Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2052 Mobilization before the war

In the fairy city beyond the sky, in a private room of a certain restaurant, bursts of hearty laughter could be heard from time to time!

A group of young people were having a banquet and chatting among them. It could be regarded as a rare half-day of leisure in this dangerous battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Brother Du Long! Now that the extraterritorial forces have issued a sequel order, the battle between the two world camps must be approaching, right?! Are you fully prepared to deal with this?!" During the banquet, a voice sounded Princess Yi asked in a slightly solemn voice.

Previously, one of the main reasons why the Guardian Goddess Chris and the Golden Saint Shaka did not hesitate to support her proposal to form an alliance with the Immortals and the Two Cities was because they wanted to protect her, a member of the Sun God Clan, when the war started. little princess.

For this reason, the two returned to the Holy City of Tianwai in advance, leaving Princess Yayi to be taken care of by Du Long, and this girl actually stayed happily.

"That's natural!" Du Long drank down the wine in his hand, then put down the glass calmly and said: "Before I went to the Blue Water Secret Realm, I left an avatar responsible for the training of the right legion of the Tianwai Fairy City. After such a long period of training, the entire right legion is on the right track and can welcome the war at any time!"

"Oh?! So Brother Du Long already has a chance to win?!" Princess Yayi said slightly curiously: "I have a merciless request, and I hope you can fulfill it!"

"A sure win?!" Du Long was stunned for a moment, then immediately shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "Who in the world can guarantee that any battle can be won?! If Princess Yayi needs anything, just ask her, after all. ...We are considered allies now, aren’t we?!”

Then she saw a blush flashing on Princess Yayi's fair cheeks, and she said a little shyly: "Yayi doesn't know the other commanders of Tianwai Fairy City, so... I hope that in the next days, I can temporarily join the right wing. Legion, work together to resist the invasion of foreign forces!"

"Okay!" Du Long nodded and agreed without much hesitation: "It's just that there are so many military orders on the battlefield! You must obey all military orders and must not engage in any disobedience, otherwise I can only deal with it according to military law!"

"Of course this is not a problem!" Yayi blushed and replied plainly: "In the Holy Land of Heaven, there are constant wars between our Sun God Clan and the Light God Clan. Yayi has also participated in some small battles, so she naturally understands these The most basic principle on the battlefield!"

"So good!"

"And we also want to join the right legion!"

Seeing that Du Long and Princess Yayi reached a preliminary agreement, the little lolita Zhao Zhiling immediately followed closely behind her, and exclaimed with some impatience: "Those of us emperor-level practitioners who came in to participate in the mission will either choose to join some legions or Forming a joint commando team with other emperor-level experts, I would rather choose to join the right-wing legion and follow Brother Du Long!"

"That's right!" Zhao Kui gave his full support this time, a rare sight: "I also hope to join the right legion of Tianwaixian City, and I am willing to obey all the orders of Marshal Du Long!"

"Haha! Of course we can't do without good brothers like us!" Tengchong and others also said with a smile, and without exception they were willing to follow Du Long.

When a war breaks out between the two camps in the Heavenly Emperor's Battlefield, choosing which team to join is extremely critical. It will not only affect everyone's ability to gain military exploits in the war, but also a major life-and-death choice.

Rather than leaving your life and death in the hands of an unknown commander, it is better to choose Du Long, a commander who knows everything. From the fact that he is willing to risk his life to enter the underground world for a group of friends, we can see that he is a trustworthy person. commander in chief.

Tianwaixiancheng, where the right legion is stationed, under the leadership of Du Long, a group of young people arrived at the gate of the military camp!

"See Marshal Du!"

After seeing Du Long, several soldiers guarding the gate of the military camp knelt down on one knee with great respect, looking at the young man in golden armor walking at the front with intense eyes.

At this moment, Du Long was wearing a golden armor and exuding a heavy aura. He waved his hands slightly to the soldiers and immediately led everyone into this large place that occupied nearly one-third of the fairy city. camp.

Inside the military camp, there were loud blasts of horns, and countless soldiers fighting and shouting for offensive and defensive training. Such a large-scale training scene made many young people feel excited.

The camp of the right legion is not a small scene like in a TV series. It is a huge military camp that can accommodate hundreds of millions of soldiers training at the same time. The area of ​​each school field inside is extremely wide.

If Du Long and others were not all emperor-level warriors, even ordinary people standing on the high platform would not be able to see the end of the entire camp at a glance!

"See Marshal Du!"

As everyone was marching towards the military camp commander's tent, patrol teams would salute Du Long respectfully from time to time. Du Long, the marshal of the right legion, did not put on any airs and would always nod slightly to the patrol teams in an approachable manner. Return gift.

‘Tsk! Incredible! Marshal Du Long is so majestic! ’ Among a group of young people, the little lolita Zhao Zhiling said with a half-joking smile.

'yes! It can be seen that all the soldiers of the entire right legion have heartfelt respect for Marshal Du Long. This shows that Marshal Du Long is very popular! ’ Princess Yayi said with emotion: ‘In our Sun God Clan. . . Within the Golden Saints Legion, the most powerful fighting force, all the soldiers seem to show this attitude unconsciously only towards my sister Athena! ’

'hehe! ’ Du Long chuckled and waved his hand and said: ‘Princess Yayi is serious. I have just taken charge of the right legion of Tianwai Immortal City. Without making any achievements, how can I dare to compare with Athena, the goddess of war who has been famous in the Pangu world for many years? ! ’

'whee! You still have some self-awareness! ’ Zhao Zhiling, who was not a lolita, joked with a smile: ‘It’s the way to be a general. . . I have to be humble and prudent like you! ’


This girl's miserable appearance made everyone laugh on the spot. Even her eldest brothers Zhao Kui and Tang Gang, who had always been serious about words and speech, couldn't help but smile secretly.

‘Giggle! Sister Yayi has at least been on the front line and commanded some soldiers in battle. Sister Zhiling has never commanded a sergeant, so how can she understand the so-called way of being a general? ! ’ The sexy and enchanting Hu Feifei followed Du Long habitually. After finally stopping her laughter, she immediately smiled at the little Lolita.

‘That’s right! ’ Li Shuang’er, a pretty little girl who was also quite optimistic, nodded her head and joined in the fun and said, ‘Sister Feifei is right! Sister Zhiling is clearly playing tricks on the class! whee! ’

'cut! ’ Faced with everyone’s teasing, the little lolita Zhao Zhiling said lightly without taking it seriously: ‘You’ve never eaten pork, and at least you’ve seen a pig run away, right? ! Many wise sayings passed down from ancient times. . . There is a reason for its existence! ’

'Hahaha. . . ’

Everyone was once again amused by her cute appearance that was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. A group of young people just admired the spectacular training scene inside the right leg while heading towards the magnificent coach's palace.

"See Marshal Du!" Outside the commander's hall, Military Advisor Xiao Nai, who was wearing a green robe, saluted Du Long with a straight face and neither arrogance nor humility.

"Haha! Long time no see, Military Advisor Xiao!" Du Long waved his hands towards Xiao Nai enthusiastically and said, "Come! Let me introduce these young talents around me to the Military Advisor. They will be the first batch of emperor-level warriors to support the right legion. ..."

Under Du Long's introduction, a group of young people greeted the unsmiling military advisor Xiao Nai politely. After learning about the impressive family status and background of this group of young people, although Xiao Nai's face was a little moved, he was not too moved. Despite the drastic changes, he still maintained a rigorous attitude.

"Okay! Military Advisor Xiao Nai! Immediately pass the order to all the military personnel above the deputy general level in the legion to rush to the commander's palace immediately to attend the important meeting!" After some polite remarks, Du Long put away the smile on his face and looked extremely expressive. He ordered sternly.

"Including those generals who were secretly training?!" Xiao Nai's body was shaken, and he immediately raised the question in his heart.


After watching Xiao Nai's quickly leaving figure disappear into a side hall, Du Long led many young people into the huge coach's hall, and then sat down on the coach's seat unceremoniously.

Ever since he started giving instructions to Xiao Nai, his expression became extremely serious, which also made many young people who had been smiling a little uncomfortable, and the atmosphere in the hall immediately became a little weird.

In the main hall, except for Du Long's coach's seat, there were no other seats at all. A group of young people could only find an open space to stand on the left side of Du Long. Even Hu Feifei, who had been clinging to him, was standing there. I don’t dare to sit with him again on the handsome seat.

After all, this is the headquarters camp of the right legion of Tianwai Fairy City. Hu Feifei is very smart, so she will not cause inconvenience to Du Long on such an extremely serious occasion.

'This guy. . . Why do you seem to be a different person as soon as you enter this hall? ! What a great official power! ’ Looking at Du Long sitting in the coach’s chair with his eyes closed and meditating on something, and feeling the depressing atmosphere in the palace, the little lolita Zhao Zhiling couldn’t help but secretly voiced dissatisfaction to the people around her.

‘Sister Zhiling, don’t talk nonsense! ’ Princess Yayi immediately sent a message to speak for Du Long: ‘Marshal Du Long should be thinking about the content of the talks with many generals later, after all. . . The war is coming. . . The various instructions given by the coach will directly determine the life and death of countless soldiers, so there must be no carelessness! ’

'yes! ’ Hu Feifei on the side looked at Du Long on the coach’s seat with concern and said: ‘The greater the power, the greater the responsibility. I guess the pressure on brother Du Long must be quite big, right? ! ’

‘Able to be approachable when getting along with friends, and once entering the battlefield, he immediately shows the majesty of a general. Marshal Du Long has a temperament very similar to Sister Athena! ’ Princess Yayi’s beautiful eyes stared unblinkingly at the golden-armored young man sitting on the coach’s seat, with a vague sense of splendor in her eyes.

Hua Hua Hua. . .

Just as a group of young people secretly communicated through sound transmission, avoiding Du Long, the sound of armors clashing and grinding outside the hall attracted everyone's attention.

Du Long, who was sitting on the coach's seat, was no exception. When he saw him sit up straight, his aura began to rise, and an aura of calmness and self-power spread in the hall.

"I'll wait and see Marshal Du!"

Soon, hundreds of generals at the rank of deputy general or above took their positions. Then, under the leadership of military advisor Xiao Nai, they bowed their hands to Du Long, who was sitting in command, with great respect.

"No courtesy!" Du Long waved his hand and said: "I think all the generals know that I am going to the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion in Immortal City this time, right?! I want to announce a very important matter here, that is... The external forces have issued a general Assembly order! I believe everyone here knows very well what this means, right?!"

In the hall, many generals looked surprised, but no one spoke to the people around them. They all looked at Du Long curiously, waiting quietly for his answer.

It can be immediately seen from the performance of these generals that under Du Long's rectification, the overall quality of the soldiers on the right wing has improved a lot, and they will no longer whisper and make noises when something happens.

Du Long nodded with some satisfaction, and then continued: "Now that the external forces have issued a general assembly order, this also means that the battle between the two world camps is imminent. If I am not wrong in my estimation, the war should be in a very short time." It will explode within time!”

"Therefore, I have decided to take the lead in issuing a pre-war Level 2 general mobilization order within the Right Army Corps! Starting from today, all soldiers of the Right Army Corps will cancel all vacations. The areas that the Army is responsible for defense will be implemented according to the Level 2 pre-war mobilization standards. Be sure to Increase the city defense alert level everywhere!"

"General, I will obey Marshal Du's orders!" Loud responses immediately sounded in the coach's palace.

"Under the premise of the second-level pre-war mobilization order!" After Du Long and other generals finished answering, they immediately continued to speak loudly: "The progress of the secret special training must be accelerated. All special training tasks must be completed within a month. Be prepared to fight anytime and anywhere!”


In the hall, Du Long began to mention the contents of the meeting he had convened with the generals today one by one, and then discussed the details. He also listened to the opinions of the generals and gradually improved various issues of pre-war mobilization.

"Commander Xiao Nai stays! The rest of the people will immediately start implementing the contents of the meeting just now!" After discussing all the details and feeling that nothing was missed, Du Long waved his hand and dismissed the high-level meeting of the legion.

All the generals took the order and left with serious expressions. During the whole process, no one asked the commander about the identity of the young people in the palace. They believed that since they were brought by Marshal Du Long, they must be trustworthy.

In this way, Du Long successfully held a pre-war mobilization meeting within the right legion in front of a group of young friends. Many young friends on the side were excited to watch. It was also the first time for them to see Du Long face the entire legion. When he was a general, he had the air of a general sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

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