Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1953 Princess Yayi

The six figures continued to walk along the outer circle of the edge of the ant beast ocean. In front of them, it was Tang Gang's turn to open the way, and Du Long and others followed closely behind, moving forward at a steady speed.

"Brother Jiang..." the little lolita Zhao Zhiling tilted her head and said softly: "Since you promised to spare the lives of those Westerners before, why did you refuse them to join our team?!"

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!"

Du Long shook his head and said calmly: "These people from the Western light and dark lines cannot be trusted easily. We have many secrets that cannot be exposed to each other. Being able to spare their lives is a great gift. As for them, there is no need to talk about anything!"

"What Captain Jiang said is true!" Zhao Kui, who has always been relatively quiet, actually felt the same way: "Those Westerners are hypocritical and cunning, and you can't live with them at all!"

"Yes!" Hu Feifei nodded and sighed: "If our strength is not as good as the other party today, they will not be so kind as to let us go!"

"Haha!" Du Long chuckled and said, "Sister Feifei! I wonder if you are a little regretful that you couldn't kill that Qiao Sen today?!"

"It's not a pity. Everything this Qiao Sen did to me, countless insidious and cunning guys within the two major forces of light and darkness have already done to my Firefox clan! Just killing him alone is not enough. To change the overall situation!" Hu Feifei said with a slight lack of interest.

"Yes!" Du Long nodded lightly, and then his eyes gradually became sharper: "The two forces of light and darkness in the West have already developed into two cancers in the Pangu world. Sooner or later, they will be completely eradicated!"

Time flies, years flies!

A group of six people continued to move along the outer ring road of the ant beast ocean. They continued to move forward for decades without encountering any other adventure teams.

It seems that as the dangers of this space are exposed to the world, most adventure teams will no longer easily enter this place by mistake, and it will become very difficult for them to continue to meet another adventure team.

"Everyone, look! There seems to be someone flying towards us in that direction!"

After traveling for decades, the little lolita Zhao Zhiling was bored and looking around carelessly at her surroundings. As a result, she saw several figures coming towards the right side away from the sea of ​​ant beasts with lightning speed.

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger, and suddenly saw two figures running towards them. After seeing their golden hair, Du Long and others frowned.

"Are they Westerners again?! Could it be that... they are two of the people from the group we encountered before?! What are their intentions in coming here?!" Hu Feifei murmured.

"Never mind him!" Du Long said unconcernedly: "As long as they are not powerful men in the realm of gods, we are not afraid of any emperor-level opponents. Their appearance will actually bring us some useful information. Do you know! Haha!"

Under the expectant gaze of everyone, the two figures gradually came closer. As the other party entered the scope of spiritual exploration, Du Long and others looked at each other.

"They're not the Westerners we met before?! In that case, why do they dare to approach strangers like us at high speed?!" Du Long muttered in confusion.

None of the other team members spoke. They were all looking at the two figures who were gradually approaching from a distance. They were a white-haired young man wearing golden armor, and a tall blonde beauty.

"A Golden Saint of the lineage of the Western Sun God?!" Zhou Jie muttered subconsciously.

Du Long and others raised their eyebrows slightly. They had already made some guesses, but it was Zhou Jie who finally said it.

"Friends from the East!" Two figures rushed forward in a hurry, and they heard the blond beauty immediately speak impatiently: "My name is Eileen! I am the patron goddess of the Sun God lineage in the Holy Land of the Western Paradise! This is Golden Saint Clyde!"

"It turns out we are two friends from the Holy Land of Western Paradise. I'm glad to meet you two!" Du Long, the captain, continued without hesitation.

The blond beauty named Irene was stunned for a moment. She understood very well the meaning of Du Long speaking first, which also meant that he should be the leader of this adventure team.

When she came over at full speed, she was carefully sizing up the adventure team, secretly analyzing the team's strength and who was the strongest in the team.

She had thought that Tang Gang or Zhao Kui should be the most powerful, and the captain of this adventure team would probably be the two of them, so when she said hello, she mainly focused on them.

As Du Long took the initiative to speak, and the others in the team looked as if they were taking it for granted, Irene obviously knew that her judgment just now was probably wrong.

"I wonder if you can tell Irene your identity?!" Irene was stunned for a moment and immediately woke up.

"We are just a few casual cultivators from the Eastern Camp of Pangu World!" Du Long replied with a smile: "Since our identity and background are not prominent, we won't show them to shame here!"


Du Long's answer not only stunned Irene, but also several of his teammates, who all looked at him with strange eyes.

"Haha!" Being stared at by everyone with such weird eyes, Du Long touched the tip of his nose a little shyly and said: "We only formed this adventure team through adventure team missions in Tianwai Fairy City. I don't know. Why did Miss Lin come to us in such a hurry?!"

You can see a look of disappointment flashing across the faces of the blonde beauty Irene and the golden saint Clyde, but they quickly put away this look.

"Um..." Erin gritted her teeth and said with a slight hesitation: "Dear friends from the Pangu world, several of our teammates are besieged by a group of extraterrestrial bad guys. I wonder if you can lend a helping hand? ! If we can rescue our teammates, Irene will be very grateful in the future!"

"You're actually here to ask for help?!" Hu Feifei murmured softly: "Brother Jiang, are we going to lend a helping hand to these people from the Sun God lineage?!"

"Yes, yes!" Little Lolita Zhao Zhiling nodded fiercely and said: "Although the relationship within the Western Sun God lineage is very chaotic, the characters of the Golden Saint and the Guardian Goddess are quite good!"

Irene and Clyde both rolled their eyes, obviously choked by Zhao Zhiling's words that were either derogatory or complimentary. This little girl didn't seem to know what euphemism was when she evaluated others. !

It is recognized by the world that the internal relationships within the Sun God lineage are complicated. It is also a scar in the hearts of the Golden Saints and Guardian Goddesses of the Sun God lineage that they never want to be mentioned by outsiders.

"Um... I wonder what your relationship is with the Guardian Goddess Chris and the Golden Saint Shaka?!" Du Long did not hesitate for too long, but did not immediately answer the other party's question, but asked Issues that have nothing to do with each other.

"Kris?! She is Irene's senior sister! She is also Clyde's cousin!" Irene said excitedly: "Shajia is the deputy captain of the Golden Saints. Dare I ask this... Brother Jiang? Do you know them both?!"

The biggest fear when asking for help is that you have no connection with the other person. Now that you have a connection, everything will be easier to handle, and Irene is naturally excited about it.

"Haha!" Du Long chuckled and responded: "The two of them have been to the Eastern World several times. I have met them once, and I have a very good impression of them. In this case, let's go together Come over and see if you can be of any help!”

"That's great!" Irene almost jumped up with excitement, then saw her urging impatiently: "Please come with us quickly, I'm afraid we won't be able to save Sister Yayi if you are late!"

"Yayi?!" Du Long asked doubtfully as he followed the two of them: "Can you tell us when you entered this space and how you encountered extraterrestrial creatures?!"

"We have been here for more than 8,000 years. We have had several collisions with those extraterrestrial creatures before. In the end, we had the upper hand and we never killed those extraterrestrial bad guys. Who would have thought that they would not know how to be grateful? They also gathered more people to besiege us!" Irene replied angrily.

Du Long and others looked at each other, then shook their heads and said with some laughter and tears: "Why talk about gratitude to those alien creatures?! That is simply seeking skin from a tiger. Whenever there is a chance to deal with these alien creatures, we must use all our strength to deal with them. We have to go out and kill them all!"

"We are not going to protect Yayi yet..." Irene paused suddenly in the middle of her words. She could see Golden Saint Clyde giving her a warning look, obviously telling her not to talk nonsense.

"Guard Yayi?!" Du Long pretended not to notice the change in the other party's expression, and continued: "It seems that this girl named Yayi's status in your Sun God lineage should be very important, right? ! She should be at least a princess or something, right?!"

ah? !

Irene's eyes widened in an exaggerated manner, and she looked at Du Long with disbelief, as if she couldn't figure out how he knew all this, but Clyde, the Golden Saint next to her, had a wary look on his face.

"You two don't have to be too nervous!" Du Long said with a bit of laughter and tears: "The contradiction between the Eastern world and the Western world is mainly the problem between the two branches of Buddhism and Taoism and the two branches of light and darkness. We have no regard for the Sun God branch. No hostility whatsoever!”

"That's right!" Little Lolita Zhao Zhiling nodded with deep approval and said: "So what if she is a princess of the Sun God line?! She has no grudges against us. We Orientals will not bully a distressed person casually. Where’s the princess!”

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