Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1952 Willing to Surrender

Puff puff. . .

In mid-air, as soon as the war broke out, several emperor-level experts from the western light and dark lines fell, and it was the result of being killed instantly as soon as they met!

The strongest Emperor-level warriors who are able to explore inside the Blue Water Secret Realm are the weakest and have basically reached the late-stage Perfection level of the Emperor-level. They do not understand each other's true combat power at all, and only after suffering such a heavy blow, Only then will both the enemy and ourselves truly understand the strength of their opponents!

"No! They are all emperor-level and powerful commander-level experts! Qiaosen, you bastard! You actually found such a terrible enemy for everyone!!" The Western man who pretended to be ruthless didn't have any coolness on his face at this moment. The cold look had long been replaced by a look of panic.

Qiao Sen, who deliberately fell at the back of the team, had already turned pale. He never expected that the strength of the male team members who teamed up with Hu Feifei would be so strong? !

I saw his eyes rolling crazily, and then he turned around and ran away, regardless of how other teammates might cause trouble for him afterwards!


In full view of everyone, Qiao Sen completely abandoned all his teammates. As if his feet were oiled, he fled at full speed from this battlefield that made him almost desperate.

"Fk! Qiao Sen, you insidious and cunning villain! You'd better pray that you won't meet us again in the future!!" the cold man yelled angrily.

In addition, the Westerners also yelled and cursed one after another. They were all obviously very angry at Qiao Sen's shameless behavior. However, their yells and curses did not stop the other party's footsteps at all. On the contrary, they could feel that his footsteps accelerated. one cent.

"Hmph! Let's wait until you are destined to meet me!" Qiao Sen, who gradually disappeared at the end of the horizon, did not feel guilty at all for his shameless behavior. Instead, he muttered slightly triumphantly.

This is in line with the saying that the most humble person is invincible. In this world where life is cheaper than paper, no one can guarantee whether he can escape alive. Many of the bottom lines of principles for human conduct have almost become decorations here. .

Puff puff. . .

In just a moment, several more powerful emperor-level men fell on the spot. Facing Du Long and others who were like fierce tigers charging into the herd of sheep, these so-called powerful men of the late imperial level in the West were like sheep with no ability to resist. The general group is completely the result of letting oneself be slaughtered.

"No! Sir, please stop. The initiator of everything is Qiao Sen who escaped from here. We don't want to be enemies with you adults!"

Seeing the battle becoming one-sided and crushing, the cold Westerner finally collapsed, hurriedly put on a low profile, and even loudly asked for mercy.

"Hmph!" None of the other team members spoke, but Du Long snorted coldly in the end: "Let Qiao Sen's debt be settled with him slowly. You Westerners are not good birds either. Just now you wanted to settle Qiao Sen's debt with him." We kill without mercy, and in that case, let’s taste the outcome of being shot without mercy!”

After saying these words, Du Long just swung his sword to kill the true form of the last dark paladin. The many shadow clones that the other party had transformed also disappeared. He immediately took a step towards the cold Westerner. .


The seemingly slow figure suddenly broke through the boundaries of time and space and suddenly came to the cold Westerner, frightening him half to death on the spot!

Previously, Du Long was trying his best to deal with those dark paladins. Although he was very efficient, he did not show his true speed. In other words, as a bystander, he could not deeply feel how terrifying his speed was.

However, at this moment, as Du Long's latest target, the ruthless man involved finally realized how terrifying his seemingly slow movements actually were.

"Sir! We are willing to surrender!" The cold Western man was frightened to death. With his strength, which he had just reached the strongest level of the Emperor, he had no chance of winning.

"Surrender?!" Du Long grinned and said with a bright smile: "Others can surrender, but you just dared to blaspheme two female teammates in our team. You should be punished!"


The cold Western man obviously knew that his opponent was definitely not willing to let him go. He immediately screamed and struck at Du Long crazily. A menacing holy sword light appeared out of thin air, and then struck Du Long on the head.


With a slight groan, Du Long's footwork slightly changed twice, and his whole body instantly broke out of the locking range of the holy lightsaber, suddenly coming to his side at an angle that his opponent could not predict.


The enchanting light of the sword suddenly appeared and flashed across the cold Western man's neck, instantly interrupting his desperate attack like a trapped beast. The holy lightsaber stagnated slightly and immediately disappeared into thin air, while his whole body His face was filled with horror, and his eyes widened with regret.


Until this moment, his head finally separated from his body, and his body was filled with hot blood. The body that had lost control of its soul also fell freely and fell downwards.

Before his body could fall, he disappeared without a trace and was taken into the Demon Suppression Tower by Du Long. Even the head that still had soul consciousness was not spared.


The scene fell into a brief state of silence. The Westerners were all staring at Du Long like a monster. In their eyes, the captain who had reached the strongest level and was extremely powerful was killed instantly just by looking at him? !

"Alas!" Du Long sighed with some disappointment: "The culprit will be punished. If you don't want to die, just surrender quickly and obediently!"

Throughout his growth, Du Long's hands were stained with the blood of countless enemies. At this moment, facing these opponents who had almost no resistance in front of him, he could no longer think of killing them all.

In just a moment, only six or seven of the original twenty or so Westerners were still alive, among whom there were four female members, and only two or three men were left.

"We are willing to surrender and ask you to spare your lives. This matter has nothing to do with us from beginning to end!"

As Du Long's words fell, the Westerners who had been killed long ago began to beg for mercy. Tang Gang and others did not continue to attack for the time being. It was obvious that they listened to Du Long's words and no longer dealt harshly to the remaining enemies. The killer is here.

"Hmm!" Du Long looked at the Westerners in front of him with satisfaction, and then asked calmly: "Tell me, when did you enter this space, how long did you stay here, and what are the important things? Discover!"

The reason why Du Long's adventure team is running around the edge of the ant ocean this time is to explore as much information as possible here so that they can make the most correct response.

Not only did he show mercy just now because he didn't want to continue killing these weak targets, he also naturally wanted to find out some useful information from them.

After witnessing the powerful captains being captured alive, these Westerners did not dare to have any idea of ​​concealing anything. They quickly told the story of how they accidentally entered this space in detail.

It turns out that these Westerners did not originally belong to the same adventure team. They entered this space by mistake one after another, and the time difference between them was about three to five thousand years.

Like all other adventure teams, they were fully exploring to find the location of the exit. After thousands of years of fruitless exploration, they had to turn their attention to this ocean of ant beasts.

Then they began to explore the ant ocean. After failing to break through the levels again and again, their team suffered heavy casualties, and finally had to regroup with other remaining teams.

"So! In addition to the sea of ​​ant beasts in front of you, several of your teams have explored other areas of this space?! And they didn't find any useful findings?!" Du Long listened to the other party's explanation. , and immediately raised this issue to the point.

Once they explored the edge area of ​​the ant ocean to no avail, they originally planned to carefully explore other areas of the entire space. Now it seems that someone has already done this boring job for them!

"Yes, sir!" A Western man immediately replied: "Over the course of thousands of years, we have almost explored this space twice. Except for this sea of ​​ant beasts, the rest of the place is completely deserted. , not even a blade of grass can be seen, and there is no trace of any exit!”

"Well!" Du Long nodded slightly. Although he had expected this result, he was still a little unwilling after it was confirmed: "Okay! You are all free. As for life or death, in this dangerous space, Then it all depends on your own destiny!"

I saw excited smiles on the faces of those Western men and women who survived. They were still worried that Du Long would go back on his promise and kill them all after getting the secret they wanted to know. It seemed that they were still worried.

"What's wrong?!" Du Long looked at the Western men and women who were all excited but still didn't dare to escape without permission. He couldn't help but said with a smile: "I'll give you freedom... Why don't you run away quickly?! Don't worry! Well, we Easterners keep our word and won’t be as hypocritical and shameless as you Westerners!”

"Thank you for not killing me!" Immediately, a Western blond beauty stepped forward and said, "I am willing to surrender to your team. I wonder if you can accept me to join your adventure team?!"

"No!" Du Long waved his hand without hesitation: "Spending your lives is already a great gift. As for whether you can survive in this space later, it depends on everyone's destiny!"

The Western beauty obviously did not expect that Du Long would refuse so simply, so she could only give a slightly embarrassed salute, and then turned and left sadly.

The other Western men and women shook their heads and sighed when they saw it, and then thanked Du Long and others again, and then they all walked away.

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