Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 263 Uncle Luo Hao

After writing the case, General Luo Hao raised his head from a pile of secret military records, looked at his two precious daughters suspiciously, and a strange young man walked in.

"Xiaofen, Xiaofang! Why are you here? Who is this young man?!" Luo Hao asked suspiciously.

"Daddy! He is the Du Long cousin that we both mentioned to you these days!" My younger sister Luo Xiaofang rushed to answer excitedly.

"Oh?! So it's Concubine Du who is here?! Disrespectful, disrespectful and disrespectful!" Luo Hao stood up in surprise and said politely, clasping his hands.

"Du Long has met Uncle Tang!" Du Long dared not pretend to be a son-in-law, and directly saluted respectfully as a nephew.

"Haha, do the math! You are my son-in-law, Luo Hao's nephew! I really envy General Zhongwu for raising such a good son like you! The leader of the three great geniuses in the mainland really looks extraordinary!" Luo Hao obviously liked it. Du Long was very satisfied with seeing each other with the courtesy of a junior, he stroked his bearded face and said with a big smile.

"I made Uncle Luo laugh!" Du Long said modestly.

"Uncle, I really envy your father, alas!" Luo Hao sighed softly, and then said angrily, "I think he has a son like you to take over the Zhongwu Army, and he can be regarded as a successor. I, the Jinglin Army, will not know in the future. Who should be handed over to take over! None of the disciples of Luo’s family has progressed, hmph!”

The legions of the Haotian Empire have always had the practice of family inheritance. Although this method is very backward, the country is fought by several big families with all their strength, and no one dares to break this set of rules for a while!

It's really inconvenient for Du Long to pick up on General Luo Hao's words. After all, he was widowed early in his life and never married again. With only twin daughters under his knees, it's not appropriate for him to say anything!

"Ah!" Sighing again, Luo Hao said gratefully: "I heard from Xiaofen and Xiaofang that the two of her sisters are in the capital thanks to your care, otherwise they would be humiliated in front of that bastard of the Fan family. Thank you for this!"

"My uncle is serious! Du Long naturally cannot allow others to bully my cousins. I believe that no one in the capital dares to bully them anymore! Xiaofen, Xiaofang! If anyone dares to bully you, tell my cousin Brother, I will definitely beat them to the ground with teeth!"

"Hee hee! No one in the capital dares to bully the two of us now, and even Rob's cousins ​​from the Luo family ran away from us as soon as they saw us!" Sister Luo Xiaofang waved her fist in relief and smiled coquettishly. .

"By the way! Du Long, why did you come to Yulin Pass?!" Luo Hao remembered to ask Du Long why he came, and Luo Xiaofen who was on the side also followed suit: "That's right, that's right! The Deputy God is acting mysteriously, not letting anyone know that he is here! What happened?!"

Hearing Luo Xiaofen's question, General Luo Hao became even more curious. The father and daughter all stared at Du Long closely, waiting for his answer!

After hesitating for a while, Du Long finally looked at the two sisters Fenfang with some embarrassment and said, "This matter is of great importance! Can the two cousins ​​avoid it for a while, I have to have a private chat with my uncle!"

"Xiaofen, Xiaofang! Listen to your cousin and avoid it for now!" Seeing Du Long's serious face, Luo Hao immediately addressed the two precious daughters seriously.

"Oh! We got it!" The twin sisters of Fenfang answered in unison, got up and left one after another, living in an environment without a mother all year round, the two sisters are very well-behaved and sensible!

Before going out, sister Luo Xiaofen added: "Cousin! We all know that you and daddy have business to talk about, remember not to leave in a hurry after the business is done, Xiaofang and I are going to prepare the luncheon, you must accompany us when we stay Have a meal!"

"Okay! No problem!" Du Long naturally would not refuse this small request, he nodded and agreed, and saw the two girls running out excitedly to do some work!

"Du Long! It's time to get down to business now?!" Luo Hao fixed his eyes on Du Long and said solemnly.

Nodding his head, Du Long began to talk about the fact that the Fan clan had colluded with the Blue Moon Empire for decades and secretly planned a rebellion.

"You're not kidding me, are you?! Such an important matter was not told to me by the higher-ups of the empire, but you... came to Yulin Pass to tell me?!" Luo Hao managed to understand what Du Long said. , exclaimed in disbelief on the spot.

"Uncle! This matter is currently in our empire. Only the old and new emperors and my grandfather and father know about it. We have all made plans to deal with it! But... now it seems that the plan is likely to change, I came here today just to remind you in advance, so as not to suffer a big loss because of ignorance in the future!" Du Long replied with a serious face.

"According to what you said just now, not only the Dunwu Army controlled by the Li family behind me is controlled by the Fan family, but even the Zhenwei army of your Du family is also controlled by them?! If the Li family is very close to the Fan family? I can still understand how the Zhenwei Legion controlled by Du Zhennan, the sixth son of your Du family, fell?!" Luo Hao immediately asked the doubts in his heart.

"Uncle! After investigating this matter, my grandfather found out that my uncle Liutang is not actually of Du's blood. Decades ago..." Du Long quickly explained Du Zhennan's situation.

"So, as early as decades ago, the Blue Moon Empire, together with that old monster of the Fan family, started to attack the Zhenwei Legion and the Dunwu Legion?!" Luo Hao was shocked and furious.

"Exactly!" Du Long nodded vigorously in response.

"If what you said is true, then I would like to ask, why did you come to report to me?! Instead of the empire's military department issuing a secret letter?!" Luo Hao continued to ask.

"Hey! It's a long story! Originally, according to the plan, the Blue Moon Empire didn't attack our Haotian Empire so soon. However, there may be some changes now. I have to say hello to my uncle in advance, lest you don't know Dun Wu Juntuan's details have suffered a great loss!" Du Long sighed softly.

"What's the change? Come and hear what you said!" The matter is very important, Luo Hao, the commander of the first army, naturally wants to ask clearly, he will not believe Du Long's words just because he has a little favor for his precious daughter any words!

"Uncle! Before coming to Yulin Pass, Princess Huofeng, Xia Qinglian, and I rode the spirit beast lion to the Blue Moon Empire for a tour. The purpose is to understand the various situations of the Blue Moon Empire..." Du Long began He roughly explained what happened to him in the Blue Moon Empire under the pseudonym of Mu Jiu.

"What?! You killed the sixth prince of the Blue Moon Empire, and Pu Junnan, the grandson of the Pu family?!"

Luo Hao was shocked by Du Long's words again. The general who had been guarding Yulin Border City for a long time immediately understood that if this was true, the Blue Moon Empire and the Haotian Empire would definitely be involved in a big battle.

"That's right! In order to snatch Princess Huofeng and Xia Qinglian's two daughters, these two people not only slaughtered innocent people in the whole village, but also sent a large number of masters to surround and kill me. Naturally, I can't let these two scumbags go!" Du Long nodded for confirmation. road.

"Hey! Du Long, do you know how much disaster your actions will bring to the empire?!" Luo Hao shook his head and sighed.

"Actually, I have long understood the consequences of killing those two scumbags. However, since the Blue Moon Empire has already prepared to attack us, if they dare to attack without sufficient preparation, we will have a greater chance of winning Moreover, even if this incident did not happen, the Blue Moon Empire would not give up its plot against us, it's just the difference between sooner and later!"

"The matter is very important! You'd better go back to the capital as soon as possible, and explain this matter to your grandfather and the two emperors! So that we can respond as soon as possible!" Luo Hao said with an extremely serious expression.

"Hehe! Uncle, don't worry too much. We have long known about the Blue Moon Empire's big conspiracy against us, and we have made sufficient preparations for it! Anyway, soon you will receive a secret announcement from the emperor , then you will know that I have not deceived you!" Du Long comforted with a smile.

"At this point, I hope that as you said, the two emperors are fully prepared!" Luo Hao replied with a wry smile, shaking his head.

"Uncle! The reason why I came to see you in secret is to remind you to prepare for the invasion of the Blue Moon Empire army while guarding against the Dunwu Army in the rear! I guess that the Blue Moon Empire will ask us to hand over a name this time." The murderer named Mu Jiu, although they will use the army to deter them, they will definitely not launch a general attack so soon! Therefore, you only need to be mentally prepared!" Du Long finally confessed.

"Okay! I understand! No matter what, the information about the Dunwu Army is very important to me. I have to start re-arranging troops, so as not to be taken advantage of by the Dunwu Army! Go and accompany Xiaofen and Xiaofang. Have a meal, and then return to the capital as soon as possible!"

Thus, Du Long started to leave the study room, led by a trusted guard personally arranged by Luo Hao, went to the back of the City Lord's Mansion to accompany the two twin sisters for lunch.

During the banquet, Du Long quickly figured out why the two twin sisters came to Yulin Pass suddenly. It turned out that this time of the year was the anniversary of their mother's death.

"Xiaofen, Xiaofang! Yulin Pass will soon be involved in the flames of war again, you two must return to the capital as soon as possible!" Du Long put down his chopsticks and said after the lunch was almost finished.

"We all listen to my cousin! We will go back to the capital in the next two days, can my cousin go back with us?!" Elder sister Xiaofen asked expectantly.

"No!" Du Long shook his head and refused: "Actually, your two sister-in-laws are in Yulin City! It's just that they can't show up in the City Lord's Mansion with me! Our whereabouts must be kept secret this time, so we can't accompany you Let’s go back to the capital together! Remember, don’t mention to anyone that we have been to Yulin!”

"Oh! We understand!" The two Fenfang sisters responded quickly.

The twin sisters suffered all kinds of grievances when they were young. They both said that children who grow up in adversity tend to become sensible, and they are absolutely right!

third chapter. . .

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