Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2951 Geqiu intervenes

Puffy. . .

A fierce battle suddenly started in the stone forest. As the eight-armed Budi joined the battle, the Saintess camp, which originally had a numerical advantage, instantly fell into a disadvantage!

The eight-armed Budi was like a crazy tank, and it was also a tank with eight firepower output points. It rushed straight into the remaining seven people in the Saint's camp with extremely powerful strength.

The original eight people had lost one person in the first round of attacks, and now the only seven people left did not have much numerical advantage at all.

Especially after Budi joined the battle, he completely ignored their numerical advantage. Budi attacked enemies from all directions like a tiger among sheep.

"You bastard who doesn't keep your word!! Lord Hongwu! As a member of the Saintess camp, why don't you come over quickly to support us?!"

"Lord Hongwu! Come quickly and support us. As long as you are willing to take action to hold Budi back, we are willing to fully help you deal with the others!"


Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, the weaklings started to speak out one after another. They finally realized that they were members of the Saintess camp, and wanted to use this to ask Du Long to stop the most powerful Budi for them.

However, Du Long was standing a few miles away with an indifferent expression, silently watching the battle that broke out not far away, with no intention of helping.

These weaklings from the Saintess camp had broken Du Long's heart with their previous performance, so it was naturally impossible for them to help them now.

"No!!" A scream suddenly rang out, and it was seen that an elder under the saint's command was brutally attacked by Budi, and his body was instantly exploded by continuous bombardment: "Hong Wu!! You bastard, you don't want to save me... You can't do anything good. Die!"

Before he died, he actually had the nerve to blame all the responsibility for his own death on Du Long, and he still yelled out these words with confidence.

Facing the elder's scolding, Du Long just raised the corners of his mouth in a slight arc of disdain, without being affected at all.

Two of the eight people in the Saintess camp died one after another, and the remaining six people were all frightened. Except for the two unlucky ones who were blocked and unable to escape, the other four people simply became scattered.

"Follow me and kill this elder. Let the city lord go for now!"

Eight-armed Budi directly issued this order. Everyone in the Holy Son camp was stunned for a moment, and soon understood his intention.

According to the rules of the Elders Promotion Competition, once there are only ten players left in the scroll world, it means that the Elders Promotion Competition is over.

At that time, all the contestants will be teleported out, and Budi will be unable to continue to hunt down Hongwu City Lord in the scroll world, and will be unable to complete the tasks assigned to them by the Holy Son.

"No!!" Seeing the city lord who was blocked with him happily fleeing the scene, the trapped elder screamed in horror: "Don't kill me! Please spare me! As long as you can Spare my life... I am willing to surrender to the Holy Son!!"

In order to save his own life, this guy dared to shout such words in public. Du Long couldn't help laughing when he heard these words.

"Hahaha! Are these the weaklings under the Saint? As long as their lives are in danger, they will immediately surrender and join the opponent's camp. There must be no shortage of such people under the Saint, right?!"

After Du Long laughed twice, he couldn't help but shake his head and said such words. He was obviously mocking the Saintess camp for housing too many weaklings like this.

Under normal circumstances, once you choose to join the Saintess camp, you must swear allegiance. The weak elder in front of you is obviously betraying the Saintess camp even if he violates his soul oath.

Breaking the oath will definitely not bring good results in the future, but if you don't surrender, you will die immediately. The lesser of the two made the elder make the choice to betray in public.

Outside the picture scroll world, the face of the saint sitting next to the saint became extremely ugly. She was obviously very angry at the public betrayal of this coward elder.

"Elder Budi! Do you still want to kill him?!" Among the four people who surrounded the coward elder with Budi, one of the elders couldn't help but ask Budi for instructions.

It can be seen that the attack intensity of the five people, including Budi, has dropped a lot, and they all seem to be considering the feasibility of this matter.

"Hey!" After a long silence, Budi finally sneered and said: "How should I believe what you said?!"

"As long as you can spare this villain's life, I am willing to swear a soul oath on the spot and swear allegiance to His Highness the Holy Son immediately after leaving the world of picture scrolls!" The soft-hearted elder shouted loudly as if he was grasping a life-saving straw.

"Okay! Then you can make a soul oath first!"

With a weird smile on his face, Budi quietly stared at the surrounded elder, and then listened to him swear a soul oath in public.

"Damn it! Your Highness the Saint, this person dares to violate his original oath of allegiance, and he deserves to be punished!"

"Yes! If we don't kill this traitor, won't other people in the camp have to follow suit?!"

"That's right! This traitor must be killed as soon as he comes out of the picture scroll world, as a warning to others!"


The elder guardians sitting on the side of the saint spoke one after another, all of them angrily criticizing the weak elder. They were obviously completely angered.

In order to survive for a while, he dared to betray the Saintess camp in public. If this crime is not severely punished, it will definitely have an extremely bad impact on the Saintess camp!

Faced with everyone's request, the saint was a little hesitant. Originally, her own camp was at a disadvantage among the senior leaders of the temple. Wouldn't it be even more disadvantageous if she directly killed an elder under her command? !

It has to be said that the saint's camp has been at a disadvantage in recent years, which has a lot to do with the saint's indecisive character.

In the picture scroll world, Budi directly let go of the soft-hearted elder, and then continued to charge towards Du Long with his four men.

Seeing Budi charging towards him again, Du Long quickly ducked out of the way and seemed to have no intention of confronting him head-on.

In the stone forest world with a radius of ten miles, a chase scene was staged again, but this time none of the people in the Saintess camp dared to stay in a certain position and wait for death.

They all moved, avoiding the pursuing parties like the plague.

Everyone knows very well that Budi and others are no longer restricted by the soul oath and can take action against any of them at any time!

Just like that, the stone forest with a radius of ten miles was in chaos like a chicken flying like a dog!

As he ran along, Du Long's movement speed became more and more weird, and he felt like he was teleporting even within a ten-mile radius of the stone forest.

'Huh? ! Weird! This is obviously the center of the stone forest world, even though it is only ten miles in radius. . . But in the process of running at full speed, it will still be of great help to me to understand the six-dimensional space-time avenue? ! ’

‘Time and space are the combination of time and space. In addition to the mysteries of time, the six-dimensional space-time avenue should also contain many mysteries of space! ’

‘The Five Elements Wind and Thunder Time and Space Footwork, integrating one’s understanding of time and space into body movements, can greatly increase one’s movement speed in this stone forest passage! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

With hundreds of millions of distractions, countless thoughts flashed through Du Long's mind, and then he took the essence and discarded the dross, and quickly extracted a lot of information that was very useful to him.

Guided by this information, he began to consciously understand the mystery of six-dimensional time and space, and then verified it with this small stone forest passage.

Such a verification soon led to a huge discovery. The central area with a radius of ten miles in the stone forest world was the starting point for the mystery of six-dimensional time and space.

In other words, he can understand and integrate it very easily, and then apply it to the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Time and Space Footwork.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

In the twists and turns of the stone forest passage, Du Long's figure became more and more strange, dodging again and again as if teleporting, leaving behind a series of afterimages of his body.

His movement speed also became faster and faster. It was as if there was no obstacle in the ten-mile stone forest in front of him, and those stone pillars could not hinder his progress at all.

Within a radius of ten miles, Budi's consciousness can lock on Du Long's every move at any time, and his huge changes will naturally fall into Budi's eyes!

'not good! That kid seems to be comprehending some extremely profound mysteries of heaven and earth, and has successfully integrated them into his own movement. Even if there is only a narrow area of ​​ten miles around, it will be difficult to block him! ’

Budi said to the four people around him with a solemn expression. He obviously saw a clue from the changes in Du Long's movement, and he knew in his heart that he might not be able to catch up with Du Long who was unwilling to fight.

'well! In this case, we might as well give up chasing each other for the time being, as long as we can kill two more people from the Holy Lady camp, or instigate a few more rebels, so that we can explain to His Highness the Holy Son after we go out! ’

'Um! ’ After hearing an elder’s suggestion, Budi quickly nodded and agreed: ‘In that case, let’s start selecting attack targets and prepare to end this elder promotion competition as soon as possible! ’

The five figures reached a consensus calmly, and then directly changed the direction of pursuit when they approached a certain target, and rushed straight towards the selected unlucky guy.

That guy was the city lord who was besieged before. He was still rejoicing that he was lucky enough to escape. Now that he found out that he was being hunted again, he immediately screamed and ran away like a frightened bird. stand up.

"No! Don't kill me! I..."

The city lord who was being hunted was so anxious that he wanted to shout out on the spot that he was willing to join the Holy Son's camp, but he suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

'Whoever dares to betray the Saintess camp in public again will not only be executed immediately if the traitor leaves the world of the picture scroll, but the family behind him will also be exterminated! ’

The city lord instantly recognized that it was the voice of the great protector Ge Qiu. Only Ge Qiu, who controlled the world of the picture scroll, had the ability to transmit sounds from the outside to the inside of the world of the picture scroll.

"No! I don't want to die, I don't want to die!! Unless..."

The hunted city lord's expression changed, and as he saw the pursuers behind him getting closer and closer, he hurriedly shouted out such an incomprehensible word.

The first two sentences are quite normal, but the word 'unless' at the end seems a bit confusing, as if he is making a request to someone.

‘Please be patient! I will contact the Lord of Hongwu City first to try to reach a solution with him and let him help you! ’

Geqiu's answer made the city lord feel at ease, and he could only continue to grit his teeth and run away wildly, and then secretly prayed in his heart that he could survive until the last moment.

On the other side, a familiar voice suddenly came from Du Long's mind, and he immediately recognized that it was the Great Protector Ge Qiu who was secretly transmitting messages to him.

‘Lord of Hongwu City! The Saintess camp can no longer afford any losses. I hope you can put aside your prejudices and help, so that the Saintess will no longer hold you accountable for your previous rude remarks! ’

'Of course, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. It is not surprising that there will be several selfish and weak beings under the command of the saint. I hope you can put the overall situation first! ’

After hearing the voice transmission from the Great Protector Geqiu, Du Long frowned slightly as if he was thinking about something.

'We can't offend the two major camps in the Jinshan world for the time being. Since the Great Protector Geqiu has taken the initiative to send a message to me, it would be a good idea to take the opportunity to sell him one! ’

In a flash of thought, he immediately made a choice, and immediately changed the direction of his steps slightly, and rushed directly towards Budi and others.

With his current speed, he could catch up behind Budi and others in an instant if he was willing. His sudden approach immediately aroused the vigilance of Budi and others.

"Humph! I didn't expect you to dare to come here looking for death?!"

Budi gave up chasing the city lord without hesitation, then turned around and rushed towards Du Long, followed by the other four people who rushed towards Du Long.

However, Du Long did not fight immediately, but turned around and began to retreat. Then he shouted loudly while running: "Everyone in the Saintess camp, please listen to me. I am only responsible for dealing with Budi, the hardest bone to crack. , as for the remaining four people, I’ll leave it to you to deal with it yourself!”

"If you still choose to stand aside and watch, don't blame me for letting it go again. If you are hunted down again, you won't blame me!"

As a higher-ranking elder, there was no doubt about Eight-Armed Budi's strength. Du Long didn't want to have to deal with the joint siege of four other people while fighting him.

Furthermore, he didn’t want to make things easier for the weaklings in the Saintess camp, and he didn’t allow them to stay aside and watch the show without any pressure!

Everyone inside and outside the picture scroll world looked at the scene in front of them with some surprise, and they were all surprised by Du Long's sudden change of mind.

In the stone forest passage, those who belonged to the Saintess camp began to communicate secretly, apparently discussing Du Long's request.

As for Du Long, he was too lazy to pay attention to them. He had already given the opportunity anyway, and it was none of his business what kind of choice they would make in the end.

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