Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2658 Take advantage of the situation

Forged body space, in a huge square.

There are about 15,000 silver-armored legions, arranged in neat battle formations, ready to face the battle threat coming to the Eighty-one Peak.

Within this magnificent silver-armored army, three original avatars of the Xuantian Creator God gathered together, discussing the follow-up strategy with extremely ugly expressions.

As powerful forces from the world of advanced civilization, they naturally cannot accept the reality of being defeated by the forces of indigenous civilization, which makes them lose face!

‘Boss Sean! What should we do next? ! Are we going to let those bastards from the indigenous forces go like this? ! ’ Hai Lin reluctantly said.

'snort! ’ Sean snorted coldly and said angrily: ‘I have never been so embarrassed in front of the indigenous forces, so naturally I can’t let these indigenous bastards go! ’

‘That’s right! ’ Duowei narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a murderous intent: ‘At worst, using Xuantian realm attack and killing magic weapons to kill a large number of the opponent’s living forces will definitely not make life easier for Xuantian Dragon Lord! ’

'no! ’ Sean objected in a deep voice: ‘Can you guarantee that the other party does not have a Xuantian realm attack and killing magic weapon in his hand? ! If we force them into a panic and give our Silver Armor Legion a shot, wouldn't it mean that both parties would suffer and other forces would benefit? ! ’

‘These natives also have Xuantian realm attack and killing magic weapons in their hands? ! ’ Duowei asked rhetorically.

‘There should be some, right? ! ’ Hai Lin was a little unsure and said: ‘My clone was destroyed before, and I don’t know if any of the Xuantian realm attack and killing magic weapons were taken away by that kid. . . ’

Sean and Duowei rolled their eyes, and finally Sean said via voice: 'We can't take risks with uncertain problems, unless we have to, try not to use Xuantian realm attack and killing magic weapons! ’

‘But if we don’t use the Xuantian Realm attack and killing magic weapon, how can we change the current unfavorable situation? ! ’ Duowei brought the question back to the original point with some depression.

‘Before, we were attacking each other’s three teams separately. This time, we will concentrate all our efforts on dealing with one team. We must attract the true form of the Xuantian Dragon Lord! ’ Sean made this decision immediately.

‘Concentrate all your efforts? ! ’ Duowei’s eyes lit up slightly and he said: ‘It seems to be a simple method, but it is the most secure plan. We can use this conspiracy to force that kid to submit! ’

‘That’s right! ’ Sean smiled coldly and said: ‘Our target for entering the Dragon Secret Realm this time is that boy. Many of the methods we specially brought in have not been used yet, so how can we just give up? ! ’

'Ha ha. . . ’

The three people from outside the territory were secretly discussing the next plan there. The people from the Pangu World camp on the Forged Body Peak were not idle either, and they were all secretly discussing the follow-up plan there.

‘Little Junior Brother Du Long! You have dealt with these extraterritorial forces several times and are relatively familiar with them. I hope you can provide us with a more appropriate response plan. ’ The Buddha said with a smile.

‘There are no problems in other aspects. . . Du Long replied in a deep voice: "Everyone must be careful of the Xuantian realm attack and killing magic weapon in the opponent's hand. Once activated, that magic weapon will form an attack power of Xuantian's creation level, which will definitely have devastating consequences for us." ! ’

'hehe! ’ Chengshou Buddha smiled faintly and said: ‘Young junior brother, you can rest assured about this problem. Since the birth of Pangu world, we have been to many Xuantian secret realms, and we have some Xuantian realm attack and killing magic weapons in our hands! ’

Perhaps in order to make Du Long feel more at ease, the Buddha turned his hand and took out a shining golden crystal ball. It was a magic weapon with the power of Xuantian Realm!

'Very good! ’ Du Long looked at the golden crystal ball in Chengshou Buddha’s hand with gleaming eyes and said, ‘I wonder how many of these Xuantian realm attack and killing magic weapons are in Master Chengshou’s hands? ! ’

‘This. . . ’ Chengshou Buddha scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: ‘I only have one or two Xuantian realm attack and killing magic weapons in my hand, but there should be some more in the hands of Ziwei Tianzun! ’

Du Long then turned to look at Ziwei Tianzun on another mountain. The other person smiled and nodded directly at him, and then he turned over his hand and took out a light blue crystal ball. It was also a Xuantian realm attack and killing magic weapon.

The appearance of these two Xuantian realm attack magic weapons immediately fell into the eyes of the outsiders in the square. Sean and the three looked at each other, and saw a trace of bitter smiles in the eyes of their other companions.

As expected by Sean, even in the hands of remote indigenous forces, they may not have some Xuantian realm attack and killing magic weapons.

This kind of Xuantian Realm offensive and killing magic weapon is astonishingly powerful in a confrontation at the level of the Great Master God, but if it is placed in a confrontation at the Xuantian Creation Great God Realm, its effect is only equivalent to an attack by a powerful Xuantian Realm person.

'very good! Du Long looked at the light blue crystal ball in Ziwei Tianzun's hand and said with a smile: "Since we also have the Xuantian realm attack magic weapon in our hands, we don't have to worry about being blackmailed by the enemy. Next, we only need to consider how to face the opponent's attack head-on." That's it. ’

'Well! ’ Chengshou Buddha also had a faint smile on his face and said: ‘I wonder what my junior brother’s opinion is on the next situation? ! How should we deal with another enemy attack? ! ’

‘After there is no longer the threat of Xuantian realm’s attack and killing magic weapon. . . ’ Du Long said in a deep voice: ‘If the opponent wants to gain an absolute advantage, they must concentrate their efforts to deal with us. . . ’

Under Du Long's narration, many of the supreme powers in the Pangu World camp nodded, and each of them obviously agreed with his analysis.

‘Everyone must have seen the attack method I just used. I just created an original clone of the divine realm and launched a suicidal soul attack on the enemy! ’

‘This attack method seems powerful, but in fact it has a very huge weakness, that is, the horror behind the body of the God Sovereign will be difficult to break through the enemy’s large-scale attack! ’

'Because of this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to display the true strength of my original clone in the subsequent battles. I'm afraid I will need your help next! ’

‘If you need any help, Brother Xuantian Longzun, please feel free to ask. Even if we risk the life of this origin clone, we will definitely help you! ’ Among the supreme powers in the Pangu World camp, an enthusiastic Buddhist supreme avatar immediately spoke loudly.

'Um! ’ Du Long cast a grateful look at the other party, nodded and continued: ‘When the time comes, I will need the help of several fellow Taoists with higher defense power and faster movement speed. When the time comes, this is all you need. . . ’

As Du Long explained, the eyes of the Supreme Powers of the Pangu World camp gradually lit up, and they finally understood how Du Long needed others to help him.

Among the many supreme powerful men from the Pangu World camp, five or six men with extremely high defense power and extremely fast movement speed were quickly selected.

In the Forged Body Space, both the extraterritorial forces and the Pangu World camp are all secretly preparing for the second conflict.

The more than 15,000 people in the square finally dispersed and rushed directly towards the 11th Peak. There were six layers of soul defense shields opened above them.

That's right!

A total of six layers of soul defense cover enveloped more than 10,000 people, which was enough to show how much they valued Du Long!

In addition to these six layers of soul defense shields, there are people in the six directions of this team who are interfering with the fluctuations of time and space. This is to prevent the power of multi-dimensional time and space from penetrating and approaching this silver-armored army of tens of thousands of people.

The extraterrestrial silver-armored legions were fully prepared for defense in this way, arranged in a neat battle formation, and rushed towards the eleventh peak in a mighty manner.

On the Forged Body Peak, the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth peaks, there were three supreme teams from the Pangu world gathered respectively.

As a result, the supreme team of the Pangu camp on the 11th peak only has more than 2,000 people, which is completely at an absolute disadvantage compared to the number of enemies.

‘The teams on the other two peaks all rushed to the Eleventh Peak to support! ’ Du Long immediately issued this order. Before the threat from the outside forces was resolved, the supreme power of the Pangu World camp had no time to accept the body-forging inheritance.

After receiving the order, the supreme powers of Pangu World on the twelfth and thirteenth peaks began to descend the mountain to prepare for the eleventh peak for support.

At the foot of the Eleventh Peak, the 15,000 extraterrestrial silver-armored army was divided into two. Nearly half of them began to climb up the mountain, while more than half of them stayed at the foot of the mountain.

Not everyone in the extraterritorial legion can climb the Eleventh Peak. Those who were previously hidden can only stay at the foot of the mountain, responsible for blocking the Pangu Supreme team on the other two peaks.

Nearly 7,000 silver-armored legions climbed to the eleventh peak, arranged in a battle formation and slowly approached the team of Pangu camp. Two extra-territorial silver-armored legions were holding six divine soul defense shields.

This shows that in order to deal with Du Long, these people from outside the territory specially brought many portable soul defense arrays from outside!

At the bottom of the twenty-third peak, Du Long, who had begun to accept the inheritance of the twenty-third physical body, was shot out with six figures one after another.

Two of the cell origin clones came to the Eleventh Peak to join the Pangu camp, while the other four cell origin clones entered the other two Pangu camp teams.

Seeing Du Long's clone joining the three Pangu teams, Sean and others' expressions changed slightly, but they did not stop their progress.

The seven thousand silver-armored troops from outside the territory who first climbed up to the eleventh peak were the first to face the two thousand troops from the Pangu camp, and a fierce battle began.

The Longbow Corps of the Outer Territory Silver Armor Legion took the lead in launching the attack, but the Pangu World camp adopted a concentrated defense approach to support a physical defense shield.

Puffy. . .

The rain of arrows from the sky continued to bombard the physical defense cover. The first wave of arrow rain failed to break through the physical defense cover of the Pangu camp. This was also expected by both the enemy and us.

If a rain of arrows like this could break through the physical defense barrier held up by two thousand supreme powers, it would definitely be the biggest joke in the world.


Something unexpected happened to the outside forces. Under the order of the Great Light Buddha, the two thousand supreme powers from the Pangu World camp began to take the initiative to press forward.

In this way, they held up a huge physical defense shield and slowly pressed forward towards the seven thousand Silver Armor Legion outside the territory.

'not good! The enemy is preparing to fight in close combat, and then sends the original clone of Xuantian Dragon Lord Du Long in. They must not be allowed to succeed! ’ Duowei’s exclamation resounded in the minds of everyone outside the territory.

‘Attack the opponent’s same point with all your strength! Be sure to blow up this physical defense shield for me! ’ Sean’s voice sounded immediately after.

The 7,000 silver-armored troops from outside the territory with rich combat experience immediately launched attacks according to Sean's instructions, and various long-range attacks continued to bombard Pangu's camp.

Waves of loud noises like muffled thunder continued to sound, and the fierce attacks launched by the seven thousand elite masters of the outer realm made the physical defense shield of the Pangu camp in danger.

Within the Pangu World camp, the Zhuxian Sword Formation and the Vajra Arhat Formation began to activate, just in time for the physical defense barrier to be breached, and successfully blocked a large number of long-range attacks.

'Full speed ahead! ’

The voice of the Great Light Buddha sounded again, and the team from the Pangu camp immediately controlled two large formations and pressed towards the enemy's team.

Due to the suppression of the Forged Body Mountain Peak, the teams of the two opposing camps were at the same height, and the distance between them was also very short. Seeing that the Pangu camp was about to rush forward.

‘Withstand it with all your strength in front, and don’t worry about the enemies in the realm of the Great Lord God in the back. Focus your attack on Xuantian Dragon Lord. Don’t let him rush into the six-layer soul defense barrier! ’ Sean gave this order almost with a roar.

This was also their battle strategy that they had planned early on, to block Du Long's clone with all their strength. It would be great if they could kill it.

The vanguard teams of the enemy and ours soon collided. The vanguard team of the extraterritorial Silver Armor Legion only needed to block the opponent, while the large number of troops behind them were the main force of the attack.

I saw a large number of long-range attacks constantly pouring towards the location of Du Long's two clones. The huge amount of long-range and large-scale attack energy really blocked him outside the six-layer soul defense shield.

At the bottom of the Eleventh Peak, about 8,000 extraterrestrial silver-armored troops finally faced off against the other two teams from the Pangu camp.

The battle here is similar to that on the mountain. The Silver Armor Legion focuses on Du Long's original clone. They must use all their strength to prevent his clone from approaching, and look for opportunities to kill his original clone who only has the realm of gods.

As long as the original avatar of the divine realm is bombarded by the aftermath of some battle energy, it is enough to make it disappear on the spot.

It was precisely because of such a fatal weakness that Sean and others dared to attack again. They were still dreaming that due to the heavy losses in the Pangu camp, Du Long himself would have to join the battle.

At that time, they can use some powerful trump cards to completely eliminate the threat of Du Long!

However, Sean and others did not expect that Du Long had deduced their plan early on and would also devise another set of countermeasures.

Just when Sean and others thought that their plan was successful, Du Long's four cell origin clones suddenly appeared inside the six-layer soul defense shield, where the enemy and the enemy were fighting hand to hand.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

Swords of liquid soul power filled the sky, like a rain of swords, shooting towards the silver-armored army outside the territory. Without the protection of the soul defense shield, these swords of liquid soul power became extremely deadly!

"No! This is impossible!!" Sean's disbelieving roar echoed through the crowd. He obviously couldn't believe the scene he saw with his own eyes.

Not only Sean couldn't believe all this, but Duowei and Hailin were also frightened to death. In the end, Duowei was the first to figure out what the problem was.

"It's over! He is actually hiding in the cave space of those indigenous monks?!"

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