Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2968 Gambling Battle with Quincy

Boom! !

A giant flaming dragon struck hard at the defensive surface composed of two giant axes, and instantly erupted with a deafening roar. Under the intense attention of all parties, the decisive change in the outcome of this battle finally occurred.

The double axes that could easily block Chi You's combat skills were thrown away at this moment. The consequence of losing the defense of the two axes was that Chi You's ax was mercilessly blasted away from Martin.

No matter how strong the defense of the remaining body is, in the face of Du Long's full blow and Chi You's combat skills, it will only be exploded by one blow.

Seeing the fragments of flesh exploding in the air, all the spectators except the two sides of the battle were a little confused, and they had not yet figured out what this change was about.

The real situation is that when Du Long activated Chi You's combat skills, in addition to the high-speed rotating drilling power, he also released several long-range attacks towards Martin's hands that were holding the battle ax tightly.

Under the double bombardment of the all-encompassing arrow light and the space-time rift, all the fingers of Martin's hands holding the ax were immediately cut off. Naturally, the two axes without the fingers could no longer withstand the frontal bombardment of Chi You's gun.

To be honest, Du Long had actually discovered this flaw in his opponent a long time ago, but he had always been afraid of the terrifying flames ejected from the nine heads, so he had to be patient and find the best time.

During this period, after being able to absorb the flame energy ejected by the refining opponent, the attack plan was arranged at the most suitable moment!

"No!! I'm not willing to give in!!"

There was an unwilling roar in the virtual battle space. The nine heads thrown away by the explosive body continued to be pursued by Du Long, and they could no longer reverse this destined defeat.

As the last head was exploded, only a flame giant with a chest heaving violently remained in the virtual battle screen. He seemed to be struggling to force the battle formation spirit to give the result.


"Congratulations to Elder Hongwu for successfully killing his opponent Martin and being ranked 195th!"

Although it only took two or three seconds for the fighting spirit to report the result of this challenge, it made people feel that seconds were like years. All the audience held their breath and stared at the flame giant in the virtual screen. .


Almost at the moment when he heard the results of the fighting spirit report, the flame giant seemed to be finally overwhelmed and exploded into fireworks in front of everyone.

Seeing the image of the torn body pieces still burning, all the audience members had expressions of astonishment on their faces, and seemed to be dumbfounded by the result.

It can be seen from the result of Du Long being exploded by the flame energy that as long as Martin persists for a short time, he should be able to easily drag his opponent to death.

Who would have thought that he would be defeated inexplicably because of a small but fatal defensive loophole? !

Until this moment, many viewers finally understood what had just happened. Did they know that the reason for Martin's final failure was just because his hands holding the ax were not protected? !


The square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace was finally in an uproar. Everyone was discussing the battle excitedly, and many people were sighing at Martin's defense loopholes.

Some of the elders and guardians at the top of the Holy Son's camp even cursed on the spot, naturally cursing Martin for this low-level defense loophole.

In full view of everyone, Martin walked out of the Battle Hall dejectedly. At this moment, he did not dare to look up at the people in the square, but he lowered his head and ran away.

Waves of mocking laughter immediately erupted in the battle square. Many guys who belonged to the Saint's camp and had bad relations with Martin on weekdays would naturally not miss the opportunity to attack him.

Not long after Martin's back disappeared outside the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace, Du Long's figure finally appeared at the entrance of the Dou Zhan Palace, and a trace of excitement and excitement could be seen on his face.

Although this victory was a bit lucky, he also won four Jinshan Tokens. So far, the total number of Jinshan Tokens in Du Long's hand has reached as many as eight!

"Congratulations to Elder Hongwu for successfully winning this gambling battle. Here are the eight Jinshan Tokens you got from winning!"

Protector Geqiu came to Du Long with a smile on his face and handed all the eight Jinshan Tokens that the two parties had given him in the previous gambling battle to Du Long.

"Thank you, Great Protector Geqiu! I was lucky enough to defeat my opponent this time!" Du Long put away all eight Jinshan Tokens, and then bowed to the Great Protector Geqiu.

"Yes! You did have a narrow victory this time. Fortunately, Elder Martin has a defensive loophole for you to exploit, otherwise... even if the opponent who is weaker than Martin delays for a little longer, it will be enough to bring you down!" Protector Geqiu nodded and sighed.

While he was commenting on this battle fairly, he was also reminding Du Long not to take any risks with his own life, otherwise sooner or later he would lose all his chips!

"Haha! Now I have eight Jinshan Tokens on hand. I can go to the secret territory of Jinshan to practice hard for a while. I hope that this time of hard training can make me achieve a breakthrough and improve my strength!" Du Long bowed his hand and bowed to see what his posture was. He went directly to the secret realm of Jinshan to practice hard.

"Wait!" In the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace, a voice suddenly rang out: "Elder Hongwu! I wonder if you dare to challenge me to a betting battle?! I am willing to gamble with you for eight Jinshan Tokens!!"

Everyone's eyes were drawn to this voice, and even Du Long, the person involved, was no exception. He quickly saw the person's identity.

Raymond, the elder of the Holy Son camp, is ranked 152nd on the elder ranking list!


The entire square in front of the Battle Palace became noisy because of Raymond's initiative to invite the battle. Almost everyone did not expect that Raymond, who was ranked so high, would actually have the nerve to stand up and challenge Du Long to a betting battle? !

Some of the guardian elders who belonged to the Saintess camp even shouted angrily on the spot, scolding Raymond for his shamelessness!

However, Raymond was not moved by these voices, but stared at Du Long with high spirits, hoping to get the answer he wanted.

"Haha!" In front of everyone, Du Long grinned lightly and said: "Elder Lei Meng! You have reached the 152nd rank, how can you have the nerve to let me, the 195th ranked elder, initiate a gambling challenge? ?!"

What he said was a bit unkind. Raymond, who was supposed to be irritated, did not change his face at all, but continued to invite the fight calmly.

"Is Elder Hongwu scared?!" Lei Meng laughed loudly: "Before you launched the ranking challenge for the first time today, your ranking only reached 250, and now it has reached 190 As many as five!"

"Elder Hongwu's ranking has improved by a full fifty-five points, and the difference in ranking between you and me is only forty-three points. How can we have the nerve to invite a fight?!"

"Leimeng! You are trying to change your concept!" An elder from the Saintess camp who was about the same rank as Raymond immediately yelled angrily: "You have clearly seen that Elder Hongwu has reached the limit of his strength, how can you challenge the competition again? An existence that ranks forty or more higher than me?!"

"That's right!" An elder from the Saintess camp who ranked 112th said with a cold smile: "Leymon, how about you and I fight with eight Jinshan Tokens as bets?!"

"Compared to the forty-three-person gap between you and Hongwu, the gap between us is only forty. According to your logic, I don't seem to be taking advantage of you, right?!"

Hahaha. . .

Waves of ridicule immediately rang out in the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace. Most of the owners of these laughter came from the Saintess camp, and they were obviously laughing at Raymond's shamelessness.

In front of everyone, Raymond just touched the tip of his nose slightly embarrassed.

Then he continued to speak indifferently: "Elder Hongwu! If you feel that the gambling battle for eight Jinshan Tokens is unacceptable, you can reduce the stakes... Even if it is an ordinary challenge that does not require any stakes, I will accept it. Raymond just wanted to fight you for a while!"

Du Long curled his lips, obviously unwilling to accept such an ordinary challenge without any benefit. This would not only expose his full combat power, but also scare away many opportunities to earn Jinshan Tokens.

"Forget it!" Du Long bowed his hand to Lei Meng and said, "I think I am not as strong as Elder Lei Meng and I am willing to admit defeat. Being able to defeat Elder Martin is already considered a fluke. How dare I challenge Elder Lei Meng by climbing so many rankings?!"


His act of admitting defeat in public immediately caused an uproar in the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace. Those who belonged to the Holy Son camp laughed at his timidity and cowardice.

People belonging to the Saintess camp were there to argue for her. It was the smartest choice for Du Long to challenge Raymond if he didn't want to surpass more than 40 rankings. It would be extremely stupid to accept the challenge regardless of life and death.

"Lord Hongwu! Since you think Elder Lei Meng's ranking is too high to accept the challenge, I wonder if you dare to challenge me to a betting battle?! I am willing to gamble with you for eight Jinshan Tokens!!"

Just as Du Long was about to leave after simply rejecting Raymond's gambling challenge, another voice suddenly rang out in the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace.

In front of everyone, it was quickly apparent that the owner of the voice was the 187th-ranked Elder Quincy. It goes without saying that he was an elder belonging to the Holy Son camp.

"What's going on?! I used to use the excuse that Elder Raymond's ranking was too high to dare to fight. Now I have to use the same excuse to avoid the fight?!" Seeing Du Long seeming hesitant, Quincy immediately spoke provocatively.

"Hongwu!" Protector Geqiu, who was still standing in front of Du Long, said slightly worriedly: "Elder Quinxi is good at speed and strength, and his strength is much stronger than Martin. You'd better decide carefully whether to initiate a bet." Challenge!"

Du Long nodded slightly, and various information about Elder Quincy flashed in his mind, including some of his combat strength.

"Okay! I decided to challenge Elder Quincy to a gambling battle. The bet is eight Jinshan Tokens!"

After what seemed like a brief thought, Du Long finally made a decision that surprised many people. He directly agreed to Elder Quincy's gambling challenge, and even used eight Jinshan Tokens as a bet!


The square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace was once again in an uproar. Everyone was discussing the matter there in twos and threes. Some admired Du Long's courage, while others thought he was arrogant and would surely lose all his chips. One thing is enough.

"Haha!" Quincy looked up to the sky and let out a burst of excited laughter: "Very good! Regardless of the final success or failure, Elder Hongwu is one of the few people I admire!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Quincy walked directly to the door of the Dou Zhan Hall, handed the eight Jinshan Tokens into the hands of the Great Protector Geqiu, and then walked directly into the Dou Zhan Hall.

Du Long returned the Jinshan Token that he had just put away without warming it to the Great Protector Geqiu, and then resolutely entered the Battle Hall under his worried eyes.

In the virtual battle space screen, two figures appeared in front of everyone again. They were Du Long and Quincy who had entered fighting form.

Du Long is still in the fighting form with three heads and twenty-four arms, while Quincy is wearing a dark gold armor, holding a shield in one hand and a spear in the standard single fighting form.

It can be seen that Quincy's figure is slender but full of explosive power. The overall feeling is as agile and full of attack power as a cheetah, and this is exactly in line with the previous reminder to Du Long by the Great Protector Geqiu.

"Hehe!" In the fighting space, Quincy smiled coldly at Du Long and said: "Elder Hongwu! You spent a lot of effort to defeat that loser Martin before, but you didn't expect that you dared to accept my bet. Challenge invitation?!"

"Why don't you dare?!" Du Long said with a faint smile: "Maybe... I'm hiding part of my strength?!"

His words made Quincy frown slightly, and also caused the expressions of countless spectators outside to change slightly. Everyone was looking at Du Long curiously, secretly wondering what kind of strength he had hidden.

"Hidden strength?!" Quincy's expression returned to normal, and he said with a cold smile: "Then let me try your true combat power today! I hope you are not bluffing, otherwise you will definitely die miserably!!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Quincy rushed out without any further nonsense, leaving only a faint shadow trail behind.

The moment he saw Quincy explode, Du Long's pupils shrank. He had already felt a trace of pressure from his opponent's body speed.

But the worried look on his face was fleeting, and was directly replaced by a look of fighting intent, and the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Time and Space Footwork was fully unleashed.

Since he broke through the Six-Dimensional Space-Time Avenue and reached the later stage, he has never encountered any movement speed that would make him feel pressured. Since this is the case, it is natural to compete with his opponents in terms of movement speed!

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