Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3202 Invisible Eyes

‘The Dark Sea of ​​Hell? ! ’

‘A dangerous situation secretly controlled by the Dark Clan? ! ’

‘There are still many people in Jinshan World who are controlled by the Dark Clan, and they are providing all kinds of help for the Dark Clan to return to the Jinshan World? ! ’

‘Do you want to go to the dark sea of ​​hell? ! See if you can find an opportunity to help yourself there? ! ’

Du Long sat alone in the courtyard, staring thoughtfully at a flower and plant in front of him.

His eyes were slightly empty. There were still tens of thousands of years before the ninth level ranking competition, which made him a little confused as to how to pass the time.

When he thought about venturing into the dark sea of ​​hell alone, a feeling of panic surged in his heart for no reason.

This feeling meant that this trip would definitely be very dangerous, and he had to retract the idea of ​​going to the Dark Sea of ​​Hell alone.

For a monk like him who has the eternal true god clone, it is extremely unwise to let the yin and yang clone take unknown and terrible risks.

"That's it!" In the Star Tower, Du Long's cell origin clone finally said: "For the sake of your cooperation, I won't let you endure the pain of the flames burning the origin of your soul for the time being!"

"After a period of time, I will come again and continue to ask questions related to the Dark Clan. I hope you can continue to tell me everything!"

"Yes! Sir!"

In the grateful reply of the ball of divine soul energy, Du Long first removed the flames that had been wrapping the divine soul source, and his cell origin clone also disappeared out of thin air.

‘The Dark Clan! Level 9 ranking competition! ’

‘In the next time, I can only quietly wait for the arrival of the ninth-level ranking competition. As for the Dark Clan.

. I can only leave it to my own multi-dimensional creation clone! ’

Du Long quickly made a decision secretly, so that the next time could be used to make friends with more local ninth-level monks.

He began to act as Hong Wu, the disciple of the Eternal True God, and made friends with some ninth-order peak experts from friendly forces, hoping to find a suitable target for him to become a disciple.

The secret realm of Jinshan, a place where multi-dimensional time and space are inherited.

This is a time and space that is different from the inheritance place of nine-dimensional time and space, because this is the inheritance place of ten-dimensional time and space!

Du Long's true god clone is sitting in this space and time. At this moment, he is distracted by more than nine hundred trillion times, constantly comprehending the mystery of the ten-dimensional time and space.

That's right!

As his avatar's cultivation level continues to improve, the number of his soul origins has reached more than nine hundred trillion, which is more than nine times that of when he first broke through the ninth level of Great Perfection!

Within this ten-dimensional inherited time and space, in addition to devoting most of his mind to comprehending the mysteries of the ten-dimensional time and space every day, he also dedicates a part of his mind to continuously increase the number of body cells and soul origin.

What made him wildly surprised was that the five-element creatures brought out by the Yin-Yang creation clone from the Lost Tower played a vital role in his practice in this area!

Whether it is to increase the number of physical cells or the source of the soul, it is necessary to replenish very special five-element energy.

And those Five Elements creatures from the Lost Tower paid a huge price for this!

Of course, Dulong also provides them with an extremely important eternal habitat, allowing them to refine the Five Elements Treasure with eternal attributes.

All in all, Du Long and these Five Elements creatures have a mutually supportive and complementary relationship.

With the help of the Five Elements creatures, the number of cell origin clones in the body has been continuously increased, and both the physical body and the soul origin have made great progress!

With the collective understanding and cultivation of more than nine hundred trillion minds, Du Long's understanding of the ten-dimensional space-time avenue is constantly moving towards the peak state of the ten-dimensional space.

Of course, the so-called ten-dimensional peak limit state here is just a limit state in theoretical understanding.

But even if it is just a theoretical level of cultivation, it still has a huge impact on Du Long's strength!

As his understanding of the ten-dimensional space-time avenue becomes more and more profound, the Xuantian world in his body, as well as more than nine hundred trillion small immortal worlds, are all evolving towards the higher realm of the ten-dimensional space-time.

In other words, his inner world will continue to evolve towards a higher realm as his theoretical understanding deepens.

As we all know, the more you practice the multi-dimensional space-time avenue to the end, the more profound and unfathomable the multi-dimensional space-time mysteries it contains will become.

Multidimensional space-time is a special space-time avenue based on space and time.

And space and time are just the foundation of the multi-dimensional space-time avenue. The infinitely complex mysteries of space and time are combined in a very complex and mysterious way, and finally various different dimensions of time and space are formed!

To put it simply, no matter how complex the multi-dimensional space-time is, its essence still cannot escape the foundation of time and space.

On this basis, a complex combination of time and space needs to be upgraded layer by layer, ultimately forming the so-called mystery of the multi-dimensional space-time avenue.

As the master of this multi-dimensional time and space, Du Long can gain more powerful abilities than other creation gods in the multi-dimensional world he created.

Behaviors such as reversal of time and space would be very difficult for some low-level Xuantian Creation Gods, but compared to a monk like Du Long who has reached the level of the Ten-Dimensional Time and Space Creation God, that is just a child. Just a little trick to play house.

All in all, in the billions of multi-dimensional worlds inside Du Long's body at this moment, as long as he, the master, wants to do anything, he can basically do it.

There are only some things you can't imagine, and there is almost nothing he can't do!

For example, one of them, when the breakthrough reached four-dimensional space-time, the concept of parallel space-time appeared.

But the parallel time and space at that time seemed extremely crude. Today's parallel time and space not only has the number of layers increased many times, but also includes almost no barriers to the interconnection between many parallel time and spaces!

After practicing the ten-dimensional space-time avenue, time and space are like hundreds of millions of thin threads in Du Long's hands, weaving them into an extremely huge multi-dimensional time-space world.

These lines of time and space are invisible to the naked eye. Any slight error will cause the entire space-time network to collapse and destroy.

Du Long is like a programmer who is weaving a multi-dimensional space-time network, writing code after code, and then forming layers of closed loops from countless codes.

His ultimate goal is to weave a huge ten-dimensional space-time network. Once successful, it means that he has broken through and reached the ten-dimensional Great Consummation state.

It must be said that the multi-dimensional space-time avenue is very suitable for a monk with his talent in cultivation.

He is a person with array pattern talent who was once recognized by the Bodhi Taoist Tree, and array pattern talent is the foundation of the multi-dimensional space-time creation avenue.

If a monk doesn't even have the talent for array patterns, he simply won't be able to complete such a vast ten-dimensional path of enlightenment and practice!

With his array talent and a mind that has reached more than nine hundred trillion parts, Du Long's ten-dimensional theoretical understanding and practice are as complex as a super computer simulating a nuclear explosion.

Sitting quietly inside the bizarre ten-dimensional space-time avenue inheritance place.

All the soul sources in Du Long's body were running at high speed, as if a supercomputer with more than 900 trillion cores was constantly calculating massive parameters at high frequency.

The correct results obtained one after another through a large number of calculations were integrated into the network of the ten-dimensional space-time avenue, and he continued to contribute to this super space-time network!

In a certain place of nothingness in this ten-dimensional space-time inheritance place, a pair of invisible eyes were silently watching him, a monk.

From the first moment Du Long came in to practice in seclusion, these eyes had been silently observing him.

The actual time Du Long came to practice was hundreds of thousands of years, and he spent many long years of one hundred thousand epochs under the acceleration of time a million times.

However, these invisible eyes were always watching him so quietly, and they would only blink once after many thousands of years at most!

As we all know, if a person is immersed in meditation, he will not feel the passage of time.

But the owner of these eyes seems to be tireless, silently watching a monk in the inherited time and space for endless years, and does not show any impatience at all? !

These invisible eyes, the gaze looking at Du Long is not empty, but has an extremely complex look!

There is not only infinite expectation for the monk in front of him, but also some inexplicable uneasiness and sadness, and even a look similar to sadness.

No one knows what it is thinking, or whether it is a human or a ghost. It does not even know that it exists as an intelligent creature in this inherited time and space.

Du Long, a monk who has been practicing hard for many years in the inheritance land of ten-dimensional time and space, has never discovered the existence of the other party!

Tens of thousands of years passed quietly like this while the clone of True God Du Long devoted himself to hard training.

On this day, Du Long finally succeeded in weaving the ten-dimensional space-time web into shape.

This also means that he has completely understood and cultivated the ten-dimensional space-time avenue, reaching the peak and ultimate realm of the true god realm!


Du Long suddenly stood up from the ground, and then let out a long breath. Thunder fire seemed to be shining in his eyes, and he glanced in all directions of the ten-dimensional time and space in front of him.


Just as his eyes were scanning in all directions, he let out a light sigh as if he had discovered something.

"Am I not blinded just now?! Why do I feel like a pair of eyes blinking deep in this ten-dimensional time and space inheritance place?!"

In the deepest part of the Ten-Dimensional Time and Space inheritance place, the eyes that had just blinked were slightly condensed. It seemed that it did not expect that Du Long could actually see his existence? !

I saw Du Long suddenly using his Thunder Eyes, and the thunderous brilliance in his eyes became as real as reality, and he continued to glance towards the direction of his eyes.

However, Du Long saw nothing in the end, because when he wanted to explore with all his strength, his eyes suddenly closed.

"It seems like I was just dazzled, right?! There wasn't a pair of eyes looking at me at all!"

While muttering to himself, Du Long directly chose to leave this ten-dimensional inheritance time and space.

When his figure disappeared into thin air, the eyes that had just been closed opened again.

The invisible eyes silently stared at the void where people had left the building, and the sad look in the eyes seemed to become a little more intense.

"Alas! Maybe you should be lucky if you can't see!"

"I wish that countless proud men of heaven could see me back then, but they all failed in the end!"

"You are just an eternal true god, and there is not much time left!"

"So what if you can break through and reach the realm of the Eternal God King in a short period of time?! Which of those proud men back then was not the Eternal God King?!"

"But they all failed. Although you, the little guy of the Eternal True God, have very good talents, it's a pity that in this era of limited heaven and earth, it is simply fanciful to want to accomplish what no one before you has been able to accomplish!"

"In this case, it's better not to tell you the truth. This may allow you to live as happily as possible in the remaining time, right?!"

Within the ten-dimensional inheritance time and space.

A low and hoarse voice suddenly sounded, the tone full of boundless despair and sorrow.

He seemed to be telling a very helpless fact. Even if Du Long himself heard these words, he would probably have only half-understanding and be confused, right? !

In Jinshan Temple, Du Long didn't know that after he left the ten-dimensional inheritance time and space, the owner of those eyes actually said such inexplicable words.

After successfully breaking through the theoretical understanding and reaching the tenth-dimensional peak limit, he was in a very good mood at the moment and rushed back towards the Meng family's mansion.

His appearance did not hide any outsiders, and naturally it was spread immediately.

All the big and small forces in the entire main holy city know that the Eternal True God ‘Meng Tao’ has finally escaped from the secret territory of Jinshan.

Everyone also knows very well that his exit will mean that the ninth level ranking competition is about to begin.

When he came out of seclusion, the creation clone of Yin Yang was drinking with some friends who were in the ninth level peak extreme realm. When he knew that the true god clone came out of seclusion, he immediately said goodbye to all his friends.

After those friends learned the news that the Eternal God had left seclusion, they naturally would not stop him from leaving early, and all of them sent him out of the door with anticipation.

When the Yin-Yang creation clone rushed back to the Meng Mansion's other courtyard, the Meng family's elder had already appeared in the other courtyard and was chatting with Du Long's true god clone about the ninth-level ranking competition.

Du Long quickly reached a consensus with the eldest elder of the Meng family, and then sent the person away. After that, the two clones finally met alone.

The creation clone of Yin and Yang directly released the Star-Suppressing Tower, and the pagoda was suspended in mid-air between the two people. They did not need to communicate verbally at all, and were ready to launch a soul search and exploration of the original energy of the Dark Soul in the Star-Suppressing Tower. !

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