Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2378 Batch Exile

In the magnificent Ice Palace, everyone was seated as guests and hosts.

Husband Saints sat high on the main seat, and next to her, the other seat that originally belonged to the Great Elder was sitting on the Tantai, and this was originally where Husband Saints wanted Du Long and Husband Zhu Danping to sit. s position.

However, in the end, at Du Long's strong request, Tantai sat up as the elder of the two, while he and his husband Zhu Danping sat at the bottom.

The Fuzhu clan was almost certain to be exterminated, but they were spared due to the arrival of Du Long and others. Faced with the request of this man with unfathomable strength, no one at the scene dared to speak out against it.

In addition, there are villagers including the old village chief, as well as some of the commanders and soldiers who led the army to the war before, sitting in the ice palace. As for the great elder and the group of senior Vase personnel, they are still kneeling outside the ice palace. .

"Alas!" In the quiet ice palace, it was the saints who finally broke the silence with a sigh: "To be honest, until this moment... I still feel as if I have been in a nightmare and never woke up!"

Everyone, including Tantai and the old village chief, nodded with deep sympathy. Du Long and Dan Ping were probably the only two people at the scene who did not feel this way.

"Haha!" Du Long chuckled and said, "The Fuzhu clan is indeed protected by heaven. It just so happened that at the critical moment of crisis, our couple came back from the God Realm to visit relatives and met us!"

"Back from the God Realm?!" The saints raised their eyebrows slightly and said with a look of astonishment on their faces: "You...the couple came down from the God Realm?!"

When she understood this, everyone at the scene showed expressions of surprise. Apparently they had just realized the key point in Du Long's words, and everyone stared at the couple with wide eyes.

"Yes!" Du Long nodded slightly and continued with a little emotion: "This is the second time that I have descended from the divine world to this hometown of the immortal world!"


There were gasps of cold air at the scene, and everyone was frightened by his answer. Most people had never heard of people who ascended to the God Realm, and there was a day when they could come back.

"Oh my God?!" When everyone was in a daze, little girl Dan Ting couldn't help but exclaimed: "People thought that my sister and brother-in-law ascended from the mortal world! Who would have thought... "

"We did ascend from the mortal world to this fairy world, and practiced here to improve our strength, until one day we ascended into the divine world again!" Fu Zhudanping touched the little head of the cute sister next to him with some affection.

"Dare I ask the names of these two seniors?! Since they are seniors who ascended from this immortal world, they must have left a resounding name here, right?!" The saints asked curiously.

"My surname is Du Minglong, and this is my wife Dan Ping!" Du Long did not hide his identity and told him frankly.

"Du... Long?! I seem to feel that this name is a bit familiar... Wait! I remembered it, is it the senior Du Long who drove the entire Black Killing Society out of this fairy world?!" Fuzhu The saint pondered for a moment, and soon lost her voice in a coquettish voice.

"It was my husband who single-handedly killed the entire Black Killing Society!" Dan Ping took over the words with a hint of complacency: "My husband is the Du Long that the saint mentioned!"

"Oh my God!" The saintly daughter Husband, who had always been calm and calm, rarely showed the shy look of a little daughter. She even exclaimed like Dan Ting: "It's no wonder! According to legend, Senior Du Long I returned once when my cultivation level reached the level of Emperor of Heaven, so now is it my second time to return to my hometown of the Immortal World?!"

"Yes!" Du Long replied calmly this time: "When I came back last time, I didn't bring Fu Zhu with me... Dan Ping, but this time I brought her back with me on purpose to help her find her who has been missing for many years. family, and then came to this planet!”

"I see!"

This time, not only the faces of the husband saints but also the Tantai family looked enlightened. They finally understood the whole process of the matter.

"It turns out that my sister and brother-in-law are powerful Heavenly Emperors who descended from the God Realm?!" Dan Ting pouted and said, "No wonder you didn't take those powerful enemies seriously from the beginning to the end! It's just that it hurts People have been worrying for so long in vain, so since you are so powerful, why didn’t you take action earlier?!”

"Ting'er! Don't be rude! Of course your sister and brother-in-law have their own reasonable considerations, how can it be understood by a little girl like you who has never experienced the world?!" Tantai scolded on the spot.

Facing this little daughter who spoke so freely, he knew that if he didn't reprimand her, who knew she would say something embarrassing to everyone in the future? !

"Dad, there is no need to scold my little sister!" Fu Zhudanping waved his hand slightly and said, "One of the main reasons why my husband did not take action immediately was to see how the whole Fu Zhu clan would respond to the genocide. We are very satisfied with the performance of Her Royal Highness the Saint and the many passionate tribesmen during the crisis!"

"That's right!" Du Long took over the words in a deep voice and said: "I won't hide it from everyone here. If the Fuzhu clan dares to hand over our village to those three clans in public this time, hehe! At that time, except for the people in this village, Except for the members of my clan, the life and death of the rest of my clan is none of my business!"

The saints and the others all changed their expressions. Their conversation was not deliberately hidden from the great elder and others who were kneeling outside the temple. Those people also trembled suddenly, and a feeling of fear surged into their hearts.

"Don't blame me for being as hard-hearted as iron!" As if he could read everyone's thoughts, Du Long smiled coldly and said: "There are thousands of injustices in this world, and every injustice has its own reason. I won't do it casually. Intervene in those injustices!"

"It is precisely because of the existence of countless injustices that people in the world will strive to improve their strength, and the overall strength of our world will continue to develop and progress!"

"Normally, I would only intervene in certain injustices for the sake of my relatives and friends. What does the ethnic group of my relatives and friends belong to have to do with me?!"

"A group that doesn't want to make progress and only indulges in comfort and enjoyment all day long. Even if I save it today, how can I save it for a while but not for a lifetime?!"

"It's impossible for me to protect this ethnic group all the time forever, right?! In this case, rather than letting this ethnic group be exterminated one day in the future, it's better to be exterminated now!"

"In short, today the Fuzhu clan should be grateful to the saint for her wise decision at the last moment. If you had abandoned that humble little village, then today we would abandon the entire Fuzhu clan without hesitation!"


Du Long's sonorous and powerful voice spread far inside and outside the Ice Palace. Even the countless clansmen in the entire Fuzhu City who knelt down and chose to surrender heard it. All of them were blushing and did not dare to show off to themselves as they were still kneeling there. Any dissatisfaction.

"Alas!" The still-famous Saintess sighed, breaking the silence in the ice palace: "Senior, how are you going to deal with those people from the Fuzhu clan who choose to surrender?!"

"It's very simple!" Du Long replied simply: "The people of the Hu clan who dare to take the initiative to fight this time, as well as your relatives and friends, can be exempted from guilt. This is what you have exchanged for your own lives!"

"As for the remaining members of the Fu clan, except for the old, weak, sick, disabled, women and children who have the right to stay, the rest of the Fu clan will all be exiled to some edge planet in the fairy world!"

"Unless your cultivation reaches the divine level and you fly away, you will be trapped in that barren and remote star field forever, and you will never be able to return to this planet again!"

"This..." The saints said a little unbearably: "Isn't it a little too cruel?!"

"Cruel?!" Du Long shook his head and sighed: "If the saint still has such a bodhisattva-like heart, then the outcome of the entire Fuzhu clan may be worrying!"

"What is the real cruelty?! If I don't take action today, those people will be attacked by the three tribes and live a miserable life worse than pigs and dogs. In comparison, I will just exile them to the star field with more difficult conditions. , is this called cruelty?!"

"Okay!" The saints finally compromised and said, "Then let them go to the star field with difficult conditions and reflect on it! I hope they can understand the good intentions of their predecessors!"

"Well! I don't have time to fiddle slowly. Now that we're talking about this, let's start solving the matter immediately!" Du Long nodded and made a decisive decision again.

"Solve it now?!" The saints looked a little stunned. It was obvious that they didn't know how Du Long planned to solve the matter, but she was soon shocked by the scene she saw.

In the sky above Fuzhu City, there were still millions of heavily armed troops. In addition to most of the legions gathering in large groups, there were also many teams patrolling and guarding everywhere.

Suddenly, the entire Fuzhu City suddenly became dark, as if a huge dark cloud enveloped the entire city.

"Enemy attack! Get ready for war!!"

The soldiers of the Fu clan who were on guard in mid-air were frightened by this sudden scene. After seeing clearly that the dark clouds in the sky were densely packed people, some people immediately screamed loudly.

These people thought that the enemy troops were coming to Fuzhu City again. For a moment, the atmosphere in Fuzhu City became extremely tense again.

"Eh?! Why do I feel something is wrong?! Those people in the sky seem to... seem to be all members of our Fuzhu clan?!" While nervously starting to prepare for the battle, the dark clouds in the sky did not make any sound. Finally, someone discovered Exception.

"They are really members of our Fuzhu clan... Why did they appear there without making a sound?! They were all suspended there quietly. Isn't this too weird?!"


More and more people noticed the anomaly and expressed their opinions one after another. Even if some people saw someone they knew well above, they did not dare to rush over to recognize them easily. They somewhat doubted whether this was a conspiracy set by the enemy? !

"To the heroic soldiers of the Fu Zhu clan who stepped forward in this critical moment of genocide, as I just said, you can now go and pick out your relatives and friends. Please keep quiet and don't whisper among each other! "Du Long's voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears.

In the Ice Palace, looking at the soldiers who were still full of shock and uncertainty and did not dare to go over immediately to pick out their relatives and friends, Du Long looked at the saints and the saints with some helplessness and said: "Does the saint have any relatives and friends?! If possible, you can come forward and select some people first, just to set an example for other soldiers!"

"Um... I wonder if there is a limit on the number of people this senior can do?!" the saints asked with some hesitation.

"No under normal circumstances!" Du Long shook his head and chuckled, "Of course, if it goes too far, I have the right to cancel the other party's right to choose relatives and friends first!"

"Understood!" The saints replied, without saying anything more, and walked directly to the outside of the temple.

Then she first returned to the palace deep inside the Ice Palace and took away all the people she knew well. Then she flew high into the sky and began to select the targets she wanted to rescue.

"And if you have distant relatives and friends who need to be selected, you can take action!" Du Long smiled and looked at Tantai, the old village chief and others, as well as the generals who were still staying in the ice palace.

With a crash, the entire ice palace was almost emptied, and in the end, only Du Long and his husband Zhu Danping were left.

"Husband! Your decision... is really unique!" Husband Zhudanping didn't know how to describe his decision for a while, so he could only describe it as unique.

"It's a little bit special!" Du Long said with a nonchalant smile: "This can be regarded as keeping as many Fuzhu clan members on this planet as possible! But those who choose to kneel down in Fuzhu City must not be forgiven! "

Time passed by minute by second, and Du Long and his wife sat in the ice palace, smiling as millions of people chose their familiar relatives and friends in the sky.

Even if some people select a small number of people out of good intentions, it's not a big deal anyway. The targets who can be selected will at least have some outstanding qualities.

For example, many of the targets selected by the Saints of Fuzhu are very helpful to the Fuzhu clan, such as some talents with first-class skills in picking and planting elixirs. These are the existences that the Saints of Fuzhu strive to keep.

It wasn't until they entered the dense crowd to select relatives and friends that they realized firsthand how terrifying Du Long's strength was. Many tribesmen who had originally fled into the starry sky with some powerful people would all be sent here. .

From the beginning to the end, Du Long and his wife were not seen leaving the Ice Palace. In this way, those tribesmen who had originally fled into the starry sky should have been moved back directly from the distant starry sky by them.

After a long time, those who should be selected were all selected, and the large "dark cloud" covering the entire Fuzhu City seemed to have become much thinner, and nearly half of the Fuzhu clan members were selected.

This is probably because the sympathy of many people is overflowing, and they have more or less singled out certain neighbors, but Du Long turned a blind eye to this and did not say anything. objection.

"Okay! Have you all chosen?! As for the remaining tribesmen, because you chose to surrender to the invaders of the three tribes, I will now punish you to a remote star field, unless you have reached the level of cultivation. Ascend to the divine level and leave, otherwise you will never be able to leave that star field for eternity!" Du Long's voice rang again.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, countless figures kneeling on the ground in the entire Fuzhu City, as well as the entire 'dark cloud' in the sky disappeared without a trace.

No one knows where those people were teleported to. They only know that it will be difficult to see those people again from now on!

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