Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2603 Soul Transformation

The soul clan outside the territory is discussing matters in the soul palace.

"The above is the content of the brief message sent back by my master god clone from the spiritual space inside the mansion of the Soul King Yu Ji of the Dragon Secret Realm!" A man who looked exactly like the gray-haired middle-aged Zou said in a deep voice.

"A liquefied soul sword?! How is this possible..." A slightly disbelieving voice immediately sounded in the hall.

"Yes! Being able to liquefy soul power is something that only the Soul King can do. How can a mere practitioner in the realm of the Great Lord God do it?!"

"I don't believe that Xuantian Dragon Lord Du Long can liquefy his soul power. It must be because Zuo's clone failed the mission and he lied because he was afraid that he would be held accountable!"


In the Soul Council Hall, buzzing discussions began to sound. The core senior leaders of the Soul Clan at the scene were almost unanimously skeptical, and almost no one wanted to believe the words of the great god of creation, Zou.

In the face of everyone's doubts, Zou remained unmoved. He still stood there with his back straight, as if he was upright and not afraid of the shadow.

"Quiet!" On the high skeleton throne, the Soul Emperor Wei said with a stern face: "Zou did not say that Du Long's clone had condensed a liquid soul power ocean, but only used the attack of the liquid soul power sword. It’s just a means!”

The discussion soul hall immediately fell silent, and the senior officials who originally had doubts on their faces were all speechless. Just as Soul Emperor Wei said, it should be just a soul attack method.

"But..." Soul Emperor Wei's voice suddenly changed, and he said with a hint of excitement: "It is enough to allow a practitioner in the realm of the Great Lord God to release a liquid soul energy sword to attack. This is enough in itself. So many questions!”

"At least one thing we can be sure of is...this Xuantian Dragon Lord Du Long should have received the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji's skills. As long as we can capture it, we have a great possibility of obtaining this inheritance!"


As the Soul Emperor's words fell, the discussion soul hall that had just quieted down once again started to buzz with discussions. All the senior members of the soul clan were discussing the matter excitedly.

Because they obtained a large number of various classics from the Dragon Secret Realm, the Soul Clan also obtained a lot of information related to the Dragon World from those classics. Among them, the one that made the Soul Clan's heart beat the most was the information about the Soul King Yu Ji. Information.

According to the summary of various information obtained, there is a Soul King Yu Ji living inside the Genlong Imperial Palace, and she is also the only powerful person in the Soul King realm under the entire Genlong Imperial Family.

Soul King Yu Ji holds a noble status second only to Emperor Genlong within the entire Genlong royal family. She is a super powerful person who has achieved a holy state of soul.

According to legend, the Nine Forges of the Divine Soul can only be regarded as the first entry into the palace of the Divine Soul. It is called the first level of the Divine Soul by the world!

On top of that, there are ten to eighteen levels of spiritual soul cultivation, which are called the second level of spiritual soul cultivation realm. There are nine levels of spiritual soul cultivation that continue all the way up. Only by reaching the ninth level of perfection can one be considered to have become a holy soul!

In a super-civilized world, soul saints have a supreme status, enough to be equal to people like Emperor Genlong!

Therefore, after the soul clan learned that there was such a soul king hidden in the Genlong Secret Realm, they would rather give up all other inheritances of Genlong and try every means to obtain the inheritance of the soul king Yu Ji.

Before this, many people in the Soul Clan felt that Soul King Yu Ji’s information was not true. Why would a super strong person with a sanctified soul be willing to succumb to the Mysterious Realm of the Dragon? !

Until not long ago, the Soul Clan secretly dispatched many secret teams like Zuo in the secret territory of Genlong. In the end, only Zuo's adventurous team successfully sent back the message, saying that they had found the Soul King Yu Ji inside the Genlong Palace. 's mansion.

At that time, the news was announced by the Immortal Creation God who stayed in the Soul Clan, and it immediately caused a great sensation in the entire Soul Clan.

From that moment on, the main energy of the Soul Clan was invested in the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji.

Long before Zou started asking for help, several other soul clan teams rushed over, trying to find the residence of Soul King Yu Ji according to the general path provided by Zou.

However, because the core area of ​​the Dragon Palace is filled with various magic formations blocking the true path, many teams sent by the Soul Clan have not yet found the residence of the Soul King Yu Ji.

"Your Majesty!" A bright figure stood out from the crowd and said softly: "My clone just sent back a brief message. The general content is exactly the same as Master Zou's. Lu is willing to vouch for Master Zou. Absolutely authentic and reliable!”

Just as everyone in the Soul Council Hall was discussing, Lu's immortal creation god finally stood up. She was obviously testifying on Zou's behalf.

"Haha! Very good!" Soul Emperor Wei stood up from the Skeleton Throne excitedly, laughed loudly and said: "Since Lu Aiqing has come forward to testify, then this matter must not be false, and everyone will No more doubts about this matter!”

"I obey His Majesty's will!"

Regardless of whether they believed all this before or not, the many senior leaders of the Soul Clan all bowed and accepted the Soul Emperor's final decision.

"In that case!" Soul Emperor Wei nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Then we will have a serious discussion and work out a perfect strategy. The inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji must not fall into the hands of others. It can only Belongs to our great soul clan!!"

"Your Majesty, your Majesty! I feel that if this matter is true, we must send some great master gods with the highest talent in the soul path. Only in this way can we have a chance to inherit the mantle of Soul King Yu Ji!"

"Wei Chen agrees! Not everyone can obtain the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji. Only practitioners with extraordinary talents in the Divine Soul Path have a chance. We should send more of the best disciples in the clan to go in!"


Various suggestions began to ring out in the Soul Council Hall. Those words that seemed to be for the good of the entire Soul Clan had the selfish intentions and calculations of the major family forces behind them.

Even if they belong to the same soul clan, they are divided into many different forces. After all, the entire soul clan is composed of the Xuantian world and countless immortal and mortal worlds.

Wherever there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and this is true everywhere.

Soul Emperor Wei sat back on the Skeleton Throne with a smile and allowed the people below to put forward various suggestions. It was only after everyone's voices weakened that he spoke slowly and made the final decision.

"I happen to have an avatar who remains in the realm of the Great Lord God. This avatar is responsible for leading the team into the secret realm of Genlong. The team's biggest goal is to find the mansion of the Soul King Yu Ji. We must bring her inheritance back. Soul Clan!"

"As for the total number of people in this team...then let's control it to 10,000! Among the 10,000 places, one thousand belong to the royal family, and the remaining 9,000 places are left to you to allocate. !”

"I don't care how you allocate it, but it must be determined today, one month from now. All the people who join this team, even the weakest, must reach the realm of the Great Master God!"

"Okay! This matter has been settled. Everyone should go back and prepare. In a month, we will set off for the Dragon Secret Realm no matter what!!"

In this way, Soul Emperor Wei once again finalized the matter. In addition to determining his own interests, as for how other forces should be distributed, he did not want to meddle in those nosy matters.

Resting space, on the first step at the bottom of the pyramid.

Du Long didn't know that the Soul Clan would attach so much importance to the inheritance of Soul King Yu Ji that even Soul Emperor Wei sent out his only clone of the Great Master God.

He was still standing there, constantly comprehending and practicing, trying to find the special mystery contained in this step. As time went by, he gradually discovered some clues from some extremely subtle fluctuations.

"Eh?! Isn't this the fluctuation pattern of the jade channel?! I didn't expect it to resonate with this place?!"

"It's just that this kind of fluctuation in soul power is too subtle. Because I was too hasty when climbing the steps, I didn't notice the fluctuation contained in it at all."

"Now that you have made a discovery, let's start following this discovery and climb up as soon as possible. This should be a test for yourself within the spiritual space, right?!"

With his mind spinning, Du Long began to devote a lot of his attention to it, trying hard to study the subtle changes in soul power fluctuations on the steps to find the mysterious effect.

After a month or two of this, Du Long finally fully grasped the changes in the soul power fluctuations on the steps, and then he was surprised to find that it was very similar to the way he practiced during the Nine Divine Soul Forging.

"The first step... is just the most basic fluctuation change of the first step of the Nine Divine Souls?! This means... the third of the steps up from here is actually the cultivation of the Nine Divine Souls. process?!"

"That means that if you continue to go up at one third, it will represent the cultivation realm of the soul from ten to eighteen, nineteen to twenty-seven?!"

"Twenty-seven Divine Soul Forgings... Is this the inheritance place of the Divine Soul Twenty-seven Forgings?! No... That's not right! Just relying on that little soul power fluctuation, it is impossible to forge the origin of the Divine Soul. It seems that it is still Something is missing..."

"I understand! What I am missing is probably the means to successfully compress my soul power into a liquid state... That method may be the basis for forging the soul..."

Standing on the first step, Du Long thought one after another in his mind, and gradually gained a more intuitive understanding of the pyramid in his heart.

It turns out that the steps here will have subtle soul power fluctuations. Only by combining this fluctuation with the changes in the jade passage can the soul be truly forged!

"Soul-forging?! Since this is a soul-forging place... why do you call it a spiritual resting space?! That's all! If you don't understand, then don't think about it! Follow the method you found first, Let’s go all out to refine the soul and improve the realm of spiritual soul cultivation!”

After expelling all kinds of distracting thoughts from his mind, Du Long began to practice with all his strength, combining the changes in the soul power fluctuations on the steps with the change cycle of the jade channel, and began the journey of soul-forging.

Because Du Long has successfully reached the Nine Forges of the Divine Soul, the first third of the steps are basically not difficult for him. He only needs to successfully combine the fluctuations of soul power with the changing rules of the jade passage to move up to the next level. steps.

All the way up, when he successfully reached the previous extreme position, he finally stopped.


After exhaling a long breath, Du Long looked up at the steps in front of him. He did not immediately lift his feet to step up, but was thinking solemnly about a key issue.

"The main reason why I am unable to step up to this level is that... although I have completed the Nine Soul Refinements, I am still short of the last step... What is this last step?!"

Standing on one third of the steps, Du Long had countless possibilities flashing through his mind, and finally settled on the biggest one.

"I know...the mind is multi-divided...I have always been able to divide the mind into infinitely close to 100 million parts, but unfortunately it seems that the last part can never be reached!"

"What is the reason for this result?! Is it because my soul has not truly reached the perfect state of Jiu Xuan?!"

"I understand! It's because the previous Divine Soul Nine Forged inheritance lacked the most critical element... that is the change pattern similar to that on the jade channel!"

"The changing rules of the jade passage are like a set of oral exercises, and these fluctuations in soul power are the cultivation methods of the exercise. In the past, because the two were not combined, the Nine Forges of the Divine Soul could not be completed to perfection. !”

"Perhaps... something like that kind of verbal exercise is the core secret of the Divine Soul Nine Forges. Those advanced civilizations are willing to pass on the cultivation methods of the Divine Soul Nine Forges, but they are not willing to spread the core of the oral exercise? !”

Du Long's eyes lit up again, and he vaguely found a very key point. The inheritance of the Nine Forged Souls he had received before was flawed, so it was widely spread without restrictions.

After thinking about all this, Du Long stopped talking nonsense and immediately began to try to perform the Nine Divine Soul Forges again!

First is the first forging of the soul, then the second forging. . . Work your way up to re-forge the foundation of your soul!

This is the ninth forging of the divine soul that increases the hidden changing rules of the jade passage. With each forging of the soul, Du Long can feel that the realm of his divine soul is constantly increasing!

Although the state of the soul is constantly increasing, he still feels that he cannot divide his mind into 100 million parts, and he can still only get infinitely close to reaching 100 million parts.


On this day, after he successfully re-forged the soul for the ninth time, a powerful breath of the soul began to spread from the space of his soul.

A mysterious feeling came to my mind, as if an ordinary mortal suddenly shed his mortal body and his whole soul sublimated and transformed into a god!

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