Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3172 Killing the Prince

The huge soul sand skull, with a huge hole pierced by the soul sand sword, continued to shoot towards Du Long.

Of course, the soul sand giant sword on the other side has not dissipated, and is shooting towards the opponent's mysterious black-robed man.

At this time, Du Long faced two difficult decisions, that is, whether to continue to control the soul sand sword to shoot at the opponent, or to let the sword return to attack the soul sand skull.

When they meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. Du Long did not hesitate for too long at this critical moment and made a decision in an instant.

They saw him sidestepping away while continuing to control the soul sand giant sword distractedly, shooting towards the mysterious man in black robes.

As a result, whether to continue to control the soul sand skull to attack Du Long has become a dilemma for the man in black robe.


Since you want to die.

. Then I will help you today!


The man in black robe did not dare to hesitate for too long, and soon let out an angry roar. It seemed that he was preparing to fight Du Long to the end with both sides losing.

Amidst the roar, the huge skull accelerated and chased Du Long, like a missile that had successfully locked onto its target, pursuing it closely.

On the other side, the soul sand giant sword controlled by Du Long was much faster than the skull, and it quickly shot towards the black-robed man, who was also trying his best to avoid it.

Ever since, the battle in the arena evolved into a long-range pursuit battle, with both sides trying to use their ultimate moves to pursue their opponents.

All this is a long story, but in fact, in this kind of arena, which seems huge, but is pitifully small compared to the Great God of Creation, Xuantian.

It only took a moment for the result to be achieved. The soul sand giant sword was many times more flexible and faster. This was probably because each grain of soul sand had a mind control.

No matter how the mysterious black-robed man dodges, his speed can never exceed this remote control attack method, and he is quickly caught up with the soul sand giant sword.

With no other choice, he could only raise the skull shield in his hand to defend himself.

The blazing soul flames burned directly on the surface of the skull shield. They were preparing to use the soul flames that would cause huge damage to the power of the soul to burn the soul sand giant sword in front of them.


The soul sand giant sword finally struck the man in black robe who raised the shield with all its strength. The giant sword was larger than the opponent's entire body. Except for a small part blocked by the shield, the area that was not blocked by the shield was directly completely blocked by the giant sword. cover.

The giant sword was burned by the blazing soul flames, and a large gap was burned in an instant, but in the end it was washed away from the black-robed man.

This is a soul attack. Once it comes into contact with the body of the attacker, it will immediately rush into the opponent's body.

In full view of everyone, the Soul Sand Giant Sword instantly disappeared out of thin air and rushed directly into the body of the man in black robe.

Inside his body, there are millions of divine soul origins, and that number is not even a fraction of what is in Du Long's body.

The giant sword of soul sand, which was missing a hole, began to gallop through his body, heading straight towards the opponent's numerous soul sources to bombard it.

A huge skull suddenly appeared in the body of the man in black robe. This is a spiritual defense technique similar to Zhenyuan Tower. It is also the first line of defense in the body of the man in black robe to defend against attacks by the soul.

The giant sword of soul sand roared and bombarded the skull, directly piercing it through again, and then continued to rush towards the origin of the many souls guarded by the skull.


In the invisible soul space, a huge omentum flashing with ghostly soul flames suddenly appeared. This was the last line of defense formed by a high-level soul guardian magic weapon.

This line of defense is somewhat similar to the soul protection shield of the Dragon Lord Ring in Du Long's body. It is a soul protection formed by some kind of soul protection physical magic weapon.


After being weakened three times, the soul sand giant sword finally successfully bombarded the defensive membrane formed by the high-level soul guard, severely denting the defensive membrane on the spot.

A large amount of soul flames can be seen continuously converging towards the impact point of the giant sword. This is the high-level soul guardian trying its best to defend against the attack of the soul sand giant sword.

Once this place is lost, the Soul Sand Giant Sword will rush in uncontrollably, directly causing frontal damage to the soul source of the man in black robe!

Bah, bah, bah.


The huge omentum seals the soul sand giant sword, and the blazing soul flames on the surface of the omentum continue to burn the soul sand giant sword. It can be seen that the soul sand giant sword is being melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just like an ice sword thrust into a net of fire, the parts of the ice sword burned by the flames will naturally and quickly melt.

Of course, all this is a long story. From the moment the soul sand giant sword hits the omentum until it is dissolved, the stalemate will not last too long.

As the controller of this soul sand giant sword, Du Long can clearly feel the current situation of the giant sword.


Before the stalemate lasted for a second, he immediately made such a decision and directly gave the order to self-destruct to the soul sand giant sword.

All he saw was that the giant sword of soul sand suddenly made a loud roar and exploded directly inside the opponent's soul space.

The violent big explosion instantly tore the omentum into a huge gap, and part of the shock wave of the explosion rushed in through the gap, directly causing frontal damage to the origin of some of the souls!

In reality, the body of the mysterious man in black robe suddenly trembled, and then the skull he controlled collapsed out of thin air.

Du Long successfully avoided the shattered skulls and directly waved the sword and ax in his hand towards the black-robed man.

Now that the divine soul attack has been effective, he is not ready to let go of the black-robed man in front of him. Who asked him to practice such cruel dark magic skills? !


"The man in black robe suffered severe damage to his spiritual soul, but he was still able to pay attention to the battle in the ring. When he saw Du Long charging over ruthlessly, he screamed and lost his voice on the spot.

“I am the seventh prince of the Dark Clan, you can’t.

. "


Du Long, who had long been interested in killing him, didn't bother to care who he was. No matter how awesome your identity and background were, could you still be better than your own eternal true god clone? !

Swords and axes bombarded the black-robed man one after another. In order to completely kill him, all the weapons of the divine weapon were attached with Xuantian's creation flame.

While blasting the body of the black-robed man in front of everyone, it also caused another wave of fatal damage to the source of his soul!


The physical body was destroyed, and the remaining soul source let out a shrill scream. It was vaguely visible that the energy of the soul source was rapidly gathering, as if it wanted to escape from the arena in front of it.

With a cold snort, Du Long directly took the opponent's soul energy into the palm of his hand with a wave of his hand, and then watched it twist and deform painfully in the palm of his hand.

"No! You can't kill me.

. I am the seventh prince of the Dark Clan. If you dare to kill me.

. The Dark Clan will never let you go!


Until this moment, the ball of soul energy was still struggling in pain, and actually wanted to threaten Du Long so that he would not dare to kill him.

"Haha!" Du Long laughed angrily at his ignorance: "For a group that only dares to hide in nooks and crannies to survive, you shouldn't run out and seek death!"


While chuckling, Du Long's palm suddenly clenched hard, and with the cooperation of Xuantian's Creation Flame, he crushed the ball of soul energy on the spot.

The entire Life and Death Challenge venue was silent, and many spectators were watching the scene in front of them with complicated expressions.

Since Du Long became the champion, this is the first time that he has completely eliminated his opponent!

Many people understood that he was not being merciful, but that he had not met the opponent he wanted to completely eliminate.

The man in black robes in front of him had obviously challenged his bottom line and actually dared to use the evil method of attacking with the undead spirit. This was also the main reason for the fatal disaster.

"Tsk tsk! How dare you even kill the prince of the Dark Clan?! This eighth-level champion has a chivalrous heart, but he will also get himself killed because of it!"

"That's right! Although the Dark Clan has disappeared for endless years, people of the older generation know that they are a group of evil beings who will seek revenge!"

"The main purpose of this competition is to kill the Seventh Prince of the Dark Clan in private. It doesn't matter, but to kill the opponent in front of countless audiences like this is clearly causing trouble for yourself!"





After a brief silence, many viewers who knew something about the Dark Clan finally began to whisper about the matter.

It was obvious that they were not very optimistic about the Du Long in front of them, and felt that his behavior of killing the seventh prince of the Dark Clan was a bit unwise.

After Yin Feifei, who was sitting in the audience, heard these comments, her face became a little solemn at first, but she soon became relieved.

Among the local monks in the entire Jinshan world, she is probably the only one who knows the real details of Du Long. In this world where the Eternal True God is almost invincible, does she not believe that a mere Dark Tribe can still threaten Du Long? !

Just when Du Long chose to continue to enter the next challenge, Yin Feifei finally received a notice from the organizer that it was finally her turn, the challenger who was being eliminated, to take the stage in the seventh-level challenge arena.

After Yin Feifei calmed down, she turned and shot towards the place where the organizer was responsible for distributing challenge weapons.

In the small martial arts square.

Yin Feifei finally made her debut, and her appearance also attracted Du Long's attention, and he secretly reminded her to be more careful. This does not mean that she is not allowed to completely kill her opponent in the ranking competition.


Yin Feifei transformed directly in front of countless people and entered a fighting form with three heads and forty-eight arms.

This scene not only shocked countless spectators at the scene, but even her opponent, the seventh-level champion who had already won sixteen victories, couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

In her fighting form with three heads and forty-eight arms, Yin Feifei had only one weapon in her hand, which was a long sword. The forty-eight long swords formed a cold sword curtain in her hands.

In this fighting form, Yin Feifei is also wearing a set of silver-white battle armor, like a sacred war goddess descending to earth.

"Have three-headed and multi-armed magical combat skills become commonplace in the streets recently?! Why do so many people learn similar combat magical powers?!"

After a brief moment of astonishment, her opponent, the champion who had been defeated for sixteen years, finally couldn't help but muttered something.

"Haha!" Yin Feifei said with a smile: "You have learned a set of six-arm magical combat skills!"

"Are you two ready?! If there are no problems, then this life and death challenge is about to begin!" Before the champion could answer, the referee in the audience immediately shouted loudly.

After being interrupted like this, the winner of the 16th victory could only nod helplessly, and Yin Feifei followed closely and expressed that she was ready.

In this way, a magic circle shield gradually rose, and the first life and death challenge that Yin Feifei participated in began.

As a challenger, she had to challenge the sixteen-win champion in front of her as soon as she took the stage. It could be said that she encountered a tough challenge just after taking the stage.

But after many years of adventuring with Du Long's Yin-Yang creation clone, she already has experience in this kind of battle, and will not lose confidence just because her opponent is too powerful.

After staying with Du Long for a long time, she also learned the good habit of working hard to understand and practice under strong pressure.

After blocking the opponent's frontal attack with all her strength, she began to work hard to integrate her theoretical understanding of reaching the peak limit of the late seventh level in the inheritance space of Jinshan Secret Realm into the current actual combat.

Ding, clang, clang.


Forty-eight long swords turned into a curtain of sword rain, blocking the frontal attack of the six-armed opponent with all their strength.

Yin Feifei took advantage of her huge advantage in the number of long swords and used multiple long swords to block the opponent's heavy blow. In this way, she actually blocked the opponent's first wave of frontal attacks.

On this basis, she worked hard to integrate theoretical insights into actual combat under great pressure.

Since following Du Long, she has also learned to develop as much of the body and soul as possible, so that the body cells and soul origin can be increased as much as possible.

According to Du Long's explanation, whether the origin of the body and soul reaches the physical limit of Great Perfection will also determine whether a monk can break through and reach the realm of the eternal true god.

All in all, after receiving the experience and teaching from Du Long, the eternal true god, the number of cell origin clones in Yin Feifei's body is also very astonishing. It is a pity that she has never been able to reach the limit of the seventh level because she learned it too late.

But even so, the number of her cell origin clones has increased to an extremely terrifying level, and what follows is that her strength has increased very quickly during the battle understanding process.

However, she is not a monk like Du Long who possesses the talent of a monster with a formation pattern. No matter how effective she is in combat perception, she is not as effective as Du Long, a monster!

But even so, she continued to integrate a lot of theoretical insights into practical applications during her all-out battle with the Sixteenth Victory Champion.

And her total combat power output is constantly increasing at a speed that shocks her opponents!

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