Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 262 The Name of Mu Jiu

Swinging the saber with all his strength, the huge flame blade exploded against the wind, passing the sixth prince, Pu Junnan, and the two guards behind them, and finally slashed on the wall of the private house!

Amidst the bang, Du Long stepped out of the gate, stared at the collapsed house, and buried the four people in an instant!

In the yard, the two beauties who came over came to him, silently looking at the wreckage of the house where the smoke and dust were flying in all directions!

"Husband! I seem to have heard the conversation between you and the sixth prince Jin Shenyun just now?!" Princess Huofeng asked hesitantly.

"That's right! These scumbags, in order to deal with us, actually slaughtered the entire village! If we don't kill them, it's not enough to comfort the innocent people who died!" Du Long replied angrily.

"Oh! Then these people should be killed!" Huofeng nodded firmly.

"Well! After such a major event, it is estimated that the Blue Moon Empire's war against our Haotian Empire will turn from darkness to light, and may accelerate! Therefore, our war preparations must also be accelerated!" Du Long said solemnly replied.

"Master! Those three guys are all taken care of by me!" At this time, the big lion and Xiao Lie stepped forward and began to claim credit with pride.

"Very good! It seems that people can't live here. People from the Blue Moon Empire will definitely come here soon, so let's continue going north overnight!" Du Long nodded and decided to leave this place of right and wrong.

"Xiao Lie, destroy the corpses of the five guys who were shot to death by random arrows, and don't worry about the others!" Du Long thought for a while, and confessed to Xiao Lie: "If the five corpses are not dealt with in time If it is dropped, the secrets of the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Nail and the Dragon Horn Crossbow will be revealed, the sooner these two secrets are revealed, the better!"

"Xiao Lie understands!"

After the big lion nodded in response, he immediately dodged to the side of the corpses of Gang Dan rank, and sprayed a few mouthfuls of fire on the corpses. Not to mention the flesh and blood, even the densely packed black iron nails were melted away!

After finishing all this work, Du Long no longer hesitated, and led the two women to steer the big lion and flew towards the north, disappearing in the depths of the darkening night sky in a blink of an eye!

Time passed, and about two hours later, a group of secret agents from the Blue Moon Empire appeared in this small mountain village where there was no living person, and they were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them.

Soon, the news that the sixth prince Jin Shenyun, Pu Junnan, a direct descendant of the Pu family, and a group of masters died tragically in this mountain village was sent out. The second prince, who was far away in the capital of the Blue Moon Empire, was dumbfounded on the spot when he heard the news!

Ever since he was held hostage by Du Long in the hotel, he felt that this opponent was not easy. Just in case, he didn't go out with the team this time. Unexpectedly, this careful decision saved his life in the end!

'Mujiu? ! '

At this moment, the second prince, Jin Shencheng, firmly remembered this terrible name in his heart. According to his understanding, any existence that could threaten his life should be kept at a respectful distance!

Blue Moon Empire, the emperor is furious!

On the morning of the next day, the news that the sixth prince and Pu Junnan were killed in the empire was announced to the public. The whole court of the Blue Moon Empire was shocked. No one thought that anyone would be so bold as to wantonly kill The most powerful imperial prince in Star Continent? !

Wood Nine!

In the end, everyone in the Blue Moon Empire memorized this strange name. Everyone only knew that this was an existence who was suspected to have reached the strength of Gang Dan level and above, and it was very likely that he had reached the strength of Spirit level!

According to the intelligence analysis obtained from the scene, being able to swing a knife to slash out a long flame blade can only be done by an existence with the strength of the spirit rank. There is no way for an ordinary Gangdan rank existence to release the energy so much and form such a large-scale explosion. attack!

No matter how powerful this Mu Jiu was, since he dared to kill the prince and the children of the Pu family in the Blue Moon Empire, this crime was immediately used.

The Blue Moon Empire immediately sent an envoy to the Haotian Empire, demanding that the Haotian Empire hand over the murderer Mu Jiu, otherwise, the Blue Moon Empire would declare war on the Haotian Empire!

Afterwards, hundreds of thousands of troops near the border city of Haoyue were assembled, vaguely ready to go to war at any time, to substantially deter the Haotian Empire!

When the envoys sent by the Blue Moon Empire to the capital of the Haotian Empire set off, Harujie, the King of the Qingyun Grassland, summoned Princess Qingling to have a secret talk!

"Qing Ling! How do you think Du Long wiped out so many masters?! He didn't even keep any of them. There's a weird smell in it!" The Prairie King asked his precious daughter with a puzzled face. .

"Father! According to the analysis of the received information, there should be a master behind Du Long who is secretly protecting him. With his strength, it is impossible to kill so many masters!" Princess Qingling pondered.

"Then how can Du Long explain Pu Zhongyong, who defeated more than a dozen masters of Qihai level in Hans City and repelled the second-level strength of Gangdan?!" The Prairie King continued to ask.

"Well... that's exactly what my daughter is wondering about! According to the analysis of the information received, Du Long just reached the first level of strength in Qihai a few months ago, and it's been less than a year. How could he reach Gang Alchemy-level strength? How to defeat Pu Zhongyong, who is at the second-level strength of Gangdan?!

According to the intelligence analysis obtained, he should rely on his advantage in speed to barely scare Park Zhongyong away. In fact, his basic combat power is weaker than Park Zhongyong, so how could he wipe out so many masters? ! "The master of Qingling County frowned, as if he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"I feel that this Du Long is becoming more and more mysterious, maybe! We can have more confidence in his suggestion!" The Prairie King murmured, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"That's right! Let's just follow his suggestion and delay the time as much as possible! My daughter really hates that hypocritical and disgusting second prince. What happened this time is obviously that the two princes coveted Du Long's two fiancées. I thought I didn't take advantage of it, but I got hurt all over! Hmph!" Princess Qingling sneered with a look of disdain.

"Okay! Then let's procrastinate for the time being and wait and see the development of the situation!" The Prairie King nodded and made a decision. Obviously, Du Long's performance this time has doubled his confidence!

In the entire Blue Moon Empire, only the father and daughter of the Grassland King know Mu Jiu's real identity for the time being. However, they have long been dissatisfied with the court of the Blue Moon Empire, so their father and daughter will not report Du Long's real identity to the court!

After staying in Haoyue City for less than half an hour, the ring spirit beauty scanned and stored all the garrison deployment within a hundred miles of Haoyue City, and they immediately left the border town of the Blue Moon Empire and went straight to the border gate of the Haotian Empire Go to Yulin City!

Due to the speed of the big lion, when they arrived at Haoyue City, the news that the sixth prince had been killed had not yet reached the capital of the Blue Moon Empire, let alone Haoyue City!

Just one day after Du Long left Haoyue City, the chief general of this city received the investigation notice sent by the capital of the Blue Moon Empire with flying monsters, asking Haoyue City to help track down the whereabouts of three young men and women riding black lions!

It's a pity that Du Long has already gone to Yulin Pass at this time!

Yulin Pass, after placing the second daughter and the big lion in an inn, Du Long came out alone. His goal was Yulin Pass City Lord's Mansion. Since he came to this border town of the Haotian Empire, it was necessary to meet Yulin Gatekeeper Luo Hao!

Luo Hao's deceased wife was Du Long's cousin, so the general of the Jinglin Army was his cousin, and also the biological father of the twin sisters Luo Xiaofen and Xiaofang!

Because the combination of a big lion and a man and two women is too conspicuous, Du Long knew that it was not appropriate to blatantly meet this Uncle Tang at this moment, so he put Xiaolie and Huo together. Feng and the others stayed in the inn temporarily!

The second daughter also knew the priorities, and would not make it difficult for Du Long at this time, so they stayed obediently in the inn and waited for him to come back!

Outside the gate of the city lord's mansion, Du Long was hesitating how to do so without disturbing too many people. When he saw his uncle, General Luo Hao, two familiar figures came out of the mansion gate, making his eyes light up immediately. .

‘Aren’t those sisters Xiaofen and Xiaofang? How did they come to Yulin Pass? ! ’ Du Long recognized at a glance that they were the twin sisters of Fenfang, and it was a coincidence that they also came to Yulin Pass.

Seeing that the two girls seemed to be going out shopping, Du Long followed them from a distance, and then found an opportunity to suddenly appear in front of them and whispered: "Xiaofen, Xiaofang!"

"Huh! Cousin? Why did you come to Yulin Pass too?!" The two Fenfang sisters exclaimed in unison.

"Hush! Don't shout! Come on, take me to see Uncle Luo Hao. I have something urgent to find him, but I can't let outsiders know. What can you do?!" Du Long made a silent gesture and lowered his voice said the voice.

"Oh! OK, then my cousin will follow the two of us. Let's go back to the city lord's mansion together. My father will be in the city lord's mansion right now!" Elder sister Xiaofen followed Du Long's example and replied in a low voice.

"Great! Let's go then! If anyone asks, just say that you bought something with me and didn't give you any money, and you came back to get the money!" Du Long said excitedly.

"Cousin! What's the matter with you? Why are you doing it so mysteriously?!" While leading Du Long to the City Lord's Mansion calmly, her sister Luo Xiaofen asked suspiciously.

"This is not a place for conversation. Let's talk slowly when we enter the City Lord's Mansion!" Du Long said in a low voice, glancing at the busy street.

"Oh! All right!"

So, under the leadership of the two sisters Fenfang, Du Long easily sneaked into the City Lord's Mansion, and met Jinglin General Luo Hao in the heavily guarded study!

This Jinglin General, Luo Hao, has been stationed at Yulin Pass all year round. He has repelled the attacks of the Blue Moon Empire several times. The general who has been baptized by the flames of war clearly has an aura of iron and blood. Can compare!

Chapter two. . .

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