Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2054 Want to introduce

"I wonder if Marshal Du has anything to explain to Xiao when he is left here?!" Xiao Nai asked with some confusion in the coach's hall.

It can be seen that in order to arrange and deploy the pre-war second-level mobilization order as early as possible, before Du Long could say anything, he couldn't wait to ask.

"Commander Xiao has already met these friends of mine before, and I would like to ask the military counselor to help me give some advice on how to arrange their positions in the army more appropriately?!" Du Long pointed at the man standing there. Huang Tianhua and others on the side said.

"This is simple!" Xiao Nai suddenly responded: "Everyone here... including Marshal Du, all entered the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield to participate in an emperor-level mission in the first epoch. After the mission expires, you can leave here, so no matter The military rank of each person's identity token will not mean much after returning to Pangu World!"

"Therefore, you should not pay too much attention to your position in the military. The primary goal of everything is to kill the enemy and earn military merit points!"

"In this case, Xiao's suggestion is very simple, that is... Marshal Du can incorporate these friends of yours into the secret special training regiment led by the marshal himself!"

"What a great idea!" Du Long's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately made the decision: "These are a few low-grade, super-artifact-level battle armors. Just treat them as a meeting gift from me to everyone, and at the same time, they can distinguish you from other soldiers. !”

As his words fell, streaks of blood-red light appeared out of thin air. They were sets of battle armors flashing with blood-colored light, and according to Du Long, they were all low-grade, super-artifact-level treasures.

Among the entire right legion, only Du Long's handsome armor reached the mid-grade super artifact level. All other high-level generals were only equipped with low-grade super artifact level armor at most.

Therefore, it would be inappropriate for him to equip his friends with mid-grade, super-artifact-level armor at once, otherwise it would definitely cause dissatisfaction among many soldiers in the army.

"Wow!" The little lolita Zhao Zhiling was not a polite master, so she exclaimed excitedly, rushed forward to pick out a suit of armor that she thought she was most satisfied with, and then admitted her master without hesitation and shed blood. Wearing it on the body: "Everyone, look, look! After I put on this suit of armor, won't I look more heroic and more beautiful?!"

Everyone looked at the little beauty who couldn't wait to put on the blood-red armor with bright eyes and smiled, and saw that she had transformed from the cute little lolita before into a cute yet heroic look.

"Yes, yes! Our sister Zhiling was originally like a little fairy descending to earth. Now that she wears the blood-colored armor, her whole temperament has risen to a new level! Haha..." Hu Feifei praised while saying, I also picked out a suit of battle armor and immediately recognized it and put it on.

Because of her personality, the armor she chose is relatively sexy, with the skin on her waist, knees, arms and other parts exposed. Even wearing the armor, it still gives people a bumpy, extremely sexy and enchanting feeling.

"Wow!" the little loli Zhao Zhiling exclaimed with envy: "Sister Feifei still looks good in this armor. Even with the armor, she is still sexy and enchanting, making people want to fall in love with Feifei, hehe!"

Amidst bursts of laughter, a group of young people stepped forward to select a set of red armor and semi-equipment. This scene made military counselor Xiao Nai's mouth twitch secretly.

Previously, the coach Du Long directly paid out of his own pocket to allocate a Five Elements Spiritual Root to each of the generals. This time, he paid out of his own pocket and directly equipped each of his friends with a set of low-grade super artifact-level combat weapons. First.

It would be okay if everyone was given a low-grade super-artifact-level weapon, but the value of this kind of super-artifact-level armor would definitely be many times that of the weapon!

"Um... If the Marshal has nothing else to do, then Xiao has to hurry up and arrange the preparations for the general mobilization before the war!" Even a person with Xiao Nai's personality was a little jealous at this moment and had to hurry up Say hello to Du Long, and then leave this place that makes him feel so painful.

Although these treasures were not withdrawn from the treasury of the right legion, they would still make people jealous and heartache. In order to avoid seeing them and respecting them, it was best for him to do so.

"Okay! Thank you for your hard work, Commander Xiao!" Du Long didn't know that his generous behavior had already hurt the selfless Commander Xiao in front of him, and casually waved his hand to let him go about his business.

"You guys!" After watching military advisor Xiao Nai leave, Du Long looked at his friends in front of him with a smile and said: "Now that you are equipped with this set of armor, from today... until this mission on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven Until this is over, you are all considered a soldier of the right legion of Tianwaixian City!"

"I will take you to a secret training place later. I declare in advance that from now on until the war breaks out, no one here is allowed to leave the right army camp at will, nor can the contents of the secret training be leaked. , can you do it?!"

His Highness, a group of young men and women wearing blood-colored armor, all looked at Du Long with some confusion, as if they didn't quite understand what he meant by secret special training.

"Mysterious... What is the secret training you mentioned?!" Little Lolita Zhao Zhiling immediately asked everyone's doubts.

"Of course it's a secret way to train the army!" Du Long replied with a smile: "Because it is a confidential matter related to the right army, no one is allowed to leak it before the war breaks out!"

"Since it is the secret of the right legion, we can naturally guarantee that it will not be leaked to the outside world!" Princess Yayi from the Sun God Clan was the first to speak out, and others followed closely and said that they would not leak it to the outside world.

"Very good!" For these friends, Du Long had no intention of forcing them to swear a soul oath: "In that case, then come with me!"


Accompanied by the sound of golden battle armors rubbing and colliding, Du Long stood up directly from the coach's seat, and then led many heroic young friends out of the coach's hall and went straight to a heavily guarded space array stone walk nearby. go.

As the master of the special training cave world, Du Long could have moved people directly into the cave world, but in order to let the soldiers guarding the entrance and exit of the formation gate get to know these new blood-armored people, he still felt it was necessary to use this comparison. Troublesome way to enter the cave world of secret training.

"See Marshal Du!" Outside the gate of the Dongtian Formation, a group of elite guards saluted Du Long with great respect.

"Well!" Du Long waved his hand, then pointed at the many blood-armored friends beside him and said: "They will also enter the special training space in the future to participate in the intensive special training during this period. Get to know each other, and remember to let them go!"

"I obey my orders!"

In this way, a group of guards carefully memorized the appearance and soul aura of Huang Tianhua and others. Since these people were designated by Marshal Du Long to enter the special training space, they naturally had to identify them clearly.

You must know that ordinary soldiers who enter the special training space are not qualified to enter and exit the space freely. Only those with deputy general or above positions are eligible, and now these young men with blood armor are added to the list.

"Huh?!" A group of people walked directly into the space formation gate under the leadership of Du Long. The little lolita Zhao Zhiling said with some disappointment: "I thought this would be a huge training camp! Unexpectedly, it was just It’s just an ordinary portable cave world!”

The others did not speak, but followed Du Long while looking at the surrounding environment curiously. Sure enough, as Zhao Zhiling said, it was just an extremely ordinary cave world, which was exactly what they had guessed. The special training camp has a lot of entrances and exits.

Du Long, who was leading the team in front, didn't say much. With a faint smile on his lips, he continued to lead everyone to fly in a certain direction. Soon they flew to the top of a mountain peak, and then a group of people disappeared out of thin air. There is no trace, there is only a space formation stone emitting faint energy fluctuations.

In order to keep the secret of the secret training, Du Long's previous clone slightly changed the training place. The first level of the cave world was only used to hide the secret. The real secret was actually hidden in the second level of the cave world.

Rumble. . .

A group of people had just entered the second cave world when they immediately heard loud roaring sounds coming from the sky. Everyone immediately looked in the direction of the sound. When they saw the scene in front of them clearly, one by one Everyone's eyes widened in astonishment, and their mouths opened so wide that they could almost stuff a duck egg directly into it.

I saw a huge multi-colored dragon dancing and tumbling in the sky, with a strange point as its head, constantly flying and running freely in the sky.

What surprised everyone was not this multicolored dragon, but the densely packed figures inside the multicolored dragon. As strong men with emperor-level combat power, they instantly understood what the multicolored dragon in the distant sky was all about. .

What kind of colorful dragon is this? It is clearly a formation formed by millions of soldiers. Just from the terrifying aura they exude when running back and forth, you can judge how powerful the opponent is.

"Yeah! Not bad! It seems that in the years since I went to the underground world, the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array has been well trained, and it should be enough to withstand the test of actual combat!" Du Long looked at the huge multi-colored dragon in the sky. , nodded and whispered with slight satisfaction.

"Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array?!" Princess Yayi from the Sun God Clan was the first to wake up from the shock and immediately asked: "Marshal Du Long! Can you introduce this array to us?!"

"Okay!" Since Du Long brought them in, he naturally had no intention of hiding his secrets: "This is a joint attack formation that I secretly built specifically for the right legion. This formation uses the super weapon at the front. The artifact-level Five Elements Coiling Dragon Dharma Cone is the base of the formation, and countless legion soldiers are the energy source..."

Du Long began to briefly introduce the situation of the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Dharma Cone to everyone present. The core secret of this formation is the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Dharma Cone. As for the other various application methods, they are not special. He is not afraid of important secrets being leaked to outsiders.

"What?! Marshal Du Long... This Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array was created by Marshal yourself?!" Princess Yayi was a little uneasy. She endured it after listening to Du Long's explanation. , and immediately asked the doubts in his heart impatiently.

"Yes!" Du Long nodded slightly and said: "The entire magic circle, including the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Magic Cone, was specially developed for the right legion before I entered the Blue Water Secret Realm!"


Everyone at the scene took a breath and looked at Du Long with the eyes of a monster. They knew that his cultivation talent was extremely amazing, but they never thought that this guy's talents in other aspects were just as monster!

"Marshal Du... Du Long!" After some hesitation, Princess Yayi finally gritted her teeth and said, "I wonder... can you refine this set of Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array... How to teach us the Sun God Clan?!"


Du Long was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that the princess of the Sun God Clan would actually make such a request, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer her.

Princess Yayi's cheeks turned slightly red. She obviously understood that she had made a very difficult request, and she hurriedly continued: "I also know that this is a bit difficult... But, for endless years, our Sun God Clan has been fighting against the Light God Clan. We suffered heavy losses in the confrontation. If we can have the help of this formation, our combat power will be greatly improved. As long as... Marshal Du Long can agree, our Sun God Clan is willing to pay a price that satisfies you!"


Everyone at the scene looked at Du Long. This matter only depended on his decision, and no one else could interfere at all.

"Let's do this!" Facing the extremely eager and expectant eyes of Princess Yayi of the Sun God Clan, Du Long pondered for a while before sighing: "It's too early to talk about this matter before the Emperor of Heaven's battlefield mission is over. , we should wait until the war is over, then observe the impact of this formation on the entire battle situation, and then make corresponding assessments!"

"Perhaps... By then this formation may have huge flaws and loopholes. I'm afraid that even if it is given to you Sun God Clan for free, you won't want it anymore, right?! Haha!"

"Hahaha..." Everyone at the scene laughed.

Just as Du Long said, the seemingly powerful array in front of him has never experienced the baptism of actual combat. Once huge flaws are exposed in actual combat, it will be useless even if it is given to the Sun God Clan in vain.

"Okay!" Princess Yayi nodded sheepishly: "Then, as Marshal Du Long said, first test the power of this formation through the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield, and then we will consider other things!"

"It should be so!" Du Long replied with a smile: "Once any powerful attack method is exposed to the world, opponents will always find various ways to crack it. This is why I have been conducting special training in secret!"

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