Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2952 Cleaning up the portal

‘What should I do? ! Do you really want to listen to that kid and intercept the other contestants in the Holy Son camp except Budi? ’

‘If we don’t take action, that boy Hong Wu will definitely become the boss again. At least two people here will die before this elder promotion competition can end! ’

‘That’s right! One of the six of us has already won the Gold Medal for Reluctant Death, and at least two of the remaining five will die. This is the consequence of not taking action! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Within a ten-mile radius of the center of the stone forest, the contestants belonging to the Saintess camp were communicating and talking through the air. At this moment, they were still considering whether to take action.

These guys calculated clearly enough, and they actually had a relatively clear understanding of the coward elder who chose to betray the Saintess camp in public, and believed that this person had already won the gold medal of reluctant death before the elders competition ended.

'snort! ’ A cold snort suddenly resounded in everyone’s mind: ‘The so-called reluctant death gold medal is just for the last moment before the end of the elder promotion competition. It still has some effect, right? ! The senior leaders of the Saintess camp will never allow such a person who betrays in public to continue to live! ’

Everyone looked at the owner of the voice in confusion. It was the city lord who was chased by Budi before. He was also the one who received the secret transmission from Geqiu.

It was precisely because he received the secret message from the Great Protector Geqiu that he knew that the life of the coward traitor elder was in danger after the promotion competition. Naturally, he had to give full support to everyone to support Du Long.

'snort? ! I don’t think so? ! ’ Another elder from the Saintess camp snorted coldly: ‘Her Highness the Saintess has always been indecisive, how dare she take action against an elder from this camp at this time? ! ’

'Yes! If it weren't for Her Majesty's weakness, how could she have allowed the people in the Holy Son's camp to be arrogant for so many years? ! ’

'well! This is also the tragedy of us as members of the Saintess camp! ’

After hearing the opinion expressed by the city lord, all the contestants from the Saintess camp expressed their opinions one after another, all showing a relatively pessimistic attitude towards this.

‘Do you know who I received a secret message from when I was being hunted before? ! ’ Seeing that no one believed his words, the city lord immediately pretended to be mysterious and asked through a message.

‘Secret message? ! ’ Wu Song, the eldest elder who was watching at the scene, had been silent for a long time. Now he finally asked with confusion on his face: ‘Is it the Lord of Hongwu City who secretly transmitted messages to you? ! ’

'wrong! ’ The city lord immediately sent a message to deny it: ‘Don’t you think it’s strange that the city lord Hongwu, who was originally determined to watch the show on the sidelines and didn’t care about our lives, suddenly changed his mind and rushed out to save me? ! ’

After his explanation, the contestants under the Saintess' command changed their expressions, and then they remembered Du Long's sudden and unusual performance.

'Do not talk nonsense! Hurry up and tell the truth about the secret you know. Time is dragging on. . . Be careful, Lord Hongwu gives up on me again! ’ Elder Wu Song urged through a message with some urgency.

As time goes by, you can see that Du Long's face, being chased by Budi and others, becomes more and more impatient. No one knows when he will suddenly turn his back!

'that. . . When I was being hunted, I did consider whether to surrender in my heart. After all, I was not an elder yet and had not officially sworn allegiance to Her Highness the Saint. . . ’

'At the critical moment, I received a secret transmission from the Great Protector Geqiu. He told me that the traitorous elder would be executed immediately after the elder promotion competition. ’

'and. . . Protector Geqiu also told me that he would persuade City Lord Hongwu to let him help me out of trouble, but the fact is that Lord Hongwu did take action not long after! ’

When the city lord explained via voice transmission, his tone was extremely solemn, and there was no sign of lying at all.

When this group of people communicated through spiritual consciousness, they deliberately avoided the elder who had betrayed the master in public. They could see that the coward elder's expression became a little uneasy.

He seemed to have sensed an unusual crisis from the pitying eyes of others looking at him.

'well! Elder Wu Song sighed and said: "From the beginning to the end, we owe City Lord Hongwu. If everyone here chooses to wait and watch again, then not only City Lord Hongwu will not be able to forgive you, but also the saint outside." All the senior leaders in the camp cannot forgive you! ’

Jiang is indeed still old and hot, and Wu Song can already guess a thing or two about his attitude through Ge Qiu's secret transmission.

The high-level officials of the Saintess camp outside are obviously extremely dissatisfied with the selfishness and weakness of people like themselves. If this continues, even if they can get out alive in the end, they probably won't be able to see anyone again, right? !

‘I agree with Elder Wu Song. Our previous performance of weakness is embarrassing enough, if we continue like this. . . Once anyone is chased by Budi and others, they will definitely be even more embarrassed! ’ The city lord immediately expressed his support.

‘I also agree with Elder Wu Song’s opinion. Anyway, it only allows us to intercept other opponents except Elder Budi. After all, the real danger will still fall on Hongwu City Lord! ’

'I agree. . . ’

With the threat of the Great Protector Geqiu clearly stating that he would clean up the family, these weaklings finally woke up a lot, and one by one expressed their support for Elder Wu Song's opinion.

In this way, except for the elder who had openly rebelled, the remaining five contestants from the Saintess camp finally reached a consensus, and then began to gather directly under the leadership of Elder Wu Song.

‘Lord of Hongwu City! I would like to apologize to you for my previous mistakes, and at the same time, I have decided to correct my previous mistakes and join hands with you to fight against the enemies of the Holy Son camp! ’ When Wu Song gathered everyone, he naturally did not forget to secretly send a message to Du Long to express his feelings.

'very good! Du Long, regardless of how these cowards reached a consensus in the end, replied bluntly: "I won't embarrass you. As long as you intercept the other four contestants except Budi, you can make me feel at ease." Just deal with Budi! ’

‘Of course there is no problem with this! ’ Elder Wu Song responded hurriedly: ‘It is our duty to intercept those four targets, as for Budi. . . Then the only way to compete is with the help of City Lord Hongwu! ’

Now that a consensus had been reached, Du Long was too lazy to talk nonsense with these weaklings and took Budi for two more rounds before meeting up with Elder Wu Song and others who had gathered together.

‘Attention! I immediately confronted Budi head-on. You only need to stop the other four! ’

Du Long finally sent a message to remind him, and immediately stopped dodging the pursuit of Budi and others, and directly faced Budi head-on with a sway.

Clang clang clang. . .

Du Long, with three heads and twenty-four arms, and Budi, with eight arms, collided head-on in an instant. Others joined in the fight, but they all had a tacit understanding and did not interfere in the battle between the two.

The five people led by Wu Song stopped the four contestants from the Holy Son camp with the advantage of one person, and a seemingly chaotic but actually orderly battle began.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Just when the battle broke out here, the traitorous and coward elder suddenly accelerated and rushed into the battlefield, and his butcher knife was aimed at the Saintess camp.

As early as the moment Wu Song and others began to gather, Budi and others immediately understood their decision, and naturally they would not give up on winning over this elder who chose to betray in public.

As a result, the number of personnel between the two camps was immediately equal, which also caused an uproar among all the spectators outside the stadium.

First of all, everyone in the Saintess camp started yelling angrily, angrily insulting the traitorous elder for his shamelessness.

Then the people in the Holy Son camp were watching the show with great joy, laughing at the traitors and softies in the Holy Lady camp. In short, a good elders promotion match turned into a bit noisy and chaotic.

‘Great Protector Geqiu! What do you think of the current changes in the situation? ! ’ The saint frowned and glanced at the slightly noisy square, and then secretly asked Ge Qiu and other camp protectors via voice transmission.

Some of the hundreds of elders in the Saint's camp may no longer trust them, but as the top few guardian elders, they are still worthy of trust. The Saint can only trust these guardians from the same camp now.

‘Although the situation on the field has changed dramatically due to the traitor, in the end it was still within a manageable range. . . It mainly depends on the outcome of the battle between Hongwu City Lord and Elder Budi! ’ Ge Qiu analyzed the situation rationally.

‘That’s right! ’ Protector Zhao Pojun immediately took over the message and said: ‘The key still depends on the battle between Hongwu City Lord and Budi. If either of them can win, it will also mean the complete victory of the other side! ’

'well! ’ The Saint sighed with some worry: ‘Then we can’t place all our hopes on Hongwu City Master alone, right? ! As long as we can win two games on other battlefields, we will also be the winner of this Elders Promotion Tournament! ’

‘It’s difficult! ’ Ge Qiu also sighed and said: ‘If there hadn’t been a traitor, we should have had an absolute advantage. Even if the traitor didn’t support the enemy, we would still have some advantages! ’

'Now, just because of the existence of a traitor, our numerical advantage has been lost. It will be difficult to win! ’

‘What the Great Protector Geqiu said is true! ’ Zhao Pojun angrily sent a message: ‘That traitor must be severely punished, otherwise, it will definitely have a very wrong impact on other elders in this camp! ’

‘That traitor must be severely punished! ’ Protector Geqiu replied in a deep voice: ‘Your Highness the Saint! Please also immediately order the execution of all the family members of the traitor. As for the traitor himself, wait until the Elder Promotion Tournament before severely punishing him! ’

'this. . . ’ The saint’s old habit of being hesitant recurred: ‘Isn’t it too much to punish the traitorous family now? ! after all. . . There are also those from the Holy Son camp watching eagerly, so we shouldn’t go too far, right? ! ’

‘Saint! ’ Zhao Pojun said angrily: ‘Severely punish the traitors in our camp and clean up our own camp, so why do we need outsiders to tell us what to do? ! If you continue to be so indecisive, I'm afraid the people in this camp will be scattered! ’

‘Guardian Zhao is right! ’ Ge Qiu also said with a solemn expression: ‘Just from the performance of this elder promotion competition, we can see that if our camp is not strictly controlled, it won’t take long for people to lose their support! ’

Facing the severe urging from the two major guardians in the camp, the saint looked troubled. Her character was really not suitable to be the person in charge of a camp.

Ge Qiu and Zhao Pojun looked at each other, and saw a hint of disappointment and helplessness in each other's eyes. Naturally, their performance was noticed by the saint.

'well! In this case, then by. . . Protector Xiaoyue, come and perform this mission! after all. . . That traitor was an elder under Protector Xiaoyue! ’

Perhaps because she didn't want to see the disappointed expressions of her two guardians, the saint finally made such a decision. The named guardian Xiaoyue was a heroic beauty. After receiving the order, she immediately took the order and secretly sent people to the front. to execute.

Just to clean up the family of the traitor elders, she did not need her as a protector to take action personally. She only needed to send orders to a few generals under her command and someone would naturally take care of the matter.

Puffy. . .

There were six battles going on fiercely in the stone forest within a ten-mile radius.

The elder who betrayed the Saintess camp was still fighting quietly, but suddenly he turned over his hand and took out a handful of broken soul jade talismans, and his whole face became a little pale and weak.

"Your Highness the Saint! I only chose to surrender in order to survive. All the mistakes I made were all my fault. I didn't expect that you would do so brilliantly and kill all my closest relatives?!"

An extremely indignant shout suddenly resounded over the stone forest, and everyone inside and outside the picture scroll world heard the traitor's crazy shout.

"Hmph! Traitor! Since you have chosen to betray Her Highness the Saint, you must be prepared to be exterminated! All members of the Saint's camp here also listen carefully. Those who betray the Saint will be completely liquidated. I hope Just take care of yourself!"

The Great Protector Geqiu snorted coldly. Their voices not only exploded over the Jinshan Temple, but were also directly transmitted to the ears of all contestants who entered the world of the picture scroll.

As the controller of the participating pictures, he was the only one on the scene who had the ability to transmit sound into the world of the pictures.

ah! !

In the world of the picture scroll, the traitor elder looked up to the sky and let out an extremely angry roar, and then began to launch a crazy attack on his opponent.

He had been a little reluctant to let go before, and he didn't want to completely offend the Saintess camp.

Now, since everyone is at odds with each other, he no longer takes any chances and directly launches a fierce attack.

However, his opponent is not a fuel-saving lamp. In the face of crazy counterattacks, he did not lose his position at all. Instead, he was able to rationally find some loopholes exposed by his opponent's madness.

After being caught in a loophole again and almost being killed, the traitor's crazy energy immediately relaxed, and the fierceness of this coward who was afraid of death quickly disappeared.

He knew very well in his heart that as long as any two of the twelve remaining contestants were defeated first, everyone else would advance.

Therefore, because he is afraid of death, he is not willing to go all out at this time, but must rationally choose to make up for the loss. Whoever can survive to the end will be the real winner!

It can be seen that he is not the only one who has this idea at the scene. Each battlefield seems to be fiercely fought, but in fact it is thunderous and rainy, all aimed at delaying time.

In the entire picture scroll world, it is estimated that there is only a battle between Du Long and Budi, which is a real life-and-death battle!

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