Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2019 My life is at an end

The battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, inside the Blood Tribe’s base camp!

The atmosphere inside the main tent of the entire camp seemed extremely solemn. The Yue Da Commander of the Blood Clan, who had always been relatively easy-going, had a dark cloud on his face at this moment, and a terrifying anger began to leak out of him uncontrollably.

Under the big tent, two figures were kneeling at the moment. They were Yue Kuang and Yue Quan who had just returned from the Blue Water Secret Realm through the secret method at full speed!

Facing the furious Commander Yue Da, although the two of them were considered to be commander-level figures, they did not even dare to raise their heads at this moment. They could only wait in fear for Commander Yue Da's fate.


After a long silence, Yue finally let out an angry roar like thunder, causing the two people who were kneeling on the ground to tremble suddenly. They were obviously very frightened.

"Yue Kuang, Yue Quan!" Commander Yue's eyes narrowed slightly, and he roared with rage: "Do you two know how much trouble you have caused?!"

"Qi...Qiu, Commander-in-Chief!"

As the leader of this mission, Yue Kuang had to stutter a little to defend himself: "We definitely did not collude with the Pangu World camp, all of this... was set up by that cunning Du Long... Bureau!"

"Shut up!" Commander Yueda scolded mercilessly: "The mission failed! Not only did you lose soldiers and generals, you idiot actually offended the other three tribes to death!"

"Did you know that now the three Li Corpse Soul Clan simply don't send envoys to call for punishment? They directly join forces at the Li Clan's base camp for secret talks. Maybe they are discussing how to join forces to deal with the Blood Clan?!"

"Before I came back to resume my life, I also knew that there would be this worst possibility!" Yue Kuang hurriedly defended himself: "But... I still rushed back as quickly as possible. The reason is very simple. ...That means I did not secretly collude with the Pangu camp, and I have a clear conscience..."

"Bullshit!" Commander Yueda roared again: "As the commander in charge of this mission, can't you do a few more tests when launching a full-scale attack?! As long as you are more careful, why will you? Fallen into such a situation?!”


Faced with the accusation from Commander Yue Da, Yue Kuang was speechless. As he said, even if he had not colluded with the Pangu camp this time, he probably would not be able to escape the responsibility for the mission failure!

"Hmph!" Commander Yueda looked at him with cold eyes and said speechlessly: "From now on, you will stay inside the camp for me and not allowed to go out even half a step. Pray for yourself and hope that the other three tribes will I’m willing to let you go!”

"Subordinate... I obey your order!" Yue Kuang's eyes flickered and changed, and he accepted the order with some half-hearted attitude.

"Hmm!" Commander Yue then turned his attention to Yue Quan who was standing aside and said, "Yue Quan! Before setting off, did I give you any instructions to make sure that after you successfully control the Blood Shadow Attack and Killing Formation, Only then can Yue Kuang issue the order for a full-scale attack?!"

"Yes... yes!" Yue Quan replied hurriedly: "I was also sure that I had controlled the blood shadow attack formation, but... I didn't expect that it was the cunning Du Long... who deliberately let I only have certain control rights!"

"Deliberately?!" Commander Yueda said coldly: "Don't you have any suspicion?!"

"I did have some doubts, but... my subordinates never expected that the bloodline of Du Long who controlled the blood shadow attack and killing formation would be even more advanced than my bloodline!" Yue Quan sighed helplessly.

"You mean...the opponent's effort in controlling the blood shadow attack and killing formation...is higher than yours?!" Commander Yue Da and many of the most powerful emperor-level commanders under him all changed their colors.

"That's right!" Yue Quan responded eagerly: "On the way back, I thought about the whole thing carefully several times. I can be sure of one thing, that is, if the other party does not have a higher-level bloodline to refine the formation stones, , there is absolutely no other way to fool me so easily!"

"How is this possible?!" Commander Yue Da said in shock: "You are a descendant of a side branch of the Blood Clan. In this world, except for the direct bloodline of the Blood Clan royal family, there is absolutely no way there can be anyone else's bloodline..."

Speaking of this, Commander Yue suddenly stopped there, and a figure suddenly appeared in his mind. It was the Princess Yuexi who had been missing for a while.

Although Princess Yuexi did not show any abnormal emotions towards Du Long on weekdays, Commander Yue could naturally see some of her thoughts with her eyesight, including her unexpected departure without saying goodbye this time. .

In the big tent, some people seemed to have thought of this, but no one said it. Once this matter was leaked, it would definitely not be a good thing for the entire vampire clan.

Once this matter is learned by the other three tribes, it will become increasingly difficult to explain the Blood Tribe's collusion with the Pangu camp. People from the other three tribes are likely to adopt more radical methods to deal with the Blood Tribe!

"That's it!" With his mind spinning, Commander Yue then waved his hand to change the subject and said: "Now that the matter has come to this, I can only hope that the other three clans can calm down their anger as soon as possible. After all, our vampire clan was also at fault in this matter!"

"What the Commander-in-Chief said is true!" Immediately, an emperor-level commander who had just thought of Princess Yuexi hurriedly said: "It is too late to hold anyone accountable for the current plan. We still need to appease the other three first. The clan is the business!”

"That's right..."

These people can grow into emperor-level commanders. They are all mature and mature figures. They all followed this conversation and soon everyone came to the same opinion.

"In that case!" Commander Yue Da finally concluded: "While the other three tribes are still angry, if they don't send envoys over, then we will take the initiative to send envoys to apologize!"

As he said, in order to calm down the anger of the other three tribes, the Blood Tribe is willing to take the initiative to send envoys to the headquarters of the three tribes, hoping to use this to show the Blood Tribe's sincerity. Even if the conflict cannot be resolved smoothly, the Blood Tribe must at least take the initiative to admit its mistakes. .

Soon, three envoy groups were dispatched and rushed to the base camp of the three tribes outside the territory through the teleportation array.

At the Force Clan's base camp, many high-level personnel from the three tribes gathered in the coach's tent. They were discussing the tragic loss that occurred inside the Blue Water Secret Realm.

In the middle of the big tent, a group of surviving emperor-level warriors from the Li clan were also reporting the details of the battle to the senior leaders of the three clans.

"Abominable blood clan?! Are they crazy?! Just to weaken the strength of our three clans, they actually dare to collude with the Pangu camp?! Aren't they afraid of being jointly besieged by the three clans?!" The leader of the soul clan was a little uncomfortable. He cursed in disbelief.

"Hmph!" the commander of the corpse clan snorted angrily: "Similar situations have happened before, and we gave them a chance. I didn't expect how long it had just passed?! An almost identical situation happened again. Condition?!"

"Yes!" The leader of the force clan said with a gloomy face: "It's enough to make the same mistake once. If you make the same low-level mistakes one after another, what exactly do the blood clan want to do?! You know, this time Blue Water They have always been planning the secret mission!"

"That's right!" The leader of the soul clan followed closely and said: "From the beginning to the end, they were unwilling to explain why the Blood Emperor cared so much about Du Long, an emperor-level strongman inside the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, and specifically asked for Go all out to kill it, I think this matter is too weird, maybe it is just a unilateral excuse of the blood clan, the purpose is to lure the three of us into a trap!"

"Damn it!" the leader of the corpse clan said angrily: "Just to deal with an emperor-level strongman, you used the blood shadow attack and killing formation?!"

"In the end, this blood shadow attack and killing formation did not harm any member of the Pangu camp, nor any of the blood clan members. Only our three clans suffered heavy losses. It would be unfair to say that there is no intrigue between the two parties behind this. Something strange!"


In the big tent, there were constant angry discussions, and almost everyone was suspicious of the vampires. It happened so coincidentally that everyone couldn't help but doubt them.

In the end, the top leaders of the three tribes reached a unified opinion. Regardless of whether the Blood Tribe colluded with the Pangu camp or not, they must pay the corresponding price for the losses they suffered this time.

After all, the initiator of this Blue Water Secret Realm mission is the Blood Clan, and the huge losses of the three tribes also stem from their blood shadow attack and killing formation. The Blood Clan is inseparable from it no matter what!

"Report! The Blood Clan sent an envoy to request an audience with the Commander-in-Chief!" Outside the commander's tent, a silver-armored general from the Li Clan rushed into the tent and reported respectfully to the Commander-in-Chief of the Li Clan who was on top of the throne.

"Oh?!" The leader of the Li clan was stunned for a moment, with a half-smiling look on his face. After looking at each other with everyone, he waved his hand heavily and said: "Let them in! I want to take a look. Let’s see how the vampires are going to give us a satisfactory explanation!”

Soon, the envoy who was sent to the Li clan strode in. After seeing the leaders of the three clans gathered together from the top in the commander's tent, he felt a little uneasy but not unexpected.

Even before he was dispatched, he knew that the top leaders of the three tribes in the Force tribe had gathered together to discuss the failure of the mission to the Blue Water Secret Realm. The reason why the leader of the Blood Tribe was not invited to attend the meeting was self-evident.

"Yue Shang pays homage to Commander Kushen!" Yue Shang, the emissary sent by the Blood Clan and the most powerful commander of the imperial rank, bowed respectfully to the throne, and then greeted the commanders of the other two tribes with a smile.

"I didn't expect that the leaders of the Soul Clan and the Corpse Clan would also be present. Our Blood Clan also specially sent two other envoy teams to the Corpse Clan. It seems that they all missed this time!"

Faced with Yue Shang's obvious overtures of kindness, the leaders of the two corpse and soul clans just snorted coldly, without any intention of giving him any face.

Their losses in the Blue Water Secret Realm this time can only be described as heavy, so they naturally don't have any good impressions of the vampires. It would be a good thing if they didn't kill anyone on the spot.

"Yue Shang!" On the throne, Ku Shen, the master of the Force Clan, had to take the initiative to speak with a cold face: "No need to say more nonsense, we don't want to hear any explanation from the Vampire Clan. No matter how many explanations are given, it is just to absolve the Vampire Clan. It will not help solve the problem!"

"That's right!" The commander of the Corpse Clan immediately responded angrily: "If you are here to defend the Vampire Clan, then please go back to the Vampire Clan's base camp immediately!"

Facing the three commanders with unkind expressions, Yue Shang felt a lot of pressure in his heart, but he had to bear the huge pressure and said: "Three commanders, please don't get angry for now. This time, I am going to do my best according to the order of commander Yue. The clan camp is here to apologize to the other three clans on behalf of the vampire clan, and there is absolutely no intention of exonerating myself from the blame!"

"Well!" Kushen, the leader of the Li clan, said with a slightly calmer expression: "We will talk about the guilt of the blood clan later. I am asking you a question now, and you must answer it truthfully. If not, then don't talk about anything anymore. Just go back to the vampire base camp!"

"Yes! I would like to ask Commander Kushen to tell you everything he knows, and he will tell you everything!" Yueshang always maintained a smile that was neither arrogant nor humble, and showed no dissatisfaction in the face of the disrespectful words of the commanders of the three tribes. at.

"Very good!" Kushen sat up a little and said, "We asked the nobles before why they set up such a trap, but it was just to deal with a mere emperor-level powerhouse from the Pangu world. Unfortunately, that guy Yue was still unwilling to let go. !”

"Now I still have to ask the same question. If you still can't give a satisfactory answer, then there is reason to suspect that the blood clan is uniting with the Pangu camp to weaken the strength of the other three clans!"


Yue Shang was immediately stunned. He obviously did not expect that Commander Kushen would ask such a question. It was related to His Majesty the Blood Emperor's face. He did not dare to reveal the mystery in public.

Otherwise, if this matter comes to His Majesty the Blood Emperor in the future, his fate can only be described in one word, and that is death!

"Hmph!" The leader of the Corpse Clan shouted angrily and unceremoniously: "You are not willing to answer such a simple question, and you actually dare to tell us everything you know?! Don't tell us that you don't If you know the details behind it, if this is really the case, then get out of here!"

"No, no!" Yue Shang waved his hands hurriedly and said, "It's related to... His Majesty the Blood Emperor of our clan... I am willing to tell the truth about the cause and effect of the matter, but I also ask for your permission... I will only send a message to the three elders. How are you, Commander?!"

Everyone at the scene changed their minds. It was about a powerful person like the Blood Emperor. No one dared to have any objections to this, as long as the three commanders had no objections after listening to it.

"Okay! Then tell the three of us about this first!" Kushen agreed without much hesitation.

Ever since, Yue Shang began to briefly tell the three commanders about the destruction of the blood emperor's clone mark by Du Long.

‘Commanders! ’ After Yue Shang finished explaining, he added: ‘It is a matter of face for His Majesty the Blood Emperor, so we have been keeping this matter hidden. I hope you will never leak this matter in the future, otherwise my life will be at stake! ’

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