Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2604 The Ten Forged Spirits

"He actually broke through and reached the perfection of the Nine Divine Souls?! Did he successfully integrate the soul-forging technique with that magic technique?!"

"This boy is indeed a person that even Princess Xin and Gen Ling are willing to befriend. How long has passed... not only has he successfully condensed the liquid soul sword, but now he has also found the true essence of the soul-forging technique!"

"That's right! It's really a rare good seedling, but it barely meets the minimum requirements to become my registered disciple. In this case..."

Deep in the spiritual space, the whisper of the memory clone of Soul King Yu Ji sounded again.

At this moment, she was finally ready to accept Du Long as a registered disciple, instead of just looking at him slightly differently as before just for the sake of Princess Xin and the Dragon Array Spirit.

On the steps of the pyramid, Du Long successfully broke through and reached the true meaning of the Nine Forgings of the Soul, and then excitedly opened his eyes that had been closed.

"Is this the real Nine Soul Forging?! It seems like there is only a small step difference... but in fact it is like a world of difference. I should have found the true secret of soul forging! Hahaha..."

Feeling the powerful transformation coming from his soul, Du Long showed a rare expression of surprise and ecstasy, and just stood on the steps of the pyramid and laughed to the sky.

"Split, split, split..."

On the steps, after finally stopping his laughter, Du Long immediately began to divide his mind into more parts, heading towards the goal of hundreds of millions of hearts.

Until a certain moment, he finally succeeded in dividing his mind into 100 million parts, and he still felt that he still had some energy left and could continue to divide his mind into more parts.

He was not in a hurry to divide his soul towards the limit, but started to stop at the point where his mind was divided into 100 million parts. Only when his mind was divided into 100 million parts would he not feel strenuous.

Immediately afterwards, he began to maintain a state of mental concentration, and then practiced the practice of forging and fusing the nine soul bodies again according to the original practice method of forging and fusing the nine soul bodies.

Time continued to pass day by day, and Du Long continued to stand on the steps of the pyramid and practiced hard, not in a hurry to climb to a higher step.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that if he climbed to a higher level, he would not be knocked down like before.

"Very good!" Deep in the cultivation space, Soul King Yu Ji's memory clone naturally saw through what he was doing at a glance: "He was able to maintain an attitude of neither arrogance nor impatience after a successful breakthrough, and knew how to take this opportunity to forge the soul body. And merge and practice again!"

It can be seen that Soul King Yu Ji's affection for Du Long has reached a new level. When a strong person recruits a disciple, he does not want to receive a disciple who is not firm enough.

"Eh?! Another group of people actually entered the Soul King's Mansion?!"

While Soul King Yu Ji was still observing Du Long carefully, her eyes suddenly turned to another direction, as if she could see through the boundaries of time and space and directly see the interior of Soul King's mansion.

In the Soul King's mansion shrouded in mist, a group of people were arriving at the gate of the Frightening Pavilion. It was the place where Du Long had entered. It was in the inner space of the Frightening Pavilion that he learned the multi-point attack and killing methods of the sword-shaped soul.

There are twenty people in this team. The leader is a man in black robes with a cold face. Behind him are seven women and twelve men. Judging from their appearance and aura, they should be an adventure team in the realm of the soul clan's great master god.

"Master!" One of the female team members glanced at the three characters "Shock Pavilion" and then asked in a deep voice: "Do we want to enter the Fright Pavilion in the Soul King's Mansion?!"

"No rush!" The leading man in black robe waved his hand and said: "According to the letter from the senior leaders of the clan, we are ordered to find the Yangshen Temple inside the Soul King's Mansion as soon as possible. The team led by Zuo seems to have met Xuan Tianlong from the Pangu world inside. Respect Du Long, the opponent has a high probability of getting the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji!"

"Isn't it?!" the female team member exclaimed with slight surprise: "If that Du Long really gets the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji, wouldn't our Soul Clan's trip be in vain?!"

"Hmph!" A Leng, a man in black robe, snorted: "The inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji will never be allowed to be interfered with by anyone who is not from the Soul Clan. This Xuantian Dragon Lord Du Long from the Pangu world must die!"

"I see!"

The group did not enter the Jinghun Pavilion, but continued to search for the Soul Cultivation Temple inside the residence of Soul King Yu Ji, and soon arrived at the gate of the Soul Cultivation Palace.

"Nursing the Temple?! I didn't expect that it took no effort to get it?!" The man in black robe looked at the plaque of the Temple in front of him in surprise, and murmured subconsciously.

"Now that we've arrived at the Cultivation Temple, let's go in quickly!" Another female team member urged impatiently.

"No rush!" The man in black robe waved his hand to reject her proposal again, and explained with an indifferent expression: "I will first send the news that I have found the Soul King's Palace and the Yangshu Temple."

As soon as he finished speaking, he sent a text message without waiting for anyone else to speak. This brief message was instantly sent back to the Soul Clan headquarters, which naturally made the entire Soul Clan senior management excited.

It wasn't until their team found the Soul King's Palace and Yangshen Temple that the last group of people who were still skeptical about Zuo's team finding the Soul King's Palace finally believed this fact.

Standing at the gate of the Yang Temple, the team led by the black-robed man A did not rush into the Yang Temple. Instead, they contacted the Soul Clan headquarters there through text messages.

After this continued for a long time, Ah slowly breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice: "His Majesty the Soul King has an order! He ordered us to leave two people at the gate of the Soul King's Mansion to take care of them, and the others followed me into the interior of the Cultivation Temple. space!"

"Yin! You should bring one person to stay and be responsible for supporting the other teams!" After scanning around, Ah finally made a decision and said: "Don't be too busy rejecting this matter. There are only you and me in our team. The two are able to communicate with the outside world."

"Also..." Seemingly seeing the reluctance of the female team member named Yin, Ah Dang reluctantly added: "Even His Majesty the Soul Emperor's master god clone personally led the team in, and their target is also the Soul King Yu. Ji’s inheritance, if you can personally receive it then..."

"I know!" The woman named Yin's eyes suddenly lit up, and she immediately accepted it happily: "Then let me stay with one of the male team members!"

Then she casually pointed at an unattractive male teammate and motioned for him to stay with her to take care of the upcoming soul emperor Wei's master god clone.

After arranging all this, Ah waved his hand and led the remaining dozen people into the Temple of Yang.

"The space inside the Temple of Cultivation... should have the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji's skills, right?! But it doesn't matter... As long as the Soul Clan can obtain the Soul King's inheritance, it will definitely benefit itself. For the time being, I will go to deal with the Soul Emperor first. Your Majesty is coming!" Yin glanced at the gate of Yang Temple with some reluctance, and then walked towards the gate of Soul King's Mansion with the male team member.

In the space of spiritual cultivation, the memory clone of Soul King Yu Ji stared at the scene taking place in the Soul King's Mansion with an indifferent expression.

"Soul clan?! It seems that they are a clan that specializes in the spiritual soul. How dare someone from a remote clan dare to call themselves the Soul Emperor?!" Soul King Yu Ji's voice sounded faintly, and the words could be vaguely heard. With a little displeasure.

As she said, even if her soul has been sanctified, she can only call herself the Soul King. How can she have any good feelings towards the person who calls himself the Soul King? !

"That's all! Anyway, we are just selecting talents with a talent for soul cultivation. I hope this so-called soul clan will not let me down!"

In the end, Soul King Yu Ji had no intention of deliberately targeting the Soul Clan. For her, finding a highly talented successor to the mantle was far more important than other things.

So far, Du Long's talent in soul cultivation has barely reached the passing mark, and there is still a big gap between him and the requirements to become a successor.

Time continued to pass, and the team headed by A entered the spiritual space, but could not find the island with the pyramid in a short time.

Just as they kept running at high speed on the jade passage, on this day Du Long finally rebuilt the nine-forged and fused soul body. Both the soul and the body had reached the true nine-forged and fused into one.


With a heavy breath, Du Long slowly opened his eyes, and he could see excitement flashing in his eyes.

"Nine new soul bodies were forged and merged into one, and the mind was divided into hundreds of millions of parts, including the sword-shaped soul, which was divided into 512 parts, and all of them were integrated into the core of hundreds of millions of cells throughout the body. middle."

"This is the true sense of the nine soul bodies being forged and fused... This is the true sense of the immortality of the Nine Netherworlds... As long as a drop of blood containing the sword-shaped soul successfully escapes, you can be reborn with blood. ..."

It wasn't until this moment that Du Long truly understood the meaning of Jiu Nether's Immortality. In addition to the real Jiu Forging of the soul body, the sword-shaped Yuanshen Duofen also opened another window for him.

"Phew! It's time to continue climbing to a higher level. I really want to find out what treasures are waiting for me at the top of the Soul Cultivation Tower..." After taking a long breath, Du Long finally raised his feet and took this step. step.


Stepping directly onto the steps that were about one foot long, wide and high, Du Long's feet sank slightly, but in the end he stood firmly on the steps, and was no longer directly knocked down like last time. .

While secretly breathing a sigh of relief, he began to devote most of his attention to it, using all his strength to sense the changes in soul power fluctuations on the steps. At the same time, he also began to try to forge the soul and body.

Obviously, starting from this level belongs to the tenth level of the soul body, but the difference of one level is a huge difference between the first level and the second level of the soul body.

It is precisely because of this that he was knocked down when he climbed this step before. The reason is that his previous nine soul body has not reached the true state of perfection.

Time continued to pass by. After Du Long broke through the real bottleneck of the Soul Body Nine Forges, he began to practice the Soul Body Ten Forges techniques and became very familiar with it.

Every few years, you can continue to climb one step and walk towards the higher areas of the pyramid step by step!

There are ten thousand steps in the entire pyramid. Each step is about ten feet long, wide and high. If you want to climb from the bottom of the tower to the top, you will have a height of about ten thousand feet.

Du Long kept advancing one step at a time for several years, and in the blink of an eye he reached the 3501th step. This also took him nearly a thousand years.

Of course, the nearly a thousand years here refers to the time inside the Yangshen Space, and the outside world is actually only a certain amount of time.

Inside the mind-resting space, there is also a time acceleration function, which happens to reach a million times acceleration of time.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh. . .

Twenty figures appeared on the jade passage, and they were about to reach the island with the pyramid, but finally stopped.

"Have you seen the island in front of you?! And the pyramid in the middle of the island... There is also a figure on the tower, and that is Du Long, the Xuantian Dragon Lord from the Pangu world!" The gray-haired middle-aged Zou stretched out his hand. Pointing to the island in front of him, he explained to the man in black robe beside him.

Everyone's eyes turned to the pyramid on the island in front of them, and finally locked on the figure with three heads and six arms that had climbed more than 3,500 steps.

"Hmm!" A Wei, the man in black robe, nodded slightly and said, "The Golden-Charactered God-nurturing Tower?! It should be the one recorded in the classics... the Nine-turn Soul Refining God-nurturing Tower, right?!"

"That's right!" Zou replied in a deep voice: "There are three sides to the pyramid. The first side needs to reach the perfection of the third level of the soul, which is the twenty-seventh level of the soul, to successfully reach the top. The second side needs to reach the perfection of the sixth level of the soul. It takes fifty-four forging of the divine soul to successfully reach the top, and on the third side, one needs to reach the perfection of the nine forging of the divine soul, which is the eighty-one forging of the divine soul."

"Hmm! It looks like... that boy is comprehending the tenth level of the soul?!" Ah Yin, the man in black robe, had a sullen face and his eyes were as cold as a knife on Du Long.

"Huh?!" Zuo said in surprise: "That kid could only climb more than 3,300 steps before, and now he has climbed more than 100 steps in just over a thousand years?!"

"On average, he climbs one level every eight years or so. This boy's talent in the soul realm is truly unparalleled!" A Leng replied: "The inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji can only belong to the Soul Clan, and other forces are absolutely not allowed to get involved. , this kid must die!!"

"That kid must die!" Zou nodded heavily and replied, "Not to mention...just based on his crime of killing the great master gods of our Soul Clan, we can sentence him to death!"

"Okay!" A Weiwei nodded and said: "First send the situation here, and let the Soul Emperor come down to decide the matter and see how we can deal with that little bastard from the Pangu world!"

After the words fell, a brief message was sent directly back to the Soul Clan, and the Soul Clan headquarters quickly received a reply.

"His Majesty the Soul Emperor has an order!" Ah, who received the reply, looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "Order us to send half of our manpower to break through to the realm of the Immortal Creation God. We must kill the Xuantian Dragon Lord Du The dragon will be killed here!”

"I sincerely obey His Majesty the Soul Emperor's decree!"

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