Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3342 Talk about life

"Nothing! I just want to talk to you!"

After Du Long was speechless for a short time, he finally spoke the second sentence through a voice transmission.

"Really?!" The slightly mechanical voice sounded again: "Just to chat with me, did you bear such strong pressure and go through all kinds of hardships to come here to chat with me?! "


Du Long was directly choked by the other party's rhetorical question. Behind the seemingly low-IQ voice, he seemed to have seen the whole process of his intrusion? !

"Well, I am an explorer who takes risks in many restricted areas around me!" Du Long said again brazenly.

"Since I have chosen to explore here with you, I will naturally try my best to get deeper into this place!"

"So that's it!" the mechanical voice responded suddenly: "You explorers must have a colorful life, right?!"

"It's not like the endless years I've been trapped here. As far as the eye can see, it's always this boring void!"

Du Long's eyes lit up slightly. From the other party's tone, he could think of how to abduct it.

"Haha! Staying in the same place for a long time without being able to leave is as uncomfortable as going to jail?!"

"Jail?!" The mechanical voice seemed to be pondering, "Is this what you call a life of restricted freedom?!"

"If you think about it carefully, being stuck here for a long time without being able to leave, without being able to see the colorful world, is really like being in prison?!"

Du Long seemed to feel that there was more fun, and immediately continued to chat with the other party in this regard.

For example, tell the other person about the growth process that he has experienced since he was a child, how he has grown from an ordinary person like an ant to the peak level of cultivation he has today!

The mechanical voice seemed to be very interested in this and was able to constantly ask simple questions while listening carefully.

It is not difficult to see from this that the owner of this mechanical voice is listening carefully to the story of his own growth told by Du Long!

A total of more than 3,000 chapters have been written in this book, and the more than 10,000,000 words can basically only be regarded as a rough life experience of Du Long.

The life experience he told the other party was an unabridged version of his life record, and it took him several years to tell it.

In this process, the mechanical voice is not only the best listener.

It will also make itself an indirect participant in life by raising certain questions!

And this is what Du Long wants to achieve. Why he is willing to spend several years telling stories is simply because he wants to subtly transform the other person into the story.

This is just like when a person reads a novel, he will definitely insert himself into the life experience of the male protagonist.

If not, what's the point of reading this novel? !

Just to read the dense text? !

In short, after the mechanical voice listened carefully to Du Long's life story, he couldn't help but feel good about the protagonist Du Long in his heart!

He was like a reader who had read a very long novel and had a clear understanding of Du Long's legendary life.

It was as if Du Long had experienced this life himself!

It can be the protagonist Du Long himself, or different supporting characters in the life story, or even regard himself as some golden fingers in the story, etc.

To put it simply, he feels very close to Du Long. He is like a good friend that he has known for many years, rather than a bastard who suddenly appears from some corner and wants to kidnap him!

"Miaomiao!" After spending several years telling his life story, Du Long finally began to change the subject.

"After listening to me tell my life story, is it now your turn to tell your own story?!"

He is not in a hurry to reach out to the other party, but wants to listen to the other party's story in turn. There is nothing wrong with this step-by-step process!

After telling the story for several years, he also successfully deceived the other party's name, which turned out to be a cute name made up of three waters!

"Yeah! In fact, Miaomiao's story is relatively monotonous, not as colorful as Brother Du Long's story!"

"From the day Miaomiao started to have memories, she seemed to be living in a dark world..."

In this way, after Du Long finished telling his life story, it was Miaomiao's turn to tell his life story.

And Du Long also changed directly from the protagonist of the story to a good listener of the story.

He also learned from Miaomiao's good habits and would ask the right questions at the most appropriate time, trying to make the other person feel that he was listening carefully to the life story it was telling!

A qualified good listener must know how to listen carefully to what others are saying, instead of just nodding absently and making perfunctory nasal sounds like ‘um, um, oh’!

Du Long, on the other hand, has achieved the best qualities that a qualified listener should have. Every time he asks a question, he can always scratch Miaomiao's itch!

The so-called itch is that when Miaomiao talks about what she is most proud of, she appropriately raises some questions that appear to be questions on the surface, but are actually flattering the other party secretly.

This extremely covert method of flattery can often satisfy some cunning old foxes even in the world of highly intelligent humans, let alone this special being with relatively low intelligence.

Anyway, along the way, Miaomiao was teased by Du Long. Although he was just telling some very simple life stories, he still gained a lot of confidence invisibly!


Du Long not only flatters the opponent, but also raises real questions when encountering some key information, and gets the answers he wants from Miaomiao!

In this way, while listening to stories and flattering each other, Du Long finally had a clear understanding of Miaomiao's life.

There is a high probability that this Miaomiao is a super magic weapon of the water system, and producing heavy water is just a subconscious action of it.

At the beginning of the life story it tells, it tells the story of a special being who took it on adventures in different worlds.

Then Miaomiao helped that special creature and defeated many strong men. In the end, the special creature died while exploring a dangerous secret realm.

And the special creature it mentioned should be the first owner of Miaomiao's super water magic weapon, and it should also be the only owner!

Because since the death of that special creature, Miaomiao has never been recognized by another strong person, so naturally she does not know the fact that she is actually a water magic weapon!

In addition, Du Long also asked him to simulate the appearance of the first owner while the other party was telling stories.

Miaomiao cooperated very well and simulated the appearance of the suspected first owner through heavy water.

It was a strange creature with nine heads and ten arms!

It can be seen from the color of Miaomiao's simulated body that it is an unknown life form with a blue body and blue blood flowing in its body.

Anyway, Du Long has never seen such a special life form in his life. It must be a creature living in some unknown Xuantian world, right? !

Ever since the suspected first owner died.

Miaomiao fell into the cracks of a certain world and drifted along the cracks of the world for endless years. Then she encountered a very powerful crack in the world and then came to the world in front of her.

The years of wandering in the cracks of the world gave Miaomiao the ability to absorb the thin energy in the cracks of the world.

This is also the main reason why it is in this world, but it can extend its tentacles into the cracks outside the world to absorb energy and continuously transform it into heavy water!

From Miaomiao's narration, Du Long grasped some key important information.

One of the most critical pieces of information is what it calls a big explosion between the worlds!

What kind of situation will lead to a big explosion in every crack in the world? !

Of course, even the person involved, Miaomiao, didn't know what caused the explosion in the cracks in the world.

And Du Long guided it to simulate the scene of a big explosion in the world.

In fact, it is just a simulation of the big explosion between the worlds that Miaomiao witnessed with her own eyes!

Du Long kept the simulated big explosion scene firmly in his mind. For some reason, he always felt that there seemed to be an extremely important secret hidden behind the big explosion event in the world!

After Miaomiao wandered into this different world, the story that happened became relatively boring.

But even if it is boring, Du Long can still find a suitable starting point for the problem.

For example, Miaomiao's existence will inevitably arouse the covetousness of powerful forces from all sides in this world!

There will definitely be powerful people from all sides who want to take Miaomiao as their own.

In Du Long's answer to Miaomiao's question, he finally understood why it had been trapped here, but it had never been taken away by strong men of various races.

It turns out that when Miaomiao arrived in this world, the entire world was filled with a large amount of Xuantian's chaotic source energy!

At that time, the world could not see any galaxies at all, because galaxies could not exist in a world shrouded by the original energy of chaos, and would be completely decomposed by direct erosion!

Du Long understands this very well, because this is the chaotic world of Xuantian where he lives.

According to Miaomiao's narration, no life could be seen in this world at the beginning. After a very long period of time, life finally appeared in this world.

It's just that the beings that have just appeared are very weak. When facing a treasure of Miaomiao's level, there is no hope of being able to recognize it as its owner.

Later, those creatures continued to grow and evolve, and their strength became more and more powerful. By the time a peak god king as powerful as Du Long appeared, Miaomiao had already created a sea of ​​heavy water around her body!

Under the isolation of this heavy water ocean, the peak god kings were unable to do anything to it. Over time, they regarded this heavy water ocean as a restricted area, and the strong men from all sides no longer wanted to get involved!

And Miaomiao has just gone from the chaotic era of Xuantian in this world to the alternative era where more than a dozen super powers are now divided!

Because more than a dozen super forces endlessly devoured the original energy of chaos, which directly led to the exhaustion of the original energy of chaos in this different world.

Miaomiao's life story has come to an end here, reaching the time period when Du Long appeared.

In its life story, there will naturally be some strong people who venture into the depths of Miaomiao's heavy water ocean.

Miaomiao's personality is like water. Normally, it will not attack intruders actively, but there is one exception and that is the Fire Spirit tribe!

Water and fire have been incompatible since ancient times. The people of the Huo Ling Tribe are naturally disgusted with heavy water, and Miaomiao is also a genius with a dislike for the people of the Huo Ling Tribe!

When everyone hates each other, it's best to stay away from each other until death.

But the airspace where Miaomiao is located has become the territory of the Fire Spirit Tribe, and the Fire Spirit Tribe has no choice but to become neighbors.

There are often some desperate fire spirit adventure teams coming here, and they actually dare to break into Miaomiao's territory.

And Miaomiao will not be polite to the Fire Spirit Tribe people, and will directly control the heavy water vapor on the outermost edge, or the heavy water cloud and rain layer slightly inside, or even the heavy water ocean in the core area to deal with the Fire Spirit Tribe people.

Miaomiao directly regarded killing the Huoling tribe as a small pleasure in her boring life? !

It is precisely because of this that such a legend appeared within the Fire Spirit Clan.

Foreigners will suffer a narrow escape from death, while those from the Fire Spirit Tribe will suffer ten deaths!

This place was also set up as a death zone for the Fire Spirit Tribe, and no Fire Spirit Tribe was allowed to enter it privately.

This seemingly ordinary story fragment made Du Long's eyes light up again.

If Miaomiao is a super magic weapon of the water system, it can resist the invasion of an entire Fire Spirit Clan just by relying on its own power!

So, if it can get a suitable master, will it be able to easily restrain an entire Fire Spirit Clan with the help of the master? !

In order to understand the possibility of this, Du Long deliberately asked what method Miaomiao used to kill those Fire Spirit tribe members.

It has not only killed low-level Fire Spirit Tribe people, but has also killed a large number of Eternal God King-level Fire Spirit Tribe people!

If you want to kill the powerful God King of the Fire Spirit Clan, it is definitely unrealistic to just rely on heavy water to extinguish the flames on the opponent!

Ever since.

Under Miaomiao's simulated explanation, Du Long finally had a more intuitive understanding of how to kill the God King of the Fire Spirit Clan.

And Miaomiao was also secretly flattering and praising Du Long, wishing she could pour out her whole body and mind on how to kill the mighty God King of the Fire Spirit Tribe!

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