Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 388 Tribulation

On the official road more than ten miles away from the south gate of Blue Moon Capital City, a motorcade, protected by many elite guards, galloped southward. However, because the carriage could not run fast, the speed was limited!

Oh ho!

Next to the official road, in the originally peaceful dense forest, a large number of terrifying tiger roars suddenly sounded. All the horses in the convoy were frightened and neighed on the spot. They all jumped wildly without obeying the command, and the cavalry on their backs were thrown away After being thrown off their horses, they fled in all directions.

The horses that were immobilized by the carriage were not so easy to break free, but they still pulled the carriage out of the official road and dashed left and right among the uneven trees!

As a result, those people sitting in the carriage were miserable. Many people were thrown out of the carriage by violent jolts, or were crushed to death under the wheels because the carriage overturned!

In short, the whole scene can only be described as extremely chaotic. Only the powerful guards jumped up as soon as they noticed something was wrong, and they did not get bruised and bruised!

Just as these guards drew their weapons and prepared to fight the enemy, densely packed flaming tigers suddenly rushed out of the woods on both sides of the official road. They saw the well-equipped soldiers on the flaming tigers' backs, especially the three sitting on the flaming one-horned lions. Behind the young man's figure, all the guards' pupils shrank!

Soon, after a certain guard shouted, the masters who were escorting Emperor Lan Yue's escape immediately dispersed like birds and beasts, rushed into the dense forest on the side, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Watching these guards fleeing the scene in shock, Du Long waved his hand to stop some of the Flame Tiger Cavalry from chasing them down. These shrimp soldiers and crab generals were not worth wasting time, so just run away!

"Calm down the horses pulling the carriage! Don't throw the emperor to death. Then my efforts will be in vain!" Du Long made arrangements with a smile.

Soon, the two thousand flame tigers spread out, caught up with the crazy horses, and gathered all the carriages back!

Although these carriages were pulled by top-quality war horses, they were still so weak when faced with a large number of flaming tiger demons that they were almost unable to move. Therefore, it took a lot of effort to collect these carriages!

Riding on the big lion, Du Long looked at the obese middle-aged man with a bruised nose and swollen eyes in amusement. He was wearing ordinary noble clothes. At first glance, no one would have thought that he would be the emperor of the Blue Moon Empire!

"Sir...Sir! We are just ordinary little nobles who escaped from Blue Moon City. Please, as long as you let us go, you can take away all the belongings we have!" Jin Yanzhen pretended to be frightened. It looked like his body was still trembling slightly, and he actually wanted to get through it!

"Haha! Have you ever seen someone leading so many monster beasts to rob the road?!" Du Long was amused by this guy's words on the spot.

"Hehe!" Huofeng and Qinglian, who were sitting on the big lion with him, couldn't help but laugh.

"Since you are not here to steal money, why did you disturb our convoy?! Could it be that you just passed by and frightened our horses?!" Jin Yanzhen continued to act.

"Okay then! Since you like being robbed so much, that's just right! Hand over all the money you have, and I'll spare your life! Remember, it's all the money. If you dare to hide even a little bit, I'll kill you. I want you to look good!" Du Long also became interested at this time and cooperated with the emperor in acting.

Huofeng and Qinglian on the side smiled sweetly and said nothing, watching with great interest how the Blue Moon Emperor would be teased by Du Long!

Secretly wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Jin Yanzhen hurriedly pointed to the carts of large boxes and said: "Sir! Those boxes contain priceless treasures. Please come forward and take a look! I hope you will come. Well done, when you take away all the belongings, leave a little for the little one to supplement the family income! You see, I am the breadwinner of the family. I am still sick and injured, and I urgently need money to treat my illness and injuries..."

He turned around and glanced at the many large boxes that had been gathered together. Some of the boxes had been broken apart. You could see that there were countless gold and silver jewels inside, which were really priceless!

Flashing to these big boxes, Du Long deliberately opened a box with his eyes shining brightly. It could be seen that the contents of these boxes were all peerless treasures collected by the Blue Moon Palace over countless years!

In front of Emperor Lan Yue, Du Long swept all the boxes into the space ring. In short, not even a small gadget was left behind.

Then he came back with a smile on his face, looked at Jin Yanzhen and said, "Apart from these treasures, don't you have other treasures in your body?!"

"No... no more! Sir! Please show your kindness and leave some money for me to support my family!" Jin Yanzhen pretended to be miserable again.

"Stretch out your right hand! I want to check your interspatial ring! Once I find out that you dare to lie to me, I will make you look good!" Du Long pretended to be vicious and warned.

"No... no..." Jin Yanzhen hurriedly took off the space ring in his hand and handed it to Du Long: "Sir! All these... rings are given to you! I hope you can give me a way to survive!"

Taking the space ring unceremoniously, Du Long directly invaded the soul power into it, and soon saw that the treasures inside were definitely more than twice as many as those on the carriage just now.

Once this kind of space ring leaves the owner's hand, outsiders can easily detect the internal situation, and can easily eliminate the soul mark of the previous owner, and then use the access function of this space ring!

There is no need to kill the previous owner before you can use this space ring!

"I didn't expect! There are so many jewels in this space ring! You are dishonest, tell me quickly, do you have other space rings hidden in your body?!" Du Long threw away the space ring in his hand and smiled. He looked at the big fat sheep in front of him.

"No...no more! Sir, there is absolutely no other space ring on my body!" Being stared at by Du Long, Jin Yan really felt uncomfortable, and his eyes became flickering.

‘Du Long! This guy is lying to you. There is a space stone embedded inside his belt. The space inside is definitely many times larger than the space ring! ’ The ring spirit beauty reminded her at the right time.

Du Long raised his eyebrows, but looked at Jin Yanzhen with a pretended smile and said, "In this case, I have no choice but to offend you! Someone, search me! Be careful, don't miss any corner!"

"Ah! Sir, Sir! I really don't have any belongings on my little one! Sir..." Jin Yanzhen hurriedly begged for mercy.

However, two Flame Tiger Cavalrymen had already rushed over menacingly and began to search his body. In order to carry out Du Long's instructions to search more thoroughly, they deliberately took off his clothes one by one, leaving only Next pair of flimsy boxers!

Obviously, these flame tiger cavalry are taking care of the two young marshals and their wives, otherwise, I am afraid that the emperor of the Blue Moon Empire will not be able to keep even the last fig leaf!

"Young Marshal! This man really has nothing else on him!" After taking off almost all of Jin Yanzhen's clothes and searching him, a Flame Tiger Cavalry reported with a slight regret.

In this world, many people know about the existence of space rings, but only very few people know that some masters of weapon refining can also embed space stones in other places, such as necklaces, earrings, belts and other accessories, and still have the function of space storage. !

"Sir! Well... the weather is so cold, can I put my clothes back on?!" Emperor Lan Yue asked with his arms folded, pretending to be shivering from the cold, his voice a little trembling.

"Cold?!" Du Long looked at Jin Yanzhen amusedly. The guy's eyes glanced at the belt from time to time, obviously very afraid that it would fall into the hands of others.

"Sir... Your Majesty! The little one has grown fat and has been afraid of the cold since he was a child..." Jin Yanzhen actually made a bad excuse again.

"Haha! I'm so sorry. It's such a cold day that you keep catching a cold from the cold. That's terrible!" Du Long took two steps forward, picked up the clothes, and actually helped Jin Yanzhen put them on himself.

The guy pretended to be flattered and said while dressing himself: "You can do it by yourself, don't dare bother the adults!"

At this time, Du Long pretended to help him pick up clothes again, and picked up the belt by the way. Then, when returning the other clothes to him, he curiously observed the belt in his hand.

"Eh!" Du Long exclaimed, pretending to be surprised. Through the corner of his eye, he could see Jin Yanzhen's plump face shaking violently. Du Long suppressed his smile and said, "What an exquisite belt! Workmanship." It’s so delicate, it looks like a valuable item at first glance!”

"No... no... how can a mere broken belt catch the eyes of adults?!" Jin Yanzhen interjected with some stuttering. At this moment, he had long scolded the guy who made this space belt. The dog is bloody.

"Such fine workmanship, just the style my dad likes. I have always wanted to give him some gifts, but I can't find anything that suits my needs. How about this! I bought this belt. Here it is. I’ll give you enough jewelry to buy tens of thousands more belts!” Du Long turned over his hand and grabbed a handful of jewelry and handed it over in a pretentious manner.

Jin Yanzhen's whole face turned green at this moment. Let's not talk about how much this space belt is worth. Just for the treasures stored in it, this handful of jewelry is not even enough for half of it!

"Ah... big... big... man..." At this moment, Jin Yanzhen couldn't even speak. He stuttered for a long time before he could finish his sentence: "This... this belt was left by my father. It’s a relic! You...can’t take it away!”

After waving his hands indifferently, Du Long pretended to be indifferent and replied: "The deceased is dead! Don't be sad anymore! Keeping this belt will only add sadness, why not sell it at a good price, and you can So I can support my family with these jewels!"

"This...this..." Jin Yanzhen was truly speechless at this moment, and he didn't know how to make excuses.

Du Long obviously wanted to play it out to the end. He turned around and shouted at the Flame Tiger Knights: "Come here! Search the family members as well and confiscate all the space rings!"

"Yes!" All the Flame Tiger Cavalry immediately accepted the order and began to work!

Seeing Du Long put away the space belt unceremoniously, Jin Yanzhen suddenly rolled his eyes and fainted with his face as pale as paper. The wealth that can make an emperor faint is definitely not an ordinary terror!

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