Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2020 Can’t live up to it

In the majestic and huge basin, on top of a mountain that towers into the clouds, a main cave hall is brightly lit, and there is a festive atmosphere everywhere among the people drinking and drinking.

In this battle, the weak defeated the strong in Pangu World, with only a few hundred people facing thousands of coalition forces from the four races outside the region, and finally won a comprehensive victory with almost zero damage.

Everyone knows very well that the root cause of such a great victory lies in Du Long, a magical Buddhist disciple. The main reason is that he successfully seized control of the Blood Shadow Attack and Killing Formation. For this, the most important thing is to prepare for a great victory. Foundation!

Therefore, during the entire celebration banquet, almost everyone came to toast him. Du Long also welcomed all who came, and by the way, he got to know each other with these emperor-level powerful men from the Pangu world.

There was no shortage of banquets in the world, and the celebration banquet lasted for two days and two nights. After all the patrol teams on duty attended the banquet, the celebration banquet finally came to an end.

In the main cave hall, only Du Long's adventure team members, plus a limited number of people such as True Lord Morality, Void Bodhisattva, Giant Spirit General, and Guardian Goddess Chris were present.

"Du Long! Now it's time to tell us about the relationship between you and the vampires in detail?!" Seeing that the isolation restriction in the main cave hall was successfully activated, True Lord Daode couldn't help but He asked.

Du Long grinned with a faint smile and glanced at the people present. He could see that the eyes of most people were full of curiosity and expectation.

"Hehe!" He finally laughed and said: "Actually, I don't have much relationship with the vampires. I just put on a show to take advantage of the opportunity to sow discord!"

"If you let hundreds of vampire emperor-level warriors go just to sow discord, it seems like the gain is outweighed by the loss?!" Kris obviously didn't agree with Du Long's approach.

Rather than just trying to sow discord between the four races outside the territory, which is unlikely to be completely alienated, it would be more practical to directly destroy the hundreds of emperor-level warriors from the vampire race!

"What Fellow Taoist Chris said is true!" True Monarch Daode agreed: "There will never be a complete break between the four races outside the territory because of this incident, unless one day Pangu World and them decide the final winner. Otherwise, the overall situation of them joining forces to fight against Pangu World will never change!"

"Yes!" Du Long nodded and replied with a smile: "I understand all these principles. Compared with the hundreds of blood clansmen with emperor-level strength, I feel that the cracks in the alliance between the four clans outside the territory are crucial to the overall situation of the entire Heavenly Emperor's battlefield. important!"

"Tch!" As his words fell, before others could continue to argue on this topic, the little lolita Zhao Zhiling on the side couldn't help but mocked with a bit of disdain: "It's obviously because of the vampire princess that I showed mercy. She actually had the nerve to find such a high-sounding reason to let her people go?!"

"Zhiling!" Zhao Kui hurriedly stopped him: "Stop talking nonsense there..."

"Brother Zhao Kui, there is no need to blame Sister Zhiling!" Before Zhao Zhiling could refute, Du Long immediately waved his hand and said: "I admit that choosing a horse from the bloodletting clan has something to do with Princess Yuexi. However, if Princess Yuexi hadn't come to help, If so, how can I successfully seize control of the Blood Shadow Attack and Killing Formation?!"

"Therefore, no matter what, I have to sell Princess Yuexi a favor. On this basis, why not try to instigate the relationship between the blood clan and the other three clans?!"

"Cunning fox!" Little Lolita Zhao Zhiling curled her lips and said: "Since you are so concerned about your Princess Yuexi, then you shouldn't instigate the relationship between the blood clan and the other three clans. Why don't you do it to the end and send the Buddha to you?" Send it to the west?!"

Facing the somewhat aggressive little lolita Zhao Zhiling, Zhao Kui hurriedly gave Du Long a bitter smile, obviously there was nothing he could do against this little ancestor.

This is a little ancestor that even Patriarch Bodhi can't do anything to her. Her so-called eldest brother can only be regarded as a senior brother. There is no real blood relationship between the two.

In short, if this little ancestor doesn't give him any face, then nothing he says will work.

"Alas!" Du Long sighed and said: "In any case, the Blood Clan can be regarded as a big force in the outside world. In the future, it will inevitably become the great enemy of Pangu World. It is absolutely impossible to instigate the relationship between the four races outside the territory. It is beneficial to Pangu World, and I will never be merciful on this issue of principle!"


As Du Long finished these words, the cave hall began to fall into a brief silence. Little Loli was obviously speechless. True Lord Daode and others also heard a hint of silence from the conversation between the two parties. The clues are coming.

"Junior Brother Du Long!" Void Bodhisattva said with a slightly solemn expression: "What is your relationship with Princess Yuexi of the Blood Tribe?! Could it be that you took her as your wife and concubine?!"


Du Long never expected that Void Bodhisattva would suddenly ask such a question. At this moment, Princess Yuexi was still looking at the virtual screen inside the portable cave world. He really didn't know how to answer this question.

If he is not careful, he will hurt a woman who has helped him a lot, but he cannot just inexplicably admit that he has adopted Princess Yuexi as his wife in public.


Suddenly, a huge force came from his elbow, and he saw Hu Feifei hugging her arm tightly, her charming eyes staring directly at him, somewhat jealous.

At this moment, everyone in the main cave hall was staring at Du Long quietly, obviously waiting for his answer and wanting to know how he would treat his relationship with Princess Yuexi of the extraterrestrial blood clan.

Even Princess Yuexi, who was inside the cave world, was no exception. At this moment, she had long forgotten the previous topics related to the four races outside the territory. Her whole heart was in her throat, and she subconsciously sat upright and began to concentrate. I always wanted to hear Du Long's reply clearly.

It was as if she was afraid that she would mishear or miss some of the most important words because of her carelessness. That cautious look was happened to be seen by Du Long, the master of this cave world, and his heart softened for no reason.

"That...Princess Yuexi of the Blood Tribe has always been devoted to me...and even sacrificed her heart and soul for this. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to easily control the Blood Shadow Attack and Killing Formation, and I wouldn't have been able to This is a great victory... so..."

"Why?! You should give me a happy word quickly! Don't act coy like a girl. When I saw you display your power and kill so many extraterrestrial creatures before, you can still be regarded as an iron-blooded one." What a good man?!" Little Loli saw that Du Long didn't say anything for a long time, and immediately couldn't help but urge him.


The little Lolita's nonsensical urging words amused everyone at the scene. Even the serious-looking Bodhisattva of the Void couldn't help but smile, with a helpless smile on his lips.

Du Long looked at the little girl in front of him, who was both loved and hated, with a bit of laughter. He could see that she was clearly a little princess who was spoiled by the elders in the family. She didn't know how to use euphemism in her words.

"Haha!" Du Long shook his head and replied with a smile: "Facing a woman who is willing to give up everything for Du Long and is willing to bear the charge of betrayal, do you think I have any other choice?!"

"So...have you decided to accept Princess Yuexi from the blood race outside the territory?!" The little Loli blinked her big beautiful eyes and stared at Du Long with piercing eyes.

"That's right!" Until this moment, Du Long finally made the final choice: "Since Princess Yuexi is willing to give up everything for Du Long, then... even if I can't make too many promises to her... At least I can promise to give her a harbor that she can rely on for the rest of her life!"

Before today, Du Long had not decided how to place Princess Yuexi.

But just when everyone was asking for answers, he suddenly figured it all out and understood that since he took the initiative to ask for Princess Yuexi's heart and soul, and the other party gave it to her, he would be responsible for her future life no matter what. Got it!

If not, he would feel uneasy!

"Alas!" As Du Long made his choice, Bodhisattva Void finally couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "Junior Brother Du Long! Don't you know... Once the children of the Pangu camp combine with people from outside the territory... it will happen... Will it attract strong opposition from all forces in Pangu?!"

"I only have to do things with a clear conscience. As long as I never do anything that harms the Pangu world, others have no right to interfere with my choice, not to mention... With the help of Princess Yuexi, we killed an entire group of people today. Thousands of extraterrestrial emperor-level warriors, this achievement is enough to qualify her to live in the Pangu world, right?!"

Du Long's character is like this, either he doesn't make a decision or he won't regret it once he makes a decision. Since he wants to give Princess Yuexi a safe haven for her whole life, he will definitely overcome all difficulties.

"Okay!" Little Loli jumped up excitedly, cheering as if she was the one who was going to marry Du Long: "Du Long! You are indeed a good man that people are very optimistic about. , For a scumbag man who has evil intentions but no courage, you are really great!"

"Well! Brother Du Long! Feifei also supports your decision!" Hu Feifei finally spoke, but the jealousy on her face had long since dissipated, leaving only a deeper admiration for Du Long.

"I also support the decision of little brother Du Long!" Kris, the patron goddess from the Western Sun God Clan, said with a smile: "As he just said, Princess Yuexi has paid so much for the Pangu camp, who has the right to deny her What about joining the Pangu camp?!"

"That's right!" Princess Yayi followed closely and said, "I also support Brother Du Long's decision. Princess Yuexi has sacrificed so much for us and even betrayed the blood clan. She is fully qualified to enter the Pangu world!"

Almost all of the group of young people expressed their support for Du Long's decision. Only True Monarch Daode and Bodhisattva Void showed helpless, wry smiles.

Compared with the optimism of young people, the older generation of emperor-level powerhouses who have experienced the bloody battle between the two worlds know very well how difficult it is for the vampires to enter the Pangu world and live in it.

Especially since Yuexi is a princess of the blood clan and the biological daughter of the blood emperor, once this matter is leaked, it will definitely attract even more terrifying resistance.

"Um...fellow Taoist Du Long! I know it's probably useless to tell you any big reasons now, but I still hope you will pay special attention and try not to leak the news that Princess Yuexi is with you!"

"You guys must also remember that you must not tell anyone about this matter, otherwise, it will definitely bring huge trouble to Du Long and Princess Yuexi!"

After careful consideration, True Monarch Daode did not immediately stand up against Du Long's decision, but chose a relatively compromise approach.

Even if Princess Yuexi's identity cannot be concealed for too long, it would be good if it could be concealed for a while. Otherwise, it would be very difficult for Du Long to bring her back to the Pangu world!

"Junior Brother Du Long!" Void Bodhisattva followed closely and said: "What True Monarch Daode said is very reasonable. You must keep it in mind. You'd better find a way to arrange a suitable marriage for Princess Yuexi." The new identity will not be leaked out so quickly after returning to Pangu World in the future."

Facing the two extremely serious reminders, Du Long couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Could it be that... once Princess Yuexi's identity is leaked, there will be people in the Pangu world who can't tolerate her?!"

"Alas!" Bodhisattva Void sighed and said, "You have never experienced that bloody war in ancient times. At the beginning, some people also mentioned that they wanted the two worlds to coexist, so as to avoid a big war that would eventually lead to the destruction of life!"

"However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is extremely cruel!"

"After a short period of fusion, some people outside the territory pretended to surrender, but were secretly collecting a large amount of information about the Pangu world. In the end, our side suffered heavy casualties, and even many powerful people in the Supreme realm died because of this!"

"Finally, the possibility of the peaceful integration of the two worlds has completely ended. There is only one way to deal with outsiders in the Pangu world, and that is - kill them all!"


Du Long opened his mouth, but in the end nothing came out. Void Bodhisattva's words made him not know how to continue. It was related to the war in ancient times, which was too far away for him.

Since he has not experienced it, he has no right to speak, and he does not know how to argue.

"Fellow Taoist Du Long!"

Seeing his extremely troubled look, True Lord Daode spoke again to persuade: "Actually, concealing Princess Yuexi's true identity is of great benefit to her. First of all, this can prevent her from being attacked by all forces in the Pangu world. Making things difficult will also prevent the news of her betrayal from spreading and causing unnecessary trouble to her people!"

"Okay!" Faced with the repeated persuasion of two veteran emperor-level experts, Du Long finally figured it out: "I will rearrange a suitable and legitimate identity for Yue Xi, and I hope that everyone here will keep this for me. secret!"

"Hehe! That's natural!" Little Loli took the lead and patted her chest and replied with a sweet smile: "Everyone who can sit here is a trustworthy person, so naturally they will not leak this matter casually!"

Others followed suit and expressed their willingness to keep this secret for Du Long, while Du Long's mind sank into the cave world he carried with him. (To be continued)

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