Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2355 Want to become a disciple

Huangquan Palace!

The banquet lasted for three days and three nights before it ended. After the guests and hosts had enjoyed themselves, the four members of Du Long's family were personally sent to the Huangquan Palace teleportation array by Qin Guangmingzun and others.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, he was directly teleported to the second location of this trip to the Nether World - Weak Water Palace!

"Haha! Welcome Xuantian Dragon Lord to Ruoshui Palace!"

Just as the Du Long family of four appeared on the weak water palace teleportation array, a hearty voice immediately sounded in their ears, and then they saw the space next to the teleportation array slightly distorted. The Tao figure then appeared there.

In the crowd, there was the figure of the God of the Underworld, Ina, but at this moment, she was standing respectfully behind a middle-aged beautiful woman, looking at the Du Long family of four with a smile.

"I am the Weak Water Palace Yuhuan Ming Zun!" As if seeing the hesitation on Du Long's face, the beautiful woman standing in front of the God of Hades, Ina, immediately continued to speak with a smile: "It is the God of Hades. Ina’s master is also the current palace master of Ruoshui Palace!”

"Du Long has met Senior Yuhuan Ming Zun! I have met all the seniors from Ruoshui Palace!" Facing the people in Ruoshui Palace, Du Long's attitude was obviously much more respectful than when he was in Huangquan Palace.

After all, this is Xia Qinglian's sect, and all the seniors in the sect are also his seniors. Naturally, this courtesy is indispensable when meeting for the first time. This can also be regarded as a sign of love for Wujiwu.

"You are a powerful person in the supreme Buddha realm. Wouldn't it be disrespectful to call us seniors?" Yuhuan Mingzun smiled and waved his hands and said: "If you are because of Qinglian's child, you will be embarrassed." You can call me Yuhuan Master, or you can call me Yuhuan Mingzun instead of her name!"

"Du Long pays homage to Master Yuhuan! Qinglian has been cared for by the elders of Ruoshui Palace over the years. Du Long would like to thank everyone on her behalf!" Du Long chose a more intimate title without hesitation.

"Haha!" Yuhuan Mingzun laughed heartily again, with a look of extreme satisfaction on his face: "That child Qinglian has always been well-behaved and obedient. She spends most of her time practicing in seclusion. We elders want to take more care of her. It’s difficult all at once!”

A large group of people gathered above the teleportation array and exchanged a few polite words. Then they flew slowly towards the depths of the Ruoshui Palace. Those familiar and powerful auras directly caused the people near the teleportation array to Countless people felt a little out of breath.

It wasn't until these figures with astonishing auras left the place that buzzing discussions began to ring out, almost all of which were words of admiration and reverence. No one dared to say a bad word about these powerful men in the weak water palace.

News spread one after another, and the news that Du Long's family of four came to Ruoshui Palace also spread.

Weak Water Palace, a city of frost in the underworld!

Extremely cold-resistant trees can be seen growing in every corner of the streets and alleys. The treetops are covered with ice and snow, and even ice picks like sharp swords hang from the branches.

Looking down from mid-air, a huge frost city appeared in front of Du Long, and an extremely cold air hit his face.

"Sure enough, it deserves to be called the Ice City of Weak Water Palace!" Du Long couldn't help but admired in mid-air: "This should belong to the far north of the underworld, right?!"

"It's not the far north yet!" Yuhuan Mingzun shook his head and replied with a smile: "The Ruoshui Palace is in charge of a reincarnation passage in the underworld. This can only be regarded as the middle of the northern region of the underworld. It is far away from the real extreme north. There’s still some distance to go!”

"Hmm!" Du Long nodded slightly and responded. Suddenly he saw his daughter Du Lian'er's eyes looking deep into the Ruoshui Palace. Then he shook his head helplessly and continued: "I dare to ask Master Yuhuan if he knows Qinglian is now Where?! I wonder if it would be convenient for her to come out and meet her?!"

"No!" Before Yuhuan Mingzun could speak, Ina, the god of the underworld on the side, couldn't help but take over the words: "Du Long! Qinglian is accepting the inheritance of the mantle of the Blue Water Patriarch inside the Blue Water Secret Realm. This time it is estimated that She will be in seclusion for a relatively long period of time, so we’d better not disturb her!”

Glancing at his slightly disappointed baby daughter with some unbearability, Du Long could only sigh and said: "Qinglian was favored by the Goddess Nuwa before and received part of the inheritance of the mantle of the Goddess Nuwa. Now, And since she has inherited the mantle of Patriarch Lan Shui, I really don’t know if her achievements in the future will surpass mine!”

"Haha!" Yuhuan Mingzun laughed and responded: "Qinglian has an extremely rare innate Xuanyin physique. It is most suitable for practicing dark attribute skills. A method similar to Weak Water is extremely suitable for her to practice. In addition, she She is talented and intelligent, if she can be less tied by family ties, then her future achievements may not be much weaker than yours!"

"Haha!" Faced with Yu Huan Mingzun's praise, Du Long chuckled indifferently and said: "In this life, if you don't even have family ties, then even if you have endless longevity, plus invincible power in the world, What’s the use of strength?!”

"The reason why I work so hard to improve my strength is not to gain power over the world and be a loner, but to use my strong strength to protect my relatives and friends so that they can enjoy peace for the rest of their lives!"

"Therefore, as long as I am with the Du clan, it doesn't matter how much Qinglian's strength can be improved in the future. I believe Qinglian will not be greedy for any power and position!"

"Alas!" Yuhuan Mingzun sighed helplessly: "It stands to reason that the ties of family ties will often affect the Taoist heart and hinder people's improvement in strength. However, these seem to have no impact on you, so Master It’s really hard for me to criticize you. Regarding everything between you and Qinglian, I can only obey your true intentions!"

"Thank you Master Yuhuan for your understanding!" Du Long hurriedly bowed respectfully and said, "No matter what! Qinglian is my wife, Du Long, and she is also a disciple of Ruoshui Palace. These two facts will never change!"

"Du Long!" Ina, God of the Underworld, couldn't help but interjected again: "The reason why you pursue strength improvement is to protect your family, so why not Qinglian?!"

"She once told me that she didn't want to see the burden of the entire Du clan resting on you. She hopes to improve her own strength and share as much as possible for you!"

"At least, when one day all three of your clones have to leave home to fight, as long as she is watching over you at home, you won't have any worries!"

Du Long was stunned for a moment, and a touch of affection and emotion appeared in his eyes involuntarily. Even the three women beside him had red eyes.

"Dad!" Du Lian'er resisted tears from bursting out of her eyes, and said with an extremely determined expression: "Let's not disturb mother's practice!"

"Okay! Then we won't disturb your mother's practice this time. It won't be too late to meet again after she comes out of seclusion!" Du Long naturally would not refuse his beloved daughter's request.

"Yeah!" Du Lian'er nodded obediently, and then said with some hesitation: "Dad! Lian'er has one more... I'm sorry!"

"Why are you so polite when talking to dad?!" Du Long pretended to be angry and reached out to touch her hair and said: "If you have any requests, just ask them. As long as dad can do it, he will try his best to help you achieve your wish!" "

"Dad! Lian'er wants to become Emperor Fuxi's disciple!" Du Lian'er gritted her teeth and finally expressed her thoughts.

Her words not only shocked Du Long, but also other people around her. It was not because she wanted to become a master, but because the status of the master she wanted to become a master was too transcendent.

According to legend, the Human Emperor Fuxi was a powerful man who achieved the supreme realm through formations. He was also the elder brother of the great God Nuwa!

Since the birth of the entire Pangu world, he has been the only one to break through the formation and reach the supreme realm. He can be regarded as a unique existence in the past.

According to legend, Pangu Ancestor used a giant ax to split the sky and split the earth, creating such a huge Pangu world!

However, the Human Emperor Fuxi directly used the formation path to create his own world and became the creator god of that world. This shows how powerful his talent in the formation path is!

In extremely ancient times, Fuxi and Nuwa, brother and sister, could be regarded as characters who reflected an entire era. Even Du Long's current achievements are slightly dim compared to them.

After all, Du Long is only at the Buddha level now, but the brother and sister had reached the top ranks of the Supremes back then, and the Human Emperor Fuxi created his own world of formations.

People in the world often refer to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, where the Nine Heavens means the Pangu world with nine heavens, and the Ten Earths represent the world created by the ten strongest creator gods of the Pangu world.

One of them includes the formation world created by the human emperor Fuxi, which is respectfully called Fuxi World by the outside world!

According to legend, the worlds created by the ten creation gods can all be connected to the Xuantian world.

Otherwise, the world created in this way cannot be called a real world. At most, it can only be regarded as a Dantian world that absorbs the energy of Pangu World.

Among the ten true creation gods, the formation world created by Fuxi can be considered among the best in terms of the stability of the entire world and the size of the entire world!

Because of this, Fuxi's status among the creation gods of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors has always been very high. After all, he is the only great god who created the world with the formation method!

The terrifying lethality displayed by the array in the process of external combat is also one of the main reasons that deters those forces from outside the world from easily invading the Pangu world.

That year, because of the fall of the great goddess Nuwa, the great god Fuxi, who had always had a relatively gentle temperament, went crazy for the first time.

During the war against the extraterrestrial world, the Great God Fuxi, through his extremely powerful formation strength, almost wiped out the top forces of the entire extraterrestrial force.

After that battle, people finally understood the huge role of the Great God of Formation in group operations, and it was precisely because of this that the status of the Great God Fuxi increased.

However, precisely because of the fall of God Nuwa, God Fuxi suffered a huge blow!

Since then, he has been living in seclusion in the Fuxi Realm behind closed doors. Except for a few close friends who occasionally go to see him, it is really not easy for outsiders to see him.

After all, Fuxi Realm does not have a public teleportation array leading to Pangu God Realm. The only way to get to Fuxi Realm is to fly directly from Xuantian World!

If you want to be able to travel in Xuantian World, the minimum requirement is to reach the Supreme Realm of strength. Being below the Supreme Realm's strength to enter it is almost the same as committing suicide!

"This..." Facing his precious daughter who rarely asked him to beg him for once, Du Long was in embarrassment and didn't know how to answer her: "Lian'er! Why do you suddenly want to worship the Great God Fuxi as your teacher?! That's The great god-level figure who created the Fuxi world, dad doesn’t even know how to get to the Fuxi world, so how can he help you achieve your wish to become your teacher?!”

"Lian'er! What your father said is right!" God of the Underworld Ina seemed to understand Du Long's difficulties, and immediately spoke to help him: "Master Fuxi doesn't mean that you can see him if you want. I'm afraid you have to wait for more. Wait a minute, let’s see if your father has the chance to meet the Great God Fuxi one day, and it won’t be too late to help you build a bridge!”

"Oh!" Du Lian'er was a little disappointed, but she didn't want to embarrass Du Long. "Lian'er didn't know that it was so difficult to meet the Great God Fu Xi. If that's the case, then just wait a little longer! Anyway, Lian'er is so For many years, I have relied on self-study to reach the emperor level in terms of formations, so let’s continue to study on our own!”

"What?!" Before Du Long and God of the Underworld Ina could continue to comfort him this time, Yuhuan Mingzun said with a face full of shock: "This little girl... relied on self-taught knowledge of formations... and then by Is it possible to achieve the emperor level of strength by entering the formation path?!"

"Yes, Master!" Goddess of the Underworld Ina replied with a sweet smile: "Qinglian, this precious daughter, is extremely talented in formations. She has always been with Du Long, relying solely on her conscious knowledge of formations. Finally, I was able to break through the formation path and reach the imperial level!"

"Oh my god!" Yu Huan Ming Zun exclaimed with a somewhat exaggerated expression: "Du Long! You are really wasting your natural resources too much! It was just a waste of Qing Lian's innate Xuanyin physique before, but now you can even You have hidden Lian'er's amazing talent. As a father, you are really... people don't know how to say you are great!"


Facing Yu Huan Ming Zun who was criticizing him with an extremely exaggerated expression, Du Long was dumbfounded on the spot. He really didn't know that his beloved daughter Du Lian'er, who had always been obedient and obedient, actually had such a powerful talent.

"Ah what!" Yuhuan Mingzun said angrily: "Our Ruoshui Palace has some connections with the Earth Emperor, so let's leave this matter to our master!"

"When Master has established contact with Senior Earth Emperor, we will see if we can let him take Lian'er to find the Emperor Fuxi. Whether the apprenticeship can be accomplished or not, it depends on this girl's own luck. !”

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