Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2385 Black Hole World

Looking at the white dwarf star in front of him with bright eyes, Du Long could be said to have witnessed with his own eyes the entire process of a star growing and dying, until it finally shrank and collapsed into a white dwarf star.


With a sudden wave of his hand, he punched the ground, immediately creating a huge crater on the surface of the white dwarf planet, causing the entire white dwarf star to tremble.

With Du Long's strength, he can destroy an entire immortal world with a wave of his hand. A mere white dwarf star is extremely terrifying to ordinary mortals, but to him, it is no different than a toy planet.

He didn't want to destroy the white dwarf star in front of him, he was just testing its strength. With this punch, he could instantly get the strength data of the white dwarf star.

"Is it almost as strong as an ordinary artifact?!" Du Long murmured: "You can go to the higher-level neutron stars and black hole cores for a while!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he teleported away from this extremely attractive white dwarf star and reappeared on the surface of a ready-made neutron star.

Having watched the star decay and turn into a white dwarf before, he no longer needs to continue to create a neutron star himself. The overall process should be similar. The only difference is the size of the star.


A stronger attraction acted on Du Long, but it was unable to cause any abnormal movement in his figure. The surface of the neutron star in front of him was rugged, and traces of impacts from meteorites and other celestial bodies could be seen everywhere.

According to the calculations of some technological civilizations, due to the extremely terrifying attraction of neutron stars, once a meteorite is attracted and falls on a neutron star, the impact generated can reach the level of a nuclear explosion equivalent of tens of billions of tons.

Such a terrifying impact is enough to destroy a living planet like the Earth countless times, but the damage to the neutron star is only small craters on the surface.

Inside the extremely terrifying neutron star, all atoms have been compressed into the neutron state. Those celestial bodies that fall here will soon be compressed into the neutron state.

In that case, even if a celestial body as big as the Earth falls here, only a piece about the size of a blue ball will be left, and its internal material properties will be crushed and changed.

On a neutron star, even if a photon wants to be emitted, it needs to fly slowly along a specific trajectory and out of the gravitational range. It cannot be emitted in a straight line at all.

Standing on the surface of the neutron star, Du Long easily withstood the extremely terrifying attraction. You must know that his physical body has reached the ultimate perfection of Jiuxin, which is on par with high-grade super artifacts.

A mere neutron star from the immortal world could not do anything to his physical body, let alone compress him into a neutron form!

Powerful spiritual consciousness shrouded the neutron star in front of him, and Du Long began to conduct comprehensive exploration and research on it. This process lasted for more than ten years before it ended.


After standing there for more than ten years, Du Long habitually exhaled a breath and murmured to himself: "It is indeed a higher level existence than the white dwarf star. All the matter on the entire planet has been controlled by terrifying power. It compresses and collapses into a neutron form. I don’t know what kind of abnormal reaction this material will have if it is released to the outside world?!”

In a flash of thought, Du Long directly picked up a fist-sized solid piece from the ground, and then threw the solid piece out with a wave of his hand!

The fist-sized solid body instantly traveled through endless time and space, headed straight for a nearby planet that was still spinning close to the neutron star, and quickly bombarded the surface of the planet.


Like a super nuclear bomb being suddenly detonated, the planet instantly erupted with dazzling light, and finally burst into bloom like a firework in the starry sky.

"The size of a fist is equivalent to the mass of that small planet... It is indeed a neutron star... The collision of a piece of material the size of a fist with that planet is as violent as two planets of the same mass colliding with each other!"

Staring with piercing eyes as the planet turned into fireworks and disappeared between heaven and earth, Du Long murmured with emotion. If it weren't for a powerful person like him, there would really be no experiment like this. A picture that many technological civilizations can witness with their own eyes.

At best, those technological civilizations will only see scenes of certain planets falling into neutron stars, but they will never be able to see what will happen if a fist-sized piece of material on the surface of a neutron star collides with a certain planet.

"It's time to go to the center of the black hole!" Du Long lost interest in the neutron star in front of him and began to shift his attention to black holes, which are not uncommon in the universe.

"Black holes seem to be divided into two different states. One is the giant black hole group in the core area of ​​the galaxy, and the other is a single black hole formed by the contraction and collapse of the most common star destruction explosion!"

Through powerful spiritual exploration, Du Long can have a panoramic view of countless black holes in this world of immortals, and can naturally detect some truths that cannot be detected by technological civilization.

For example, the terrifying gravitational pull of a black hole, which even light cannot escape, renders many scientific exploration methods ineffective, but it cannot stop Du Long's powerful spiritual exploration.

Under his powerful spiritual exploration, the mysterious veil of black holes almost failed, and the essence of each black hole appeared naturally in front of him.

"Forget it! Let's do it step by step! Then first explore the most common single black hole, and then explore the black hole group in the core region of the galaxy after studying it thoroughly!" He made a decision immediately in a flash of thought.

With a single teleport, he got rid of the gravitational constraints of the neutron star and reappeared in a single ordinary black hole. It was a world that could only be described as bizarre.

From the outside, a black hole is pitch black, and no light can escape the shackles of the black hole. People can only judge its existence through certain celestial bodies being sucked in, and the terrifying force field changes of the black hole.

At this moment, Du Long, who was at the center of the black hole, was standing on the surface of a light ball less than one meter. An attraction countless times more terrifying than a neutron star acted on him, and he finally needed to use a little strength to maintain it. Standing posture.

With this small ball of light as the center point, there are waves of colorful brilliance surging around it. This is a bit like the aurora bursts at the North and South Poles of the Earth, but it is billions of times more dazzling.

The beautiful brilliance of various colors slowly rippled in this space. Because of the terrifying attraction, the speed of photons moving between the heaven and the earth was like a snail crawling.

The result of this infinite reduction in the speed of light has created a bizarre scene in this space. Photons are flowing slowly in this space like water waves. This magnificent beauty is absolutely rare in the world.

Du Long admired the dazzling scenery in front of him with shock on his face. After a long time, he turned his attention to business and began to devote all his energy to studying the principle of how the core of a black hole can maintain this balance.

"What kind of power is it?! It can actually integrate so many celestial bodies into such a small ball of light?!" The first thing that attracted Du Long's attention was naturally the ball of light with a diameter of only one meter in front of him.

He knew one thing very clearly, that is, this ball of light evolved from the collapse of a super-massive star.

In the endless years, countless celestial bodies should have been sucked into it, and finally the countless celestial bodies merged into a small ball of light with a diameter of one meter in front of you!

The powerful spiritual consciousness instantly enveloped the ball of light in front of him, and Du Long began to analyze the ball of light in front of him through layers of spiritual consciousness, trying to find out the principle of the existence of the black hole.

Even many extremely powerful technological civilizations cannot allow any technological equipment to enter a black hole, and this also leads to the incomplete understanding of black holes by those technological civilizations.

Therefore, Du Long needs to find out the principle of the existence of black holes through his own personal investigation and research!

The terrifying attraction is such that even photons cannot break away from their restraints. The time and space in which the black hole exists is distorted and deformed. Some space-time cracks will appear outside the black hole. Du Long once passed through the space-time cracks outside the black hole and entered the mortal world from the fairy world. The space where the boundary is located.

In short, the existence of black holes is already the limit of the cosmic bodies in the immortal world. Even the cosmic space in the immortal world cannot withstand the huge pressure, and there are signs of distortion and rupture of space and time.

"Huh?!" After Du Long's extremely powerful spiritual consciousness penetrated into the light ball with all his strength, he quickly whispered in surprise: "It turned out to be a light ball containing the power of time and space?! The material of this light ball has already Beyond the category of microscopic particles, it seems to be an object with a whole new world inside it?!”

Through close penetration and exploration of the light ball, Du Long discovered that the inside of the light ball actually formed another space-time. This kind of space-time is very strange. It does not seem to exist in the space where the real world is located!

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared without a trace and reappeared in the new world space contained inside the light ball. It was a vast world that seemed to be nothingness!

Standing in this vast world of nothingness, Du Long's consciousness continued to expand, and he worked hard to explore and scan this mysterious world, hoping to find the truth about the existence of black holes.

Soon, he found some clues, that is, in the seemingly vast space of nothingness, an extremely fine gas could be detected everywhere, which gave him a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling.

"This... seems to be the power of primitive chaos?! Does the black hole return ordinary matter to chaos... And it is precisely because of the existence of these energies that the small ball of light has an extremely terrifying attraction? !”

With such a conjecture, Du Long dodged and came to the light ball in the outside world. He could vaguely guess why the black hole could maintain a relatively stable and powerful state.

"The power of the powerful black hole has exceeded the limit that this space and time can bear, so it can only form its own space and time?! And that space and time is nothingness. Is this true for all black holes, or is it just an example? ?!”

With such an unsolved doubt, Du Long is not in a hurry to find the answer. He still has to spend some time to study the black hole in front of him. What he has seen so far is just some appearances.

I saw him waving in a certain direction, and immediately a medium-sized star was moved to the periphery of the black hole, and began to circle around the black hole under the terrifying attraction of the black hole.

Gradually, this huge star was attracted closer to the black hole. The lava flames on the surface of the star could no longer remain stable and began to turn into a huge tongue of fire falling towards the black hole.

Soon, when viewed from the outside, this huge star was completely swallowed up by darkness. Its extremely huge volume began to shrink and collapse. It did not need to go through the process of growth and decline, and directly entered the process of collapse and destruction.

Du Long stood quietly next to the ball of light, his consciousness taking in the scene in front of him, completely recording the entire process of a star being swallowed by a black hole.

It was originally a huge star, but in the end only a ball of light the size of a table tennis ball was left. Finally, it collided with the one-meter-square ball of light and was directly swallowed and assimilated into one body.

The surface of the one-meter-square light ball rippled violently, and the surrounding space and time were distorted and deformed. The originally stable and terrifying attraction was also greatly affected. Finally, a dazzling light wave broke through all the resistance and bloomed brightly into the dark universe. Dazzling rays.

This process is like a black hole swallowing a star and then burping for it. What the burp releases is a large amount of bright light that breaks free due to the instability of time and space!

Du Long's spiritual consciousness has been penetrating into the inside of the light ball. When the light ball formed by the collapse of the star is swallowed and merged into one, he can calculate that the chaotic energy inside the light ball has increased a lot. The amount should be different from the star that was swallowed before. Not much!

With a thought, he once again moved an ordinary desolate planet over. This was a desolate planet dominated by cold mountains and rocks, and it was also the target used as a test subject.

Facing a black hole that never knows how full it is, the desolate planet is like a piece of delicious cake. It is quickly swallowed up like the star and becomes a part of the ball of light again.

After swallowing one star and another barren star one after another, Du Long instantly calculated how much the size of the light ball in front of him had grown, and from this he could also calculate the overall mass of the black hole.

For example, he can calculate the mass of the star and the wild star through spiritual detection. When the other party is swallowed, how much the light ball increases in size can naturally calculate the mass of the black hole in reverse.

The exploration and research on the ordinary black hole in front of him soon came to an end. Only then did Du Long target the core area of ​​a medium-sized galaxy, where there was an entire group of black holes.

It is precisely because there are so many black hole groups with extremely amazing masses that the entire galaxy revolves around the core area of ​​the galaxy over and over again. High-quality black hole groups sometimes play a magical role in fixing the sea!

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