Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 389 The palace gate encounters obstacles

Blue Moon Capital City, Prince Yu’s Mansion!

Prince Yu and Zhenhai General Jin Yanhuan were sitting on the main throne with a gloomy expression. There were a large number of generals sitting on the left and right, and all of them looked ugly!

Not long ago, everyone here received information that Emperor Blue Moon escaped from the capital through the south gate disguised as an ordinary nobleman, and was then kidnapped by thousands of flaming tiger cavalry!

"The national crisis is brewing! The emperor actually abandoned the capital and fled. It would have been fine if he escaped, but he was robbed by the Haotian Knight Demon Beast Legion! If this matter spreads to the Star Continent, our Blue Moon Empire will lose face. It’s over!”

"What does it mean to be embarrassed?! Once all the soldiers of the Blue Moon Empire hear this news, it will be a heavy blow to our morale!"

"Oh...what should we do?!"


After a long silence, these generals who had followed General Zhenhai for countless years began to discuss one after another. Suddenly, the entire discussion hall began to buzz with discussion!

"Alas!" At this moment, Jin Yanhuan suddenly sighed, and all the generals on the scene stopped talking and turned all their attention to him!

Looking up at the sky outside the meeting gate, Jin Yanhuan said leisurely: "That Du Long, when he allowed our people to go in and out of the south gate, I was doubly confused! What considerations did he have to let our people go in and out of the south gate? There is such a big loophole, but they are not blocked! Now it seems that they are clearly trying to lure the snake out of its hole!"

"General! Unless that guy is a god, how can he be so sure that the emperor will escape from the capital even if he uses the strategy of luring the snake out of the cave?!" A general below immediately said in disbelief.

"Alas! This is also what makes me wonder. Why can he definitely think that Brother Huang will fall into the trap and escape from the south gate? Moreover, it is reported that in order to ensure safety, Brother Huang specially sent a convoy to and from the South Gate for several times. He has allowed people who look like him to appear on the carriage many times, but he has always been able to enter and exit the south gate safely. Why was he robbed as soon as he went out?!" Jin Yanhuan sighed in confusion.

"Could it be that there are high-level spies installed by the Haotian Empire in the palace?!" a general guessed.

"It is possible! Otherwise, how can they accurately grasp the whereabouts of the emperor's brother?!" Jin Yanhuan nodded and said in deep thought, then seemed to suddenly remember something, suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up: "I finally understand! "

"General, what did you understand?!" A general below immediately asked curiously.

"I finally understand why this Du Long didn't block our south gate!" Jin Yanhuan's eyes gleamed as he said, "It turns out! By doing this, he not only allowed our people or ordinary people to freely enter and exit the south gate, but also allowed , their spies can also come in and out freely, and the information in the city can naturally be passed out freely through the south gate!"

"Congratulations, General!" All the generals below sighed in admiration.

Outside the city, when Du Long saw this scene, he couldn't help but rubbed his nose and thought to himself: "So, there is such a benefit in letting go of the south gate? Why didn't I think of that?!" Prince Yu's Mansion, Meeting Hall The meeting inside was not over yet. At this time, a general suddenly said: "General! We have always supported you as the emperor of the Blue Moon Empire. Unfortunately, you have always used the excuse of not wanting to take the throne. Today, if you don't stand up, our Blue Moon Empire may be in danger! "

Du Long raised his brows suddenly. As expected, as the Nazgul Beauty expected, everyone was about to recommend Prince Yu to ascend the throne of God. According to the Nazgul Beauty, this general's appointment would be able to unite some of the people of the Blue Moon Empire.

However, at this time when the Blue Moon Empire State Building is about to collapse, what is the use of a little public support? !

The Blue Moon Empire was a large empire of slavery. After so many years, how could the resentment among the people be reversed by just changing an emperor? !

If the Left Prime Minister Jiang Yi was still there, this people-friendly Left Prime Minister might still be able to gather a lot of people's hearts. However, General Zhenhai, who has huge influence in the army, can only be said to have very strong cohesion among the people. generally!

His status as a prince also made his relationship with ordinary people very distant!

Ordinary people in the Blue Moon Empire have a deep hatred for the royal family. Of course, many Blue Moon people know that the Zhenhai General Prince Yu is really different from the Emperor Jin Yan.

But even so, his cohesion among the people is still not as good as Jiang Yi!

Because of this, there are many rumors that as long as Jiang Yi and General Zhenhai are around in the Blue Moon Empire, this country will never fall!

The reason is that Jiang Yi has an extremely high reputation among the people, while Zhenhai General Jin Yanhuan has an extremely high reputation in the military!

This is also the reason why the beauty of the Ring Spirit must have Du Long kill Jiang Yi. Otherwise, he would never be able to reach the capital of the Blue Moon Empire so easily along the way!

After many years of slavery, many big slave owners and big nobles are deeply entangled in the government. Not only do they have huge influence in the civil service, but most positions in the military service are also controlled by these corrupt forces!

If Jin Yanhuan had not ascended the throne, he would not have had a head-on conflict with these forces. After all, there was Emperor Jin Yanzhen standing behind him, and with him working behind his back, those big forces would not only not be a stumbling block for him, but would actually become his assistance!

After all, these big forces don't want to see the Empire State Building collapse, so they will spend money and effort to fully support Jin Yanhuan in defeating Haotian's army!

But once this famous general who has been in the army for many years ascends to the throne of God, he is an upright man who will definitely not be able to rub a grain of sand out of his eyes. When dealing with daily official duties, he will definitely have various conflicts with those big forces!

At this time, the original situation of unity and external relations was about to be disrupted, and Du Long's opportunity was about to come!

This is the big plan of the Nazgul beauty. Although the time is a bit tight, there are some contradictions that can be artificially intensified!

Once Jin Yanhuan ascends the throne, he will inevitably show his benevolent government and love for the people to the people of the Blue Moon Empire. In this way, when some fierce conflicts are placed in front of him, should he choose the ordinary people or the nobles? !

"General! The general also believes that as a pure royal bloodline of the Blue Moon Empire, this throne should have been yours many years ago! At this time of crisis for the empire, as the most important member of the royal family, you must After ascending the throne, the country cannot be left without a master for a day!"


After someone made the start, all the generals stood up and begged Jin Yanhuan to ascend the throne. Soon, all the trusted generals in the entire conference hall knelt on one knee and begged him loudly to ascend the throne!

Facing the request of the generals to unite, Jin Yanhuan hesitated for a long time. Finally, remembering Du Zhentian's words, he suddenly gritted his teeth and roared: "That's it! Since the emperor doesn't care about the survival of the empire! Then Yanhuan can only put the empire first, just like everyone As he said, a country cannot be left without a master for a day! To fight against foreign forces, you must first stabilize the interior. If you don’t stabilize the hearts of the people inside, how can you fight against foreign forces?!”

"I am here to see His Majesty the Emperor! May my Emperor live long, long live, long live! May our Blue Moon Empire last forever for generations to come!" In the council hall, all the generals knelt down on the ground in excitement and paid homage. A great gift from the new king!

Now that he had made a decision, Jin Yanhuan was not an incompetent and cowardly person. He issued several emergency instructions on the spot, and all his close subordinates stood up one after another and began to leave Prince Yu's Mansion, excitedly going about their work.

After mobilizing troops and dispatching generals, Jin Yanhuan personally led the army outside the Blue Moon Palace and loudly announced that the emperor had fled the capital and asked the soldiers stationed at the palace to open the door. General Zhenhai was going to take over the throne!

In this regard, the palace guards naturally cannot open the palace gate. This is a serious crime of rebellion and rebellion. If any problem occurs, the nine tribes will be killed!

"Bold! You rebels! You actually found such a high-sounding excuse for your rebellion?! The emperor returned to the palace last night and has never left the palace so far. How can he escape from the capital?!" On the palace wall, the elite of the palace The commander of the Royal Forest Army pointed at Jin Yanhuan and scolded him angrily.

Depressedly looking at the commander of the Royal Guards on the palace wall, it was understandable that he would do this. After all, there was no room for mistakes in guarding the palace. Before that royal brother tried to escape, you should at least explain your affairs clearly.

He fled the capital in such a mysterious way, but ended up leaving himself in such huge trouble!

"The person on the palace wall is General Lin, the commander of the palace guards?! I am General Jin Yanhuan! When the emperor announced to the world, he said that as long as I am willing, I will offer the throne with both hands at any time! But I have never had the intention to proclaim the emperor! And! If you didn't take the opportunity to snatch the throne, why would you come to the palace to snatch the throne at this time?!" Jin Yanhuan came to the front of the formation helplessly and shouted loudly to the palace wall.

"General Zhenhai! Although what you said is reasonable! But please also understand the plight of me. Without the emperor's will, he led a large army to surround the forbidden area of ​​​​the palace! This in itself is a serious crime of rebellion. Could it be that General Zhenhai would not Do you know this?!" On the palace wall, General Lin, the commander of the Royal Forest Army, acted businesslike.

"Didn't I lead my troops to the palace because the situation was urgent?! Therefore, please ask General Lin to open the palace door and let us in. The country cannot live without a king for a day, otherwise, our Blue Moon Empire may fall soon!" Jin Yanhuan I could only hold back my temper and explain.

"Hahaha! A country cannot live without a king for a day! General Zhenhai, I used to respect you very much. I respected you as a good general who was not greedy for the throne. But today, it seems that you are just mediocre! You finally I've spoken out what's in my heart!" On the palace wall, the leader of the Royal Forest Army raised his head and laughed.

The commander of the Royal Forest Army treated General Zhenhai's words and deeds so rudely, which angered all the generals on the spot. They all took out their weapons and roared: "General! Don't talk nonsense to him! If we don't take down the palace quickly, I'm afraid we will really have to do it by then. It’s turned into rebellion!”

"That's right! There are only tens of thousands of royal guards in a palace. Our army of hundreds of thousands can take it down with only two or three waves of attack! Stop talking nonsense to them!"

However, Zhenhai General Jin Yanhuan didn't seem to have any intention of taking action. He himself was not very interested in the throne. If he had to fight with the imperial guards stationed in the palace in order to ascend to the throne, he might not be able to escape even if he jumped into the Hansi River. Cleared!

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