Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2318 Looking for a stronghold

In the bloody underwater world, Du Long sat cross-legged over an undersea energy volcano, quietly looking at the energy volcano in front of him that was covered by bloody sea water.

On the entire energy volcano, only the crater formed an area without seawater, while the cave entrances everywhere in the mountain were completely covered by bloody seawater.

"No wonder!" Du Long murmured thoughtfully: "It seems that most of the mutant mermaids live in this area that is not shrouded in blood mist. It is precisely because of this that they can maintain a certain level of intelligence!"

"As for the vast majority of mutant sea tribes, they live in caves covered by bloody sea water all year round. Therefore, apart from their brute strength, they are almost the same as ordinary undersea beasts!"

"Because these submarine energy volcanoes have not erupted and accumulated above the sea level, they are hidden in the bottomless and dangerous depths of the seabed. And these bloody seawater have the effect of shielding ordinary spiritual consciousness from detection, which makes it extremely difficult for primitive humans to detect Detected by the strong!"

"It is precisely because of this that, after countless years, the primitive human race has been fighting against these mutated sea races for many years, but they still have not been able to find the location of each other's lair!"

"Alas! I have to admire the magic of creation in this world. Even in such a dangerous living environment as the Blood Sea, it still leaves a glimmer of hope for all kinds of creatures!"

"It's a pity... these mutated sea tribes who live in the underwater world all year round will sooner or later lose their intelligence if they continue like this, and eventually turn into monsters who only know blood and killing!"

"Before they completely lose their intelligence, help them reincarnate earlier. This may not be redeeming the many mutated creatures in the entire blood sea!"

Scanning the bloody underwater world with faint eyes, Du Long came up with countless thoughts with emotion. Just as he was muttering alone, many primitive human strongmen who entered the underwater energy volcano finally came towards him one after another. He flew over.

"Haha! It's really fun!" Li Hong couldn't help laughing loudly before he got close: "It was almost impossible to destroy a stronghold of the Mutated Sea Clan so easily. This was almost impossible in the past. !”

"Brother Li Hong!" Du Long said with a faint smile: "It's not easy for these mutated sea tribes. I hope that when you attack, try not to destroy the opponent's soul and leave them a chance to reincarnate. !”

"No problem!" Li Hong nodded without thinking: "Brother Du Long is truly worthy of being a Buddhist disciple and is compassionate. We are really impressed by him!"

The faces of Li Tianshu and others on the side looked a little strange. They all thought of the previous scene where Du Long wiped out millions of troops in an instant, and how he showed little expression when facing the targets who were burned alive while extracting confessions. A cruel method that shows no sign of intolerance.

Such a person with bloody and cruel methods actually turned into a compassionate person when he fell into Li Hong's mouth. It's no wonder that everyone showed such strange expressions.

Du Long instantly understood some information from the changes in everyone's expressions, and immediately replied with a nonchalant smile: "Brother Li Hong is serious about killing me! As a being whose hands are stained with the blood of the mutated sea clan, I can Don’t be afraid of the words “compassionate”!”

"Those who are not from my race must have different hearts!" Li Hong waved his hands nonchalantly and said, "Just destroying the bodies of those monsters so that their souls can be reincarnated is the same as redeeming them, so it is certainly worth it. In the name of mercy!”

"What Li Hong said is true!" Jiang Yang on the side also said, "On the surface, it looks like little brother Du Long killed millions of mutated sea tribes with just a few seconds, but in fact it was We are saving them so that their souls can be reborn instead of sinking into this endless sea of ​​blood!"

"That's all! Let's not continue to argue about this issue!" Du Long understood that the other party was trying to flatter him, so he immediately waved his hand and changed the subject: "What are you going to do with this submarine energy volcano in front of you?! Shall we rush to the next coordinate now?!"

"It's very simple! Leave a five-person team here, and then leave another five-person team outside, and ask them to contact the headquarters to send someone to receive this submarine energy volcano. It's not easy to find and occupy this place. It's absolutely impossible. Allow it to fall into the hands of the mutant sea clan again!" Li Hong made the decision very simply, and Jiang Yang on the side nodded slightly in agreement.

"Okay!" Du Long didn't waste any more time and immediately nodded and responded: "Which of the five-person team wants to stay, the others can follow me and leave here!"

Under Li Hong's arrangement, a five-man emperor-level team was left here, and the others were taken into the portable cave world by Du Long, and then he was seen teleporting away from the underwater world.

In a moment, everyone appeared above the sea. Li Hong and others were confused about where they were.

"Little brother Du Long!" Li Hong immediately asked out the doubts in his heart: "Have we arrived at the next coordinate point?! Why did you come up from the bottom of the sea so quickly?!"

"Haha!" Du Long shook his head and chuckled: "I just wanted to let you see the safe passage to the bottom of the sea clearly, so I slowly sneaked down. As for coming up, you don't need to bother so much. You can just teleport up. Got it!"

"So that's it!" Li Hong suddenly realized: "Since little brother Du Long can detect the location of the energy volcano on the seabed, his spiritual consciousness can naturally cover such a deep seabed, so it won't be a problem to teleport out!"

"It's just a little effort!" Du Long waved his hand and said: "Quickly leave another team of five, and then we should rush to the next mutant sea tribe's stronghold on the bottom of the sea. I hope this time it will be the opponent's lair! "


Li Hong responded immediately and began to arrange for another five-person team to stay. The others re-entered the cave world that Du Long carried with him and rushed to the sea area where the next coordinate was located with a teleportation.

This time, Du Long was not released again. Instead, he teleported directly into the depths of the seabed again and appeared on top of another undersea energy volcano.


It wasn't until this moment that he released people from his cave world. As soon as hundreds of figures appeared, they were immediately spotted by the mutant sea sentinels who were responsible for guarding below.

Woohoo. . .

Waves of enemy attack sirens began to sound in this underwater world, and then the same scene as before appeared.

The huge undersea energy volcano was densely packed with cave entrances, from which a large number of mutated sea tribe troops rushed out and began to form a defensive formation towards the group of uninvited guests.

Soon, a sea army led by many mutated mermaid emperor-level warriors appeared in front of Du Long and others. It looked stronger than the stronghold in front.

There are about 1,500 to 600 emperor-level warriors, and the Hunyuan-level army reaches nearly ten million. Although the overall strength is stronger, it is still not beyond the expectations of Du Long and others.

"Alas! We still haven't found the goal of the Divine Realm. It seems that this place is still just one of the ordinary strongholds!" Du Long shook his head and sighed with some disappointment.

"Hehe!" Li Hong was not too disappointed. Instead, he stared at the mutant sea army in front of him with bright eyes. He smiled coldly and said: "With the tracking efficiency of little brother Du Long, I believe we will be here soon." Can you find the location of the other party’s lair?!”

"That's right!" Jiang Yang replied with a smile: "We now regard it as clearing all the strongholds of the mutant sea tribe in advance, so that we won't be disappointed!"

"Forget it!" Du Long said with a smile again on his face: "Then continue to attack this stronghold. I want to see how many submarine strongholds like this we can destroy when we find the other side's lair!"

After the words fell, he stopped talking nonsense and directly launched the powerful method of time and space compression, and a terrifying pressure that was so powerful that it shocked the enemy came.

Puffy. . .

Almost at the same time, the Hunyuan-level mutated sea clan army with tens of millions of troops exploded into clouds of blood mist out of thin air. Those mutant sea clansmen with Hunyuan-level strength simply could not withstand the force from the mighty Buddha-level powerful ones. The terrifying power of time and space compression.


Although this was not the first time they had seen such a bloody scene, many primitive human warriors still fell into a sluggish state again, obviously shocked by the scene in front of them.

Compared with the shock of many primitive human race strongmen, those mutated sea clan emperor-level strongmen can only be described as horrified. They never expected that the entire legion of tens of millions of people would be destroyed before they officially started. In front of your own eyes? !

"Same old thing! I'll be in charge of the interrogation, and you'll be in charge of cleaning up the remnants of the undersea energy volcano!" Du Long explained to the many powerful primitive humans with an expressionless face.

"Understood!" Li Hong and the others quickly woke up, responded immediately, and organized their troops in a familiar manner, flying towards the energy volcano below.

The second stronghold of the Mutated Sea Clan was easily captured by Du Long and others, and another cruel interrogation was staged. Unfortunately, they still could not find the location of the enemy's lair.

After leaving two five-person teams to guard the place, Du Long took Li Hong and others back to the island where the headquarters of the primitive tribe alliance was located, and sat down again in the meeting hall.

Continuously eradicating the secret stronghold of the Mutated Sea Clan in the depths of the Blood Sea, and killing millions of mutant Sea Clan, Li Hong and other primitive human race strongmen appeared extremely excited, looking at Du Long one by one. His eyes were full of reverence.

"Are there just these suspicious coordinate points?!" Du Long just sat down and immediately said helplessly: "You can't let me explore the entire blood sea, can you?! That would take a lot of time and effort. It’s all about energy?!”

"Actually..." Si Chang couldn't help but interjected in the crowd: "It is not necessarily necessary to explore the entire blood sea. We only need to explore the surrounding sea areas with the alliance headquarters island as the center, and maybe there will be You might as well discover something!”

"How do you say this?!" Du Long asked subconsciously: "Exploring the depths of the seabed is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. If you want to explore the circular sea area, it is extremely vast. Even if you only explore a small part of the Blood Sea, it will be so difficult." It’s not something that can be found out overnight!”

"But apart from searching for the enemy with a carpet-like exploration method, what else can we do?!" Si Chang replied with some helplessness: "We can think of other methods while continuing to explore and search using the most primitive method!"

"Especially with this island as the center, the surrounding energy volcanoes are not only numerous in number, but the raw energy they spout out is also more intense. Presumably, if there are submarine volcanoes in this area, it will probably become the opponent's home base. Woolen cloth!"

"Okay!" Although Du Long didn't want to waste too much energy and aimlessly explore the entire sea of ​​​​blood, he somewhat agreed with Si Chang's statement.

Immediately, a small amount of his mind was divided to continue to search for new solutions with everyone, while most of the rest of his mind began to work hard to explore the surrounding underwater world, wanting to see if he could be a blind cat and encounter a dead mouse.

A powerful spiritual consciousness enveloped the surrounding sea area, scanning and exploring the underwater world like a carpet. The interference of the bloody sea water on the spiritual consciousness made Du Long feel even more depressed at this moment.

Normally, his consciousness could reach extremely far distances in an instant, but it became not so easy when it penetrated into the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

Time passed by minute by second, with this island as the center, Dulong gradually began to expand to the periphery, and the seabed one after another was gradually scanned and suspected.

A radius of one hundred thousand miles, a million miles, tens of millions of miles. . .

As the scope of the investigation became larger and larger, and the time it took became longer and longer, the face of a powerful and powerful man like Du Long, who was in the supreme Buddha realm, began to look a little ugly at this moment.

This is just like ordinary people staying up too late. It is absolutely uncomfortable to maintain the highest power output of mental strength for a long time, and the whole person will become depressed because of it.

Li Hong and others on the side saw all this, and their faces gradually revealed a look of reluctance and helplessness. They all knew that Du Long was wasting his energy for the primitive human race.

'no! ’ In the end, it was Li Hong who couldn’t help it any longer, and secretly sent a message to many tribesmen: ‘Brother Du Long cannot be allowed to work so hard for the primitive human race, we still have to work hard to come up with some solutions! ’

‘That’s right! ’ Jiang Yang followed closely and nodded heavily: ‘Whoever can come up with a good idea will be a great achievement and can propose any acceptable reward conditions! ’

'Seconded! ’

'that. . . ’ A flash of light flashed in Si Chang’s eyes, and he said with hesitation: ‘Since we can’t quickly find the enemy’s strongholds on the seabed, can we let them take the initiative to take us to those strongholds on the seabed? ! ’

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