Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2356 Meeting the Earth Emperor for the First Time

Weak Water Palace, in the main hall formed by weak water.

Lord Yu Huan Ming personally hosted the banquet and welcomed Du Long's family of four to Ruoshui Palace. The atmosphere was as if the son-in-law came to visit, and it seemed extremely harmonious and harmonious.

When he first came to Weoshui Palace, Du Long really couldn't go to visit the Underworld Reincarnation Channel by himself like he did in Huangquan Palace, and then let Qin Guangmingzun and others wait there.

While everyone was having a banquet and chatting freely, Yuhuan Mingzun suddenly turned over his hand and took out a communication formation stone, then ended the communication conversation under everyone's doubtful gaze, and looked at Du Long and others beside him with a smile. people.

"The Rotating Mingzun of Wangchuan Palace has a reply!" Yuhuan Mingzun slowly explained as Du Long's family looked forward to it: "The Earth Emperor has already given a reply. Please find a time to come over in the next few days. trip!"

Lunxuan Mingzun is the master of Wangchuan Palace, and the Earth Emperor is the ancestor of Wangchuan Palace. He is also one of the few supreme powers in the entire Netherworld.

Yuhuan Mingzun contacted Lunxuan Mingzun not long ago, told Du Lian'er's situation, and then asked Lunxuan Mingzun to relay the matter to the Earth Emperor. Now it is obvious that the result has been achieved.

"So soon?!" Du Long obviously did not expect Wangchuan Palace to reply so quickly. He was stunned for a moment and then looked at his precious daughter with a smile and said: "Lian'er! It seems that your desire to become a disciple has taken another step forward. , why don’t you quickly thank Master Yuhuan?!”

"Lian'er, thank you Master Yuhuan!" Du Lian'er, who had always been calm and composed, could not hide the look of surprise on her face at this moment.

"Good boy, you don't need to be as polite as Master!" Yu Huan Mingzun smiled kindly, then looked at Du Long with a smile and said: "Du Long! When do you plan to take this little girl to Wangchuan Palace?!"

"Let's do this!" Du Long pondered for a while and said: "When I finish visiting the six reincarnation passages of Ruoshui Palace, I will rush to Wangchuan Palace immediately!"

The subsequent banquet continued. Seeing how Du Long and his family were in Cao Ying's camp, Master Yuhuan Mingzun ended the banquet early with great sense.

Du Long and others, under the leadership of the God of the Underworld, Ina, began to fly towards the Six Paths of Reincarnation Forbidden Area of ​​the Weak Water Palace, and the group soon came to the bank of the Weak Water River.

On the bank of the Ruoshui River, countless undead souls were slowly walking along the bank of the Ruoshui River, driven by Yin Cha. This scene was very similar to the Huangquan Road seen in Huangquan Palace before.

The biggest difference between the two is that one is the Huangquan River and the other is the Weoshui River!

"Why do I feel that this reincarnation road... is very similar to the previous Huangquan Road?! Is there any essential difference between the two?!" Du Long said curiously while looking at the weak water channel in front of him. asked.

"Essentially there is no difference!" God of the Underworld Ina replied with a smile: "Whether it is the source of weak water or the source of Huangquan, they are the gateways for the undead from all sides to enter the underworld. They will eventually be judged and their fate will be decided. Where to go, if you fall into the eighteen levels of hell, or stay in the life of a certain tribe in the underworld, or you may enter the six realms of reincarnation again!"

"The source of weak water, the source of underworld?!" Du Long nodded thoughtfully and said: "They are both part of the water system, but these waters seem to be different from the water outside?!"

"Of course it's different!" God of the Underworld Ina explained patiently: "One is the Yin water source in the underworld, and the other is the Yang water source in the Yang world. There is an essential difference between the two!"

"That's not right! You have broken through the final bottleneck on the Five Elements Avenue and reached the state of perfection. It stands to reason that you should be very familiar with the two types of water with different attributes, Yin and Yang!"

Goddess of Hades Ina's face was filled with confusion at the end. As she said, whether it is yin or yang water, it belongs to the many paths of the Five Elements water system. It stands to reason that Du Long should be familiar with it.

"Hehe!" Du Long touched the tip of his nose with some embarrassment, and said with a dry laugh: "The way I understand the mysteries of heaven is different from the way others understand it. I mostly evolve and understand something from the perspective of formation patterns. The mystery of heaven!"

"I understand!" Before he could finish his words, God of the Underworld Ina suddenly realized: "Sure enough, it is indeed the fastest cultivation formation in the legend. It was precisely because of this that you were able to obtain Sakyamuni. Because of Ni's attention, he was accepted as his personal disciple!"

"Through the changes in formation patterns, you can understand the mysteries of cultivating the way of heaven. You don't need to carefully observe the changing laws of various things. You can understand the whole mystery of the way of heaven as if you were peeling off a cocoon. This is really a person who makes people feel envious and jealous. What a talent!”

Looking at Ina, the god of the underworld, who had an undisguised look of envy on her face at the end of the story, Du Long could only smile and did not dare to take the initiative to continue to dwell on this topic.

While chatting and walking, the group came to the end of the Weak Water Reincarnation Road, where a large hall similar to the Netherworld Huangquan Palace stood. Du Long saw the big characters on the door of the hall at a glance - Netherworld Weak Water Palace !

"Have you seen the weak water palace where the undead enter?!" God of the Underworld Ina knew the origins of Du Long and others, so she naturally explained to them in detail: "There is actually a palace with eighteen floors. You must have figured out the space magic weapon at the exit of hell and six realms of reincarnation when you visited Huangquan Palace before, right?!"

"Yes!" Du Long nodded slightly and said: "Is there also a series of Yama halls here?! Among them are also Yamas created by hundreds of millions of formation spirit beings at the same time to judge the undead souls who enter them?!"

"That's right!" God of the Underworld Ina smiled and replied: "The masters of the nine palaces in the underworld are all masters of a reincarnation passage, so they can easily control everything in the reincarnation passage. They can be regarded as the masters of a certain reincarnation passage. Dominate!"

"That's it!" Du Long suddenly realized: "In other words, everything that happens to us will fall into the eyes of these masters. It's no wonder that everything I did in the eighteenth level of hell in Huangquan Palace was completely destroyed. It’s under the control of Lord Qin Guangming!”

"Let's go!" God of the Underworld Ina didn't explain much, just waved her hand and said: "Since we are here, let's go in and visit together! I hope everything here will inspire you!"

"Inspiration?!" Du Long was slightly startled.

"Nonsense!" God of the Underworld Ina laughed and said: "You who have practiced Xuantian Jue will definitely create your own world in the future. Don't you want to take a good look at the operation of Pangu's world of gods and underworld?!"

"Okay!" Du Long shook his head and smiled bitterly. It seems that his little thoughts are not a secret at all in the eyes of Xu Mingming, right? !

In the Weak Water Hall, there is still a vast ocean composed of weak water. Above the vast ocean are countless Yama Halls, and below is the layout of the eighteen levels of hell.

"Du Long!" Looking at the slightly disappointed Du Long with a smile, Goddess of the Underworld Ina said with some meaning: "Do you know the word Weak Water Three Thousand?!"

"Three Thousand Weak Waters?!" Du Long was stunned again, and immediately raised his eyes and glanced at the endless ocean of Weak Waters and said: "I only saw this boundless ocean composed of Weak Waters. The so-called Three Thousand Weak Waters What’s the deep meaning?!”

"It's not so profound!" God of the Underworld Ina shook her head lightly and said: "You must have seen the magical properties of weak water in the mortal world?! Weak water can be turned into water flow, and can be turned into Pavilions and pavilions can be transformed into various magical birds and beasts..."

"In short, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as ever-changing, so it is named Weasu Shui. It has more than 3,000 variations, which means it is ever-changing!"

"So that's it!" Du Long murmured: "I remember that what Qinglian practiced before was the weak water method. How powerful can this weak water method be when it reaches the extreme?!"

"Weak Shui belongs to Yin, and is the mother of Yin!" When Ina, the god of the underworld, mentioned the power of Weak Shui, she seemed to be a little excited and said: "All the Yin-attributed creatures in the world are inseparable from the power of Weak Shui. Nourishing, all kinds of changes will ultimately remain true to the origin!”

"And Qinglian herself has an extremely rare innate Xuanyin constitution. It is an extremely rare Yin constitution, and she has become the best inheritor of the mantle of the Blue Water Patriarch!"

"Thinking back to those days, Patriarch Lan Shui was a person who was almost as good as God Nuwa because of his skill. This shows how high Qing Lian will be in the future!"

"If you weren't a kid who wanted to keep her by your side all day long, and you were strong enough, Master, she would have wanted to leave Qinglian in the weak water palace, and have her prepare to take over as the palace master. It’s planned!”

"Uh!" Faced with the laughter and curses of the God of the Underworld, Ina, Du Long could only shake his head and smile bitterly: "There are countless talented disciples in the Weak Water Palace. I believe that we should be able to find a successor to the position of Palace Master among them. Bar!"

His meaning is very clear, that is, Qinglian will never be allowed to accept the position of palace master. Anyway, Qinglian will always be a disciple of Weowui Palace, and this fact can never be changed.

After ending this topic, the group continued to visit the reincarnation space in front of them.

Du Long instantly scanned the eighteen levels of hell with his powerful spiritual consciousness, and did not see any familiar undead among them, which also made him secretly relieved.

Then he asked some questions to Ina, God of the Underworld, who naturally told him everything he knew. It was not until Du Long had no more questions that they left the Netherworld Weak Water Palace together.

Perhaps because they knew they would never see Xia Qinglian in a short period of time, and because of the influence of Du Lian'er's apprenticeship, Du Long's family of four did not stay too long in Ruoshui Palace.

After saying hello to Yuhuan Mingzun, he was bid farewell by the God of the Underworld Ina personally, and rushed directly to Wangchuan Palace, one of the nine palaces in the underworld, through the teleportation array of Ruoshui Palace.

In the Wangchuan Palace, their family was once again warmly entertained by the Master of the Wangchuan Palace, the Reverend Ming Zun.

Because he owns the secret realm of the Soul Forest and is also the most powerful Buddha, Pangu, the Eastern God of War, Du Long can now be regarded as a distinguished guest of all pro-Buddhist forces, and he can be warmly received wherever he goes.

During the banquet, Du Long expressed to Lunxuan Mingzun that he would arrange for the nine major palaces in the underworld to enter the secret realm of the soul forest as soon as possible to receive the inheritance of the nine soul forging skills.

This also made many high-level experts in the Wangchuan Palace ecstatic. The entire banquet naturally ended with the guests and hosts having a great time. Then Du Long, under the personal leadership of a certain Mingzun of the Wangchuan Palace, visited the The reincarnation passage of Wangchuan Palace.

Except for the water of Wangchuan River, other aspects are not much different from the reincarnation passages of Huangquan and Weishui. This also gave Du Long a clearer understanding of the reincarnation passages in the underworld.

Whether it is the water of Huangquan, the water of Weak Water, or the water of Forgotten River, they are all water sources with extremely yin attributes. They seem to emerge out of thin air, and then flow all the way into the ocean.

These extremely cold water qualities seem to be the best medium to lead the undead into the underworld. With their assistance, the six reincarnation channels of the entire underworld are rotating over and over again.

Among the many undead souls in Wangchuan Palace, I didn’t meet any acquaintance.

After the visit, Du Long took his two beauties and wives into his cave world, and only took his beloved daughter Du Lian'er with him to follow the Chaos Ming Zun to the Emperor of the Earth who lived in seclusion in a forbidden area in the Wangchuan Palace.

Next to a tributary of the Forgotten River, stands a towering peak that reaches into the clouds!

There is a valley full of flowers under the peak. When Du Long and others saw the Emperor of Earth, he was actually carrying a spiritual hoe to loosen the soil for flowers and plants.

Looking at the white-bearded old man wearing linen clothes and working with flowers and plants with bare feet, I couldn't connect him with the Emperor of Earth, one of the legendary Three Emperors.

"Disciple pays homage to Master!" Lunxuan Mingzun respectfully greeted the old man and said, "These two are Xuantian Longzun and his beloved daughter!"

Du Long, father and daughter, hurriedly stepped forward and bowed respectfully, both with the courtesy of juniors. They did not dare to show off in front of the old man who was the Earth Emperor in front of them.

The Earth Emperor hoeed the spirit pillar and looked at the father and daughter with a smile. He first nodded appreciatively towards Du Long, and then seriously looked at Du Lian'er beside him.

"Okay!" After the Earth Emperor looked at it for a while, he said with approval: "Sure enough, you are worthy of being the Xuantian Dragon Lord who successfully broke through and reached the realm of the most powerful Buddha after only practicing for a few epochs! You! My daughter is also very good, she is actually able to rely on self-study to know the formation and successfully break through to the emperor level!"

"Senior Earth Emperor, thank you!" Du Long said with a humble salute: "Senior, I still have to go to the trouble of finding a famous teacher for Lian'er. Du Long will definitely remember his great kindness and kindness!"

"Don't be too hasty to thank me!" The Emperor waved his hands and said, "It's still unclear whether this matter will work out! After all, Fuxi still can't let go of the death of that girl Nuwa back then!"

"Junior understands!" Du Long said hurriedly: "No matter what the final result is, this junior will remember the kindness of Senior Earth Emperor!"

"Hmm!" Since the Emperor had said the ugly things in advance, he naturally stopped being pretentious and immediately said in deep thought: "I happened to hear that Fuxi just came out of seclusion not long ago. Let's not waste time here and go directly to find him!"

"Turn around! You go back and take care of the palace affairs first. As for you little girl, stay in the cave world for the time being. I and your father will join hands and rush to Fuxi Realm!"

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