Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3343 Who is kidnapping whom?


"Do you want to continue to be trapped in this lonely void like a prison?!"

After chatting with Miaomiao about life for many years, Du Long finally showed his fangs secretly at the right time!

"I don't want to!" Miaomiao replied simply: "I also want to be like Brother Du Long and be able to take risks in different worlds at will!"

"Yeah!" Du Long nodded lightly, pretending to be exaggerated: "Um, Miaomiao! Brother Du Long can't stay here chatting with you all the time. I have to go to more worlds for adventure!"

"Brother Du Long is ready to leave?!" Miaomiao seemed a little nervous and said, "Can't you stay with Miaomiao for a little longer?!"

"I also want to spend more time with you, but I still have very important things to do, so I can't always stay with you!" Du Long replied in a desperate manner again.

"Brother Du Long, what important things do you have to do?!" Miaomiao asked with confusion on his face.

"I think Miaomiao must have heard that the world Du Long Dake lives in is actually not the world in front of him where energy is almost exhausted?!" Du Long revealed his origins.

"Brother Du Long is not a creature from this world?!" Miaomiao said curiously: "Then which world is he from?!"

"The world I live in is adjacent to this other world!" Du Long replied solemnly: "It is precisely because of this that our world is being invaded by this world!"

"And the reason why I entered this world is to understand their strength and then find a way to deal with it!"

"So that's it!" Miaomiao suddenly realized: "In other words, Brother Du Long still needs to go to various places to find power that can compete with this world?!"

"That's right!" Du Long nodded in approval: "Miaomiao is so smart, she can tell you everything!"

"Then I wonder if there is anything Miaomiao can do to help?!" Miaomiao's voice sounded again: "Miaomiao doesn't want to see the beautiful world where Brother Du Long grew up, be destroyed by the energy life of this world. Devour it all!"

"Miaomiao wants to help Brother Du Long?!" Du Long pretended to be surprised and said, "That would be really great!"

"With Miaomiao being able to easily kill those Fire Spirit tribe members, it can be seen that you will definitely be of great help!"

"Really?!" Miaomiao's voice also contained a hint of surprise: "I wonder what Miaomiao should do to help Brother Du Long?!"

"I'm afraid I have to ask Miaomiao herself!" Du Long guided the other party with deliberate hesitation: "For example, how did Miaomiao accompany that special being to adventure in different worlds together? !”

"Miaomiao can freely change size, but the prerequisite is to give up the heavy water outside the body!" Miaomiao said the answer directly.

"This heavy water is very important to Miaomiao. Whenever Miaomiao's power is exhausted, she can quickly replenish her strength in the heavy water!"

"Oh?!" Du Long's eyes lit up slightly and he said: "This is just a matter of giving up the heavy water outside the body. Then Brother Du Long can also help you, so that you don't have to worry about wasting the heavy water that was so hard to create!"

"That's great!" Miaomiao said with surprise: "Brother Du Long, do you mean to collect my heavy water first like before?!"

"That's right!" Du Long nodded and replied with a smile: "The heavy water I collected before is now stored in the void somewhere in the world inside my body!"

"If Miaomiao believes in Brother Du Long, she can transfer all the remaining heavy water into the world inside my body!"

"At that time, Miaomiao can also enter the world inside my body, and then she can continue to soak in the heavy water ocean when nothing happens. Brother Du Long can also simulate the adventure scenes in front of you!"

"Of course Miaomiao believes in Brother Du Long!" Miaomiao happily responded: "This way I can go on adventures with you in various places, and at the same time, I can enter the heavy water ocean to replenish my physical strength at any time!"

In this way, it took many years.

After chatting with the huge transparent crystal ball in front of him for so long, Du Long finally gained the other party's trust!

The subsequent process of bringing the other party into the inner world is much simpler than Du Long doing it himself.

Du Long's consciousness was greatly suppressed, so the speed of collecting heavy water was extremely slow.

That's different now.

With Miaomiao, the owner of the heavy water ocean, personally helping out, it would be much easier to bring the heavy water into the world inside the body!

With Miaomiao's cooperation.

Du Long's spiritual consciousness was much less suppressed. He was able to extend his spiritual consciousness further and directly create a huge channel to the world inside his body.

Then, with Miaomiao's cooperation, he continued to absorb a large amount of heavy water into his inner world!

First, the heavy water oceans hundreds of light years away were moved away, followed by the heavy water rain clouds, and finally all the heavy water gases hundreds of thousands of light years away were not let go.

Those are heavy water molecules that Miaomiao slowly created over time. The manufacturing process is always much more difficult than waste!

It only took more than a day's work for the heavy water gas mass that originally covered hundreds of thousands of light-years to be completely migrated to Du Long's inner world.

There is only a huge transparent crystal ball left in the void in front of me. The size of the crystal ball is almost the same as a golden mountain world!


The transparent crystal ball seemed to be exhaling outside the body, and its shape was also rapidly compressing and shrinking.

It has shrunk from the size of the Jinshan world to the size of stars, and then to the size of planets and satellites.

Under Du Long's surprised gaze, the opponent shrank until he was only the size of a bouncy ball before stopping.

Then it landed on Du Long's palm, and he squeezed it subconsciously. It really felt like a bouncy ball? !


"It's not easy to stay here for a long time. I'll take you out of this void first and wait until we get to a safe place!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he did not wait for Miaomiao to reply, and directly used super long-range teleportation to leave the void.

Facts have proved that his choice is very correct. The disappearance of heavy water and vast oceans will definitely attract the attention of the Fire Spirit Clan.

Moreover, the Fire Spirit Tribe will also doubt him, because before he, a mysterious powerhouse, appeared, the heavy water and vast ocean had existed for endless years and no one could get rid of it.

It just so happened that he disappeared out of thin air as soon as he appeared in the heavy water ocean. No one could believe that it had nothing to do with him!

Soon the God King of the Fire Spirit Clan was sent here to investigate the matter, but it was a pity that Du Long had already teleported away far away.

However, the news that he had appeared in this airspace was also transmitted to the ears of the five peak powerhouses of the Fire Spirit Tribe who were responsible for tracking him.

The five powerful men from the Fire Spirit Tribe who had Xuantian-level divine weapons immediately rushed over in a high-profile manner after hearing the news.

Their high-profile acting style can only be said to be just a pretense of thunder and rain!

From the very beginning, when their team appeared, they had no real intention to capture Du Long, a powerful and mysterious man!

Even Fierce Ax was captured alive by him. He was a peak expert who owned the Overlord Divine Ax. This also meant that the Overlord Divine Ax also fell into the hands of the mysterious man.

Just one person possesses three pieces of the Overlord's Divine Weapon, and the opponent's strength will definitely double accordingly!

Although the five peak god kings of the Fire Spirit Clan all have a Xuantian-level magic weapon in their hands, there is no guarantee that they can defeat the mysterious strong man who possesses three Overlord magic weapons!

What if they were not caught and the five of them suffered casualties and one or two Xuantian-level magic weapons were taken away, then they would probably regret it.

Anyway, the team of the Fire Spirit Clan that was chasing the Peak God King was hunting everywhere with great fanfare.

In fact, it was just to deter all parties from paying attention to the matter, and it was not really about catching Du Long.

For a strong man who can freely tear apart time and space, if the opponent does not want to fight, he will simply choose to escape.

Even if there are ten or eight more beings with Xuantian-level divine weapons, they may not necessarily be able to catch the opponent!

Soon, the top leaders of the Fire Spirit Tribe finally confirmed that the heavy watery ocean that had stayed inside the Fire Spirit Tribe's territory for endless years had actually disappeared without a trace!

The real top leaders of the Fire Spirit Clan have always known what the heavy water and vast ocean represents in their hearts!

That is an existence that was born earlier than the Fire Spirit Tribe, and it is also an existence that has a great restraint effect on the Fire Spirit Tribe!

But this kind of existence seems to have been taken away by that mysterious strong man? !

Who is that mysterious powerful man? !

Why can he ignore the terrifying pressure in the heavy water ocean that is enough to crush the peak of the ultimate god king? !

Even if the other party can ignore that kind of terrifying pressure, why can it get rid of the heavy water ocean so easily? !

Du Long has always ignored a key issue, that is, when he absorbed the heavy water with all his strength, he did not suffer a counterattack from Miaomiao!

That's right!

Miaomiao went all out to create heavy water for endless years to create such a vast ocean of heavy water covering such a wide area!

Logically speaking, those heavy waters are almost life that Miaomiao regards as a treasure, and she must not allow outsiders to snatch it and remain indifferent!

But when Du Long was absorbing a large amount of heavy water with all his strength, Miaomiao didn't make any move to attack him during the whole process? !

Did it take Du Long decades to successfully abduct Miaomiao, a suspected super magic weapon? !

Or did it take Du Long so long that he was actually the fool who was deceived? !

On the surface, Miaomiao seems to have a low IQ, but secretly is she a cunning and cunning person? !

Du Long didn't think about this problem, but carried Miaomiao, who looked like a bouncy ball, and rushed towards the depths of the void!

After acquiring Miaomiao, he no longer had much interest in the interior of the Fire Spirit Clan's territory.

I am preparing to return directly to the route recorded on the animal skin paper, and continue to rush to the terminal station of the animal skin paper route map according to the original plan!

When he thought that the truth of the road map recorded on the animal skin paper was about to be presented in front of him, Du Long secretly felt some excitement and expectation in his heart!

I hope that by spending so much time and energy, I won’t end up working in vain!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

In the vast void, Du Long rushed towards the designated direction at full speed.

"Brother Du Long! Where are we rushing to?!"

Although he was pinched by Du Long, Miaomiao's voice could still be heard in his mind.

"Go to a place I don't even know!" Du Long replied with a smile.

"I have an animal skin map in my hand, and the target points to an extremely distant place ahead. Only when we get there can we have a chance to figure out what's there!"

"Treasure map?!" Miaomiao immediately replied excitedly: "Miaomiao likes the treasure hunting adventure the most! Haha!"

"I can't guarantee that there will be a treasure at the end!" Du Long shook his head and sighed: "I don't even know who drew the animal skin map or why it appeared in the world where I grew up!"

"Haha!" Miaomiao replied with a nonchalant smile: "Treasure hunting is fun when you don't know anything! If you know what the treasure is from the beginning, then even if you find the treasure, it won't be fun!"

"You can be open-minded!" Du Long shook his head and said with a smile: "If you spend countless time and energy but find nothing in the end, wouldn't you be very disappointed?!"

"Brother Du Long doesn't understand that the real fun of treasure hunting is not whether you can find the treasure, but the process of treasure hunting is more exciting!" Miaomiao replied nonchalantly.

"It seems to make sense?!" Du Long was speechless.

In his heart, he can actually understand Miaomiao's treasure-hunting mentality, for a spirit like Miaomiao who is suspected of being a super magic weapon.

They are almost eternal.

Even if the previous owner died and it fell into the cracks of a world full of dangers, it can still live a very nourishing life!

The only disadvantage of losing its owner is that it will lose a lot of adventure fun!

Compared to Miaomiao, who has a more lively and out-of-the-box personality, it is naturally not as exciting as following her master on adventures!

Miaomiao should also be a very insecure magic weapon spirit, otherwise it could completely give up the large amount of heavy water surrounding it.

That way it can be shrunk into the shape of a bouncy ball, just like how the Dragon Lord Ring found Du Long as its master.

You can constantly change owners to experience different lives!

Miaomiao, on the other hand, was bound by the heavy water, so she never left this boring void!

"Okay!" Du Long suddenly stopped in a void where no stars could be seen.

"Miaomiao! Now you want to enter the world inside my body to condense the vaporized heavy water into a heavy water ocean again?!"

"Or do you want to follow me in this void and test the various powerful water spells you possess?!"

"Let me enter your inner world first and collect the heavy water gas!" Miaomiao replied in a deep voice.

"When the time comes, I will have a way to prevent the heavy water from quickly evaporating into gas when I leave!"

"Okay!" Du Long naturally would not refuse its choice: "Then I will send you to the heavy mercury nebula first!"

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