Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1931 Reorganization of the team

"As expected, you are worthy of being a coquettish fox. Just one encounter has already made you excited. Do you want to throw yourself into the arms of that pretty boy?!" Hao Ran's eyes flashed with a sinister light, and his words were full of emotions. It's all ambiguity.

"Hehe! Who told this coquettish fox to like a pretty girl?! If I had known that I would become a pretty girl, wouldn't I have been able to have a good time with her?!" Hao Yong, the third child, added with a mean look on his face. said.


The three brothers were laughing triumphantly there. Although the other teammates had some opinions about the three brothers, they didn't take them too seriously.

Similar to this kind of temporarily formed adventure team, it is normal for a little internal conflict to occur. These emperor-level experts who have been fighting on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven for many years have long been accustomed to this!

"Alas! It looks like we have to recruit two more teammates. I hope we can embark on the journey to the Blue Water Secret Realm as soon as possible!" Mo Kui, the temporary captain, sighed helplessly, and then began to contact the two new team members. .

On the bustling street, a sexy and hot figure quickly caught up with Du Long, who was dressed as a frail scholar. Because her steps were too eager, her tall body shook violently up and down, attracting the attention of countless men.

"Brother Jiang! You're such a heartless guy, why should I pay it back for you... You actually just abandoned me and left?!" Demon Emperor Fire Fox asked Du Long beside him with some dissatisfaction.

"Alas!" Du Long sighed softly: "Um...Sister Feifei! Thank you for your love for me. In fact, you don't need to make such a choice at all..."

"Hmph! Those three bastards are not good at first glance! My aunt, I have not wanted to form an adventure team with them for a long time. Just because of what happened to you, I might as well just go along with it!" Hu Feifei replied angrily.

"Okay!" Du Long could only nod helplessly: "I wonder where Sister Feifei is planning to go?! Are you looking for a new adventure team to join?!"

"Nonsense!" Hu Feifei puffed up her chest and replied very domineeringly: "Of course I want to rejoin an adventure team with you, and then go on an adventure in the Blue Water Secret Realm!"

"Why did Sister Feifei team up with my little brother?! You can find a more experienced adventure team. That way it will be safer and the chance of harvesting treasures will be greater!" Du Long replied with some confusion.

"Auntie, I have seen a lot of stinky men, but men like Brother Jiang who never look at others with strange eyes are really rare! Plus, with the familiar and friendly smell on your body, Auntie, I decided to go out on an adventure this time I have to form a team with you!" Hu Feifei replied very simply.

As she said, she felt very comfortable getting along with Du Long, and she would not feel frivolous at any time. In addition, the aura on his body made her feel at ease. In short, she felt very safe.

Of course, deep in her heart, she also had a very strange premonition that if she followed Du Long closely on her adventure this time, she would have unexpected gains.

A woman's sixth sense is very strange, and this outspoken Fire Fox Demon Emperor obviously likes to act rashly. Once she identifies something, she will rush forward without hesitation.

"That's all! Since Sister Feifei wants to form a team with me so much, let's form the same team!" Du Long did not hesitate and quickly made a decision.

He had a pretty good impression of the sexy beauty from the Firefox tribe next to him. He had to travel in a group anyway, and if he could team up with someone he could chat with, at least the journey wouldn't be so boring.

"Giggle! That's right!" Hu Feifei cast a flirtatious look at Du Long and said with a sweet smile: "Then let's quickly find another adventure team to join!"

"That..." Du Long said in deep thought: "Sister Feifei! I don't plan to join other people's adventure teams anymore. Why don't we jointly launch an adventure mission to the Blue Water Secret Realm and gather a team of six people to take the adventure? A team with too many members is often more difficult to control and prone to all kinds of conflicts!"

"Let's gather our own adventure team?! Are you planning to be the captain yourself?!" Hu Feifei immediately understood Du Long's plan.

"Yes!" Du Long was not pretentious and nodded directly in reply: "As the captain, you can decide how to rush to the Blue Water Secret Realm without being controlled by others!"

"You don't want to be controlled by others?!" Hu Feifei said with surprise on her face: "I really can't tell that little brother Jiang looks gentle and gentle, but he is still a very ambitious man?! In this case, I will fully support you. Decide, let’s do it together!”


Du Long touched his nose. Faced with such a sexy and hot beauty, he said those slightly ambiguous words. As long as he was a real man, he would secretly feel excited about it.


With a slight cough to cover up his slight embarrassment, Du Long blushed slightly and changed the subject: "Then let's go publish the adventure mission now! It's best to set a few more conditions, that is, during the mission, if it is not related to Regarding the life and death of the team members, they must obey the captain’s command in everything!”

"Giggle! Everything is up to you!" Hu Feifei naturally saw the embarrassment on Du Long's face, and immediately thought of what was causing it. She couldn't help but pull Du Long's elbow and deliberately wink at him. : "Let's go! Brother Jiang, it's time for us to go to work!"

In this way, Du Long's body was slightly stiff as he was gently held by the sexy and hot beauty's elbow, and he rushed towards the Adventure Guild's office in Tianwai Fairy City.

The two were so intimate that outsiders felt like a couple. In addition to being envious and jealous of Du Long's love, people paid less attention to the two of them.

This was also the result Du Long wanted. He let Hu Feifei hug his arm, and then entered the adventure guild with some confusion, where he posted an adventure team mission to the Blue Water Secret Realm.

After the mission was released, Du Long had no intention of waiting inside the Adventure Guild. Instead, he took the clingy Hu Feifei to a nearby restaurant, sat on the second floor near the window, and started chatting while eating and drinking. .

Perhaps because they added some requirements to the tasks they released, they didn't receive any news from their teammates for a long time, so the two of them were not in a hurry. A situation like this was expected.

In the restaurant, the two of them chatted freely. As long as the subject of identity and origin came up, Du Long would always do Tai Chi to avoid the important and trivial, without revealing his identity and origin.

The Fire Fox Demon Emperor Hu Feifei was extremely smart and discovered this early on. Her impression of Du Long became more and more profound in her heart. She always felt that there were many unknown big things hidden in this little man who blushed easily. secret.

Time passed day by day, and Mo Kui and others' team had already left the city and rushed to the Blue Water Secret Realm. However, Du Long's six-person team only gathered two members.

One is Zhao Kui, a man with a burly figure and a cold and sharp face, and the other is the petite lolita Zhao Zhiling who joins Zhao Kui.

The two are like brothers and sisters, one is cold and taciturn, the other is lively and active.

"How could you two agree to such a harsh request to join our team?!" Du Long looked at the two brothers and sisters who were already seated with a smile, and couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

"Hehe! It's very simple! As long as it's not a matter of life and death, people won't bother to express any opinions on the adventure process!" Zhao Zhiling, a little lolita, replied with her little head cutely tilted.

Her brother Zhao Kui kept a straight face and did not speak during the whole process. His eyes would pass over Du Long and Hu Feifei from time to time, as if he was secretly examining and analyzing the situation of these two teammates.

Before forming a team for an adventure trip, the team members who join can choose to give up the mission and then choose another adventure team to join. While Du Long is inspecting the new teammates, the other party also has the right to consider whether to form a team with him.

"My little sister is so cute, why would she venture into a place like the Heavenly Emperor's Battlefield?!" Hu Feifei looked at the little lolita in front of her and asked her doubts.

"Grandpa Ancestor made a fortune for Zhiling and said that I have been lucky recently and I can try my luck at the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield!" Zhao Zhiling did not hesitate to tell the reason why he entered the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield.


Hu Feifei couldn't help laughing on the spot. It really didn't take much care to communicate with such a heartless little girl. If she had any questions, she could just ask.

"Sister Feifei, don't you believe what Zhiling says?!" Zhao Zhiling blinked her beautiful big eyes and said, "My great-grandfather entered the Tao through reincarnation and numerology, and his fortune-telling has never been missed!"

"Giggle! Sister, it's not that I don't believe what Sister Zhiling said, come on! Let's drink this glass of wine together and wish that Sister Zhiling can find her lucky star in the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven as soon as possible!" Hu Feifei held up the cup in front of her with a smile. wine glass.

At this point, the four members of the adventure team have been confirmed. The four of them stayed in the restaurant together, eating, drinking and chatting while waiting for the arrival of the last two team members.

After some communication, Du Long was very satisfied with the two new teammates.

First of all, the strength of these two people has reached the perfect state of the late emperor level. Secondly, they will not have any ambitions for control of the adventure team. Finally, they will not say more nonsense than they should.

Time passed day by day, until more than a month after Du Long released the mission, the other two team members finally arrived.

These are two casual cultivators, Zhou Jie, a handsome man in silver armor, and Tang Gang, a cold man with a sword on his back!

The two of them have no interest in commanding the adventure team, as long as they can accompany the team to the Blue Water Secret Realm for adventure.

The team of six quickly swore an oath to form a team, then left Tianwai Fairy City on the Yiye Feizhou magic weapon provided by Du Long, and went straight to the direction of the Blue Water Secret Realm. (To be continued)

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