Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 556 Slap

"Well..." Mermaid Clan Leader Yu Liang didn't know how to respond for a moment, so he could only turn his head and cast an inquiring look at Du Long.

It was only at this moment that Du Long took a step forward and looked at Pang Zhuo not far outside the cave with a smile: "Master Pang! Many villages under your jurisdiction have encountered the pirates of the Gilded Cave imposing protection taxes, and some villages have resisted because of their resistance. After being massacred by this group of thieves, every village and cave asked for help from Ninghai Cave. To this day, those Gilded Cave pirates are still collecting protection taxes everywhere, but you turn a blind eye!

Therefore, I have reason to believe that Ninghai Cave Mansion is colluding with the pirates in the Gilded Cave! Handing over three pirate leaders to you, what's the difference between that and a meat bun beating a dog? ! "

"Presumptuous?! Who are you to talk to me like this?!" Pang Zhuo, the master of Ninghai Palace, shouted angrily: "The pirates in the Gilded Cave are extremely cunning. We have sent a large number of people, but we have not been able to find out the location of their lair! Don't go out there and slander anyone with your blood! You're slandering the innocence of this mansion! Come on, take down this maritime businessman who's talking nonsense and slandering our mansion!"

"Yes!" Immediately, two second-level god-transforming sea monsters broke away from the team and rushed towards Du Long's position with lightning.

"Hahaha..." Du Long laughed angrily, and without any nonsense, he stepped out and went straight to meet the two masters of the God Transformation level, as if he was about to take action.

"Bold! Under the jurisdiction of our Ninghai Cave Mansion in the Blue Sky, how dare you, a maritime trader, to resist arrest?!" Seeing Du Long dare to take the lead from a distance, Pang Zhuo immediately roared: "You guys, come with me. , if there is any resistance, shoot to death without mercy!"

The other leaders of Ninghai Cave Mansion took action one after another, following Pang Zhuo and surrounding Du Long!


Seeing the enemies surrounding him, Du Long accelerated his body suddenly and shot towards the leader of the second-level sea shrimp demon in the right front. His golden figure was erratic and strange, and he seemed unhappy, but he was in front of that guy in an instant.

Facing the golden figure that appeared in front of him like a ghost, the guy screamed strangely and swung his sword towards the approximate direction where the golden trajectory was coming from!

Unfortunately, his sword ended up in the air. With a flicker of golden light, Du Long easily avoided his sword. He didn't even bother to take out his weapon and directly punched the opponent's abdomen in the dantian area!


The sea shrimp demon leader suddenly arched his head, his face turned red, his eyes popped out, like a cooked lobster, and he flew backwards in an instant!

Du Long didn't bother to look at him at all, and flashed towards another second-level octopus monster leader. His golden figure flashed away erratically in the sea water, and in an instant he came to the wide-eyed man. The octopus monster came forward with eyes full of disbelief.

Wow! Gululu...

The octopus screamed strangely, and was suddenly choked by the sea water due to being too nervous. He also wildly swung several tentacles to push the sea water, and his body accelerated backwards, trying to avoid the golden dragon man's attack.

Unfortunately, he was too late. The golden light flashed away, and with the muffled sound of fists and fists clashing, the octopus monster was hit with a heavy punch in the vital part of his abdominal dantian, and his god-level cultivation was instantly wiped out!

In the blink of an eye, two deity-level commanders were deposed one after another. You must know that these are the only two deity-level commanders in Ninghai Cave Mansion. Most of the other commanders are spiritual elixir-level perfect beings.

As a result, only Pang Zhuo, the master of the palace, was the only god-level master in Ninghai Cave Palace left on the scene. However, at this moment, he was also frightened to death. He understood very well the terrifying speed that Du Long had just exploded. It's simply not something you can dodge!

Once he gets close to you, you can imagine the result with your toes!

"Retreat!" Ninghai Palace Master Pang Zhuo, who instantly understood the comparison of strength between the two sides, gave the order to retreat without hesitation. Those high-level confidant commanders had already seen the fate of the two commanders. Finally, his fighting spirit was gone. After receiving the order, he naturally retreated desperately.

"You...who are you?! How dare you attack me, the commander of Ninghai Cave?!" Pang Zhuo retreated to his own team and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He pointed at Du Long in shock and anger and yelled .

"Hehe! I'm just a merchant, so what about Ninghai Cave?! I dare to collude with pirates. At best, I'm just an accomplice of pirates. Everyone will kill me!" Du Long sneered disdainfully.

Pang Zhuo, who was unable to defeat Du Long again and again and had nothing to do with him, could only look at the mermaid clan leader on the side with a gloomy face and shouted angrily: "Yu Liang! You are so brave, you dare to collude with the dragon people of unknown origin and fight with me. Ninghai Cave Mansion is doing the right thing! Such behavior is tantamount to going against Bi Kongtian and Chifeng Palace! Do you know that this is a major crime of rebellion that will lead to annihilation?!"

"This...Master of the Palace! This has nothing to do with my Biluo Cave..." Yu Liang stammered for himself. Obviously, he never expected that Du Long would dare to confront Ninghai Cave in public. .

At this moment, countless mermaid clan members looked particularly ugly. For them, going against Ninghai Cave Mansion was a serious crime. Even the patrol captain Yu Guang, who had always supported Du Long, no longer spoke for him.

"Hmph!" Du Long snorted coldly: "Pang Zhuo! You said that Biluo Cave is a major crime of treason?! Are you worthy of representing Biluo Cave? Representing Chifeng Palace?! According to me, you colluded with pirates and killed countless people under your command. Hai Clan Village Cave, that is the real crime of rebellion, and it should be arrested by Bikongtian and even Chifeng Palace, and executed in Lingchi!"

Pang Zhuo was about to argue, but he frowned, turned his hand and took out the communication formation stone. After communicating with it for a few words, the anger on his face instantly dissipated, and he revealed a proud sneer: "Hehe! Just continue. Use your words! The five commanders of the Blue Hollow Sky have arrived! Let me see how proud you are!"

Pang Zhuo's words caused the faces of many mermaid clan members to turn pale instantly. Du Long also took out a message formation stone, and after a few words of communication, a meaningful smile appeared on his face: "Haha! Then just wait and see for a while. Who can have the last laugh!"

Since this is a shallow sea area, the light on the sea illuminates the water abundantly. From a distance, five figures can be seen breaking through the water and rushing towards here at high speed. After seeing the identity of the person, Pang Zhuo excitedly greeted them.

"Five commanders! You are finally here! The mermaid clan of Biluo Cave colluded with the unknown maritime merchants and not only refused to hand over the three pirate leaders, but also deposed the two commanders of our Ninghai Cave! You must You have to make the decision for Pang Zhuo!" Pang Zhuo complained loudly to the five familiar figures as he rushed up to meet them.

"Hmph! Where does this maritime merchant come from? He actually dares to interfere in our Bi Kongtian's business?! Could it be said that he is impatient?!" As the initiator of collecting protection tax, Lan Yan naturally responded the most actively Following Pang Zhuo's words.

According to his plan, he originally wanted Ninghai Cave Mansion to take away the three pirate leaders through normal channels, and then the five of him would go to Biluo Cave and kill all the mermaids in the cave, including those two hateful ones. Maritime merchants will cover up the matter perfectly in the name of being retaliated against by pirates in this cave!

Unexpectedly, Pang Zhuo, who failed to achieve anything but failed more than failed, failed to take away the three leaders by normal means. It seemed that he could only ignore that much. Since Pang Zhuo wanted to accuse Biluodong of treason, it was okay. That’s what he meant!

Soon, Pang Zhuo excitedly appeared outside Biluo Cave with the five commanders of Bi Kongtian. This guy pointed at Du Long and shouted angrily: "It's him! He was the one who deposed the cultivation of the commanders of Ninghai Cave in public. All the fish tribesmen in Biluo Cave followed him and conspired against him, and they all deserve death!"

The five sea monster commanders from the blue sky all looked in the direction of Pang Zhuo's finger. After seeing the appearance of the golden figure clearly, the five commanders changed their colors on the spot, and their eyes widened as if they had seen a ghost. A look of shock and confusion!


A clear and crisp sound suddenly resounded in the sea water, and Lan Yan, the commander of the sea monster, slapped Pang Zhuo on his left cheek, sending him flying out of the way when he was caught off guard.

Holding his swollen cheek, Pang Zhuo didn't bother to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. He stared at Lan Yan with wide eyes in astonishment, who slapped him wildly, and stammered: "Lan... Commander Lan... this ...Why is this?!"

"You bastard! Pang Zhuo, open your dog eyes and see clearly! How dare you say that the mermaid tribe in Biluodong colluded with His Majesty the Golden Dragon King to rebel and rebel?! Are you looking for death?!" Lan Yan pointed at Pang Zhuo and cursed angrily Said, and then hurriedly led several presidents in the blue sky, and flew towards Du Long in a flash.

"My subordinates, Commander-in-Chief of the Blue Sky, meet His Majesty the Golden Dragon King!" Under the astonished gazes of many sea monsters, these five commanders of the Blue Sky's Sirens knelt down in front of Du Long with great respect.

In response, Du Long showed a meaningful smile on his face, and just looked at these guys with a smile, without speaking for a long time!

Behind him, a large number of mermaid warriors in Biluodong were all dumbfounded. They all stared at the golden figure with wide eyes and disbelief. After spending several days together, they could not believe that the person in front of them was actually The legendary Golden Dragon King in Chifeng Palace? !

"Uh..." Mermaid Clan Leader Yu Liang's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he made a strange whooshing sound. He even drooled out without realizing it, just staring at Du Long.

‘Holy shit! These guys really know how to act, especially this one named Lan, the city is really deep! ’ The expression on Du Long’s face didn’t change much. He just wore a faint sneer. His eyes were like sharp knives falling on the five blue sky commanders who were kneeling in front of them.

At this moment, the five great commanders in the blue sky all lowered their heads. They did not even have the courage to raise their heads and face Du Long face to face. At this moment, they had already greeted all the eighteen generations of the ancestors of Ninghai Palace Master Pang Zhuo. , after working on it for a long time, this guy actually didn't report the important information that Haishang was a golden dragon man.

As for Pang Zhuo, his mind went blank at this moment, and he stood there in a daze, staring in astonishment at the scene of the five commanders kneeling to worship the golden dragon man. Due to being too nervous, his hands and feet were trembling.

The originally noisy seabed became extremely quiet at this moment. Everyone stared at the golden figure with wide eyes, but he did not speak, but quietly looked at the several siren commanders kneeling in front of him.

Du Long did not speak, so the five siren commanders naturally did not dare to stand up. Instead, they continued to kneel there uneasily, with their heads lowered and not knowing what they were thinking.

In this strangely quiet atmosphere, the sound of breaking water finally broke the silence, and dozens of figures with astonishing auras were seen approaching from far away, quickly rushing towards Biluo Cave!

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