Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3440 Return the same way

In the vast void.

Two figures were running at full speed in the void.

It is flying at full speed towards the outside of the world's origin, following a safe route map provided by the Earth Spirit Tribe.

Du Long and Luo Yu both transformed into the appearance of the Tuling tribe, and were not prepared to show their true colors directly!

Unless absolutely necessary, Du Long didn't want to reveal his true identity too early.

Luo Yu, who had transformed into the form of a Tuling tribesman, could be seen gazing at the chaotic void around him with a complicated expression as he walked on.

This is the chaotic airspace marked by the animal skin paper, where the end point coordinates are located.

Because of this, he, who had participated in the refining of animal skin paper, was naturally very familiar with the scene in front of him.

Although it has experienced endless changes over the years, the chaotic void in front of it has not changed much.

It was still a dilapidated scene.

Not at all because of the passage of time or the rise of new civilizations!

Extremely unstable void can be seen everywhere. If you are not careful, you will fall into the origin, which will be life-threatening.

Compared with Luo Yu's emotion, Du Long's face was full of surprise. The number of treasures and equipment in the space ring he had just received from the old man made him extremely excited.

The other Xuantian divine weapons are secondary. The key is the sets of Xuantian-level armors. Each set is extremely precious!

Du Long very politely chose a set of golden Xuantian-level armor for himself.

He also chose a set for Queen Purado, a purple and gold sexy Xuantian level battle armor.

As for the other confidantes who have not even broken through to the realm of God Kings, even if they are given Xuantian level armor, they will not be able to use it!

After using two sets of Xuantian-level armors, there are still eighteen sets of Xuantian-level armors left in the space ring, which means that the old man gave him a total of twenty sets!

The other two original clones must have at least one or two sets, one set for wearing and one for backup!

Anyway, Du Long felt like he had become rich overnight, and no longer had to live a shabby life like before!

Even if he encountered some source cracks along the way and a Xuantian Divine Weapon flashed with light, he was too lazy to risk it again!

The origin cracks here are extremely dangerous, and there are often many extremely unstable voids around them. A major void collapse will occur if you are not careful!

This is also the result of the inability of the world origin to repair itself. Otherwise, an unstable void like this would probably have been repaired as before, right? !

"Senior Luo!"

"Is it because the nine pyramids are constantly absorbing the powerful source energy of the Five Elements that the many void cracks in the origin of this world cannot be repaired automatically?!"

Since there was an old senior following him, Du Long naturally asked directly whenever he had doubts!

"That's right!" Luo Yu agreed in a deep voice.

"The energy consumption of the nine pyramids is extremely astonishing. Simply controlling them requires a large amount of the soul power of the most powerful god king, and continues to consume the most powerful god kings one after another!"

"After the world's original energy is exhausted, it will naturally cause the entire world to operate out of order, and it will be impossible to repair these void cracks in front of us!"

Du Long nodded slightly when he heard the words, obviously understanding the other party's explanation, just like his own guess.

"Senior Luo!"

"Did you see those relatively safe airspaces in front?! There are some creatures that survived when this world went through a war of destruction."

"I have always had a doubt in my heart, why did that devastating war break out here?!"

"Before the Great War of Destruction broke out, what kind of magnificent sight was this empty space in front of us that looked like the ruins of a battlefield?!"

Du Long asked Luo Yu again.

"Before I answer your question, I want to tell you the name of the world in front of you. It is called the Great World of the Origin of Five Elements!"

"It is precisely through the power of the five elements and a mysterious operation method that it builds such a chaotic world of Xuantian!"

"And this great origin world of the Five Elements, and the great origin world we live in, both belong to the naturally born great world of Xuantian Chaos!"

"It is precisely because of this that these two worlds were preserved and were not destroyed together because of the devastating battle between the Xuantian Supremes!"

"And the evil dark world that the black hole leads to is a powerful force that can completely destroy the natural world of Xuantian Chaos like this!"

"They are born solely for destruction. Whether you are in the Xuantian Chaos World or various different world spaces, you will become the target of their destruction!"

"It is precisely because of this that we will desperately block the entrance to the black hole to prevent the dark force that only knows destruction from unscrupulously breaking into our world along the black hole passage."

"As far as I know, the airspace in front of me belongs to an extremely bright and powerful civilization. A powerful man in the territory of Xuantian Supreme was once born here!"

"It is precisely because of this that his once extremely prosperous hometown has become a more important battlefield!"

"Then you can see the ending now. What was once a paradise and holy land has been reduced to ruins!"

Luo Yu murmured with emotion and explained.

"So that's it! I didn't expect this to be the hometown of Xuantian Supreme?! No wonder the war that broke out was enough to severely damage the origin of Xuantian's chaotic world?!" Du Long suddenly realized.

"That's right!" Luo Yu nodded: "Xuan Tian's supreme realm should be the true eternal god of the boundless world."

"But in the end, a devastating war of Ragnarok broke out. Until now, not even a Xuantian Supreme has appeared again!"

Du Long nodded slightly, and then looked at the surrounding void thoughtfully. After a long time, a new question popped up.

"Senior Luo! The world in front of us is called the Five Elements Origin World. Then what is the name of our home world?!"

"In our home world, is there an identical world origin similar to the world in front of us?!"

"Why have I never seen the existence of the origin of the world in my home world?!"

This is a very basic question, but it is also a difficult question to answer, or it is not just a separate question.

"I only know my home world, which is called the Jinshan Origin World by the outside world!"

"That's right! It's the Jinshan world you mentioned before. That's also the characteristic of our home world!"

"They seem to be under the control of the origin spirit of their home world, and they will appear in certain voids at regular intervals, attracting countless creatures inside the world, and enter the Jinshan world to understand and practice various mysteries of heaven!"

"As for the origin spirit of the world behind the Jinshan World, we have basically never seen it. The other party has always been hidden in the dark and will not take the initiative to contact us."

"Or maybe it will only contact Xuantian Supreme?! Anyway, I don't know the specific reason!"

"And what you said about the origin of the home world, maybe the airspace where Jinshan World is located is the origin of our world?!"

Luo Yu's explanation first made Du Long's eyes light up slightly, but then the ambiguous explanation made him slightly disappointed.

He really wants to get in touch with the origin spirit of the world in his hometown, because only in that way can he understand the structural principles of Xuantian's chaotic origin world, which will be of great help to him!

But Luo Yu's explanation was still of great help to him.

Just the name Jinshan Origin World, as the name suggests, can be associated with a lot of information.

Just like the world inside the body of the original clone like myself, it is an existence called the Xumi Xuantian World. The origin of the world is the Sumeru Mountain in the body!

If you calculate it this way, isn't the inner world of your original clone very similar to the chaotic world of Xuantian in your hometown? !

So, can I break through and reach the supreme realm of Xuantian in the original world, similar to that in my hometown? !

With different thoughts, the two people bypassed many dangerous Jedi places along the way. They did not get in touch with the local civilized creatures along the way, because Du Long had already obtained all the answers he wanted!

He was too lazy to look for the clansmen of Luo Dalong, the fat man in golden armor. Since the other party chose not to believe in him and would rather die than stay, then let them go!

He's a good guy, but not a bad guy without a temper.

Everyone needs to pay the corresponding price for their own choices!

After successfully crossing the extremely dangerous airspace, the two people continued to move along a safe route, and then came to the dangerous airspace that contained the intersection of the four origins.


Du Long transformed directly and transformed again in front of Luo Yu, into the huge four-series original yaksha monster.

Since he obtained the Xuantian Armor, he didn't need to be in such trouble anymore, but in order to avoid falling into the land of origin of the Five Elements, he decided to transform into the king of this airspace to reduce many unnecessary troubles.

While Luo Yu was flying with him, he asked him why he transformed into such a form. After learning the reason, he looked dumbfounded.

"Du Long! In fact, you don't have to be so careful. After you have Xuantian level armor protection, even if you fall into the void collapse in a short period of time, you can still rush out with your own strength!"

"You can still break out after being trapped?!" Du Long frowned and asked, "Aren't you afraid that if the original energy breaks out, we will be cremated on the spot?!"

"With Xuantian level armor to protect the body, why should we be afraid of the erosion of the original power of the world?!" Luo Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Yes!" Du Long suddenly slapped his ferocious forehead and said, "How could I forget that I own the Xuantian Armor?!"

"Since the Xuantian-level divine armor can be preserved for a long time within the original land, it can naturally protect our safety!"

"But in this airspace, it is better for me to continue to maintain this form. It is best to avoid conflicts with those four-series origin monsters, so as not to waste time dealing with those beasts!"

Du Long finally decided to continue to use the image of the four-series original yaksha monster to travel within the airspace where the four-series origins intersect.

This airspace can be called Jedi, and there must be a reason for its name. The biggest danger should be those four-series origin monsters with extremely amazing defensive capabilities!

Just because Du Long crossed over relatively easily before did not mean that if he had the appearance and aura of an ordinary person, he could still be as relaxed as last time. It is very likely that he would be besieged to death by the hot-tempered four-series origin monsters!


For the sake of safety, Du Long hurried back directly along the route he came in. This was also to prevent some unpredictable fatal dangers from appearing on other routes!

While passing through the area where the four origins meet, he also deliberately screamed at the many four origin monsters like the return of the king!

This scream spread far away, frightening the four-series Origin Monster King who had just regained his status as the Origin Monster King for a short time.

It also thought that Du Long came back this time to deal with itself and to claim hegemony alone in this airspace!

The four-series origin monster king looked at the four-series origin yaksha who was flying over at full speed with a vigilant face.

When it saw a foreigner following Du Long, its eyes narrowed slightly, but in the end it didn't make any sound.

This four-series origin monster king is ready to escape from this airspace at any time.

It doesn't want to risk its own life just for a mere piece of territory!

For some reason, it always felt that Du Long, the King of Return, was exuding a more dangerous aura than before.

Du Long and Luo Yu flew past the intersection of the four origins in such a swagger.

Even Luo Yu, who was following him, didn't feel at all how dangerous the airspace in front of him was. He still thought that the eyes of these origin monsters seemed to be bloodthirsty and murderous, but they seemed to have good tempers? !

He is definitely overthinking this!

Another day, without Du Long leading the way, what if he dared to rush in like this and give it a try? !

It is estimated that he will be chased away by many four-series origin monsters soon, right? !

In the intersection zone of the four origins.

A large number of four-series origin monsters were all watching Du Long approaching in confusion.

Then he passed directly through them in a straight line, without any intention of staying where he was.

This scene also confused the four-series origin monster king!

Is this fourth-series origin yaksha monster in front of me really just passing by on the road? !

Du Long didn't have time to explain to those four-series origin monsters, but continued to fly away with Luo Yu at full speed, and soon disappeared from the sight of many four-series origin monsters.


Inside the intersection zone of the four origins, many four origin monsters breathed a sigh of relief.

The terrifying aura that Du Long passed by just now scared them all.

Including the only four-series origin monster king on the other side is no exception!

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