Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 321 The Great Empire

In Haoyue City, the battle lasted for a whole afternoon and finally stopped. In this battle, the Haotian Alliance lost more than 70,000 people. It was the most losing battle since Du Long took charge!

After receiving the statistical results from the Nazgul Beauty, Du Long was silent. The battle outside the south gate alone resulted in the loss of more than 40,000 people, which was greater than the total losses in the siege of the entire Haoyue City!

This really echoes the words of the Ringwraith Beauty, kindness does not control soldiers, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to one's own soldiers!

Of course, the result of this battle ended with a great victory for the Haotian Alliance. The entire Haotian Million Alliance Army took over Haoyue City, a city garrisoned by 400,000 troops, with only a loss of more than 70,000 people!

Haoyue City originally had more than 400,000 defenders. Only the Zheng brothers and their generals led thousands of people to flee to the south bank of the Hansi River. After breaking out of Haoyue City, his 50,000 troops were pursued by prairie cavalry. kill!

In the end, more than 20,000 people surrendered, and most of the rest died in the pursuit. They only brought out a few thousand men and horses, discarded their helmets and armor, jumped into the Hans River in embarrassment, and swam to the south bank hundreds of meters away. , escape from death!

This battle has added a strong mark to the history of war in the Star Continent and has become an example for various monastic academies to strive to learn from!

Regarding this battle, there are two different opinions in various colleges of cultivation in the mainland. One of them is that Du Long's heart-breaking battle before the war started is the key factor in achieving the maximum results with minimum losses in this battle!

There is another saying that the key to achieving maximum results with minimum losses in this battle is the mysterious weapon in Du Long's hand that can break through the city wall!

In short, no matter what the argument is, everyone in the Star Continent admires Du Long's heart-breaking battle before the war!

He deliberately ran outside Haoyue City to argue with the Blue Moon Empire's chief general Zheng Kaiyuan. In the end, he was able to successfully defeat the military morale of the Blue Moon Empire's Zhiyuan and Pang Tong armies with an extremely simple fact that military trainees from all countries in the mainland understand. This move once again made all the forces in the mainland captivated by Du Long's intelligence!

If it can be said that when Du Long was at Haotian Royal Academy, he could defeat military masters on paper by relying on his unique understanding of all battlefield terrains, then his performance in actual combat was definitely even better!

For a time, Du Long was the youngest commander in the Star Continent, the God of War with the most brilliant achievements, and the most dazzling talents. Countless halos were placed on Du Long's head without hesitation!

Regarding his feat of instantly killing two spiritual masters in front of the two armies, there are various rumors on the mainland. Everyone is puzzled by this, or they can't believe it!

If this matter is true, could it be said that Du Long, who is only twenty years old, is already a master of spiritual level strength? Isn't this incredible? !

. . . . . .

After receiving the news that Haoyue City was also lost, many towns in the area east of the original Haoyue Kingdom no longer had any intention of resisting and surrendered one after another. For them, under the rule of Haotian Empire, it may be better than under the rule of Blue Moon Empire. Even better under high-pressure rule!

Star Calendar, February 28, 1010!

In Haohai City, an important border town on the coast of the East China Sea of ​​the Haoyue Kingdom and facing the Haotian Empire's Tonghai Customs, the 200,000-year-old Haoyue Kingdom's second army voluntarily surrendered to the Haotian's million coalition forces!

At this point, the vast area north of the Hansi River, including the original Qingyun Grassland, Haoyue Kingdom and other places, had all fallen, and finally escaped the control of the Blue Moon Empire and became a powerful force in the southern part of the Haotian Empire!

The Haotian Empire has since become the largest empire in the Star Continent, and for a time, it was powerful all over the world!

This empire, which was once invaded by the Blue Moon Empire and did not dare to fight back, from now on, no one dares to look down upon it!

Having just conquered a large territory, Du Long was not in a hurry to continue to use troops against the Blue Moon Empire. Instead, he sent an application to the Haotian Empire, requesting the empire to send political officials to the newly conquered territory so that this land after the war could be restored as soon as possible. , all aspects of work can get back on track as soon as possible!

The emperor was full of praise for Du Long who was so knowledgeable. If he wanted to monopolize the military and political power in the war zone at this time, no one would dare to say no easily!

Precisely because of this matter, the emperor's wariness towards Du Long was reduced a lot, and he generously awarded rewards to meritorious soldiers in the imperial capital. One of the rewards was to give Qingyun Grassland to Du Long, the commander with the greatest merit, to become his territory!

According to convention, meritorious officers and soldiers should have their own territory. With Du Long's merit, getting a territory as big as Qingyun Grassland is not too much for Du Long!

In fact, the emperor had another meaning in doing this. Although Qingyun Grassland was large, it belonged to the grassland people, and it was difficult for him to send political officers to them.

Also, on the Qingyun Grassland, except for the Holy City of Hassam, there are no decent cities at all. At best, they can only be regarded as relatively densely populated areas. These are all phenomena caused by the nomadic habits of the grassland people.

Since they cannot control the Qingyun Grassland well, it is better to give it to Du Long as a territory. Based on his relationship with the Grassland King, it depends on their own wishes as to how to collect taxes in the territory.

As a result, Du Long gained such a large territory out of thin air!

In Haoyue City, when the imperial edict of Emperor Haotian was issued, the Prairie King and other generals also returned from the victory in the east. They all gathered in Haoyue City and happened to receive the emperor's order to reward the generals.

When he heard that Qingyun Grassland had become Du Long's territory, the Grassland King not only didn't feel unhappy, but actually seemed very excited!

"King Harujie! Why are you so happy when you heard that Qingyun Grassland has become my territory, Du Long?!" Du Long asked the King of Grassland with some doubts.

"Haha! Marshal Du Long doesn't know. As a federal state, what we fear most is to be assigned a lord who is difficult to get along with. Once he speaks ill of us to the emperor all day long and arouses the emperor's suspicion, then our life will be very difficult. I'm so sad!" The Prairie King expressed his thoughts directly: "Based on my understanding of the Marshal, I believe you are not the kind of lord with a small belly!"

"Hehe! That's hard to say! King Harujie, you must pay taxes to this lord on time and in amount, otherwise, be careful that I will give you little shoes to wear in front of the emperor every day!" Du Long understood. After hearing what the Prairie King meant, he immediately made a joke.

"Hahaha!" After hearing this, the surrounding generals burst into laughter.

After the Prairie King laughed a few times along with everyone, he immediately said seriously: "As long as Marshal Du Long will always be the lord of our prairie people, I guarantee that the taxes that will be paid in the future will be handed over to you on time and in full. !”

"Eh! That's strange! Generally speaking, in a territory, the relationship between the chief administrative officer and the lord is always in conflict. The reason is that the tax conflict is at work. The administrative officer always wants to delay paying taxes to the lord. The lord is always pushing for collection! How come it has become so smooth when we get to the grassland?!" Du Long exclaimed in surprise.

"Haha! To be honest, the lords of the Blue Moon Empire were so evil at the time. They not only wanted to collect the taxes we should have paid, but also collected all kinds of exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes. Alas! We grassland people were almost forced to pay I can’t live anymore!” The Prairie King told the reason behind it without any concealment.

Du Long asked in confusion: "Can't you report this matter to the Emperor of the Blue Moon Empire?!"

"Hmph! Reporting to the dog emperor of the Blue Moon Empire is like having your home robbed, and then running to the den of thieves to report the crime to the thief leader. You said that without the secret support of the dog emperor, which lord would have such courage?! "The Prairie King snorted disdainfully: "If we hadn't been forced into a hurry, how could we prairie people join you in resisting the tyranny of the Blue Moon Empire?!"

"That's it!" Du Long suddenly responded.

"Marshal Du Long! I don't know where our next strategic focus will be. You have to find out first, so that we can prepare in that direction in the coming time!" At this time, Kang Tuo, the leader of the Returned Army, said.

"Well! The area north of the Hansi River has just been captured by the Haotian Empire. It can be described as a waste of time. It will take time to reorganize the government affairs in this area and redefine the theater defense lines! Therefore, I have I’ve made a rough draft, let’s explain it to everyone first! Save this time, you don’t know what to do!” Du Long nodded.

When the generals saw that he was about to explain business, they all sat upright and the smiles on their faces faded.

Du Long glanced at the serious generals, nodded with satisfaction, and began to explain according to the Nazgul beauty's plan: "First of all, we use the Hansi River as the boundary to divide the war zones. The first war zone is naturally the Qingyun Grassland!"

As soon as he heard Du Long talking about his territory, the Prairie King's eyes lit up and he looked at him with piercing eyes, waiting for the next words!

Du Long nodded at him and continued: "I have decided to give Hansi City to King Harujie! The grassland army will use Hansi City as the core and set up a defense line along the river bank. Every day, the cavalry will be sent to carefully monitor the other side of the river. The movements of the Blue Moon Empire people!

Also, the Qingyun Grassland is destined to become an important grain and grass base and a war horse breeding base for the Haotian Empire in the future. In addition to focusing on defense, King Harujie must also pay attention to the construction of a new slave city and set aside a piece of land for supply. The slaves of the original Blue Moon Empire farmed! "

"I understand! Thank you Marshal for your trust in leaving Hansi City to our prairie people! We will definitely cooperate with the Marshal's plan and the construction of the new slave city!" the Prairie King responded gratefully. .

"Very good! King Harujie, since we are talking about the issue of the new slave city, I decided to rename this new city. Because of the existence of the Guide Army, I decided to name this new slave city - Guide City. !

From now on, Guide City will be managed by the Guide Army, and this city will also become the headquarters of the Guide Army! From then on, the Guide Army of Qingyun Grassland cooperated with the grassland army. Will the Blue Moon Empire dare to have any evil ambitions against Qingyun Grassland? ! "Du Long said with his eyes shining.

"Thank you Marshal for your kindness. Kang Tuo is willing to swear allegiance to the Marshal with all the soldiers of the German Army!" Kang Tuo said with gratitude.

"No, no!" Du Long quickly waved his hand and said: "General Kang Tuo, please remember that the person you swear allegiance to is His Majesty the Emperor of the Haotian Empire, not Du Long!"

"General, I understand! All the members of my German army must be loyal to His Majesty the Emperor of the Haotian Empire!" Kang Tuo changed his words at the right time. Qin Hanfan, the commander of the new Dunwu Army on the side, nodded secretly. This general from the royal family , obviously very much agrees with Du Long's approach.

Afterwards, Du Long continued to explain the next key tasks. In the direction of the grassland, the Grassland Army and the Guide Army will be the main defense forces. In the river bank area south of Haoyue City, the Jinglin, Xindunwu, Zhongwu, and Zhenwei Army will be the main defense forces. deploy.

The Tongguan area is still dominated by the 400,000-strong army of the Wei family and the newly-conquered Haohai City's 200,000-strong Haoyue Second Army!

With this defense layout as the focus, the three theaters will reorganize the major towns within their jurisdiction and reorganize the newly recruited surrendered troops in order to achieve results within half a year and get on the right track!

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