Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2657 Hidden Power

Repulse with one strike!

Du Long asked three cell origin clones to attack with millions of liquid soul power swords. The troops were divided into three groups and directly caused considerable damage to the three teams of the Silver Armor Legion outside the territory.

Even if the extraterritorial Silver Armor Legion reacted immediately and organized relatively effective multiple defenses, they were eventually defeated by Du Long, resulting in more than 500 deaths and 300 injuries.

The terrifying soul-power version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond can not only kill enemies directly, but can also severely damage some enemies with stronger soul defenses.

A serious injury to the soul's origin is definitely more painful than a serious injury to the physical body. Once the injury is serious, it will be more difficult to recover.


The entire forging space fell into a brief state of silence due to Du Long's sudden attack. Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

With just one effort, he managed to kill nearly 10% of the nearly 7,000 men and horses of the extraterrestrial Silver Armored Corps in a single raid? !

All forces, including the many supreme and powerful men in the Pangu World camp, were all stunned by Du Long's terrifying lethality. Many people could not understand why his attack power was so powerful even though he was also at the level of a great master god. So powerful.

You know, when he attacked the three battle formations composed of the Silver Armor Legion, the opponent was not unprepared and allowed to be attacked and killed!

Even though the foreign Silver Armor Legion was clearly prepared, he finally killed a large number of Silver Armor warriors in public. How could this not shock everyone involved? !

‘How can this guy’s soul attack power be so powerful? ! Can it actually break through the protective energy barrier of our souls? ! ’ Dovi’s voice sounded in Sean and Hailin’s minds.

It can be heard that in addition to the shock and disbelief in this guy's tone, there is also a strong flavor of fear. He is obviously stunned by the terrifying strength displayed by Du Long.

'snort! If it weren't so powerful. . . How could he kill one of my origin clones in the Soul King's Retention Space? ! ’ Hailin curled her lips and snorted with a hint of disdain.

‘Since he has already taken action, he will probably continue to launch a second wave of attacks in a short period of time. Stop talking nonsense here and quickly find a way to deal with it! ’ Sean’s voice sounded a little urgent. He was the only one among the three who had truly seen Du Long display his terrifying strength.

As for Hailin's original clone, which was already dead, without being able to share memories with the original clone, he didn't know much about Du Long's true strength.

‘Since one layer of divine soul protection cannot protect us, then we will activate two to three layers of divine soul defense barriers in each team. I don’t believe that his divine soul attack can break through so many layers of defense barriers! ! ’ Duowei shouted indignantly.

'OK! ’ After Sean and Hailin looked at each other, they immediately agreed: ‘This is also a response plan within our plan, so let’s do it! ’


The conversation between the three of them was a long story. In fact, they had reached a consensus in just an instant through the transmission of spiritual consciousness. In less than three breaths, the three extraterrestrial silver-armored legions activated one after another to protect the souls. cover.

Each of the Silver Armor Legions activated three soul guardian energy shields. This scene made other forces roll their eyes. How afraid were they of Du Long's soul attack that they were so shameless?


Almost immediately after the three Silver Armor Legions activated three soul defense shields, a figure immediately appeared next to the Silver Armor Legion where the longbowmen led by Duowei were.

Then, to everyone's surprise, he dodged and rushed towards the Longbow Corps, so fast that it was almost impossible to react!

'kill! ’

A roar suddenly sounded in the minds of everyone in the Longbow Corps. It was Duowei who issued the attack and kill order to them. He was in a hurry and had no time to say too much nonsense.

Boo hoo hoo. . .

A stream of arrows shot out like locusts, covering Du Long like the sky and the earth, clearly not wanting him to have any chance to get close to the Longbow Corps.

Facing such a large-scale arrow rain attack with almost no blind spots, Du Long used the Five Elements Wind and Thunder Time and Space footwork to the extreme. The whole person was like a lonely boat in the storm, which might capsize at any time!

In the area where he sprinted forward, the multi-dimensional space-time shadow was disturbed, and now even wanting to teleport back has become a luxury.

On the other hand, this is just a clone of Du Long's divine realm cells. Its personal strength is too weak compared to the elite silver-armored army of the great master god in front.

If he is hit by any arrow in the body, his entire body will definitely be shot. There will be no other possibility!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

As if he was dancing on the tip of a knife, Du Long used the five elements of wind and thunder time and space footwork to the extreme. He tried his best to avoid the pursuit of the arrows, and slowly moved towards the Longbow Corps.

All this is a long story, but in fact, in a flash of lightning, Du Long's cell origin clone rushed into the coverage of the first layer of soul defense shield.

'not good! This kid wants to rush into the protective range of the soul defense shield, and then launch a devastating soul attack on us. Everyone attacks him with all their strength, and we must not let him have any chance to break through the three layers of soul defense shield! ’ Duowei’s voice sounded urgently again.

As he said, this kind of soul defense shield can only protect against soul attacks, but against physical attacks or someone rushing in, it is simply an energy shield with no defensive effect.

Everyone seemed to understand what would happen if Du Long rushed in. The silver-armored longbowmen and the Lidian silver-armored warriors stepped up their attacks with all their strength, using various large-scale attacks to launch a fierce attack on Du Long.

As a result, Du Long, the cell origin clone who has only reached the realm of gods, is in dire straits. There is no possibility of overcoming all large-scale attacks.

With no other choice, he could only release the millions of liquid soul power swords in the soul space without hesitation, and instantly condensed them into a super soul power version of the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond, heading straight for the remaining two soul guards. The shield shot over.

The soul version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond was the first to collide head-on with those large-scale physical attacks. The two seemed to be in two different folds of time and space, penetrating each other without any impact.


First, the soul-powered Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond collided head-on with the second layer of divine soul guardian shield. Second, the physical attack energy from the sky bombarded Du Long's cell origin clone.

The cell origin clone, which only had the strength of a god, instantly collapsed and turned into a ball of blood mist amidst the physical long-range attacks in the sky, and was directly blasted to ashes!

On the other side, the soul version of the Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond also broke through the second layer of the soul guard in an instant, and went straight to the last layer of guard to shoot out!

Since coming to this body-forging space, Du Long has not only been practicing body-forging, he has also been continuously increasing the total number of cell origin clones during the body-forging process.

As the total number of cell source clones continues to increase, and as he reaches the seventh level of integrating the world, the total amount of liquid soul power swords he can condense, and the attack power of each liquid soul power sword have increased a lot. cut.

Millions of liquid soul swords were concentrated to attack a silver armored army. The power that exploded was definitely not as simple as one plus one. After it broke through the second layer of soul defense shield in an instant, it immediately bombarded the last one. A layer of defensive cover.

The last layer of soul defense shield lasted a little longer, and finally collapsed after consuming a lot of soul power. After the soul power version of Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond was consumed a lot of soul power, it finally successfully blasted towards the Silver Armored Longbow Corps.

‘Switch to the strongest soul arrow! Be sure to blast me with this divine soul attack! ! ’ After seeing Chi You’s Poison Dragon Diamond successfully break through the last defensive barrier, Duowei gritted his teeth and issued such an order.

I saw those silver-armored longbow soldiers replacing three gray-black arrows one after another, then pulling out the bowstring with all their strength and shooting out the three gray-black arrows in their hands.

After these arrows were shot, faint soul power chain lines appeared on the surface, which would cause extremely serious damage to the monk's soul.

The rain of arrows from the sky continued to bombard the surface of the Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond. The high-speed rotating Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond was able to throw away a lot of energy from the arrows, but it still suffered a huge loss of soul power.

In the end, the silver-armored longbowmen had no time to launch a second wave of attacks, and Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond rushed into their ranks. The silver-armored longbowmen fell down and died in their path.

The formation of the Longbow Corps was in chaos, and the Silver Armored Warriors of the Power Palace and Soul Palace who were cooperating with them began to suffer heavy casualties from the counterattack led by the Great Bright Buddha.

When Chi You's Poisonous Dragon Drill Combat skills were exhausted, the longbow regiment led by Duowei directly lost more than 300 people. In addition to the previous losses, there were only less than 500 longbow soldiers left around him!

'withdraw! Let’s get down the mountain first! ’

Seeing that the team he led was in chaos just now, and worried that Du Long's next attack would be coming soon, Duowei had no choice but to give the order to retreat.

On this forged body peak, he simply did not dare to release the men who had hidden himself in the cave world. Most of them had not yet cultivated to the tenth level of the physical body. If they were released like this, there would definitely be big consequences. question.


A physical defense shield and two soul defense shields were activated one after another. In order to prevent another sudden attack from Du Long, Duowei activated a physical defense shield this time.

The first layer of physical defense shield can prevent Du Long from rushing in like just now, and the two layers of soul defense shield inside can also prevent the terrifying soul attack. Only in this way can Duo Dimensional feel some sense of security in his heart.

He just held up the three layers of defense cover and rushed towards the bottom of the mountain like a turtle wearing a turtle shell. This extremely funny scene made many people laugh.

At the top of the 22nd Peak, Du Long could naturally see the funny scene of Duowei leading the retreat, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, he is not in a hurry to kill all Duowei and others, as that will not bring any benefit at all except to attract more powerful enemies by alerting the enemy.

As long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble, then there is no need to kill them!


In a flash of thought, he immediately separated two cell origin clones, and through multi-dimensional time and space teleportation, they appeared directly among the two Pangu camp teams that were still fighting.

"Haha! Junior Brother Du Long is really good! He killed these guys from outside the territory with just his own strength!" Buddha Chengdu looked at Du Long who came to him with excitement.

Many of the other supreme powers in the Pangu World camp looked at Du Long with admiration and smiles on their faces, obviously impressed by his performance just now.

The supreme and powerful men of Pangu World present were all monks whom Du Long wanted to call their seniors. Behind them, almost all of them had clones of themselves who had reached the realm of the Creator God.

Du Long smiled and nodded towards Chengshou Buddha, and then turned his gaze to the front line where the battle was still taking place. He could see that the battle seemed to be no longer as fierce as it was at the beginning.

As the Longbow Corps led by Duowei was forced to withdraw from the battle, the troops led by Hailin and Sean were disheartened and seemed to have no courage to continue fighting.

"Do you still want to continue fighting to the death?!" Du Long's eyes were locked on Hailin and said: "Your name should be Hailin, right?! It wasn't enough to have a clone die in the spiritual space before?! This is the plan to do it again! Are you happy when you lose a clone?!"

"Stop attacking!" Facing Du Long with stern eyes, Hailin felt a chill in her heart for no reason. She waved her hand subconsciously and shouted: "Everyone should evacuate this mountain first!"

As Du Long watched in astonishment, the Silver Armor Legion led by Hai Lin also activated their triple defense cover, and then rushed straight to the bottom of the mountain.

The team led by Sean on another mountain peak also began to retreat. They must have reached a secret consensus and needed to re-draw their attack plan.

"Fellow Xuantian Dragon Master is so awesome! He managed to scare away thousands of silver-armored legions from outside the territory with his own strength!" After Ziwei Tianzun watched his opponents retreat, he looked at Du with emotion. dragon.

Everyone on the side nodded one after another, looking at Du Long with great admiration, and secretly guessing what level his strength had reached.

"Tianzun Ziwei has won the prize!" Facing the fierce gazes of many people, Du Long could only give a humble salute and immediately change the subject: "The crisis has not been completely resolved yet, and the enemies in the square below should not give in so easily!"

Perhaps in order to verify Du Long's words, a large number of silver figures suddenly appeared out of thin air in the square below. The number of the extraterrestrial silver armor army directly exceeded 10,000!

The many supreme powers in the Pangu world who saw this scene all changed their colors. They were all secretly guessing that the enemy had revealed all its hidden power and was preparing to start a war again? !

On the other side, the Li clan team who were still watching the show immediately became extremely solemn after seeing the surge in the number of foreign silver armored troops.

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