Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2552 Point out the way

"It doesn't matter who I am!" Facing the three horrified aborigines, Du Long said calmly: "What's important is that I don't have any ill intentions towards you!"

"There is no malice?!" The old man's expression softened a little and said: "Senior, may I ask where this comes from?! What is the purpose of coming to our Saintess Sect?!"

"You can just think of me as a strong man traveling in the endless universe!" Du Long had no intention of reporting his identity: "I just traveled here accidentally, and I happened to hear that a woman also appeared here. Foreign travelers are now curious and want to know more about it.”

"A traveler in the endless universe?!" Another old man couldn't help but said: "Could it be that... the saint in the legend of our Saintess Sect is also a super traveler in the endless universe? Strong?!"

Just from the terrifying aura spreading out from Du Long, all the famous gods present knew that the other party was many times stronger than themselves, and naturally linked the saint to her.

"Maybe!" Du Long shook his head and sighed: "She might be an outside traveler, or she might be an aborigine of your universe. Everything is possible."

"Dare I ask this sir... What kind of world is there outside of our universe?! Are there many, many universes like ours?!" The young woman in red couldn't help but ask. .

"There are endless cosmic worlds like yours!" Du Long replied ambiguously: "You are just one of the infinite cosmic worlds within a certain nine-dimensional space-time!"

"One of the infinite cosmic worlds within the nine-dimensional space and time?!" The woman in red nodded slightly and asked again with a respectful expression: "According to some words left by the Holy Lady, it seems that our cosmic space also said that It’s just one of thousands of universes within a nine-dimensional space-time!”

"Yeah!" Du Long immediately nodded and asked, "Does the saint you talk about have a name?! Maybe I know her."


Before the young woman in red could answer this time, the old man immediately looked at Du Long indecisively, as if hesitating whether to tell him the truth.

Seeing his expression, the other two people wisely kept silent, obviously worried that Du Long would bring danger to their saint.

"Haha!" Du Long naturally understood what they were worried about at a glance, and immediately smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, if I really want to harm the holy land you talk about, I don't need to fight with you at all. You’re welcome, just forcefully read the memories in your minds!”

The three native gods looked at each other and saw a hint of helplessness in their eyes. They obviously believed Du Long's statement.

Just as Du Long said, if he wanted to forcibly control the Saintess Sect and read the memories directly from their minds, he and others would have no way to compete.

"It seems that we are too worried!" The old man shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It can be seen that the young master must be a person of noble character, otherwise how could he be so polite to us, a group of ants like us?!"

Facing the old man's deliberate flattery, Du Long did not continue with a faint smile on his lips, but looked at the other person with a smile and waited for him to continue.

"That..." The old man's old face blushed slightly, and he continued with a slight embarrassment: "Our Saintess Sect was established because of that jade-carving Saintess, and all the techniques we practiced came from her. gift!"

"In other words, within the universe we live in, the origins of almost all forces' techniques are inextricably linked to the Holy Lady!"

"It was the Holy Lady who gave us the practice system we have today. Only then did we establish the Holy Lady Sect to express our respect for her. The Holy Lady Sect has also become the most powerful force in our universe!"

"As for the saintly lady... we don't know her real name. We only know that she was once a subjugated princess. These are not what she said herself, but we learned through some of her daily words. It was inferred!”

"Princess?! And she's a princess who has lost her country?!" Du Long narrowed his eyes slightly, and the princess of the Dragon Royal Family immediately flashed in his mind. Although he had never seen her, he had heard about her several times from the Dragon Spirit.

"How do people in your world call this girl?! It's impossible to call her a saint from the beginning, right?!" Du Long's thoughts flashed and he asked again.

"At the beginning, people called her... Goddess, wait.”


A smile appeared on Du Long's lips, and he was almost sure in his heart that the saint he mentioned was Princess Xin from the Genlong royal family.

It should be Princess Xin who, under the protection of many powerful men from the Genlong Royal Family, rushed all the way to the southwest of the Genlong Imperial Palace. Because the battle here was so fierce, it caused time and space to be distorted and deformed, eventually forming the shape she entered. That piece of broken space-time area!

After hundreds of millions of years of long changes, multi-dimensional space-time began to form within those space-time fragments, and the cosmic world appeared within the multi-dimensional space-time, and various indigenous creatures began to emerge.

As for Princess Xin, she probably strayed into a fragment of broken time and space for some unknown reason after the world-destroying war, and finally she began to study multidimensional time and space.

‘It seems that Princess Xin’s research results on multi-dimensional space and time should not be lower than mine, otherwise she would not be able to leave this universe belonging to the nine-dimensional space and time at will! ’

‘I don’t know which dimension of time and space she is in at the moment? ! Which dimension of multi-dimensional space-time has she studied? ! ’

These thoughts flashed through his mind, but Du Long didn't show anything strange on the surface. Now that he knew the approximate identity of the jade carving girl and deduced a relatively complete context, there was no need to talk to the group of people in front of him. What a waste of time.

"Sir!" The old man saw that Du Long's expression changed and did not continue to ask. Then he took the initiative to ask: "I dare to ask you a question, how can I leave the universe in front of me like this? Are you traveling around different universes like adults?!"

As soon as he asked this question, the other two people's eyes lit up, and they all looked at Du Long with hope, wanting to hear how he would answer this question.

"It will be difficult for you to leave this cosmic world by relying on your own strength!" Du Long replied in a deep voice: "Only by fully understanding the changing laws of nine-dimensional space and time, can you have a chance to escape from this cosmic space where you are!"

"Then how can we understand the mystery of nine-dimensional time and space?!" The young woman in red also asked eagerly: "This young master! After our cultivation reaches this level, we will never be able to do it again. A higher breakthrough.”

"I hope that the young master can point out a clear path for us. I will never thank you for your kindness. In the future, we will definitely open a ancestral temple for the young master like a saint, so that the young master can enjoy the incense for eternity!"

"There's no need to open a clan and establish a temple!" Du Long waved his hand to reject the other party's good intention.

At most, opening a ancestral temple can only gain some power of faith, but after receiving the benefits, he must pay more responsibilities. This is also a cause and effect that he does not want to be implicated in.

"But if I simply point out a clear path for you, it's not a big deal, but... when you see the scene outside this nine-dimensional time and space, it may not be a good thing! "Du Long directly said the ugly words to the front.

"We will be responsible for the path we want to take. No matter what results we face in the future, we will have no regrets. Even if we die, we must be a group of people who understand!"

"Forget it!" As if feeling the other party's firm attitude, Du Long shook his head and sighed: "Then let's start with the fact that your cultivation has been stuck in the realm of gods and you can no longer break through to a higher level!"

Under Du Long's narration, the three powerful aboriginal gods finally knew their current level of strength. They also knew that above this there were the supreme realm, the ordinary realm, and the realm of the Xuantian Creation God, and even higher. There are more unknown realms of cultivation and so on.

In addition, they also learned that the location of this nine-dimensional space-time was actually inside the ruins after the destruction of the originally extremely powerful Dragon World. They could be regarded as a group of creatures that were born in the ruins of the Dragon World.

Du Long explained the concept of multi-dimensional time and space very simply and in detail. As for how much the three people in front of him could understand, that was none of his business.

He is only responsible for pointing out the way forward, so that the people in front of him can avoid detours. As for where they can go, they have to leave it to their own fate.

"Okay! I've told you the path that should be pointed out. The rest is up to you to understand on your own. Let's just say goodbye... See you later!" After saying this, Du Long didn't wait for the other party to ask further questions. Just disappeared without a trace.

Only the three native gods were left in a daze. They still had countless questions in their hearts that they wanted to ask, but unfortunately they would not have any chance again.

The consciousness of the three people expanded with all their strength, and with their strength they were able to completely cover the entire universe. Unfortunately, no trace of Du Long could be found at all.

"He just left like this?!" the young woman in red said with some reluctance: "I still have a lot of questions that I haven't asked yet, so why did he just leave?!"

"Alas! Just be content!" The old man sighed and said: "This young master is willing to point out the way for us, but we really have to rely on ourselves from now on, just as the young master said... Leaving this universe too early may not be a good thing!"

"Yes!" Another old man stroked his pale beard and said with emotion: "Even the Dragon World, which in the eyes of that young master was extremely powerful, was destroyed in that world-destroying war... Just because of us. If we go out with our strength, we will probably become nothing more than a group of cannon fodder with little chance of success!"

"That's right!" The young woman in red nodded heavily and replied: "According to what the young master said, outside the Dragon Secret Realm is the boundless Xuantian Chaos World. If your strength does not reach the supreme realm, you will be directly killed by Xuantian. The power of chaos erodes and turns into the most original chaotic particles?!"

"Yes!" The old man nodded in agreement: "For the current plan, in addition to studying the concept of multi-dimensional time and space, we also need to work hard to find ways to improve our cultivation to the supreme realm. Otherwise, even if we go out, we will only be in the dangerous Dragon Secret Realm. Wandering around inside."


The three aboriginal gods were communicating there, and they were all very grateful to Du Long from the bottom of their hearts.

For such a powerful foreigner to come to their world and be able to do nothing wrong was already extremely benevolent, but Du Long was willing to point out a clear path for them, which was a big kindness.

In the nine-dimensional twisted time and space, Du Long is back here again. He is not in a hurry to go out now. The outside world's encirclement against him will definitely not be evacuated that easily.

Standing quietly in the nine-dimensional distorted time and space, his ears kept hearing the sharp sound of the distorted time and space hitting the creation armor, but he stared blankly at the distorted time and space around him.

Starting today, Du Long will begin to try to find a new path to creation, a path that is different from the previous two creations.

And the direction he chose was naturally the multi-dimensional space-time in front of him. He wanted to embark on a multi-dimensional space-time creation path. He vaguely felt that the multi-dimensional space-time creation path would definitely be a very good breakthrough direction!

‘Multidimensional space and time. . . Along the way, I have realized from five dimensions to ten dimensions. Every time I add another dimension, time and space will become more stable. I must create a world of time and space with as high a dimension as possible! ’

'But. . . Without any reference material, I simply don’t know how many dimensions space-time can reach. . . Once the dimension level to be created is determined, it will probably not be easy to change it, right? ! ’

'No. . . With his current strength, I am afraid that he cannot even create a ten-dimensional space-time. After all, the strong men in the universe within the ten-dimensional space-time are even more advanced than the Pangu God Realm. ’

‘Multidimensional space and time. . . Since I can find out the changing rules of each dimension, why can't I start from the low-dimensional space and time, and then slowly move up to the high-dimensional space? ! ’

‘As long as it is a cultivation method that can continuously improve the time and space dimension, then you don’t have to worry about the time and space dimension you choose being too low, and your future achievements will be limited? ! ’

‘That’s right! That's it. Not only can I not create the world directly from the ten-dimensional time and space, but I have to start from the lowest dimension of time and space. . . ’

Standing silently in the distorted time and space, Du Long continued to deduce the creation path of multi-dimensional time and space in his mind!

This kind of creation direction has been determined, but there must be no rush in the details. All possibilities must be thoroughly studied before we can truly start on the road to creation!

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