Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3201 Dark Sea of ​​Hell

In the martial arts arena, there is a ninth-level arena.

Two opponents with three heads and thousands of arms are fighting fiercely. All kinds of magical weapons are flying in the sky, and fierce collisions and confrontations are constantly occurring!

Not only did Du Long know how to use the Three Heads and Thousand Arms Magical Power, but his opponent Ni Luoer also used the Thousand Hands Magical Power at this moment, showing millions of viewers how powerful and terrifying the Thousand Hands Magical Power was!

Even though both sides were using the Thousand Hands Divine Power, Du Long was still at a clear disadvantage. After all, his opponent was a true ninth-level peak powerhouse.

However, even though he was still at a disadvantage for the time being, he was still able to barely block his opponent's fierce attack.

As Du Long displayed his three-headed, thousand-armed magical power and used a variety of magical weapons, he began to exert all his strength to perform an attacking and killing battle formation that surpassed Yin Yang, Tai Chi, and Bagua.

In the process of constantly interpreting this new battle formation, he is also constantly integrating more and more theoretical insights into practical applications.

Du Long's understanding of the ninth-level Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation has also been continuously improved in this fierce battle!

At the beginning, this kind of combat perception based on the Xuantian Jue technique seemed a bit confusing, and the various mysteries of heaven were like a mess.

Gradually, Du Long gradually found the key to how to perform, that is, it should still be based on Yin Yang, Tai Chi and Bagua.

On this basis, it is the practical interpretation of various avenues such as the sun, moon, stars, earth, fire, water, wind, and all corners of the world!

Similar to this kind of fighting performance, if there is no monk who has practiced the three-headed, thousand-armed magical power technique, it is really impossible to take into account all aspects.

And Du Long is also using the magical power of three heads and a thousand arms, and using thousands of different magical weapons at the same time. Only then can he perfectly integrate various theoretical insights into practical applications.

And the efficiency of integrating theoretical insights into practical applications is definitely countless times more efficient than the one-for-one interpretation!

Clang clang clang.


In the ring, Du Long was distracted by tens of trillions of times and was going all out to perform this Yin-Yang Creation Battle Formation.

He found that based on the Yin Yang Tai Chi Bagua, this brand new battle formation could only be summarized with the word "Creation".

The sky is filled with swords, swords, and shadows crisscrossing each other, and various magical weapons are interpreting different mysteries of the Yin-Yang Avenue. Du Long's theoretical understanding of the Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation is constantly being integrated into practical applications.

The efficiency of this process is very high, and the proportion of Du Long's theory integrated into actual combat is also increasing at a terrifying speed.

Seventy percent, seventy-five percent, eighty percent, eighty-five percent.


With tens of trillions of soul origins being deduced at the same time, Du Long quickly integrated more and more theoretical insights into practical applications.

And he himself has completely entered a very mysterious state of combat understanding, and the battle formation that was just named the Yin-Yang Creation Battle Formation has become more and more perfect!

In this mysterious state of combat perception, Du Long almost no longer needs that kind of huge pressure to improve his perception efficiency.

He only needs to continue to maintain this mysterious state of combat understanding and continue to integrate as much theoretical understanding as possible into actual combat applications.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Du Long successfully integrated more than 95% of his theoretical understanding into actual combat.

Just facing such a powerful opponent Niluoer in front of him, he improved from 60% to 70% actual fusion to over 95%!

It is enough to show how mysterious the state of battle perception he has entered is, and it can also be seen that his decision to use the Xuantian Jue technique to interpret the Yin-Yang Creation Battle Formation is also a very correct choice!

Clang clang clang.


In the arena, the fierce battle continued.

It can be seen that Du Long has successfully reversed his disadvantage at this moment and is no longer losing in the head-on confrontation with Nellore.

But he still has no intention of ending the battle. He is still distracted by tens of trillions of battles and insights, integrating as much theoretical insights as possible into practical applications.

As his opponent, Nellore's face looked extremely solemn at the moment!

This is the first time he has encountered such a perverted opponent. His overall combat power can actually increase to such a terrifying level in such a short period of time. !

Under normal circumstances, for every monk who has reached the ninth level to increase his combat effectiveness by such a large amount, it must take a very long time!

All in all, the terrifying talent shown by Du Long made him, a strong man who had already reached the peak of the ninth level, feel ashamed of himself.

The admiration in my heart, coupled with the fact that Du Long also knows how to use the three-headed and thousand-armed magical power, he should be a member of a friendly family force.

Niluoer was naturally happy to continue to help his opponent improve his cultivation, so he had no intention of ending the battle as soon as possible. Instead, he continued to go all out to launch wave after wave of attacks against Du Long!

With Ni Locke's cooperation, Du Long successfully integrated more and more theoretical insights into actual combat, gradually moving from a 95% ratio towards the peak limit!

At some point after continuing to fight like this for a long time, Du Long finally succeeded in integrating all his theoretical insights into actual combat.

This also shows that he has successfully broken through and reached the true peak limit of the ninth level. Whether it is theoretical understanding or practical application, he has broken through and reached the peak limit of the ninth level!

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sound of gold and iron clashing has not stopped, Du Long is still launching selfless attacks, and the Yin-Yang Creation Battle Formation is also constantly pouring towards his opponent Ni Luoer.

At this moment, Ni Luoer looked a little embarrassed. As Du Long successfully broke through and reached the true ninth level peak limit state, he was completely at a disadvantage at this moment.

You know, Du Longna is a monk who has reached the Great Perfection three times. Although both sides have reached the ninth level of peak limit at this moment, there is still a big gap between the two.

'wrong! Although this Yin-Yang Creation Battle Formation is indeed powerful, I still feel like it lacks something? ! ’

‘I have now fully integrated the theoretical understanding of the ninth-order peak extreme realm into practical applications, but how can I break through this last bottleneck? ! ’

'no! If I want to break through the final bottleneck, I need a strong opponent. The combat power of Nilor in front of me is still too weak! ’

After successfully breaking through and reaching the true ninth level peak limit state, Du Long finally woke up from that mysterious state of fighting comprehension.

He soon discovered that his opponent had become too weak, which also resulted in him being unable to find a breakthrough from the opponent.


After finding out the reason, he immediately struck out with his final sword to drive Nellore away.

"Okay!" Du Long then stepped out of the battle and shouted loudly: "I am willing to admit defeat!"


Everyone in the entire martial arts arena was confused by his sudden surrender.

It was clear that the situation of the battle had been reversed and the situation was in the upper hand, but why did he choose to admit defeat at this moment? !

Not only the ordinary spectators were stunned, but even his opponent Ni Luoer was full of confusion.

He obviously couldn't understand why Du Long chose to admit defeat. Logically speaking, even if he had to admit defeat, he should be the one to do it, right? !

"Haha!" Du Long said with a faint smile towards Niluoer who was a little dumbfounded: "Then I will leave this arena to you to guard. Thank you for fighting with me for so long. Let's see you again later!"

After adding a sentence of explanation, Du Long dodged and exited the ring without waiting for the other party's reply, and then dodged and left the martial arts arena with everyone watching curiously.


It wasn't until Du Long's back disappeared for a long time that the entire martial arts arena was in an uproar. Millions of spectators were loudly discussing why he suddenly gave up and left.

Du Long ignored the various discussions in the fighting arena and returned directly to the Meng family's residence. His unabashed entry into the Meng family's residence naturally fell into the eyes of some interested people.

At this point, those who are interested finally understand that Ganqing, a strong man who can use three heads and a thousand arms, is actually from the Meng family? !

Du Long returned directly to the other courtyard where he lived, and then began to send a brief message to the multi-dimensional creation clone, asking what stage the multi-dimensional creation clone had reached in its cultivation.

The reply from the multi-dimensional creation avatar was very quick, saying that it would only take about ten thousand years of real time to reach the peak and ultimate state of the eternal true god.

Du Long's Yin-Yang creation clone contacted several other direct disciples and asked them about the results of their cultivation during this period. He needed these answers to arrange the next time.

The final answer I received was that although the direct disciples had varying degrees of theoretical understanding, none of them was about to reach the peak of the ninth level.

As a result, we can only start the ninth-level ranking competition until the limit time agreed with them.

In fact, Du Long has now reached the peak level of the ninth level, and his expectations for the ninth level ranking competition are not too high.

Sitting quietly in the courtyard, Du Long actually felt like he didn't know what to do next.

All the friends I know have gone into seclusion to practice, including Yin Feifei, who I heard has also broken through to the eighth level, and is currently in seclusion in the secret area of ​​Jinshan Mountain, trying to understand and practice.

Sitting alone in the small garden of the other courtyard, Du Long pondered for a while and then sank his mind to the bottom of the Star Tower again. A clone of the cell source also appeared in front of the soul source again.

"Ah! Sir! You finally show up!"

"Quickly move these damn flames away! No matter what questions the adults ask next, the children will definitely tell you everything they know!"

The moment he saw Du Long, the soul's origin immediately burst into tears and shouted loudly.

Because Du Long placed this Star-Suppressing Tower in a time and space that accelerated a million times in the Genlong World at a certain time, only a short period of time passed compared to the origin of the soul of the Dark Clan, but it also passed a long period of time.

"Tell me! Where is your Dark Clan's clan hidden?!" Du Long stopped talking nonsense and once again went straight to the point and asked.

"I said, I said!" The source of the soul immediately replied: "The Dark Clan is hiding in the dangerous dark sea of ​​​​hell in the Jinshan World!"

"Golden Mountain World, Hell's Dark Sea?!" Du Long muttered softly, and the basic information about this dangerous situation immediately emerged in his mind.

The Jinshan World in the God Realm, like the Jinshan World in the Lower Realm, has several dangerous secret realms inside.

And this dark sea of ​​hell is one of them, and it is also the most mysterious and dangerous secret realm.

According to legend, many monks who entered the dark sea of ​​​​hell have disappeared inexplicably. In addition, there are almost no reports of people getting great opportunities in this dangerous place. Naturally, fewer and fewer people are willing to take risks there. .

"That's right! It's the Dark Sea of ​​Hell! I, the Dark Clan, prefer the training environment there, and I have been hiding there and living an ignoble existence for all these years!" The Divine Soul Energy Group added again.

"Yeah!" Du Long didn't pay too much attention to the other party's explanation, but said thoughtfully: "I heard that the inside of that dangerous area is very dangerous. Many monks have disappeared after entering it!"

"Since this dangerous situation is so dangerous, why do you, the Dark Clan, choose such a dangerous situation as your hiding place?!"


The soul source energy group was slightly stunned for a moment, as if it did not expect Du Long to suddenly ask such a question.


. "

"Okay!" Just when he was thinking about how to answer this question, he was suddenly interrupted directly by Du Long: "I'm warning you one last time. If you dare to hesitate even a little bit when answering the question, then Just don’t ever answer!”

"No, no!" The Divine Soul Source Energy Group replied hurriedly: "I say, I say! The main reason why the so-called dark sea of ​​hell is so dangerous is that we, the dark clan, are doing mischief in secret!"

"Oh?!" Du Long's eyes lit up slightly and he said, "Tell the truth!"

"Is such that.

. "The Divine Soul Origin Energy Group hurriedly explained: "In order not to expose the location of our clan, we, the Dark Clan, assassinated those outside monks inside the Dark Sea of ​​Hell.

. "

Under the other party's explanation, Du Long finally had a deeper understanding of the behavior of the Dark Clan. It was indeed this clan that was causing trouble in secret, which led the outside world to mistakenly believe that the Dark Sea of ​​Hell was too dangerous to enter easily. ? !

"Besides that!" Du Long pondered again and asked: "Some forces can come and go freely when entering the dark sea of ​​hell. Can I think that they have been conquered by the dark clan?!"

"Yes!" The Divine Soul Origin Energy Group did not dare to hesitate this time, and hurriedly nodded in agreement: "Many monks entered the dark sea of ​​hell and were captured alive by our dark clan!"

"Those people choose to surrender to the Dark Clan in order to survive, and are even willing to become the soul slaves of the Dark Clan, and then cooperate with the various actions of the Dark Clan in the outside world.

. "

Under the other party's explanation, Du Long's brows furrowed more and more tightly. Are there really so many Dark Tribe spies in the outside world? !

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