Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3156 Top 100 Ranking

Jinshan World, a huge martial arts arena in the main holy city.

All kinds of excited shouts could be heard endlessly, and the sounds of tens of thousands of collisions in the ring echoed through the sky.

Although those battles took place inside the picture scroll world, the various battle sounds inside could be transmitted, which was also to enhance the atmosphere of watching the battle on site.

Millions of seventh-level experts participated, and half of the hundreds of thousands of people were eliminated in the first round.

Then there were nine more rounds of elimination preliminary contests, and after a total of ten rounds of elimination contests, the top one thousand finalists were finally determined!

It can be seen that among the successfully shortlisted contestants, more than 90% are experts who have reached the peak level of the seventh level.

Even if there are still 10% of the contestants who are below the seventh-level peak, the powerful combat power they displayed in the competition cannot be underestimated by any contestant!

Du Long's Yin-Yang Creation Clone has reached the theoretical level of the seventh level peak limit, so he naturally broke into the shortlist of more than a thousand people without any suspense.

Of course, he is now competing under a false identity, and outsiders only know his contestant number.

However, even so, many people were able to infer that Du Long's yin-yang creation clone had successfully advanced after the eliminated players recovered their true appearance.

Being able to become the first direct disciple of the Eternal True God, Du Long’s promotion as Hongwu is not beyond the expectations of all parties. In the eyes of many people, ‘Hongwu’ should have the possibility of winning the championship in the end!

After all, the Eternal True God ‘Meng Tao’ came forward to host such a ranking competition specifically for him, and it was for the purpose of competing for the championship of three different levels of ranking competitions.

If we can't win the seventh-level ranking competition now, then there will be no point in participating in the subsequent eighth- and ninth-level ranking competitions!


In the martial arts square, the world map covering the entire arena was put away directly.

There are thousands of qualified contestants left in the ring. They will continue to participate in the knockout rounds in this big ring, eliminating all the way until there are only a hundred or so contestants left!

Only after successfully advancing to the top 100 can they enter the final stage of points qualifying. Only by defeating more opponents can they obtain a higher ranking!

"Congratulations to the 1,089 contestants in the arena for successfully advancing to the top 1,000 places. Now we will automatically assign the first opponent that each contestant needs to face based on their previous performance!"

As the competition moved from the picture scroll world to the real arena, the eldest elder of the Meng family once again stood up and announced loudly.

We can see that the face of the eldest elder of the Meng family is glowing at this moment. This is the first time for him to host a ranking competition of this level. Compared to the former second-rate power leaders, he probably only dared to have such an opportunity in his dreams, right? !

In the martial arts arena, many members of the old Meng family were still sitting.

It can be seen that the number of members of the old Meng family is very small. Because of 'Meng Tao''s breakthrough to become the eternal true god, the old Meng family once again encountered two rounds of splits.

Within the old Meng family, many people were extremely dissatisfied with the head of the family, Meng Long.

It was precisely because Meng Long was afraid that he would be implicated by 'Meng Tao' that he finally decided to give up on 'Meng Tao', a clansman who had just won the eighth level ranking competition championship.

Because the eldest elder of the Meng family opposed Meng Tao, the Meng family suffered its first family split!

Later, because 'Meng Tao' successfully won the ninth-level ranking competition, this also caused a large number of voices within the old Meng family to oppose the head of the family, Meng Long.

Later, because 'Meng Tao' successfully broke through and reached the eternal true god realm, the impact on the old Meng family can only be described as nuclear level.

Within the entire Meng family, not only the clan members from other clans were dissatisfied with the family leader Meng Long, but even the members of the family leader Meng Long's own lineage were also dissatisfied.

Eventually, the first round of large-scale splits occurred in the old Meng family, and after this round, the second round of small-scale splits occurred. At this point, the power of the old Meng family, headed by the head of the family, Meng Long, was weakened to the extreme.

The family force headed by Meng Long will probably be reduced to a subpar family force now, right? !

On the rostrum, Du Long's multi-dimensional creation clone 'Meng Tao' was quietly watching the elimination match on the ring.

‘Brother Meng Tao! ’ A familiar voice suddenly resounded in his mind, and he could hear a hesitant female voice: ‘My family line has separated from the old Meng family! ’

Du Long immediately recognized the owner of the voice. It was Meng Fei from the Meng family. When he had not fully grown up, this woman was very good to him.

Looking in the direction from which the sound came, he immediately saw her sitting lonely among the family members after the separation. Her eyes looking at him seemed a little uneasy.

'hehe! Du Long could only shake his head and chuckle and said: "In that case, let me tell the people of your lineage that I am willing to re-accept all the children of the Meng family except Meng Long's lineage." return! ’

The conversation between the two could not be heard by outsiders. After receiving Du Long's reply, Meng Fei instantly turned to stone, and then her eyes turned red and she covered her face and sobbed.

Looking at this scene, Ichibi secretly shook his head and smiled bitterly. After his cultivation reached the realm of eternal true gods, his perspective on things became different.

If he had been in the past, he would have felt that what was the use of the tribesmen who could only share joys and sorrows? !

But now for an outsider like him, the strength of the Meng family is still too weak. Once he leaves the prehistoric battlefield ruins in the future, the future of the Meng family will be worrying!

Therefore, except for the lineage of the family leader Meng Long, he is not prepared to oppose any other branches of the Meng family if they want to return.

"Xiao Fei! What's wrong with you?!"

An elderly woman from the Meng family, who should be Meng Fei's elder, immediately asked nervously after seeing her sad look covering her face and crying.

"Grandma!" Meng Fei threw herself directly into her arms and cried loudly: "Brother Meng Tao just said that except for the lineage of the former head of the family, Meng Long, all other branches of the Meng family can return to the Meng family!"

"What?!" Before the middle-aged woman could react, an elder belonging to their lineage immediately said with surprise: "Did True God Meng Tao really answer you like this?!"

The other Meng clan members in their lineage all stared at Meng Fei excitedly, looking forward to getting a definite answer from her.

"Yes!" Meng Fei gathered her thoughts and answered almost word by word: "I just had a secret telepathy with Brother Meng Tao, and this is how he answered me!"

"Great!" The Meng family elder immediately slapped his thigh excitedly, and then said with red eyes: "It's all because I was greedy for life and afraid of death before, so I abandoned the elder and the others and ignored them. From now on, I swear to follow them closely no matter life or death. Beside the Great Elder and True God Meng Tao!"


Many people from Meng Fei's clan were all discussing the matter excitedly. How could they still be in the mood to watch the elimination match in the ring? !

This news quickly spread within the Meng family, and naturally also reached the ears of the people in the camp where the family leader Meng Long belonged. For a time, many people in that lineage looked at Meng Long, and they all became extremely resentful!

Almost everyone is blaming him, the incompetent and blind head of the family. If it weren't for his incompetence and blindness, how would he be today? !

If you had been a little nicer to Meng Tao, then even if the family still separated in the end, you wouldn't have to be like now without any room for change, right? !

On the rostrum, although Du Long saw the abnormal changes on Meng Fei's side, he did not worry about it anymore.

He just conveyed his confession to the Meng family's first elder, and then asked the first elder to handle the matter.

There was no need for him to deal with these messy things personally. It could be seen from the smile on the face of the eldest elder of the Meng family that the old man seemed to agree with his decision.

On a huge stage.

At this moment, it was divided into about 500 small arenas, and there were two contestants fighting on each small arena.

Soon another group of people were eliminated. Du Long's Yin Yang clone did not end the battle so quickly this time. His opponent was a strong man who had reached the peak limit of the seventh level.

Although both sides are at the peak of the seventh level, Du Long is the being who has broken through to reach the sixth level of Dzogchen, and has also cultivated the Five Elements Dao to a certain special state.

It's just that the other party is better than Du Long in terms of integrating theoretical insights into actual combat. This is the main reason why Du Long worked so hard to hold this ranking competition.

He needs to continuously improve his ability to integrate theory into actual combat through high-intensity actual combat.

According to the previous experience of multi-dimensional creation clones, only when the theory is completely integrated into actual combat can the true seventh-level peak limit state be achieved.

On the contrary, if you rush to reach the eighth level without reaching this step, you will only distort your foundation.

With only one sword and one shield, Du Long's combat effectiveness was greatly weakened!

But this just gives him a chance to withstand strong enough pressure, and then he can work hard to integrate theory into actual combat while fighting.

However, the opponent in front of him didn't put much pressure on him. After dealing with it for a while, Du Long defeated it with all his strength.

Since you can't put enough pressure on yourself, don't waste too much time on him.

After successfully eliminating his first opponent, Du Long quickly entered the second and third rounds of the knockout rounds. None of the opponents assigned to him were too strong, and he was eventually eliminated by him.

At this point, the knockout round is completely over, with 136 players remaining who advance to the top 100 and are eligible to participate in the subsequent high-intensity ranking competition.

In the martial arts square, it was originally divided into hundreds of small arenas, but now there are only 68 left!

The remaining 136 top 100 players need to fight against the other 135 players. Each victory will earn one point, and the final ranking will be determined by the total points!

It can be seen that among the remaining more than a hundred people, almost all of them are strong men who have reached the seventh level of the peak limit. All the contestants who were lucky enough to advance and were below the seventh level of the peak limit have been eliminated.

Through battle after battle, Du Long was distracted to observe the fighting situations of other players, and he also had a clear understanding of the combat effectiveness of each contestant.

Under the auspices of the eldest elder of the Meng family, the top 100 qualifying competition began quickly.

The first opponent Du Long met was not an easy opponent. He was a member of the Eight-Armed Titan Clan.

The Titan tribe, which has eight arms, shined in this seventh-level qualifying competition, and three tribesmen successfully advanced to the top 100.

It can be seen that, like this kind of natural group with many arms, they have a great advantage in this kind of solo competition by virtue of the advantage in the number of arms.

Perhaps because he didn't know Du Long, the eight-armed Titan race player looked at him with a somewhat disdainful look, not caring at all about the sword-and-shield opponent in front of him.

Du Long naturally doesn't care about the opponent's attitude. In this kind of ranking competition, the eight-armed Titans are indeed proud of themselves!

The battle started quickly, and the Titan tribesman in front of him was a bit interesting. He actually used two or three spears, three swords, and two battle axes!

Seeing this posture, he could imitate Du Long and Chi You's fighting skills, and looking at the opponent's eyes that occasionally drifted to the rostrum, Du Long immediately guessed what the Titan tribesman in front of him had planned.

I dare say that the reason why the other party uses swords, axes and guns as their main weapons is to attract the attention of True God 'Meng Tao', and maybe he can be chosen as his direct disciple by then.

After having this idea, Du Long looked at the many arenas around him and saw that many contestants deliberately chose swords, axes, and spears as their main weapons.

I am not alone in thinking this way. Many contestants at the scene have similar plans? !

He wanted to laugh in his heart, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of Du Long's mouth involuntarily, which became an obvious provocation in the eyes of his opponent, the Titan tribe.

"Humph! You brat! Laugh as much as you want! Because after this battle you will never laugh again!"

With a cold snort, the eight-armed Titan waved three kinds of magic weapons and charged towards Du Long.

Judging from his menacing posture, he clearly wanted to cut himself into pieces quickly.

This also made the smile at the corner of Du Long's mouth become even richer. The blind man in front of him tried every means to please his multi-dimensional creation clone, but didn't he know that he was offending the same person at this moment? !

Clang clang clang. . .

Not to be outdone, Du Long charged head-on, and a huge battle broke out between the two of them on the ring. It was a direct head-on confrontation.

After just one round of head-to-head combat, Du Long discovered that the Titan player in front of him was not weak, and his single attack power was almost the same as his own!

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