Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2317 Undersea Volcano

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. . .

In the depths of the vast blood sea, time and space cracks will flash from time to time, and the time and space cracks will form blue-purple light, constantly illuminating this underwater world that should be as dark as ink.

Led by Du Long, a group of people dived down to the depths of the sea along a relatively safe route. Due to the obstruction of sight by the blood and sea water, the visual range became very close.

After diving all the way down for a while, probably to a depth of several hundred miles, a bright light on the bottom of the sea caught everyone's attention.

That bright light was different from the time and space rift that appeared and disappeared. The weakest among the people present was also a strong person in the emperor level. Soon someone discovered the difference in this bright light.

"It's almost there!" As a powerful person in the Divine Realm, Li Hong took the lead to see the general situation there, and immediately exclaimed with some excitement: "Sure enough, it is an energy volcano on the bottom of the sea. There should be a mutant sea tribe there. A place to live!”

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger. Everyone discovered something unusual behind the bright light, and for a moment they all showed extremely excited expressions.


Perhaps because of being too excited and nervous, some people couldn't help but take out their main battle weapons. This was obviously to prepare for the upcoming battle at any time.

In response, Du Long just smiled faintly. He was not nervous at all before the war, and he had no intention of opening his mouth to appease everyone. They would soon understand how ridiculous his worries were.

Woohoo. . .

Bursts of shrill horns suddenly resounded in this underwater world. The arrival of a group of uninvited guests had obviously attracted the attention of the sentries in charge of vigilance.

Du Long suddenly accelerated his progress, and an extremely huge underwater volcano gradually appeared in front of everyone!

After seeing the densely packed caves around the huge submarine volcano and the figures constantly rushing out of it, everyone except Du Long began to look extremely solemn.

"Oh my god! Is it really an undersea energy volcano?!" Li Hong exclaimed in surprise: "This energy volcano can only be regarded as an undersea volcano because the material erupted cannot extend to the sea surface. Those damn mutated sea tribes secretly occupy this submarine energy volcano, so they can fight against us for a long time without falling into a disadvantage!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yang replied with an extremely serious expression: "There must be more than one or two submarine energy volcanoes like this. It seems that it will take a long time to completely solve the scourge of the mutated sea clan. !”

"Capture the thief first! Capture the king first!" Du Long replied with a disapproving smile: "We only need to wipe out its old nest, and then destroy as many such strongholds as possible. Presumably those mutated sea tribes will no longer be able to attack the original ones in a short period of time. Don’t humans pose too much of a threat?!”

"That's true!" Jiang Yang replied with some approval: "It's impossible for us to clean up all the mutant sea races under the entire blood sea, right?! As long as we can severely damage them and control these undersea energy volcanoes, the other party can even What kind of climate can we achieve if we hide so many?!"

"That's right!" Li Hong replied confidently: "I have to thank little brother Du Long this time! Without your help, we would never have been able to find the submarine energy volcano stronghold that is hidden so deeply, right? !”

"Yes! Thanks to the help of little brother Du Long, our primitive human race really owes you a lot. If there is an opportunity in the future, we will definitely repay you!" Jiang Yang also had a look of gratitude on his face.

"You two brothers, there is no need to be polite!" Du Long waved his hands indifferently and said: "Put aside your words of gratitude for the time being, and everyone should be prepared to eradicate this mutant sea tribe's stronghold in front of you!"


Amid everyone's excited shouts, they finally flew over the submarine energy volcano, and could see that an army of millions had gathered there, based on a large number of mutant sea races, with about hundreds of thousands of mutants among them. The mermaid tribe is leading this army.

Millions of troops guarding the submarine energy volcano layer by layer have already set up a battle formation against Du Long and this group of uninvited guests. As long as the opponent's leader gives an order, they can launch an all-out attack.

"There are actually thousands of emperor-level experts?!" Li Hong quickly calculated the opponent's strength and said: "It seems that the submarine energy volcano in front of us is already equivalent to the medium-sized energy volcano island in the outside world!"

"Hmm!" Du Long shook his head slightly disappointedly and said: "What a pity! There is not a strong man in the divine realm sitting on the entire submarine energy volcano. It seems that this is just an ordinary stronghold!"

Faced with the arrival of three God-level powerful men, what can the opponent do even if there are millions of troops and thousands of Emperor-level men? ! Du Long didn't even have the thought of taking action at this moment.

"What's the use of a bull's-eye to kill a chicken?" Li Hong saw at a glance that Du Long had no intention of taking action personally, and immediately said with a murderous look on his face: "Brother Du Long can just watch the battle from the side and kill these mutated sea tribesmen. Leave it to us!"


Almost at the same time as he finished speaking, a force of divine space binding at the realm of gods was born out of thin air, instantly enveloping the entire undersea energy volcanic island.

The millions of mutated sea tribe troops that were originally full of murderous intent were instantly frozen in place as if they had been cast by the Space-Time Stasis Technique when faced with the constraints of such a powerful divine space force!

"Activate the divine space restraint against the magic circle!" A scream sounded, and an invisible energy descended on the energy volcano out of thin air, instantly neutralizing the divine space restraint force that bound the army.

"How is this possible?!" Li Hong was shocked and said on the spot: "When did these mutated sea tribes who only know how to kill and kill master such a magic circle that can compete with the divine realm?!"

"Let me do it!" Du Long didn't want the duck meat that finally reached his mouth to fly again, and immediately waved his hands and said: "The power of the divine space can be offset, but I don't know if this formation can offset the restraint power of the time and space avenue. ?!”

As his words fell, a powerful force of space-time compression and restraint formed out of thin air, directly covering the energy volcano in front of him!

"No! This is impossible..."

Puffy. . .

In full view of the public, millions of Hunyuan-level armies were crushed to pieces one after another in front of Li Hong and other senior members of the primitive human race, and turned into clouds of blood mist that scattered in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, out of the originally menacing army of millions, only a few thousand emperor-level warriors were left alive, but each of them seemed to be suppressed by the mountain, and their bodies were shaking violently.

These emperor-level warriors of the mutated sea tribe are obviously trying their best to resist the force of time and space compression that is so powerful that it frightens them. If it were not for the emperor-level strength, they would probably be crushed on the spot like those millions of troops. own body.

Du Long stared at the extremely tragic scene in front of him with an expressionless face. In fact, he was showing mercy. Although millions of mutated sea races were wiped out in an instant, he only wiped out their physical bodies.

The souls of those mutated sea tribes can still get the opportunity to reincarnate. Instead of letting them continue to live in the endless suffering of killing, it would be more enjoyable to let them reincarnate.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being a powerful man in the realm of the most powerful Buddha. He can so easily destroy millions of mutated sea clan legions just by relying on the power of time and space compression?!" A group of primitive human race warriors were all killed. The tragic scene in front of him was shocking, and finally Li Hong spoke with emotion to break the silence.

"Being able to crush the enemy's physical body without using the power of the divine space, relying only on the understanding of the avenue of time and space, is indeed worthy of the super strength of the most powerful Buddha realm!" Jiang Yang was already facing Du Long at this moment. I was so impressed that I fell to the ground.

"Haha! You two brothers have given you the prize!" Du Long said modestly, and then waved towards one of the mutated human emperor-level warriors. The guy immediately flew towards him involuntarily, and then just like this Floating in front of him out of thin air.

"Tell me! Where is your mutated sea tribe's lair in the Blood Sea?! If you are willing to tell the truth, you can be saved from death!" Du Long said expressionlessly to the strong mermaid tribe who was caught in front of him. , as if he was telling an innocuous thing.

"Hmph! Don't expect to find out the location of the holy mountain on the seabed from my mouth. If you want to kill him, just kill him!" The emperor-level strongman of the mutated mermaid tribe refused to answer Du Long's question without thinking.


A ball of blazing flames appeared out of thin air on the opponent's body, burning him directly in front of countless people. There were endless bursts of screams, and Du Long began to interrogate him ruthlessly in front of everyone.

He did not block out the screams of this guy, and allowed him to scream again and again. He waved his hand and photographed another emperor-level strongman from the mutated mermaid clan approaching.

"Same question, do you choose to die miserably, or answer my question?!" Du Long didn't waste any time and just let the other person choose.

"Why are you afraid of death?! I want me to tell you..."

This mutant mermaid clan emperor-level expert is obviously a tough guy. He refused to answer the question on the spot. But before he could finish his words, a ball of flames rose up from the soles of his feet, and another humanoid screamed incessantly. The torch appeared in front of everyone.


Du Long shouted without mercy, and another figure was photographed by him. It was still a simple and direct interrogation method. As long as the other party chose to die, Du Long would immediately help him.


In the sky above the submarine energy volcano, in addition to the pitiful screams, Du Long shouted these words every once in a while. Such a cruel and ruthless performance made many primitive human strongmen surrounding him secretly shocked. Heartbroken.

Du Long has always given everyone the impression that he is easy to talk to and has a humble and polite personality. Although he is a powerful person in the Supreme Buddha Realm, he has never put on airs in front of them.

But for such a character, everyone felt a chill coming from the bottom of their hearts at this moment, and that feeling made their scalps numb.

Time passed slowly, and one after another the strong men of the mutated sea tribe turned into torches one after another, and then turned into ashes after struggling in the flames for a while.

Du Long did not let the souls of these mutant sea clans be destroyed, but still gave them a chance to reincarnate. Because of this, he did not feel that his methods were cruel.

The pain of burning the body with flames can never be compared with the pain of cultivating the eyes of brilliant thunder. Compared with the pain of burning eyes with flames for seventy-seven forty-nine days, these people have endured such a small period of flames. What does the pain of body burning mean? !

Time passed by minute by second, and the number of those mutated Sea Clan emperor-level experts was reduced by more than half, and no one was willing to tell the location of their lair.

Li Hong finally couldn't help but said: "Du Long... little brother! There seems to be some kind of restriction in the hearts of these mutated sea tribes, otherwise we would have discovered the existence of these submarine volcanoes from the mouths of those prisoners!"

"Yeah!" Du Long nodded nonchalantly and replied, "I just want to see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net. If I encounter an enemy without restrictions, I might be able to save a lot of time!"

"Okay!" Seeing that Du Long didn't give up, Li Hong could only sigh helplessly, and then said to the people around him: "Then let little brother Du Long continue to interrogate here. Let's enter the energy volcano underneath. Let's see. See if there are any fish that have slipped through the net, and search it by the way to see if you can find information on other underwater strongholds of the mutant sea tribe!"


Everyone took the order one after another, and then under the leadership of Li Hong, they flew towards the submarine volcano and began to explore the energy volcano with all their strength. Soon, there were continuous screams from the energy volcano.

It turns out that in addition to looking for information, Li Hong also took action to kill the old, weak, women and children staying deep in the energy volcano.

Similar to this kind of ethnic war, because hatred can no longer be resolved, naturally there is no need to keep people alive to avoid leaving more troubles in the future.

Du Long had never had the heart to attack those old, weak, women and children before. Li Hong naturally understood his thoughts, and then secretly issued a killing order to the tribesmen without asking for instructions.

Everyone who was still a little intolerant at first, but after seeing Du Long going on a bloody killing spree for the sake of primitive humans, all of them no longer had any extra sympathy.


As the last mutant sea tribe emperor-level powerhouse turned into a torch, Du Long shook his head with some disappointment and said: "These mutant sea tribes are really smart, and they actually put that kind of soul restriction on all the tribesmen. It seems that if you want to start from Is it impossible for these people to detect the location of their lair?!"

As he finished speaking, his eyes fell on the energy volcano, and he could clearly detect the brutal massacre taking place inside, but he had no intention of discouraging it.

If you want to resolve the scourge of the mutant sea clan, you must carry out a mass killing of them. As for how many of them can survive in the end, it depends on their own destiny.

Compared to living in pain while being corroded by the aura of killing, early death and early reincarnation may be the best ending. As long as Du Long is not completely destroyed, it does not feel like real killing!

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