Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3173 Take the initiative to admit defeat

In the small martial arts square.

Ever since Du Long successfully killed the prince of the Dark Clan, he has not been able to encounter a more powerful opponent.

And the fact that he killed the prince of the Dark Clan in public also made many challengers full of awe of him and no longer thought that he was a merciful challenger.

Facing opponents who are not able to put too much pressure on himself, Du Long usually will not show mercy to them, but will choose to defeat them as quickly as possible!

Of course, except for killing the prince of the dark clan before, he did not kill him again in the subsequent life and death challenge.

For those ordinary challengers, he was relatively tolerant and did not kill those challengers completely easily.

Often it would just be like participating in a qualifying match, just smashing the opponent's body to pieces, and then forcing the opponent to surrender and exit.

As a result, many people gradually understood that Du Long was not a murderer. The main reason why he would kill the prince of the dark clan was probably because the other party stepped on his bottom line!

In this way, challengers were defeated one after another, and the number of uses for Du Long was also increasing.

Thirty victory, fifty victory.

. After reaching sixty-eight victories all the way, we finally met a relatively powerful opponent.

"Haha! I am Moro Gang from the eighteen-armed giant clan! I am very happy to challenge this sixty-eight-armed champion. Please give me your advice!"

As soon as the eighteen-armed giant Moro came on stage, he immediately announced his family identity with a smile, which was a very polite attitude.

"Eighteen-armed giants?!" Du Long's eyes lit up slightly and he said: "Seeing as your strength is not weak, you should be participating in this life and death challenge to prepare for the eighth-level ranking competition in the near future, right?! "

"That's right!" Moro Gang nodded simply and agreed: "My strength has not yet reached the true peak of the eighth level. I want to gain more insights from fighting here before the qualifying match!"

"Very good!" Du Long's eyes lit up slightly and he said, "Then let's let go and have a big fight in this arena of life and death!"

After a brief conversation, Du Long transformed into a fighting form with three heads and twelve arms, preparing to fight in this fighting form.

As the defensive array shield on the arena rose, a battle broke out in front of all the spectators.

Du Long still held three kinds of magic weapons, swords and axes in his hands, but his opponent Moro Gang had all big metal sticks in his hands. As soon as the two started fighting, they directly entered the craziest head-on confrontation mode with all their strength!

As more and more monks develop various multi-armed combat techniques, Du Long doesn't have to worry about exposing his true identity when he uses the three-headed multi-armed combat technique and uses swords and axes to fight three kinds of magical weapons. .

There are a total of twelve pieces of the three types of magic weapons, which directly display the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation facing all directions!

It can attack from far away and defend from close range. Even if it is hit with the full force of eighteen metal rods, there is no sign of falling into a big disadvantage.

It has to be said that the eighteen-armed giant clan is very powerful in terms of total combat power output. The eighteen metal rods are like a storm, pouring down on Du Long one after another!

Even if Du Long possesses this set of Yin Yang Tai Chi Ba Gua battle formation, he is still at a disadvantage because he only has twelve arms.

This is also the effect he wants to achieve, otherwise he can use more arms, and then he will be able to press the opponent.

But his original intention of participating in the Life and Death Challenge was to use this platform to integrate as much theoretical insights as possible into practical applications.

Clang clang clang.


The shadows of the sticks, like a violent storm, hit the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation one after another, just like heavy raindrops constantly beating on the lotus leaves.

The Yin-Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation was vibrating violently under the opponent's all-out attack. On the surface, it looked as if it was going to be completely broken through the defense at any time.

But it still withstood the opponent's fierce attacks, showing no signs of being broken through the defense.

Tai Chi Bagua, as early as the seventh-level Tai Chi sword technique, has already shown extremely powerful defensive power.

As the Tai Chi Sword Technique is upgraded to the Tai Chi Bagua Battle Formation, its defensive power will naturally increase accordingly. Facing the all-out onslaught of a powerful enemy, you can always encounter the strongest enemy!

Under great pressure, Du Long began to repeat his old tricks and began to devote tens of trillions of efforts to comprehend the theory and continuously integrate it into his Yin Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation.

The proportion of theory integrated into actual combat has been continuously improved in this process, and the defensive power of the Yin Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation has become more and more powerful.

In front of everyone, the Tai Chi Bagua battle formation, which was about to collapse as if it had been destroyed by heavy rain, not only was not completely defeated by the opponent Moro Gang, but it became more and more solid!

It's as if the rainstorm is getting smaller and lighter. In fact, the rainstorm has not gotten smaller at all, just because the lotus leaf has become tougher!

Clang clang clang.


Eighteen long metal rods continued to blast towards Du Long. Moro Gang, who came from the eighteen-armed giant clan, was also a fighting madman.

He didn't have any idea of ​​showing mercy, and he went out with all his strength as soon as the war started!

In his opinion, as long as he does not use the soul attack power that can harm the opponent, even if Du Long's body is completely exploded, the opponent can quickly repair his injuries.

All in all, without completely damaging the opponent's soul, he will naturally show no mercy when he attacks!

Once upon a time, it was difficult for him to encounter an opponent who could withstand his all-out attack, but today in the battle with Du Long, he was completely relieved.

Moro Gang did not just attack randomly. In the process of attacking with all his strength, he also constantly integrated his theoretical insights into actual combat.

However, his integration process is obviously not as fast as Du Long, so he can feel the opponent's growing strength.

When others face an opponent whose strength is growing, they may still worry and think a lot, but Moro Gang is obviously not affected at all, and on the contrary, he becomes more and more eager to fight!

In the ring, two opponents with a large number of arms are fighting with all their strength, and both of them are constantly integrating theoretical insights into actual combat during the full-scale confrontation.

Time continued to pass like this, and gradually Du Long was no longer at a disadvantage and was able to be at the same level of strength as Moro Gang.

Under normal circumstances, after he no longer feels the pressure from his opponent, he is not ready to waste time with his opponent and continue fighting. Instead, he will choose to defeat him quickly with all his strength!

However, he could feel that Moro was just on the rise, and it seemed unfair to end the battle after he had used the opponent.


Du Long made a quick decision and directly transformed into a fighting form with three heads and twenty-four arms, and then increased the intensity of his attack on Moro Gang.

In this fighting form, Du Long had no intention of holding back and directly deployed the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation with all its strength.

He launched an all-out fierce attack on Moro Gang and instantly forced the big man with eighteen arms into a panic!

"Haha! It's so cool! This battle is so exciting! Hahaha.

. "

Faced with the huge pressure, Moro Gang not only showed no fear at all, but actually raised his head to the sky and laughed wildly with excitement.

Amidst the laughter, the long metal stick in his hand was not idle, and he continued to send out shadows of the stick in the sky towards Du Long.

Vaguely, his seemingly unorganized stick shadow began to form a relatively regular stick shadow battle formation.

In the ring, two opponents with a large number of arms launched an all-out attack on their opponents without any hesitation.

The intensity of this battle made the eyes of countless spectators jump. It was the first time for many people to witness such a fierce and exciting battle at the scene.

Many viewers with eighth-level peak combat power also subconsciously involved themselves in this battle. They were soon surprised to find that they seemed to only be crushed? !

This discovery made many eighth-level experts secretly shake their heads and sigh. The monks who originally refused to admit defeat and wanted to sign up for the challenge began to think of quitting in their hearts.

Clang clang clang.


In the ring, Du Long, who has three heads and twenty-four arms, used his Yin Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation with all his strength and launched an all-out fierce attack on Moro Gang.

That's right!

He just went all out and didn't let go of the attack at all, just like Moro Gang did without holding back at all.

During this period, he was also working hard to understand the mystery of the Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation, and trying to integrate more theoretical insights into actual combat.

And his opponent Moro Gang was not idle either. While he was trying his best to resist Du Long's fierce attack, he was also trying to integrate more theoretical insights into actual combat.

With the reversal of the combat advantage between the two, Moro Gang is now the one who is under tremendous pressure, and his combat perception potential has been greatly stimulated.

As his combat potential is stimulated, Moro Gang's strength is also constantly increasing. Although this speed cannot be compared with Du Long, it is still increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With millions of distractions, Du Long suppressed Moro Gang with all his strength while keeping an eye on Yin Feifei's life and death challenge!

It can be seen that Yin Feifei, who has used three heads and forty-eight arms to fight, has the advantage in the number of arms. Even though the total combat power output is not as good as her opponent, she still managed to survive.

While withstanding the opponent's fierce attacks, she continued to integrate theoretical insights into actual combat.

Since her talent was many times less than that of Du Long, although she successfully integrated a large amount of theoretical insights into actual combat during this battle, she still only integrated more than 10% of theoretical insights into actual combat.

You know, Du Long has improved from more than ten wins to nearly seventy wins since she took the stage.

Yin Feifei's theoretical insights are increasingly integrated into actual combat, and her total combat power output is constantly being improved and enhanced.

With the huge advantage in the number of arms, she also gradually narrowed the strength gap between her and her opponents. The strength of the champion she encountered was actually not too strong.

After successfully leveling the strength gap, Yin Feifei also felt that the pressure dropped sharply, which was very detrimental to her improvement in combat power.

So, she also followed what Du Long had done before, directly reducing the forty-eight arms to twenty-four, and then continued to fight the six-armed champion in front of her.

With the number of arms suddenly reduced by half, Yin Feifei's pressure once again skyrocketed, and she had to continue to endure the tremendous pressure to enter a state of combat understanding.

Du Long was paying attention to her fighting situation throughout the whole process. After seeing that she was controlling the rhythm of the fighting in an orderly manner, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It can be seen that she has learned her own fighting strategies thoroughly, so there is no need to worry about her being too eager to win in the life-and-death challenge arena and causing accidents.

Clang clang clang.


In the ring where Du Long was, he continued to use Yin Yang Tai Chi Ba Gua to win with all his strength, and launched an all-out fierce attack on Moro Gang.

When he was weak, he used the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation to focus on defense.

On the contrary, when he has the advantage, he will reveal the powerful offensive of the Yin Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation.

Yin Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation, you can retreat to defend and counterattack, advance to attack and kill mainly!

At this moment, he was constantly attacking and killing the Yin Yang Tai Chi Ba Gua battle formation, using it with all his strength.

While going all out to attack and kill, we strive to integrate the theoretical understanding of the eighth level of the Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation into actual attack and kill applications!

In this way, although he did not bear huge pressure, he still applied more and more theoretical insights to actual combat attacks in the process of attacking with all his strength.

Time continued to pass, and although it was clear that many contestants in the ring were fighting and comprehending at the same time, not many people at the scene showed any dissatisfaction.

Because even though Du Long and Yin Feifei spent a lot of time on the battlefield, they still showed an extremely exciting ring battle to all the audience!

After this continued for a long time, Du Long felt that Moro Gang's combat power improvement rate had dropped a lot, and he immediately transformed into a fighting form with three heads and forty-eight arms.

With twice the number of arms again, and continuing to use the Yin Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation with all his strength, Moro Gang finally couldn't withstand the huge pressure and collapsed.

The attack and killing power of the Bagua battle formation composed of forty-eight arms was much more powerful than before, directly exceeding the ultimate combat power that Moro Gang could withstand.

The Yin-Yang Tai Chi Bagua battle formation quickly tore apart Moro Gang's defensive line of stick formations, and several long sticks directly pierced his body with several bloody holes!

Du Long did not use Chang Jian to exert force in his body, blasting his body into pieces of flesh and blood. This could be regarded as being merciful so that Moro Gang would suffer less.

"I lost!"

Moro Gang was not someone who wanted to continue to fight after losing. He looked at the several bloody holes in his chest with some depression, and finally voluntarily admitted defeat in public.

Because he knew very well in his heart that since his opponent had pierced several bloody holes in his body, it also meant that he did not want to continue to waste time.

In this case, you must be self-aware so as not to annoy others.

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