Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2377 Continue to kneel

"Dad, please be patient!" Fu Zhudanping turned to his parents with a smile and said, "After this matter is over, Ping'er will explain to you again!"

"Okay!" He seemed to know that now was not a good time to say this. Tantai could only suppress his curiosity and did not continue to dwell on this issue.

"Husband!" Fu Zhudanping then looked at Du Long with a smile and said: "How should we deal with these bastards who dare to invade the husband clan of divine beasts?!"

Du Long was not in a hurry to answer her question, but looked at the dumbfounded Seventh Prince of the Ice Wolf Tribe with a half-smile and said: "His Royal Highness, the Seventh Prince of the Ice Wolf Tribe, you just seemed to think that with our one Isn’t it ridiculous to want to fight against the hundreds of millions of armies of the three tribes with your own strength?!”

"This... was all this done by you and your wife?!" The seventh prince of the Ice Wolf Tribe screamed in disbelief: "No! I don't believe it! It must have been you through some unknown means. An illusion created by means! Yes! It must be like this..."

"Don't believe this is real?!" Du Long was slightly startled, then grinned and said: "This is easy to handle! I will be happy to verify the authenticity of everything in front of you!"

I saw three figures flying out from the hundreds of millions of troops. They were the emperors of the Ice Wolf, Ice Bear and Ice Leopard tribes. In the blink of an eye, they were sent to Du Long and others, and resumed their free activities. Ability.

"What on earth is going on?!" The Ice Wolf Emperor couldn't help shouting at first: "Why is everyone except this area incapacitated?!"

Hearing that extremely familiar voice, the seventh prince of the Ice Wolf tribe turned green with fright, and a very bad premonition came to his mind.

"What's going on?!" Du Long smiled coldly and said, "Then let me open your eyes and take a good look at what is going on!"

Puffy. . .

In front of everyone's eyes, the billions-strong army of the three Ice Leopard clans north of the Ice Wolf and Ice Bear actually exploded in the air, and then turned into a bloody storm and scattered in Fuzhu City below.

Those members of the Fu clan who were still kneeling on the ground could only detect this extremely terrifying scene through their spiritual consciousness, and then watched helplessly as the pieces of flesh and blood fell lightly on their bodies.

Suddenly, there was a rain of blood inside and outside Fuzhu City, and the originally snow-capped landscape was quickly covered with a layer of scarlet red, making people feel as if they were trapped in a human hell.

Hundreds of millions of allied troops from the three tribes just exploded and died silently, falling inexplicably in front of everyone.

Whether it was the emperors of the three clans who were still alive by chance, or the many clansmen of the Fuzhu clan, they were all stunned by the strange scene in front of them.

"No!!" The Ice Bear Emperor's shocked and angry roar echoed through the sky: "What the hell is going on?! Could it be that... is God going to protect the husband and the clan of divine beasts?!"

"Husband... The divine beast clan cannot be humiliated..." The cold and stern look on the Ice Leopard King's face was no longer visible, and only boundless fear and regret remained.

An ancient legend of the Ice Leopard tribe flashed in his mind. The meaning of this legend is very simple. That is, there was once a master of reincarnation and numerology from the Ice Leopard tribe who passed down an ancient prophecy.

This prophecy is very simple, that is, the tribe of divine beasts is protected by heaven, and the tribe of divine beasts must not be insulted, otherwise there will be a catastrophe of annihilation!

The scene that happened today all confirmed the credibility of the legend, which also made the Ice Leopard Emperor regret it!


At this moment, the huge human face that had been standing in the sky suddenly snorted coldly. The sound was crisp and not too loud, but it was like the thunder of the Nine Heavens God that exploded in the hearts of countless people at the scene.

"Anyone who dares to invade my husband's mother clan of divine beasts will be killed without mercy!!"

As the word "kill without mercy" spread rapidly, the millions of troops of various tribes led by the saints themselves, plus the millions of troops of various tribes that were originally harassing outside the city, were finally able to move on their own.

Then the saints gritted their teeth and led many warriors from the various tribes to fly to Du Long and others. Then, while curiously looking at the giant energy face in the air, they combined it with the two sisters Danping. Human phase verification.

"Mr. Danhai from Xishan Village on the outskirts of the city! Meet Your Highness the Saint!" Before the saints could speak, the old village chief took the first step and said respectfully.

"Old village chief, there is no need to be polite!" The saintly daughter who had just emerged from a life-and-death crisis no longer had the arrogance of the past. She hurriedly stretched out her hand to support the old village chief and said politely: "Can you tell me? What happened to me?! Why...the army of hundreds of millions of tribes suddenly self-destructed?!"

"This..." The old village chief didn't know how to respond for a while. He could only look at the Tantai family helplessly and said: "I'm afraid I have to ask the Tantai family's eldest daughter who has been missing for many years!"

Following the gaze of the old village chief, the saints and goddesses looked at Du Long and his wife eagerly and said, "I wonder which senior can help me?! The Fu Zhu clan was able to turn the danger into safety, thanks to the great kindness of the seniors." We will never forget it!"

"Don't rush to say thank you!" Du Long pointed at the emperors of the three clans with a smile and said: "What should we do with these guys and the clansmen in their families?! Looking at their ugly appearance, I felt so unworthy. Very!"

The saints looked at Du Long curiously, and then looked at the latter of the three clans and the seventh prince of the Ice Wolf clan. They could see that the other party's face was so frightened that he no longer looked as arrogant as before. .

"The three ice leopard tribes north of the ice wolf and ice bear, disregarding the peace and tranquility of all tribes for many years, actually want to destroy my husband's tribe of divine beasts. Their behavior is really abominable..."

Just as the saints were gritting their teeth and preparing to announce each other's fate, the Ice Leopard Emperor hurriedly interrupted: "Your Highness the Saint! This is all the Ice Wolf Emperor's idea! We, the Ice Leopard clan, never wanted to invade the nobles. I would like to ask Her Majesty the Saint to be merciful and spare the hundreds of millions of innocent members of my Ice Leopard clan!"

"The same goes for me, Old Bear! All of this is due to the Ice Wolf Emperor's ambition to annex and enslave the clan of divine beasts. We are all tempted by this guy to make mistakes!" The Ice Bear Emperor looks silly on the outside, but I also know that I need to clarify the relationship as soon as possible.

The Ice Wolf Emperor on the side was almost paralyzed with fear. Faced with the Second Emperor's accusations, he didn't even have the strength to refute. He could only keep repeating: "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have ill intentions towards the Fu Zhu clan." ,it's all my fault..."

"No matter what!" the Saintess of Huzhu said again: "It has become a fact that the three of you clans have joined forces to besiege the Fuzhu clan. The old, weak, women and children of the three clans are indeed innocent and can be forgiven, but the others cannot escape the blame!"

Being able to see the determined look of killing and decisiveness on the face of the Husband Saints made Du Long secretly nod his head. The reason why he gave the other party a chance to put forward his opinions was to know whether the Husband Saints would do it. He will start making the same old mistakes again.

Kindness to one's enemies will soon turn into cruelty to oneself.

After experiencing the situation of almost being exterminated, if the other party still does not know whether to live or die, then his subsequent help to the Fuzhu clan will be reduced accordingly. By then, the Fuzhu clan may have to fend for itself.

"No! We are willing to surrender to the husband clan! Please forgive our sins, Your Highness the Saint!"

"Please forgive our sins, Your Majesty the Holy Lady, and we are willing to surrender!"

In order to survive, the two emperors Ice Leopard and Ice Bear once again made what they thought was the right choice, but the saints seemed not to want to talk nonsense with them anymore and looked directly at Du Long and his wife with firm eyes. .


Amidst the muffled sounds of three consecutive physical explosions, the emperor of the three clans who not long ago led an army of hundreds of millions to kill Laifu Zhucheng, died like this without any resistance.

Only the stupid seventh prince of the Ice Wolf Clan was left at the scene. This guy was completely dumbfounded. His body was trembling involuntarily, and only the expressions of fear and despair were intertwined and changing on his face.

"How is it?! Your Highness, the Seventh Prince of the Ice Wolf Tribe! Do you still think this scene before you is extremely ridiculous?! How does it feel like being exterminated?! Is it uncomfortable?!" Du Long looked at him with a meaningful smile. This guy asked him several questions one after another.

"No... This is not true... This must be a nightmare... I want to go home... I want to go home to find my mother-in-law... I..."

The Seventh Prince of the Ice Wolf Clan had long been frightened to the point of being incoherent and insane. Du Long immediately lost all intention of continuing to attack this guy. With just a thought, he immediately gave him a pleasant surprise.


In the blink of an eye, no member of the three tribes could be seen in the sky above Fuzhu City. All the invaders, including the latter of the three tribes, all inexplicably turned into rain of blood and scattered inside and outside Fuzhu City.

"All adult men of the three ice bear clans north of the Ice Wolf and Ice Leopard, except the old and weak women and children, will all die. The surviving old and weak women and children will also be exiled to the edge of the fairy world. As for whether they will die or live in the end, then It all depends on your luck!" After dealing with the Seventh Prince of the Ice Wolf Clan with an expressionless face, Du Long once again said such a decision calmly.

Many people thought he was explaining the matter to his husband, the saints, but they did not know that in the three-tribe continent hundreds of millions of miles away, members of the three tribes exploded and died one after another. As for the old, weak, women and children, It was moved directly to a certain living planet on the edge of the fairy world.

The environment there is extremely harsh, and it is extremely far away from the nearest living planet. It is simply beyond the reach of ordinary immortal-level women and children.

In short, the old and weak women and children of these three tribes must either work hard to survive on this barren planet, or they will have no choice but to die!

"That..." Saintess Fuzhu didn't know that Du Long had already eliminated the three tribes in an instant. She immediately pointed to the many tribesmen still kneeling below and said: "Then what should these Fuzhu tribesmen do?! Please ask seniors to show your noble hands, they just want to survive!"

When the saints saw that the tribesmen were still unable to move, they naturally understood that this was because the senior's anger had not subsided, and he should be blaming the tribesmen for their greed for life and fear of death.

As a saint of the Fu Zhu clan, although she was also angry with those people for not fighting, she still wanted to intercede for them because of their past friendship.

"Since these people like to live on their knees so much, then let's continue to do so! Kneel down for a year and a half first, and then consider how to deal with them!"

"Let all the people of the Fu clan take a good look at these glorious and beautiful people of the Fu gods and beast clan. They usually enjoy the best resources of the Fu clan, but when the clan is in danger, they... How cowardly and shameful!”

"Since they can kneel down to the enemy in order to survive, then as long as I can spare their lives, there is no reason why these people can't continue to kneel there to repent to all the clansmen and ancestors of all the gods and beasts in order to survive!"

Looking at Du Long, who was resolute, and Fu Zhudanping, who didn't seem to object, the saintly girl Fu Zhu knew in her heart that if she didn't make the other party calm down, then no matter how much she said, it would be in vain.

"Alas! That's all!" All the saints could only sigh in the end: "In that case, let's do it according to the wishes of the seniors!"

"I hope... that after this crisis of genocide, all the gods and beasts can understand the truth of living in trouble and dying in comfort, and stop living in confusion!"

"It's good that you understand this truth!" Du Long's expression softened slightly and he said: "If the Fuzhu clan didn't still have the blood of you people, I might not stand up to rescue. By then, I only need to save all the villagers in this village. That’s it!”

Du Long's words seemed extremely cold. However, this was the case in this world. There were countless injustices in the worlds of hundreds of millions of immortals, so he didn't have time to meddle in too many other matters.

It is precisely because of those countless injustices that we can create talented people one after another, and we can cultivate truly powerful people in need for the Pangu world.

As for the clan of mythical beasts like the Husbands, who only know how to enjoy a comfortable life, so what if the blood of the mythical beasts is flowing in their bodies? !

In the end, when such a group develops, they will never be able to cultivate useful powerful men for the Pangu world. Whether they exist or not is of little significance to the Pangu world.

"Senior said it is true!" Husband, the saints and goddesses moved slightly, and seemed to be able to sense that Du Long's words did not mean to threaten him, but were words that came completely from the heart. He immediately bowed respectfully and said: "Senior, please also I’ll take my seats in the Ice Palace with you all, and it won’t be too late to have a leisurely chat at that time!”

Du Long did not object to this suggestion. He would not stay here for too long. There were some things that needed to be explained clearly so that he could safely place Fu Zhudanping here.

A group of people, led by the saints of the Fu clan, flew to the Ice Palace in a mighty manner. Along the way, they passed the area where the great elder and others were kneeling. The former senior members of the Fu clan showed expressions of grief and indignation.

Although they could not raise their heads to see with their eyes, they could still detect everything around them through their spiritual senses. Naturally, they also heard the conversations that Du Long and others had had in mid-air.

This feeling of shame makes these guys who once thought they were extremely noble feel like they are on pins and needles, and they all really want to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

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