Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 322 Celebration Banquet

After demarcating the war zones that they were responsible for, the several legions returned to their respective positions and returned to their respective stations for defensive deployment and so on.

Haoyue City organized a team to return to the capital of Haotian, headed by Du Long, with Du Zhentian, Prairie King, Kang Tuo, Luo Hao, Qin Hanfan and other legion generals under them!

In each of the three war zones, one general will be left to take charge of daily affairs. The rest will follow Du Long back to the capital to receive a face-to-face audience and commendation from His Majesty the Emperor!

Among the team returning to the capital, there was Gass, the surrendered commander of the slave army. He followed Du Long back to the Haotian Empire this time because he wanted to reorganize his 400,000 slave army into a new army.

Under the escort of tens of thousands of elite soldiers, this team headed north from Yulin Pass to the capital of Haotian. Wherever it passed, the people of Haotian lined the streets to welcome them. The scene could not be more lively!

. . . . . .

Blue Moon Empire, above the palace hall!

"You treacherous son! I opposed letting you control a million-strong army at the beginning, but you repeatedly promised that you would defeat the army led by Du Long and return the victory to the court! In the end, you abandoned the million-strong army and fled from the battlefield! It is really abominable! "The emperor angrily scolded the trembling figure kneeling below in front of all the civil and military officials.

"Father... I am wronged! Originally, according to my plan, my grandfather came forward to kill Du Fengzhong and other spiritual masters, shake the morale of the Haotian Alliance Army, and then defeat it in one fell swoop! This plan was also approved by my grandfather. ?!

As a result, Grandpa Zu and the other spiritual masters failed, and it was our side that was shaken in the morale of the army. Coupled with the betrayal of the slave army, it would be strange not to lose the battle! "The second prince kneeling below defended himself loudly with a slightly trembling voice.

"Hmph!" The emperor snorted angrily from the Dragon Throne, apparently agreeing with the second prince's sophistry to some extent, and what he said was not unreasonable.

"Your Majesty! What His Highness the Second Prince said is true. You can't blame him for this battle. All the plans were perfect. No one could have expected that Du Long actually had two fifth-level monsters. Even Mr. Park Sang-ho was killed. died!"

"That's right! All of this is because that Du Long is too insidious, no wonder His Highness the Second Prince!"


In the court, those officials who originally supported the second prince began to defend him, saying that since they had chosen the second prince's camp, from now on, they were like grasshoppers tied to a rope and could only work together in the same boat!

"Your Majesty! Although what the Second Prince said is reasonable, he abandoned a million troops and fled before the battle, leaving hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers leaderless. Only then was he easily defeated by the Haotian Allied Forces! This crime must not be forgiven, otherwise, other generals will flee before the battle in the future. Excuses, I'm afraid then..."

"That's right! If the general hadn't escaped before the battle, even if the Haotian Alliance Army was larger than us, they would still have to pay a heavy price if they wanted to defeat us. Now we don't have to face the Haotian Alliance Army that has grown like a snowball!"


The eldest prince's camp, which had always kept a relatively low profile because of the popularity of the second prince, finally began to take the opportunity to counterattack. Wouldn't it be a waste if they didn't take down such a good opportunity? !

On the dragon throne, the emperor looked at the ministers below with a gloomy expression, and finally said: "The battle of the Hexi Corridor! There is nothing wrong with the plan made by the second prince. In the end, the plan was broken and he fell into an unfavorable situation. It is understandable that he escaped from the battle. ! Therefore, I have decided to give the second prince a lighter sentence at my discretion, remove the second prince from the post of commander-in-chief of the Northeast Army, and fine him a salary of three years. Within half a year, I will shut up and think about the past!"

Buzz. . .

The emperor was given such a light punishment, and the ministers discussed it for a while. They felt it was very unbelievable. If everyone follows such a light punishment in the future, the consequences will be disastrous!

The second prince who was kneeling below hurriedly kowtowed loudly to accuse the emperor of this decision. He had recently tried every means, including letting his empress mother, pester him endlessly and annoy the emperor.

One of the main reasons why he, the second prince, was so favored was his noble birth, while the eldest prince's background was a bit low, and his biological mother was just a commoner woman from the harem.

"General of the defeated army, brothers Zheng Kaiyuan and Zheng Kaitai are here to see you!" After settling the matter of the second prince, the emperor finally began to solve the problem of the Zheng brothers.

The two Zheng brothers fled back to the capital of the Blue Moon Empire in embarrassment. Their 400,000 soldiers only brought back a few thousand people. In the eyes of the emperor, they were many times more defeated than his own son.

After the Zheng brothers entered the palace and knelt down, they never heard the emperor ask them to stand down. They just knelt down and waited for the emperor's order.

"Zheng Kaiyuan, Zheng Kaitai! As the commanders of the two armies, you were actually shaken in public by a young man who was still young. In the end, you abandoned hundreds of thousands of soldiers and broke out of Haoyue City alone. In the end, you were even more embarrassed. Swimming naked across the Hansi River really disgraces the face of our Blue Moon Emperor!" On the dragon throne, the emperor looked gloomily at the Zheng brothers who were kneeling under His Highness.

"The defeated general is willing to submit to the emperor's punishment!" Your Highness, Zheng Kaiyuan straightened his body and apologized loudly.

"Hmph!" The emperor snorted angrily from the Dragon Throne: "The Zheng brothers, as the commanders of two legions, escaped from the battlefield and abandoned hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Haoyue City. Their crimes were extremely serious. Zheng Kaiyuan should be exempted from the crime. , all military personnel of Zheng Kaitai shall be sent to Dali Temple for criminal investigation and investigation!”

Buzz. . .

The ministers below once again erupted into buzzing discussions. The Zheng brothers were trapped in Haoyue City and would rather die than surrender. In the end, Du Long used a secret known to everyone in the world to shake the morale of the army, and they had to lead the crowd to break out. .

As a result, when he got to the emperor, he escaped from the battlefield. Is the crime extremely serious? !

On the contrary, it was his own son who led a million-strong army to confront Du Long. It would be fine if he did not win the battle. Was he really just running away from the battle, but was it excusable? !

But everyone understood that the emperor had been holding back his anger for a while and was worried that he had no place to vent his anger! By chance, the Zheng brothers came to my door, just in time for surgery!

For a time, a few relatively honest officials in the Blue Moon Empire's court seemed to vaguely see that the empire was falling rapidly, and those corrupt officials were too lazy to care about the rise and fall of the empire!

After dealing with the problems between the second prince and the Zheng brothers, the emperor began to discuss with the ministers how to deal with the Haotian Empire's problems next. Soon, instructions began to be issued one after another!

The Blue Moon Empire began to send many envoys to visit the southeast and southwest countries, expressing its willingness to continue long-term repairs with these countries, hoping to consolidate the friendship with the countries, etc.

Such a funny show, for several small countries adjacent to the south of the Blue Moon Empire, although it is funny in their hearts, they cannot offend them to death.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. If someone picks off a single hair, it will crush him to death. All he can do is make a fool of himself!

While the envoys were visiting the southern countries, the Blue Moon Empire began to mobilize troops. It mobilized 600,000 troops from the southeast and southwest war zones to go north, plus 600,000 troops from the central war zone, as well as a large number of soldiers recruited into the army. The slave army, a total of two million troops, began to move closer to the Hans River Basin in the north.

When he received the news, Du Long had just arrived at Haotian Capital. He just smiled and said: "Let them do whatever they want! Among their so-called two million troops, there are nearly a million slave legions. If they dare to cross the river and go north, He just happened to be here to send us a regiment!"

As he expected, the Blue Moon Empire's so-called two million army did not dare to cross the river after moving north. Instead, it was divided into three war zones and stationed on the south bank of the Hansi River. Obviously, it was just to prevent the Haotian Empire's army from continuing to cross the river and go south.

In the capital of the Haotian Empire, the emperor, along with all the civil and military officials, personally went out to the south gate of the capital to greet the soldiers who had returned in triumph!

When the emperor and his ministers saw the ceremony, Du Long and his generals knelt down on one knee and bowed in salute during the march. After some polite remarks, he began to introduce the emperor to the generals around him: Prairie King, Kang Tuo, Geis and other major generals.

The emperor also magnanimously greeted these generals who had heard their names but had never seen their faces one by one!

The emperor did not dare to neglect these generals. He had to do his best to win over these talents. Therefore, he was extremely enthusiastic towards them. The Prairie King felt that it was normal. Generals like Kang Tuo and Geis, who were originally slaves, were a little flattered!

After the emperor and officials warmly welcomed him and left tens of thousands of soldiers in the camp outside the capital for separate entertainment, senior generals such as Du Long followed the emperor and officials into the city and came to the palace hall!

Then, of course, the emperor rewarded many meritorious generals in front of all the civil and military officials. You don't have to mention the others. Here, I want to focus on the changes in the positions of a few people.

First of all, Du Long and his father Du Zhentian were promoted from the second rank to the first rank. On the surface, their general positions remained unchanged, but their salaries changed accordingly, and a bunch of false titles were added!

The Du family is a double noble family, which attracts the attention of hundreds of officials in the main hall!

After the Du family and his son, the Prairie King also received many false titles and some monetary rewards. He had no objection to this. After all, he was the king of the Federation, so he couldn't be assigned any rank or something, right?

Finally, with his outstanding performance in this war, Kang Tuo's position as the leader of the Guided Army was finally corrected and he became the official second-level general of the Haotian Empire - General Guided!

Because Gass was too slow to surrender, he failed to make achievements in this battle. Therefore, his army of 400,000 slaves could only be reorganized. According to the emperor's wishes, this new army would have Gass as its first lieutenant!

The new slave army was renamed as the Second Guide Army, and its station was moved to Guide City in Qingyun Grassland. The Second Guide Army also became a reserve army!

The Haotian Empire has always had a reserve army, and Geis's new Guide Second Army just happened to be the reserve army for Kangtuo Guide's First Army!

After the grand awards are given, it’s time to throw a grand celebration banquet!

In the palace, in the square dedicated to banquets for ministers, a banquet was held again today to welcome these generals who returned in triumph!

For a time, as the most dazzling star in this battle, Du Long became the target of toasts from officials and even the emperor, and his reputation was unparalleled!

Just when Du Long was drunk and dizzy, the queen loudly announced something in front of all the ministers, that is, at the end of the year, Du Long's consort will get married to Princess Huofeng!

When he heard the news, Du Long was so drunk that he woke up on the spot!

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