Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2386 Mysterious Veil


Standing in the core area of ​​a huge black hole group, Du Long stared at the huge light ball with a diameter of nearly a hundred kilometers in front of him with bright eyes, and an invisible and powerful gravity enveloped him.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being a galaxy-level core black hole group. The attraction of just this core black hole is equivalent to the power of the divine space at the peak of the Emperor of Heaven!"

Du Long felt the powerful attraction acting on him, and he roughly calculated the strength of this attraction in an instant. He had suddenly reached the power of the divine space at the peak of the Emperor of Heaven.

Under the influence of such a powerful attraction, if those creatures in the early stage of the Emperor of Heaven were trapped here, and if they could not teleport away, it would be impossible to fly away from this terrifying gravitational field with their physical bodies!

Only those with strength in the middle and late stages of the Heavenly Emperor realm can offset the binding effect of this attraction as much as possible, and then rely on their own strength to fly out of the black hole's gravitational envelope.

"In the previous ordinary black hole, there was only a ball of light about one meter in diameter, but the black hole in front of me has a ball of light nearly 100 kilometers away. The mass gap between the two is simply huge!"

"The attraction generated by such a terrifying black hole mass can make an entire galaxy revolve around this black hole core group. This is also the true principle of the operation of galaxies in the universe!"

"It's just... what will be the scene inside such a huge ball of light in front of us?! Will it still be like the ordinary black hole before, just containing a high-quality void space?!"

With his mind spinning, Du Long began to shift his attention to the huge ball of light in front of him, and a powerful spiritual consciousness directly wrapped the entire ball of light.

"Huh?!" Suddenly, he was stunned by the picture he saw through his spiritual consciousness: "The world here is not a void, but...a self-contained galaxy and universe?!"

As soon as he finished his surprised words, he disappeared without a trace and reappeared in the world space inside the huge light ball.

It is a galaxy that is only about one-eighth the size of the outer galaxy, and it is also orbiting around the core area of ​​the light ball. This small galaxy seems to be another space-time parallel to the outer galaxy? !

Du Long looked at the starry sky in front of him with bright eyes. Except for the stars surrounding the core area of ​​the light ball, the outer space was completely empty, and the existence of any other galaxies could not be detected at all!

"This starry sky is only so big... But the void outside the starry sky is endless... Even my own consciousness can't detect its boundaries?!" Du Long murmured a little awkwardly.

No wonder he was so surprised. You must know that in this Immortal World, his consciousness is a powerful existence that can easily cover the entire Immortal World.

However, after entering the inner world of this wonderful black hole core, his spiritual consciousness was unable to detect the boundary of this void. Or is there no boundary here at all? !

After Du Long was briefly surprised, his attention began to shift to the many sun, moon and stars in this small galaxy. There are also black holes, stars, planets and other celestial bodies here. In general, almost all celestial bodies outside can be seen here.

With a sweep of his consciousness, he quickly detected some planets with life in this galaxy, which made Du Long even more surprised.

As far as he knew, all the matter inside the light ball at the core of the black hole was accumulated by the black hole absorbing the sun, moon and stars from the outside world!

It stands to reason that in the terrible process of absorbing the sun, moon and stars, any living body will be compressed into an extremely tiny state, and no living body can survive the process of being swallowed by a black hole.

Therefore, it is really unexpected that a planet with life appears in the galaxy inside the light ball at the core of this black hole.

Suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Du Long took a step forward and instantly arrived in front of a living planet that was only tens of thousands of kilometers away. Then he quietly studied the living planet in front of him.

What he did was very simple. He directly used his powerful spiritual consciousness to explore various databases on this living planet.

Rather than researching it from scratch, it is better to directly enter the other party's civilized world to understand everything here more intuitively.

In this galaxy, this living planet belongs to the most developed scientific and technological civilization planet. The more developed scientific and technological civilization planets like this, the understanding of this space and time is definitely much more thorough than that of backward living planets.

Perhaps because only this small galaxy exists in this space and time, this living planet in front of us has the power to rule the entire galaxy, and other planets in the entire galaxy have become their territory.

They have spaceships that can travel to all parts of the galaxy. Except for the core black hole that is inaccessible, other stars in the entire galaxy have been extremely thoroughly studied by this technological civilization.

On this technologically civilized planet, there is a United States of America. The supreme leader is elected through the Council of Elders. In order to avoid the outbreak of devastating wars, many restrictive measures on war power are directly written into the Supreme Constitution.

Du Long directly penetrated into the opponent's core database through his extremely powerful spiritual consciousness, and soon found out all kinds of data and information in this world.

According to the massive information he collected, many devastating wars have broken out in this world, which directly led to the destruction of many living planets.

Because of this, many of the most original materials were lost in the previous world-destroying wars. Regarding the origin of this world, only some simple legends passed down by mouth remain.

For example, a certain creator god created this world, and the creatures here evolved from the most primitive creatures to the current civilization.

This process is somewhat similar to the theory of evolution on Earth, from the most primitive single-celled microorganisms to a variety of creatures, and finally the current galactic civilization was born!

There are many different theories about the origin of this world. In myths and legends, it is naturally the Creator God who created this world.

There are also some inferences from a scientific perspective. For example, many people believe that the key to the origin of this world is the mysterious black hole in the core of the galaxy star.

No matter how advanced the technological civilization here is, it can never break through the terrifying attraction of that black hole.

Many of the unmanned spacecraft that were sent out never returned. No one knew the final outcome, and no information could be transmitted at all.

Ever since, there are legends that the other side of the black hole is a larger and more advanced civilized world. Maybe it is the world where the God of Creation lives, and there is heaven or hell and so on.

In short, various legends about mysterious black holes emerge one after another. No matter how advanced and powerful the scientific and technological civilization is, it has never been able to reveal the mystery of black holes.

Some of the information here made Du Long's heart move slightly. He didn't know whether the creatures here had concluded correctly, or whether someone had been to this world before. Otherwise, why would some inferences that were almost close to the truth appear here? !

With such a doubt in his mind, Du Long began to continue to explore information related to foreign powerful people, wanting to see if a powerful and powerful person had ever entered this world.

After this investigation, he really found some clues.

Those are myths and legends about gods who once came to the world. It has been an extremely long time, so those myths and legends have been gradually forgotten by people, or they are regarded as some fictional legends that cannot exist.

Du Long's extremely powerful spiritual consciousness quickly filtered through the large amount of information preserved in this world, but he was unable to find any true records about the formation of this world.

Because the purpose of coming here to study the core of black holes this time is to expand my understanding of various celestial principles in the world, and to find some inspiration that is helpful for cultivation.

He was not very interested in the world civilization inside the black hole core light ball, so he immediately retreated and reappeared next to the huge black hole core light ball.

The powerful spiritual consciousness spread again, and the number of black holes in this group was quickly detected.

There are a total of nine huge black hole core light balls, rotating over and over along mysterious trajectories.

There seems to be some mysterious repulsion and attraction between them. They will not completely collide and engulf each other, nor can they easily escape the gravitational constraints of other black hole core light balls. This is a very mysterious energy force field relationship. .

Du Long's consciousness once again penetrated into the light ball at the core of another black hole. There was still a small galaxy inside, not much different from the previous galaxy, but the civilization that flourished inside was different.

Directly ignoring the galaxy inside the black hole core light sphere, Du Long's spiritual consciousness continued to penetrate into the other seven black hole core spheres of light, and finally successfully found an object he wanted to study.


Directly ducking into the void inside the black hole core light ball, he could see that it was still in a state of nothingness and galaxies were being produced. When Du Long saw the scene in front of him clearly, he immediately understood that the space galaxies inside the black hole core light ball were How was it born?

To put it simply, after a black hole is just born, the interior of the core light ball is often filled with a void chaotic energy body, and there are no celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, stars, etc.

As time goes by, as the black hole continues to absorb a large amount of celestial matter, the chaotic energy inside it continues to accumulate and grow until one day this energy reaches a certain limit.

As a result, the newly absorbed energy will be like a spark, burning brightly in this vast world, and the sun, moon and stars will naturally descend into this time and space.

A large number of chaotic energy bodies continue to transform into five-element energy independently. Under the action of various energy fields, some begin to converge into huge stars, while others converge into lonely planetary bodies, and even some extremely tiny meteorite bodies. etc.

What Du Long saw now was the transformation process of a void and chaotic world. With just a simple glance, he immediately understood how the galaxies in the space inside the light ball at the core of the black hole were formed.

"I finally understand! This is the true principle of the formation of galaxies inside the light ball at the core of a black hole... It doesn't need any artificial catalysis at all, it just needs to evolve naturally!"

"There are nine black hole core photospheres in the core area of ​​the huge galaxy outside. The mass of these nine black holes is almost equal to the mass of the large galaxy outside. It is precisely because of this that it can be maintained at a balance point!"

"When one day, the mass of the core black hole group of the galaxy becomes larger and larger, the attraction will also become larger and larger, and then the demise of the entire galaxy will be accelerated, and more and more galactic objects will be sucked into the black hole. among!"

"The galaxies in the real world outside are dying...and then the galaxies in the inner space of the black hole's core photosphere are constantly growing. Is this also the cycle of life and death of a galaxy?!"


Standing quietly in the void, Du Long stared at the time and space in front of him where a new galaxy was being born in the chaos, with various inferences constantly emerging in his mind.

His brain, which is like a supercomputer with hundreds of millions of cores, also operates at high speed there, and reaches reasonable conclusions one after another through various calculations.

Time keeps passing by like this, and hundreds of years pass quietly in the blink of an eye. For Du Long, it is normal for such a process of enlightenment and cultivation to take only a few hundred years.


After hundreds of years of calculations, he finally had a relatively thorough understanding of the time and space in front of him. Then he took a long breath, then ducked back to the light ball at the core of the black hole.

Looking at the nine light balls at the core of the black hole that were going round and round in front of him, Du Long once again had all kinds of strange thoughts in his mind.

"The black hole core light ball whose inner space is still undergoing chaotic evolution into a galaxy should be the smallest of the nine black hole core light balls. In other words... is it a black hole core light ball that was recently born? !”

As soon as his mind moved, his extremely powerful consciousness immediately spread to the entire immortal world, instantly covering countless large and small galaxies, and tracked the black hole group from the core of those galaxies.

"There are black hole groups ranging from one to dozens of black hole cores. The larger the galaxy, the more photospheres in the black hole core."

"The size of the photosphere at the core of each black hole seems to have a limit. Once the limit is exceeded, it will no longer swallow various celestial bodies. Instead, a new black hole core will be born, and this new black hole core will continue to swallow those celestial bodies? !”

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