Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2441 Recruiting another clan

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


The two figures continued to fly at full speed inside the World Origin, accelerating towards the outside of the World Origin.

During this period, the route chosen by Du Long was deliberately flying towards the other one, the airspace where the three systems originate from each other.

After having made a lot of gains in the place where the three origins meet, he has no intention of giving up on another place where the three origins meet.

If you want to take a long detour, you definitely won't do it, but if you just take the route, it won't be a problem!

"Ahead is another place of origin of the metal element. Would you like, Senior Luo, to follow me to the core area?!"

Du Long pointed to the origin of the metal element that appeared again in front of him.

They also need to cross over this time before they can continue on their way through ultra-long-distance teleportation.

"Okay!" Luo Yu said without hesitation.

"After we established the forbidden area defense at the black hole space-time passage, we never came out again!"

"I never thought that in these places outside, various creatures that rely on devouring and refining the original energy of the five elements to practice are actually born?!"

Du Long smiled slightly. This was not the first time Luo Yu had said the same type of words. They had passed through several other places of origin before and had seen different creatures.

The two people stopped talking nonsense and rushed directly into the land of metal origin in front of them, constantly flying towards the direction with the strongest energy of the metal origin.

If you want to find the core of the origin of the metal system, the easiest way is to fly in a direction with rich energy.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


The two of them kept flying forward, and naturally encountered a small number of golden giants during the process, but they had no intention of stopping and talking nonsense with them.

Even if you want to have a conversation with the Golden Light Giant Clan, you have to find someone from within the other clan to talk to you, rather than just dragging in a random clan member to chat!

We arrived safely all the way to the land of the origin of the metal system. There was a land of the origin of the metal system composed of five void cracks of the origin of the metal system. It was also the clan land where many golden giants relied on for survival.

"Who is here?! Why do you want to break into my clan's territory?!"

As the two of them got closer, a voice finally sounded in their minds.

Following the direction of the sound, you can see a golden giant curled up into a ball.

"No, no! It's up to you to talk slowly with your own people!"

Du Long didn't even bother to talk nonsense to the other party, and just waved his hand and released the two clan leaders, Hui and Nuo.

The effect of communicating and talking with people from the same tribe is definitely many times better than just talking nonsense for a long time!

"Nou?!" After seeing the two golden giants appear out of thin air, the other party quickly recognized Nou from the two: "How come you got together with these aliens?!"

"Chain!" Nuo shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Don't be rude to Master Du Long. He is the savior in the prophet's prophecy!"

"Savior?!" The golden giant known as Chain said with some confusion: "Aren't you kidding me?!"

"Do you think I would make such a joke with you?!" Hearing the other party's disrespectful words, Nuo immediately asked in annoyance.

"Haha!" Lian San laughed: "Isn't this because the news is too shocking?! Please tell us quickly what is going on!"

"You guys chat slowly!" Du Long didn't have time to listen to their nonsense, so he greeted directly: "I'm in a hurry, so I'll go over and collect the Xuantian magic weapons from the origin land first!"

After saying these words, he flew alone to one of the origins of the metal system, and then directly released the long rope composed of the heaven-reaching magic stick under the eyes of many people who stared at him in surprise.

The Tongtian Divine Staff Rope directly swept out all five Xuantian-level divine weapons from within this place of origin!


The five Xuantian-level magic weapons made a crisp and sweet collision sound, and were collected by Du Long in a majestic manner.

This scene not only stunned many golden giants, but also Luo Yu, who had followed Du Long all the way here.

Along the way, Du Long didn't even bother to collect the Xuantian Divine Weapon. This was the first time he showed off his skills in this area.

After plundering one Origin Land, he continued to plunder the other two Origin Lands, in which there were three or four Xuantian-level divine weapons.

"No! What kind of weirdo did you bring here?! He was able to successfully transport the people inside the original land.

. "

He was about to send a nagging message, but he stopped mid-sentence when he suddenly remembered the prophecy and legend passed down by his clan.

"Is this, is this really the one the prophets predicted, the savior?!"

"Nonsense!" Nu rolled his eyes and pointed at Chu beside him: "He is Chu, a clan leader from my side. The whole clan has taken refuge under Lord Du Long just to respond to the call to tell the prophecy!"

"Now that I'm here in person, you guys should quickly give me a confirmation and see if you want to leave this place with us?!"

"I've met brother Chu!" Lian then said politely to Chu on the side: "What kind of courage did you have to decide to follow that alien race with your whole family?!"

"Hello, Brother Lian!" He said with a smile: "What kind of courage can it be?! Of course it's because of the prophecy passed down!"

"No!" Lian nodded slightly, but seemed to be dissatisfied with such an answer. He turned to look at Nou: "What about you?! How many of your tribesmen are following this lord?! "

"I don't have the courage to challenge my brother. I just let people choose freely and explain the pros and cons clearly!"

"In this way, no matter what choice they make, they can only bear the responsibility for whether it is good or bad in the end!"

Nuo shook his head and smiled bitterly, telling the truth about his method.

"This is a good idea!" Lian's eyes lit up slightly and he said, "Then I will call all the tribesmen together to discuss this matter. After explaining all the pros and cons, the rest will be up to them to make their own choices!"

"That's how it should be!" Nuo stopped talking nonsense.

that's all.

The leader of the golden-light giant named Lian began to issue summons orders to all his clan members, and a large number of golden-light giants came from all directions.

It wasn't until Du Long collected all the Xuantian-level magic weapons that he returned to them and waited for a while before the golden giant clan gathered together.

What followed was a long speech by the clan leader chain, explaining the prophecy left by the golden giant prophet and the pros and cons of whether to follow that prophecy openly and honestly to all the tribesmen.


"I have explained the causes and consequences clearly to everyone. Now all clan members can start making their own choices!"

"Those who want to follow the savior predicted by the prophet and leave the land where we have lived for endless years can gather in the airspace on my left, and conversely, gather in the airspace on my right!"

After the clan chief chain explained clearly, he directly asked his clansmen to make a choice, but countless golden giants looked at each other there, not knowing what choice they should make.

"Lord Patriarch!"

"I wonder what choice you are always planning to make?! Can you tell me so that everyone can use it as a reference?!"

Among the many golden giants, an older golden giant touched his big shiny ruble and asked loudly towards the patriarch chain.

The eyes of the other golden giants lit up when they heard this. They didn't know where to go. They really wanted to know what choice their clan leader would make in the end. !


"My choice is very simple. Of course I have to leave with the savior, because according to the prophet's prophecy, after the savior appears, the world we live in will eventually be destroyed!"

"Only by following the savior can you get a chance of survival!"

Lian said his decision without hesitation, with his friend Nuo Zhuyu in front of him.

He doesn't intend to stay and linger. Every day he counts down how long it will take for this world to be destroyed!

No one can understand the pain of waiting for death, especially when death is far away.

"Since the patriarch has decided to follow in the footsteps of the savior, then I am willing to continue to follow the patriarch!"

"I am also willing to follow the patriarch and advance and retreat together with the patriarch!"

"Me too.

. "

Because after the beginning of the Patriarch Chain, one by one the golden giants began to express their stance, and then moved towards the airspace they were willing to leave.

Du Long and others did not speak during the entire process, and did not interfere with the choices of the golden giants. Even if none of them were willing to follow him and leave, they would have to leave according to their destiny!

What surprised Du Long was that more than 70% to 80% of the people in this golden giant clan were willing to leave with Du Long.

Such a large ratio surprised him, and also surprised Jin Guanghao and Nuo.

They never expected that there would be so many members of the golden giant clan in front of them who would be willing to leave with Du Long.

Of course, Du Long's role here is very limited, and the most critical role is the clan leader chain!

It can be seen that the patriarch chain has a very high reputation in this golden giant clan, otherwise there would be no such result!

"No! It seems that you, the clan leader, are not very good at it!"

"Look at the golden giant clan I led. All the clan members followed and left together."

"The golden giant clan in front of us is followed by 70 to 80% of the clan members, but your kid's clan is followed by less than half of the clan members?!"

Maybe it's because we've been together for a long time.

Luo directly spoke in front of Du Long and others, and insulted Nuo, the leader of the golden giant clan.

Nuo's old face turned slightly red. He was obviously speechless at Nuo's teasing and didn't know how to retort.

Because this is the fact, even if he wants to refute, he has no excuse!

In this case, he might as well stop talking nonsense and let his old friend make fun of him!

"Master Du Long, all the clansmen in this clan who are willing to follow you have gathered together!"

"Should we leave directly next, or should we let them say goodbye to their families?!"

After the patriarch Lian successfully finished all this, he looked at Du Long with a smile and asked.

"Let's do this! I will stay here for a while, until these golden origin places in front of me explode again."

"That will be the day when we are about to leave. Please, friends of the Golden Light Giant Clan, cherish this last period of time together!"

"Of course, you can still take advantage of this opportunity to think about it carefully!"

"Whether you were planning to leave with me or the golden giants who wanted to stay, everyone still has a chance to regret it!"

"Whether you are planning to leave with me or decide to stay, I will never have any objections!"

Du Long stated his decision very simply, and at the same time gave the golden giants a chance to regret it.


As his words fell, countless golden giants were in an uproar, and they all discussed the matter in whispers.

Obviously, Du Long's tolerant and open attitude in the end also successfully gained the trust of many golden giants.

Except for most of the golden giants who had previously decided to stay, they did not want to leave the clan where they had lived since childhood.

But some of the golden giants have doubts about Du Long, a foreign race, and do not believe that he will lead the entire golden giant clan to find a way out!

Time keeps passing day by day.

Compared with Du Long and Luo Yu who hope that the original energy of the metal system will explode as soon as possible, those golden light giants hope that it will explode later.

But no matter how different the mentality of the two sides was, the explosion of metal energy that was supposed to come finally broke out again after waiting for more than a year!


Bursts of dazzling golden light erupted almost simultaneously from within the five gold origin places, directly reflecting the void in front of them into a golden and magnificent place.

Compared to Du Long and Luo Yu, whose eyes lit up, the golden light giants had solemn expressions.

They all know that the day of separation is coming, and most of them will leave this home world where they have lived for endless years!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


Du Long had no time to take care of the golden light giants. He felt uncomfortable about leaving his hometown and rushed directly to two of the gold origin places, because there were three or four Xuantian-level magic weapons waiting for him to collect them. shave.

Soon all these Xuantian-level magic weapons fell into Du Long's pocket, and then it was time for the golden giants to leave.

In an atmosphere of sorrow and sadness.

According to Du Long's request, the Golden Light Giant Clan Chief Lian took all the tribesmen who decided to follow and leave into a cave world that favored gold.


"Now it's our turn to leave together. Don't resist. I will collect everyone together!"

In Du Long's greeting, an invisible energy quickly enveloped the three golden giant clan leaders.

Then their figures flashed and disappeared without a trace.

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