Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2967 The Bitter Meat Scheme

In the virtual battle space!

Du Long attacked and killed the nine-headed dragon that could emit terrifying flame energy for a long time. He actually dared to take advantage of the loophole in the fighting space that no one could die to absorb the flame energy that Refining Martin kept ejecting.

Although his approach is suspected of taking advantage of the loopholes in the battle space, on the other hand, if he fails to absorb it, it means that he will lose to his opponent and lose four Jinshan Tokens. In fact, he also needs to bear a certain risk!

Therefore, no matter how angry Martin was, he could only let it go and hope that his opponent would explode and die after desperately absorbing the flame energy!

Unfortunately, Martin was obviously disappointed. As time went by, Du Long showed no signs of exploding.

With the particularity of the virtual fighting space, if this battle took place in reality, would the fire energy he released also be successfully absorbed by his opponent? !

Both Martin and the many spectators at the scene all thought of this in their hearts, and everyone looked at Du Long with a little bit of strange thoughts in their eyes.

But no one knew that Du Long, the person involved, was particularly shocked at the moment. His body, which was fighting in the virtual battle space, was undergoing earth-shaking changes at this moment.

After the extremely large amount of flame energy was absorbed and refined by him, it was able to greatly improve the quality of Xuantian's creation flame in his body. It would not be wrong to say that the creation flame of the six-dimensional Xuantian world in his body had undergone a qualitative transformation. Pass!

'Oh my God! The ridges on the edge of the many parallel worlds in the body store a large amount of creation flame energy. At this moment, it seems that those ridges are starting to burn blazingly? ! ';

'Could it be that. . . This guy's so-called innate flame magical power is actually a special creation flame in his body, and this special creation flame can be absorbed by himself. After fusing the multi-dimensional world creation flame in his body, something will essentially happen. transformation? ! ';

Feeling the drastic changes in the six-dimensional Xuantian world within his body, Du Long couldn't help but sigh in his mind, and then looked at Martin with eyes full of burning passion and desire.

He really wants to absorb the flame energy ejected by Refining Martin in the real world. Only in this way can he increase the level of the creation flame in his body in reality!

Martin, on the other hand, was made uncomfortable by his burning gaze, just like a little white rabbit being locked tightly by the greedy gaze of the big bad wolf, which made him feel uneasy in his heart.

"Damn bastard! How come you were able to absorb the fire energy without suffering backlash?!" Perhaps in order to relieve the uneasiness in his heart, Martin finally couldn't help but yelled and asked fiercely while fighting.

"Hehe!" Du Long sneered calmly and said: "Who said that the fire energy you released must be absorbed directly into my body?! I'm not that stupid, okay?!"

Du Long's ambiguous answer not only confused Martin's thinking direction, but also led the people watching outside astray.

Everyone looked thoughtful, frowning and thinking about how he was able to absorb such a huge amount of flame energy? !

You must know that the flame energy released by Martin is extremely powerful. If calculated based on the size of a six-star peak Xuantian world, the flame energy he released can only be completely contained by the six-star peak Xuantian world.

If you want to load it with some kind of space treasure, unless there is an eternal space treasure of level six or above that can carry it, any space treasure will be completely burned by this flame energy!

In short, because of Du Long's reply, many people who originally thought that he absorbed and refined the flame energy through the world inside his body couldn't help but have a question in their hearts.

That is, how powerful is Du Long's space treasure in the real world, and then can it be embodied in the Dou Zhan virtual space and be used to absorb and carry the flame energy released by Martin? !

In front of everyone, Martin, the person involved, frowned, seeming to be thinking hard about various possibilities.

"This is impossible!" After thinking for a long time, Martin finally couldn't help shouting: "In this virtual battle space, at most, we can only use the eternal space treasure of no more than three levels, which only reaches the third level of eternal space." The treasure simply cannot carry so much flame energy!"

"You... you must have taken advantage of the loopholes in the virtual battle space and used a large number of third-order space treasures to load the flame energy. Your behavior is cheating and it's unfair!!"

Martin seemed to have grasped the right direction and actually began to question Du Long in public as he was taking advantage of the loopholes in the fighting space.

He believed that he should only have one third-order eternal space treasure in the real world, and then manifested a large number of third-order eternal space treasures in the fighting space to deal with his fire energy attack.

Du Long was slightly startled in his heart, obviously not expecting that Martin would think of this. He was secretly happy in his heart and did not make any response, but continued to attack Martin with all his strength.

"Great Protector Geqiu!" Seeing that Du Long didn't make any response, Martin, who thought he had a guilty conscience, immediately shouted loudly: "Please be fair and ask the Douzhan Space Array Spirit what's going on? ! This kind of behavior of using a large number of third-level eternal space treasures to participate in the war is absolutely unfair!"

"Dou Zhan Formation Spirit!" Great Protector Geqiu in the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace immediately shouted loudly: "Elder Hongwu who is fighting in the Dou Zhan Space, has he exploited some unfair loophole in the Dou Zhan Space?! "


"No one on either side of the current fighting space has used any unfair means. Please feel free to continue fighting!"


As the slightly mechanical sound of the Dou Zhan Space Array Spirit sounded, the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace immediately became an uproar, with many people discussing the matter excitedly.

In the virtual fighting space, Martin's expression became extremely ugly. In his heart, he actually believed that the fighting spirit would never lie to favor any side easily.

But the Dou Zhan Spirit's answer was ambiguous, and he couldn't get the clues he wanted from it. This in itself was also a manifestation of the Dou Zhan Spirit's protection of his opponent's privacy.

All in all, after the Dou Zhan Spirit responded, no one would question the fairness of this battle. Everyone focused their attention on how Du Long absorbed such a huge amount of flame energy. .

The same goes for Martin himself at the battle scene. He continues to release flame attacks to test when the opponent will reach saturation. This will be very important for him if he encounters an opponent in the real world in the future.

After the previous episodes, Du Long secretly made a decision in his heart. He gradually became a little unable to absorb and refine the flame energy, and the speed of absorbing and refining was also gradually slowing down.

He wants to show an illusion in front of his opponents, that is, there is no limit to his ability to absorb flame energy, and it seems that he is gradually reaching this limit.

Because he did not reach the limit quickly, his opponent Martin did not have too much doubts and felt that this was a normal result.

Clang clang clang. . .

In the virtual battle space, Du Long, who was fighting with three heads and twenty-four arms, continued to attack his opponent with all his strength. Although he was slightly inferior in total combat power output of a single target, he had an absolute advantage in the number of arms.

Martin, on the other hand, wields two giant axes, which can launch close attacks and use the giant axes as shields for defense. He is not at all disadvantaged in the face of Du Long's fierce attack!

From time to time, he can also spray flames to fight back. Even Du Long would not dare to be exposed to such terrifying flames, so he would naturally become extremely passive.

In addition, Du Long seems to have reached a saturated state of absorption, and Martin no longer needs to worry about the flame energy in his body being completely absorbed by his opponent!

Martin, who was full of confidence, was actually a little uneasy in his heart, because more than half of the flame energy he had released before was absorbed by his opponent!

You must know that this is more than half of the powerful flame energy in the body of a six-star peak expert. If this is absorbed by his opponent in the real world, his strength will definitely be greatly affected.

Even in the virtual battle space, his strength has been greatly affected!

As the powerful flame energy in the world within his body has lost more than half, the power of the flame energy he sprayed has also been reduced a lot, as if it has been diluted by more than half.

Du Long naturally discovered his state. Although he was still trying his best to avoid the coverage of the flame energy when he launched a close attack, he was no longer as embarrassed as he was at the beginning.

'What a pity, instead of completely absorbing and refining the opponent's flame energy in the real world, this place is still just a virtual fighting space! ';

Du Longbian launched an onslaught with all his strength, but even though he was distracted, his mind was still nagging, and deep in his heart, he had the idea that he would win the flame energy in Martin's body.

The virtual battle space in front of you can perfectly simulate the most realistic information. As long as you can successfully absorb and refine the flame energy in the virtual battle space, there will definitely be no problem in absorbing and refining it in the real world!

'What now? ! Obviously, I can continue to absorb and refine more flame energy from my opponent, but I have to stop absorbing and refining because I don't want to expose this secret! ';

'In this way, the flame energy in the opponent's body will be continuously ejected and then recycled. . . ';

'Faced with this terrifying flame energy, I could only shrink back and forth. I couldn't launch an all-out attack on Martin. Naturally, I couldn't really defeat him! ';

'In that case. . . Then come up with a bitter trick! Not only can he hide the truth that he absorbed the refining flame energy, but he can also defeat this difficult guy as soon as possible! ';

With hundreds of millions of distractions, Du Long quickly made a battle plan, and the action of suspending the absorption of refining flame energy was started again!

In the virtual battle space, the whirlwind that absorbed fire energy appeared next to Du Long again, and a large amount of fire energy was once again swallowed and absorbed by his body.

"How is this possible?! You...you can actually absorb my fire energy?!" The moment the alien phase just appeared, Martin immediately discovered it and exclaimed in shock.

Countless spectators outside the venue were also shocked. They all looked at the virtual battle scene in confusion and wanted to know how Du Long did it.

Whoop, whoop, whoop. . .

In the battle scene, a whirlwind of flame energy was constantly washing around Du Long, and it could be clearly seen that the flame energy was continuously being sucked into his body.

Just when everyone, including Martin, was confused, Du Long finally experienced abnormal changes, and it was possible to see a red light gradually brightening on his body.

As time went by, this red light became clearer and clearer, and gradually there seemed to be signs of flame energy overflowing above his head. In the end, the flame energy overflow turned out to be a bit like a burning flame.

"Haha!" Martin laughed excitedly as if he had discovered a new world: "Hong! I didn't expect that you would actually dare to absorb the flame energy into the world inside your body for the sake of victory?! You are testing this on the verge of death!" What a rhythm! Hahaha..."

Martin's loud laughter also solved the doubts of countless spectators outside. Everyone showed their true feelings and felt that this should be the truth.

"Hmph!" In front of everyone, Du Long snorted with a straight face: "The worst I can do is lose four Jinshan Tokens. Even if I die violently, I won't really die!"

Du Long looked a little ferocious when he said these words, as if he was trying his best to endure the pain of burning his body in flames, and directly deceived everyone, including the person involved, Martin.

"Haha!" Martin grinned and laughed with disdain: "It seems that you are really absorbing the flame energy into the world now, right?! Although I only have about half of the flame energy left in my body, it is enough to absorb you Completely blown away!!"

"Since you like to absorb other people's fire energy, I will let you absorb it all at once today... Just wait until you blow yourself up and lose the bet! Hahaha..."

Amidst bursts of wild and excited laughter, Martin began to spray out a large amount of flame energy at all costs. In order to facilitate Du Long's absorption, he simply did not recycle it.

And Du Long seemed to be on the verge of death. Regardless of the pain of burning his body, he was still absorbing the flame energy with all his strength, and the surface of his body was burning with fire.

At this moment, Du Long was like a three-headed and multi-armed flame giant, still desperately attacking his opponent Martin!

Looking at that posture, he wanted to kill his opponent Martin before the flame energy exploded.

As time passed, Martin finally released all the fire energy in his body, and his opponent Du Long completely turned into a blazing fire giant.

At this moment, Du Long's body was burning fiercely, and he was vigorously performing the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Time and Space Footwork, launching an all-out attack around Martin.

From time to time, you can see the burnt flesh and skin falling from his body. It seems that his posture may be burned to ashes at any time!


Seeing Martin finally ejecting all the flame energy in his body, Du Long finally didn't have to worry about being hit by the flames and directly used his strongest killing move, Chi You's *** combat skill.

At this moment, he was like a high-speed rotating flaming one-horned dragon, rushing towards Martin holding a double axe!

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