Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3157 Defense Tactics

Clang clang clang. . .

A fierce battle is breaking out above the arena!

Du Long, who only participated in the battle in his normal human form, finally felt the pain of being at a disadvantage in terms of number of arms.

With a shield in one hand and a knife in the other, he had to face the siege of eight weapons in total, including swords, axes and guns at the same time, and the total combat power output of his opponents was almost the same as his own.

In this way, it was like he was fighting eight enemies at the same time. Fortunately, his opponents' attacks all came from the same direction, otherwise he might have been defeated quickly!

No matter how the opponent of the Eight-Armed Titan attacks, he always needs to attack him from the same direction, and this also allows Du Long to barely be able to block the opponent's powerful offensive.

Even if it can't be blocked occasionally during this period, there is still a shield as a line of defense, which is just a little embarrassing at best!

After barely blocking the opponent's all-out attack, Du Long, who was distracted by millions of distractions, immersed a lot of his mind in the battle comprehension state!

He strives to integrate his theoretical insights into actual combat, and this is also the main goal of spending so much effort in hosting the ranking competition!

Time passed by minute by minute, and Du Long's cultivation level improved very quickly under the strong pressure.

When Yin and Yang created the world, the Xuantian world in the body was like a huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram, and the use of power was also biased towards the harmony of Yin and Yang.

Only the combination of yin and yang is the key to defeating the enemy.

As time goes by, the sword and shield in Du Long's hand seem to transform into the yin and yang fish and the eyes of the fish. The seemingly slow movements can continuously break through the limitations of time and space, blocking the opponent's seemingly fierce attacks first and last!

That's right!

At this time, Du Long's swordsmanship has the flavor of Tai Chi, and he no longer pursues the so-called fast attack and defeats the opponent with a thunderous offensive.

Instead, under the opponent's thunderous and rapid attack, he uses softness to overcome hardness and calmness to stop. . .

This fighting method is very rare, but it also has a very unique mystery of Yin Yang and Heavenly Dao. It uses the theory of Yin Yang Tai Chi into actual combat.

Facing an opponent like Du Long, the eight-armed Titan player felt very uncomfortable!

Many times it is obvious that he only needs to work harder to completely crush his opponent, but no matter how hard he tries, he still falls short in the end.

Many times, his attacks are clearly enough to crush and defeat his opponents, but those thundering attacks are easily neutralized by his opponents with a force of four or two!

The advantages of eight arms, coupled with the thunderous waves of attacks, were originally able to completely crush the opponent, but no matter how hard they improved the attack, they ultimately failed? !

At this time, Dulong is like a hard rock under the waves. No matter how violent storms and waves hit it, it will stand tall and never fall!

Gradually, Du Long gained more and more insights into the theoretical understanding of the Yin-Yang Avenue of Creation and the methods of integrating it into actual combat!

With hundreds of millions of distractions, he constantly integrates various theoretical insights into actual combat. This also makes his sword-and-shield combat method become more and more sophisticated, making it increasingly difficult for his opponents to find flaws!

His changes may not be obvious to outsiders, because he has been on the defensive from beginning to end, with almost no counterattack!

But in the eyes of his opponent, the eight-armed Titan race player, Du Long was getting stronger almost all the time, and that seemingly ordinary sword light became more and more tenacious.

That's right!

That sword light must be described as tenacious. It is just a seemingly inconspicuous sword light, but it can stand firm under the violent bombardment of the opponent's eight magic weapons.

If I were to use a saying from martial arts novels to describe it, it would be as crazy as you want, and the breeze will blow over the hills.

You can let the bright moon shine on the river!

At this moment, this sentence is very appropriate to describe this battle at the peak of the seventh level of Xuantian Creation. Du Long is like a lone boat under the violent storm. No matter how rough the wind and waves are, he still successfully escapes from danger time and time again. territory.

As time passed, his opponent, the eight-armed Titan player, began to become a little manic.

Du Long was in a defensive state throughout the whole process and had no ability to counterattack at all.

And even though he was at an absolute advantage right after the war started, he still couldn't defeat the opponent no matter how hard he attacked? !

This feeling can make people crazy. This is the case for the eight-armed Titan player in front of him. This is the first time he has encountered such a difficult opponent.

He clearly had an absolute advantage, and he clearly felt that he could defeat his opponent as long as he worked harder, but no matter how hard he worked, he was still just a little bit behind.

"You brat!" In an extremely frantic state, the eight-armed Titan player finally couldn't help but cursed angrily: "What the hell is going on with you?! Are you a tortoise?! Why do you only dare to Are you just hiding in your turtle shell and not daring to fight back?!"

"Haha!" Du Long was amused by his words and replied with a smile on the spot: "If I am a tortoise, then you are a hedgehog. How can I attack you with eight arms and a spear and a hatchet?! "


Among the hundreds of millions of spectators at the scene, at least several million spectators were watching their battle. After hearing the conversation between the two, many people couldn't help laughing.

As Du Long said, the eight-armed Titans have so many arms, which is really unfair to ordinary human beings.

However, then again, now all parties are studying those multi-armed supernatural powers.

Ordinary humans can also display multi-armed combat magical powers. If you feel that the number of arms is insufficient, you can make up for it with magical powers!

"Fart!" The anger that the Eight-Armed Titan player had accumulated for a long time erupted on the spot: "Back then, True God Meng Tao participated in the qualifying competition. Wouldn't he be able to use his three-headed and multi-armed magical powers?! Look at how many contestants there are. Can you use some multi-armed magical powers?!"

"I didn't say you weren't allowed to use so many arms!" Du Long shook his head and smiled bitterly: "But I also have the right to adopt this defensive-oriented fighting method. If you have the strength, hurry up and defeat me!"


The Eight-Armed Titan player still wanted to refute, but found that he had no way to refute. The opponent did not allow him to use his eight arms to participate in the battle, and he had no right to change the opponent's defense-oriented fighting style!

In this way, after a simple conversation, the battle continued. The eight-armed Titans were still attacking with all their strength, while Du Long was defending with all his strength.

Perhaps because he was stimulated by these words, the Eight-Armed Titan's attack seemed to become a little more fierce.

It seemed that in order to attract Du Long to counterattack, he had almost given up most of his defensive methods and used more of his strength on attack.

Normally, when both sides of the battle are of equal strength, they will not completely exhaust their attack power.

There will be more or less some leeway, so that you can respond quickly to the enemy's attacks and reduce some of your own defense loopholes!

But now, this eight-armed Titan player has given up part of his remaining strength and devoted it to an all-out attack.

As a result, the pressure on Du Long surged again, but he did not panic because of it. Instead, there was a hint of excited smile in his eyes.

What he wants is this kind of result. He is not in a hurry to defeat the opponent in front of him. The key is to work hard to use this whetstone in front of him to continuously improve the speed of integrating his theory into actual combat!

To be honest, the Titan player in front of me was of great help to me. In just this period of arena battle, he helped me integrate at least about 10% of the seventh-level theory into actual combat.

Du Long felt that the opponent in front of him still had a lot of room for success, so naturally he would not easily let go of such a free sparring partner!

In Du Long's eyes, all the contestants who come to participate in the seventh-level ranking competition are his free training partners, and they are all grindstones for him to integrate theoretical insights into actual combat!

Clang clang clang. . .

The fierce battle was still going on, and Du Long's sword skills became more and more weird. Every time he just wanted to cut in a straight line with his sword, he would have to draw a semicircle and then cut out with seemingly a lot of room.

As we all know, straight lines are usually shorter than curves, so the sword light crossing an arc should become slower.

But for some reason, his seemingly slow sword light blocked the opponent's attacks time and time again.

Even if there are some fish that slip through the net during this period, they will eventually be blocked by the shield on the last line of defense.

Gradually, many sharp-eyed people began to see some clues.

Du Long's seemingly superfluous movements seem to contain the mysterious truth of time and space. This is an interpretation of Yin Yang Tai Chi time and space!

They are also the great creators of Yin and Yang, and the world of Yin and Yang Xuantian created by each person is different.

The Xuantian world in Du Long's body is a huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram!

One side is the Yin fish, and the other is the Yang fish!

The two fishes of yin and yang are circling over and over along an extremely mysterious trajectory. This trajectory seems very simple, but in fact it contains endless mysterious mysteries of heaven.

Nowadays, Du Long is fighting while constantly integrating the operation method of the yin and yang fish in the inner world into his own sword skills.

It can be said that the movement of the Yin-Yang fish in his body contains all his insights into the seventh level of the Yin-Yang Avenue.

At this moment, he is constantly integrating this understanding into actual combat. The seemingly slow strokes of the sword actually contain the endless secrets of the Yin and Yang Avenue.

Of course, it is said to be infinite, but in fact it only reaches the seventh level at most.

The mystery of the Yin-Yang Xuantian Avenue of Creation will be followed by the even more unfathomable eighth and ninth-level mysteries. In the future, after reaching the ninth-level Great Perfection and achieving the eternal true god realm of Yin-Yang Creation, there will be an even more unfathomable tenth level. , Eleventh level!

Of course, that is a thing for another time. For now, Du Long is trying his best to integrate theoretical insights into actual combat through the battle with the eight-armed Titan player in front of him.

This process is very important, as a being who has broken through to reach the ninth level of Dzogchen and achieved the realm of eternal true God.

Du Long knows better than anyone else that only when both theory and practice reach the peak limit of the seventh level, can he break through and reach the eighth level.

Otherwise, breaking through before reaching this true peak limit will only make your foundation unstable.

And it will be extremely difficult for this yin-yang creation clone of mine to break through and reach the ninth level of Great Perfection!

Clang clang clang. . .

Regardless of whether the eight-armed Titan player was happy or not, he was tied to this ring by Du Long and had to grit his teeth to keep fighting with him.

Otherwise, he would have no choice but to admit defeat and then continue fighting with the next opponent.

But this Titan player still occupies a seemingly obvious advantage.

Naturally, he was unwilling to take the initiative to admit defeat, but planned to continue to fight Du Long until the organizer of the competition had to step in to judge who lost and who won!

As time goes by, the battles in other surrounding arenas are constantly deciding the winner, and many top 100 contestants have won several rounds in a row.

Looking at the martial arts arena with a total of 68 arenas, there are no more than five arenas that have not even ended the first round of fighting!

Time is still passing by, and the final battles in the five arenas have also been decided one after another. At this point, the only arena where Du Long is located is still in a state where the winner cannot be determined.

Later, almost all the contestants had completed several rounds of fighting, and the fighting on Du Long's side showed no signs of stopping.

As a result, their arena, which has been unable to determine the outcome for a long time, has become the focus of attention from all parties.

"Oh my God! What's going on in Arena No. 32?! All the other contestants have fought for several rounds, but they are still in the first round?!"

"Yes! Look at the eight-armed Titan players who have the upper hand, but they have been unable to attack for a long time. This is a dead end with no winner!"

"The guy holding the saber and buckler is really disgusting. He clearly wants to take a defensive stance, wear down his opponent impatiently, and then take the initiative to admit defeat and retreat!"

"Who says it's not?! It's very rare for a competition to have such a loophole. It must be limited to a time. Players who only dare to defend blindly but not take the initiative to attack are absolutely not allowed to take advantage of the opportunity!"


As time went by, not only the contestant from the eight-armed Titan race became impatient, but also many spectators watching the game began to make some impatient comments.

On the rostrum, high-level experts from various major forces all discovered this situation on the stage.

At first, no one said anything, but as time went by, some people finally couldn't help but start talking about this matter. Finally, some people even directly asked the elder of the Meng family, who was hosting the competition, how to solve this problem.

The eldest elder of the Meng family did not know that the man holding the sword and buckler was 'Hong Wu', so he could only ask 'Meng Tao' on behalf of others how to solve this problem.

"No need to worry about it!" Du Long's answer quickly calmed down the matter: "The contestant who uses the saber and buckler has been learning while fighting. His combat power is increasing every moment. This in itself is an important part of organizing the event. The importance of this ranking competition!”

"When he is unable to continue to increase his combat power for a long time, if he still adopts this endless passive defense tactic, then I will naturally issue a warning to him!"

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