is Black Dragon Mountain. Black Dragon Mountain is made up of six peaks that intersect continuously, resembling the Black Dragon Panjian, hence the name Black Dragon Mountain!

Legend has it that in Black Dragon Mountain, there lives a high-level purple flame beast who has returned to the void, named Dong Zixuan. Because of his presence in Black Dragon Mountain, all kinds of monsters within a radius of a hundred miles have disappeared, and the place has become extremely quiet.

To the southwest of the silent Black Dragon Mountain, two human figures flew towards me at high speed, and one of them was the Jade Qingzong Liu Chen!

Flying towards the Black Dragon Mountain at full speed with Liu Chen was a ruthless man with second-level strength in returning to the void. This man's name was Xiao Leng. He was a deeply hidden dead warrior of the Liu family of the Yuqing Sect, and rarely appeared to the outside world. , outsiders know very little about it!

"Dong Zixuan..." Flying over the Black Dragon Mountain, Liu Chen shouted unceremoniously. His voice continued to reverberate in the silent mountains and forests, and there were waves of echoes.

In just a moment, a ray of purple light flashed out from the Black Dragon Mountain, and soon came to Liu Chen who was standing with his hands behind his back. It was the purple flame beast Dong Zixuan who had reached the ninth level of returning to the void!

"Brother Liu Chen?! What kind of wind brought you here today?! You are really a rare visitor!" Dong Zixuan politely bowed his hands in greeting. It seems that he has a pretty good relationship with Liu Chen.

"Zixuan!" Liu Chen said with a faint smile: "I don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing! Do you still remember what you promised me?"

Dong Zixuan straightened his face and said solemnly: "Of course I remember! I still owe Brother Liu Chen a great favor. As long as you need it, Zixuan is willing to help you with anything anytime, anywhere!"

Nodding with satisfaction, Liu Chen did not mince words, pointed at Xiao Leng beside him and said: "Very good! I came here today just to ask you to go with him to Fengwu Cave to kill someone!"

"Kill?!" Dong Zixuan raised his eyebrows: "Kill who?! How strong is it?!"

"Don't worry about who he is. It's not convenient for me, the Yuqing Sect, to come forward and kill this person, so I can only ask you to take action!" Liu Chen waved his hand and responded: "As for his strength, I only know that he is invincible at the level of the gods, but It definitely hasn’t reached the Void Return stage!”

"Okay! I agree to use all my strength to get rid of this person!" After a moment of pondering, Dong Zixuan nodded and had the answer, as long as he didn't kill someone more powerful than himself.

On the sea surface more than a hundred miles southwest of Fengwu Cave, Du Long, dressed in dark green scales, stood on the water, smiling at the two beautiful figures on the sea, constantly performing various water control techniques!

Xia Qinglian, whose scales are similar in color to Du Long, is constantly changing various spells with her hands, controlling the sea water to circle around her. She is like an elf in the water, controlling the sea water flexibly!

Sometimes it causes the sea water to form a huge vortex, sometimes it causes huge waves on the sea to surge into the sky, and sometimes it creates a waterspout on the sea. The momentum is really terrifying!

Next to Xia Qinglian stood a beautiful woman who had transformed into a water creature. She was smiling as she watched Qinglian flexibly use the water control technique she had taught her.

She has always believed that Xia Qinglian is a genius in water magic arts, and she is even more convinced of this today. In just two days, all kinds of water control magic arts have almost no difficulty for this girl!


When Xia Qinglian put away the water control technique, a large amount of sea water was no longer controlled, and poured down like a waterfall. The originally turbulent sea slowly calmed down!

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