Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2551 Jade Girl

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In the nine-dimensional time and space, Du Long allowed the distorted time and space to bombard him one after another, making bursts of sharp, tooth-aching sounds.

"Or have the two races of light and darkness discovered and surrounded this nine-dimensional time and space?! I am still not careful enough!" Du Long sighed helplessly and said to himself.

"Now, this nine-dimensional space-time fragment has been shrouded in a protective shield of light and darkness. I'm afraid I won't be able to break out of the encirclement like this!"

"In this case, we can only continue to work hard to understand the operating laws of multi-dimensional space-time, and then spend more time calculating multi-dimensional time and space other than six, eight, and nine dimensions!"

In a flash of thought, Du Long immediately made a decision!

When he divided his mind into countless parts, he began to go all out to calculate the changing laws of multi-dimensional time and space, trying hard to deduce the changing laws of other multi-dimensional time and space by relying on the three different dimensions of time and space he mastered.

Similar to this kind of change law of multi-dimensional space and time, compared with the abstract and difficult to understand the mysterious rules of heaven, it is countless times simpler!

If Du Long could enter space-time fragments such as the fifth and seventh dimensions, it might only take less than a month to clearly detect their changing patterns.

However, at this moment, he was surrounded by space and time before he could enter those dimensions. He could only use the three different dimensions of space and time that he had mastered to reversely calculate the change laws of five and seven dimensions of space and time.

The efficiency of this kind of reverse deduction is naturally much lower than that of being in the dimensional space and time you want to deduce, and the time required also increases exponentially.

But Du Long has no other choice now. He can only calculate according to the existing conditions, and the first thing he wants to calculate is the change law of seven-dimensional space and time.

After mastering the change laws of six, eight and nine-dimensional space-time, the missing seven-dimensional space-time change law has rules that can be related up and down in the calculation process. Relatively speaking, it is also Du Long's best calculation target!

Time keeps passing day by day, and Du Long is constantly calculating the changing rules of seven-dimensional space and time through the three-dimensional space-time change rules he has mastered!

There are various variables in this process, and we often go down the wrong path, but compared to Du Long, who can be distracted by hundreds of millions of times, these are completely within the acceptable range.

Like a super powerful computer, through constant simulation and error correction, he gradually built up a seven-dimensional space-time three-dimensional figure with changing curve patterns in his mind.

When the soul realm reached the realm of Supreme Dzogchen, he was very efficient in deducing the changing laws of seven-dimensional space and time. After more than five years of continuous calculations, he finally completely simulated the changing laws of the entire seven-dimensional space and time.


This kind of calculation method that uses brain power to the extreme consumes soul power at an extremely terrifying rate. Even Du Long's current cultivation level feels a little overdrawn.

While exhaling a long breath, Du Long's face turned pale but still had a smile of joy. After more than five years of hard work in real time, he finally succeeded in simulating the changing laws of seven-dimensional time and space.

"Haha!" I heard him murmur to himself with a smile on his face: "This kind of calculation process out of nothing, although it consumes a lot of time and energy, it is more rewarding than doing calculations in seven-dimensional time and space. many!"

"Previous research on calculations of six-, eight-, and nine-dimensional space-time, although we can successfully calculate the correct change rules, we always know it but don't know why!"

"Now, through just one deduction and calculation out of nothing, I have not only successfully understood the changing laws of seven-dimensional space-time, but I have also gained a deeper understanding of the three multi-dimensional space-times that I had already understood!"

"It seems that I have to thank the two tribes of light and darkness. If they hadn't forced me into a desperate situation, how could I have left the fragments of the seven-dimensional time and space and not comprehended it, but used this time-consuming and labor-intensive way to comprehend the seven-dimensional space-time fragments? The law of change of dimensional space and time?!"

After sighing with a smile, Du Long did not continue to practice. Instead, he flashed into a cosmic space inside a distorted time and space, and then flashed to the planet with the richest aura of heaven and earth in this cosmic space.

Du Long sat cross-legged on a certain holy mountain on the planet, and began to close his eyes and run the Xuantian Art, trying his best to restore his severely depleted mental power.

This planet can be regarded as the top life planet in this universe. The top forces in the entire universe are entrenched here, and the holy mountain where Du Long sits is also the core holy place of the mountain gate of a top force.

However, the appearance of this universe is still relatively short after all, and it lacks the most complete and powerful cultivation techniques. The most powerful ones in the entire universe are only a limited number of powerful people in the God Realm.

Du Long's appearance on their territory did not attract the attention of these powerful men at all.

The space and time around him seemed to be distorted, and whether it was sight or spiritual exploration, it would go around him, as if nothing existed except air where he sat.

Without any interference, Du Long quickly recovered the energy he had consumed, and then sat there cross-legged without being in a hurry to comprehend the changing laws of the five-dimensional space and time.

This is another modeling process made out of nothing. Du Long once again divided himself into hundreds of millions of people to calculate the changing laws of five-dimensional space and time. Since five-dimensional space and time are relatively low-level dimensions, and he has experience in calculating the changing laws of seven-dimensional space and time, this time It only took Du Long about three years to successfully calculate the changing laws of five-dimensional space-time.

At this point, he has successfully calculated the changing laws of five to nine dimensions of time and space, and is faced with the question of whether to continue calculating to higher dimensions of time and space, or to stop and change the direction of calculation practice? !

"No matter what! Anyway, this nine-dimensional space-time fragment has been surrounded by the light and dark races, so let's continue to calculate the changes in the ten-dimensional time and space, and let the light and dark races wait slowly outside!"

In a flash of thought, Du Long immediately made a decision and began to continue to deduce the changing laws of ten-dimensional time and space.

As we all know, one to four-dimensional space-time is the space-time we live in normally, and there is no need for Du Long to deduce and calculate its changing laws.

After successfully bringing the multi-dimensional space-time calculation to nine dimensions, Du Long naturally wanted to start calculations towards a higher ten-dimensional calculation, and the difficulty of this calculation was also doubling in a geometric series.

As he began to devote himself wholeheartedly to the calculation of the ten-dimensional space and time, he gradually felt the tremendous pressure. There was no real thing in front of him, and he had to calculate an extremely large number of various changes in the process of making something out of nothing.

If we say that he has calculated the seven-dimensional space-time for more than five years, then the calculation time for the eight-dimensional space-time will be twice as long, that is, more than ten years. The nine-dimensional and eight-dimensional are two-digit, which is more than twenty years. The tenth dimension is twice as long as the nineth dimension for more than forty years!

The entire modeling and calculation process cannot be interrupted. Once it is interrupted, the modeling must be restarted. Therefore, Du Long has to maintain full calculation for more than forty years, and the mental energy consumed will definitely drain him.

Time passed year after year, and Du Long's face became more and more ugly. He had not experienced the tired feeling coming from the origin of his soul for a long time.

In my mind, a huge model is constantly being piled up and getting bigger!

The law of change of ten-dimensional space-time is extremely huge. Du Long needs to find out the law of change of space-time for each dimension that he has mastered from the five to nine dimensions of space-time. Then he will use the law of change of nine-dimensional space-time to improve Reach the ten-dimensional space-time change law.

As time passed, almost on a day when Du Long felt that he could no longer hold on, a complete ten-dimensional space-time change pattern finally appeared in his mind.

After more than forty years, trillions of data had to be calculated and corrected every minute, and finally a ten-dimensional space-time that could be considered relatively stable was established!


With a long breath of turbid breath, Du Long resisted the feeling of dizziness and continued to go all out to memorize all the changing laws of the entire ten-dimensional time and space.

Until he felt that it was correct, Du Long's heartstrings that he had been reluctantly holding on to were finally broken. His whole person instantly became sluggish, and his entire face became even more pale and frightening.

Although he wanted to close his eyes and sleep well for an epoch, Du Long knew that sleep was not the best way to recover.

He directly threw a pill that could replenish his soul power into his mouth and swallowed it, and then he worked hard to run the Xuantian Jue technique, trying to repair the extremely damaged mental power as quickly as possible.

Perhaps because of the serious loss of his mental power, Du Long didn't even notice that the distorted time and space around him was a little loose. He was immediately discovered by some strong men from the top forces of the Holy Mountain.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three figures appeared out of thin air on the top of the holy mountain. They were three men and women who had reached the realm of gods. There were two old men in gray robes and a beautiful young woman in red.

The three of them were seen staring at the slightly distorted space-time on the top of the mountain in bewilderment. They could feel the terrifying power that made people's hearts beat, and for a while they did not dare to approach the abnormally distorted space-time easily.

"Two senior brothers! Have you ever seen what this distorted time and space is all about?! Why did it suddenly appear on the top of the Holy Mountain?! Should we take measures to deal with it?!" The young woman in red has always been charming. On Wan Zhong's face, there was an extremely obvious vigilance and solemn expression at this moment.

"It's best not to act rashly!" One of the older-looking old men shook his head and refused: "This is the top of the Holy Mountain, and suddenly a distorted time and space with such shocking fluctuations appears. Could it be that the legendary one is back? !”

"The one in the legend?!" The young woman in red and another old man changed their expressions, obviously knowing what kind of person the legendary one was: "How is this possible?! Didn't the legendary one leave our place long ago? of this world?!”

"Alas!" The old man shook his head and sighed, then turned to look at a square at the foot of the Holy Mountain, where there was a giant statue carved from mutton-fat white jade, with the appearance of a beautiful girl impressively carved: "In the legend That beautiful fairy has indeed left this world. According to her own words, she is going to a higher level of multi-dimensional time and space..."

Du Long, who was trying to recover his mental strength, secretly shuddered in his heart. Although he was in an extremely unstable and weak state, he was still able to distract himself and happened to hear the conversation between these three powerful men in the Divine Realm.

A ray of consciousness immediately swept across the mutton-fat white jade statue at the foot of the mountain. Du Long was stunned for a moment after seeing the appearance of the mutton-fat white jade girl. He always felt that the girl in front of him looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her. .

"It seems that I have a chance to get to know the identity of the owner of this statue. She actually knows that she is going to a more advanced multi-dimensional space and time?! Does she also know that the universe in front of her is the billions of universes located inside the fragments of nine-dimensional space and time? one?!"

"This is inside the nine-dimensional space-time fragment. She wants to go to a higher-dimensional space-time... is it to enter the billions of other universe spaces inside this nine-dimensional space-time fragment... or to leave the nine-dimensional space-time fragment and find the destination outside? What about fragments of the ten-dimensional space-time and entering it?!”

A small part of Du Long's mind immediately thought of two possibilities, and he was also very interested in the true identity of the jade sculpture. He always felt that this girl was not like a native spirit in this nine-dimensional time and space, but more like an outsider.

But if she is an outsider, where did she come from? What is she looking for in these multi-dimensional space-time fragments? ! Could it be that they are all doing the same thing as themselves to study the changing laws of multi-dimensional space and time? !

With such doubts, Du Long secretly paid more attention to the jade girl and prepared to wait for the right opportunity to investigate again.

Originally he could have directly patched up the loopholes in the distorted time and space, but because of the jade carving girl, Du Long chose not to patch it up. Instead, he worked hard to recover a small part of his mental power, and then he appeared directly in front of the three gods. .


Du Long's sudden appearance startled the young woman in red on the spot, and she actually jumped up in fright. That look was really funny.

Logically speaking, the mighty and powerful man should not be scared, but Du Long directly released his extremely powerful soul realm aura in order to increase his weight in the hearts of the three of them.

In this way, he was like an ancient ferocious beast that suddenly jumped out of the distorted time and space. The feeling of being so powerful that it was suffocating naturally frightened the young woman in red and made her lose her temper on the spot.

"Who are you?! Why did you suddenly appear on the top of our Saintess Peak?!" The older man was also startled, but he could only ask loudly.

In his opinion, it would be fine if the girl on the jade sculpture suddenly appeared, but if an uninvited guest appeared, it would be a cause for alarm.

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