Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1930 Leaving the team due to conflict

"The senior named Lan Shui!" the rugged man continued: "According to legend, he is the powerful master of the Weak Water Palace who has reached the supreme level!"

"It is conceivable that the secret realm left by her old man on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, and the various treasures and techniques stored inside, etc., will definitely be an unimaginable amount. This is also the main reason why Mo Kui decided to form a team to go on the adventure. reason!"

"A secret realm left behind by a senior in the Supreme Realm?! And it's a secret realm left behind by a powerful person from our Pangu world?!"

"I believe that this senior named Lan Shui would not want the various treasures in it to fall into the hands of outsiders, right?! We adventurers from the Pangu world should have a higher chance of getting the treasures in it! "

"That's right! Even if this secret realm has been open for a long time, I believe that it is impossible for all the massive treasures collected in it to be taken away by others, right?!"

"That's natural. It takes a long time for any secret realm to be opened, but there are still a lot of treasures inside. What does the time it takes to open this blue water secret realm count?!"


As Mo Kui started, the ten participating adventure team members began to express their opinions. Everyone was obviously very optimistic about this adventure trip into the Blue Water Secret Realm.

Du Long, on the other hand, acted as a bystander, and other than occasionally secretly communicated with Hu Feifei, he did not express any opinions!

Hu Feifei's excessive intimacy with him fell into the eyes of several other male teammates at the scene. Three of them were obviously in the same group, and dissatisfaction and hostility began to appear in their eyes as they looked at Du Long.

With Du Long's eyesight, he had naturally discovered all this a long time ago. However, his goal of going to the Blue Water Secret Realm this time was completely different from others, so he didn't care whether he could get along with all the team members.

The worst thing is, after entering the secret of Blue Water, you can find any excuse to part ways with this team!

Due to his mentality, Du Long, a handsome young man who transformed into a weak scholar, had an indifferent look on his face at the moment, and nothing outside could have any impact on him.

And his aloof posture naturally attracted the attention of the Fire Fox beauty on the side. This extremely shrewd and sexy Fire Fox beauty would cast a thoughtful look at Du Long from time to time.

"Okay!" Mo Kui, a rugged man, saw that everyone had expressed their opinions, and then he made the final summary: "I believe that everyone has the same goal of venturing into the Blue Water Secret Realm. If we get some treasures in the future, we will distribute them The admiral strictly abides by the rules of the Adventure Guild. If everyone has no other opinions, then start taking oaths to form a team!"

Under the leadership of Mo Kui, ten people on the scene swore soul oaths at the same time. For an adventure team like this that was put together temporarily, the mutual trust relationship can only be maintained through this oath.

‘I swear that this time I formed a temporary adventure team with other teammates. Before the adventure team is disbanded, I will strictly implement the adventure rules. I will advance and retreat together with other teammates and fully cooperate to repel all invading enemies! ’

This was a formulaic team oath. Except for Du Long, who seemed to have never sworn such an oath before, the others were already familiar with it and spoke every word in a catchy way.

"Okay! The team oath has been made. If everyone has nothing else to prepare, let's set off for the Blue Water Cave Heaven Secret Realm now!" Mo Kui, the temporary captain, waved his hand and stood up directly.

"Um..." Du Long, who had been silent until now, finally couldn't help but speak: "Brother Mo Kui hasn't told us how we should rush to the Blue Water Cave Heaven Secret Realm!"


All the team members at the scene looked at Du Long in astonishment, their faces full of doubts and confusion, as if Du Long had asked a very strange question.

"Hehe!" Du Long immediately felt that he might have asked a relatively low-level question, and immediately scratched his head and laughed: "Well... this is my first time to form a team to enter the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, so I am a little unclear about some details! "


The Fire Fox Demon Emperor Hu Feifei beside him burst out laughing on the spot. Many other teammates also burst into laughter. The three male team members who had been hostile to Du Long before laughed even more wildly.

"Haha! I thought that this pretty boy had the perfect strength of the late Emperor of Heaven. Even if the identity token does not have any military merit points, it would still be somewhat useful. Now it seems that he is still a little overestimated!"

"That's right! He has never even joined the adventure team. If such a person joins our team, in addition to pleasing Feifei, he will definitely become a drag on our adventure team in the future!"

"That's right! The future of our team is worrying!"

The three guys who were hostile to Du Long began to take turns bombarding him as a newcomer, without any regard for his face in their words.

"Hey! Don't go too far, you three, okay?! Jiang Xiaobei is able to cultivate to reach the late-stage imperial level and reach the perfect strength. He is naturally outstanding. Although he may lack adventure experience on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, But I believe he will definitely bring unexpected benefits to this adventure team!" Fire Fox Demon Emperor Hu Feifei immediately stood up to speak for Du Long.

Not only did her words fail to make the three male team members flinch, but they all became more hostile towards Du Long, especially the bald man who was obviously the leader and retorted on the spot.

"Just because he's such a pretty boy?! Can he bring unexpected benefits to our adventure team?! Damn! Thank God if he doesn't drag us down!"

"Brother Hao Kun is right! Apart from how to pretend to be cute and cute to seduce Sister Feifei, I don't see any good or strong points in this pretty boy!"

"What second brother Hao Ran said is true. This kid is just a scumbag. It would be great if we let him go out with the team to pick up leaks..." Hao Yong, the younger brother in the three-person team, followed closely.

Facing the three brothers' joint efforts to create difficulties, a faint sneer appeared on Du Long's lips. Compared to his current strength, everyone in the entire adventure team was as weak as an ant.

It's like an elephant standing in the wild and being harassed by a few annoying mosquitoes and flies. Although he feels disgusted in his heart, he doesn't care too much about it. The reason is that the level gap between the two parties is really too big.

‘Brother Jiang! Ignore these three annoying guys. The look in their eyes made me feel very uncomfortable when they first met me. Don’t take what these people say seriously! ’ Hu Feifei’s voice sounded in Du Long’s mind.

Nodding gratefully to the enthusiastic Fire Fox beauty, Du Long then said with a smile: "What's the matter?! Don't you welcome me to join this adventure team?!"

"If this is the case, then Jiang is willing to quit this adventure team now, and then choose to join another adventure team heading to the Blue Water Secret Realm. If there are so many annoying teammates in an adventure team, It’s better to disband as soon as possible!”

"You brat! Who are you talking about as an annoying teammate?!" Hao Ran, the second among the three, turned his face on the spot and said, "How dare a newcomer who has never entered the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield dare to talk to us like this?! "

"Who else can I say?! Of course it's you three annoying scum!" Du Long grinned. He obviously didn't intend to tolerate these three stupid brothers anymore.

As he said just now, he just formed a team to go on an adventure in the Blue Water Secret Realm. Since he was unhappy with the team he chose at random, he might as well change to another adventure team before leaving the city.

"You bastard! Are you preparing to seek death?!" Hao Kun, the eldest of the three brothers, had a sullen face, looking like he was ready to fight at the slightest disagreement.

Du Long raised his eyebrows slightly, but when he was about to speak, he was stopped by the Fire Fox Demon Emperor Hu Feifei. He saw that she had no intention of persuading him anymore, but turned to look at the temporary captain Mo Kui.

"Boss Mo! Just say something! These three annoying guys have been rude to Jiang Xiaobei. If you can't resolve this conflict, then our adventure team should be disbanded as soon as possible! To avoid the risk of the Emperor of Heaven in the future When venturing on the battlefield, you must always be on guard against conflicts and plots among your teammates!"

Mo Kui frowned, and he could see a trace of dissatisfaction in the eyes he looked at Du Long, as if he was a bit blamed for the newcomer not knowing how to be forbearing.

"That..." Encountered such a change before leaving the city, Mo Kui, the organizer of the adventure team, said with an ugly face: "What do you think of this?! We might as well talk about it and discuss it!"

"What else is there to discuss?! The three of us brothers are in the same boat as this kid. Either he gets out of this adventure team, or we three brothers quit on our own initiative!" Bald-headed Hao Kun replied simply. The threat is full of meaning.

"Forget it! If you don't leave me here, I'll leave you somewhere!" Du Long could see a lot of meaning in the look in captain Mo Kui's eyes when he just looked at him, and naturally understood that the other party obviously hoped that he could withdraw voluntarily.

"That's all! My aunt and I are destined to leave this adventure team together with Brother Jiang. The previous team oath is void!" Fire Fox Demon Emperor Hu Feifei made a decision that surprised many people without hesitation.

"Sister Feifei! What are you doing?!" Mo Kui, the temporary captain, was obviously not willing to lose two teammates in his team, and he somewhat wanted to retain the Fire Fox Demon Emperor.

"Brother Mo Kui, there is no need to be embarrassed. This matter has nothing to do with you. In fact, my aunt has long disliked those three guys! Let's say goodbye. I hope that when we meet again on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, we will not become enemy!"

Hu Feifei did have some personality. After saying these words, she immediately followed Du Long and left the refreshing teahouse. It seemed that she was preparing to continue forming a team with Du Long. (To be continued)

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