Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1913 Right Army Corps

"the reason is simple!"

King Li Jing smiled and explained: "Because this is a sword set made of some kind of hard alloy. Although it is comparable to a top-grade super artifact in terms of strength, it is much inferior in some functions!"

"That's it!" Du Long suddenly nodded and said: "A complete set of Phantom Thousand Illusion Slashes has a thousand swords, but the redemption price is only 100 million military points. I decided to redeem it and give it to me at once. Let’s get three sets!”


Marshal Tianpeng, Heavenly King Li Jing and others were stunned for a moment, and then shook their heads and smiled bitterly. In the entire Heavenly Emperor battlefield, it is probably the young man in front of him who has the confidence to say that the price of 100 million military merit points is cheap, right? !

"Okay! I don't know what other items Brother Du Long wants to exchange for. Please tell me once and for all. I will let the Immortal City Formation Spirit handle the matter directly!" Marshal Tianpeng said again.

"Well! In addition, give me a temporary magic circle that can defend against the full blow of the powerful god!" Du Long touched his chin and spoke out another demand again.

Marshal Tianpeng and others were speechless again. They spent one billion military merit points only to exchange for a one-time defensive array. Isn't this too extravagant? !

"No problem! Brother Du Long, do you have any other items that need to be exchanged?!"

"No more!" Du Long simply waved his hand and said: "Except for these urgently needed items, I'd better try not to exchange too many things!"

Marshal Tianpeng then secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said: "In that case, please ask the fairy to send over the items that Marshal Du Long wants to exchange!"

"Understood!" A misty female voice immediately sounded in the hall: "Marshal Du Long exchanged military merit for three items. A total of 1.3 billion military merit points were spent. You still have 2.21 billion unexchanged military merit. integral!"


As the voice fell, the space in front of Du Long began to squirm and change, and an ordinary space ring immediately appeared in front of him.

Reaching out to take the space ring, Du Long immediately refined it for use. Then he took out a set of Phantom Thousand Illusion Slashing Saber Sets and refined it directly in front of everyone.

As the sword was refined by him, a not too huge amount of information instantly poured into his mind. It was the manufacturing situation of Phantom Thousand Fantasy Slash, plus a set of sword skills contained in it.

"Phantom Thousand Fantasy Slashing Technique?!" After seeing the name of the sword technique clearly, Du Long couldn't help but recite it aloud. It was a certain sword technique that came with this set of swords.

"Haha!" Marshal Tianpeng laughed and said: "Brother Du Long has a good eye. Although the Phantom Thousand Illusion Slash Set is a standard magic weapon, I heard that its origin is not simple! Especially this Phantom Thousand Illusion Slash Set It is almost a sword technique tailor-made for those who possess the Mahayana Thousand Hands magical power!"

"Yes!" Heavenly King Li Jing caressed his beautiful beard and added: "According to legend, this set of Phantom Thousand Illusions Slash was made by a Buddhist female supreme master, including the sword skills contained within!"

"It's just a pity that after the death of this powerful Buddhist woman in the ancient war, I heard that her legacy also disappeared. In the end, only this set of sword production techniques remained in the world! "


Du Long didn't know what to say for a moment. He just exchanged a few standard alloy sword sets. He didn't expect that there was such an amazing secret hidden behind it.

"The sword set developed by the female ancestor of the supreme realm of Buddhism, plus the Phantom Thousand Illusion Slashing Technique created by her old man. When the two work together, they should be able to exert amazing lethality, right?!" A flash of light flashed in Du Long's eyes. The light of expectation.

A powerful person in the Supreme Realm is a level higher than a powerful person in the Divine Realm. It is a level of cultivation that even his own Master Sakyamuni has never reached.

The sword technique created by such a powerful person is naturally what Du Long wants to get the most!

Often this kind of sword technique goes beyond the scope of moves. They usually integrate various heavenly mysteries into the sword technique. The more heavenly mysteries are incorporated, the more important they are, and the greater the attack power formed!

In short, this kind of attack method that can integrate the mystery of Heaven's way into sword skills is what Du Long needs most at the moment. He needs to learn from the methods of his predecessors to reasonably integrate his understanding of the mystery of Heaven's way into various methods. among various attack methods.

"Haha!" Marshal Tianpeng laughed again: "I hope brother Du Long can discover the true secret of this sword technique as soon as possible and shine again on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Tianpeng is right! Although since the Endless Era, many people have wanted to achieve a breakthrough in the Phantom Thousand Illusion Slashing Technique and successfully understood the sword technique created by the supreme and powerful senior, it is a pity that there is still no one. People can do it, I hope brother Du Long can break this bottleneck and realize the true meaning of the sword technique created by the supreme and powerful sages!" Heavenly King Li Jing followed closely.

"I can only do my best. As for how high the achievements can be, everything is still unknown!"

Du Long did not dare to be too arrogant and replied: "After all, this set of swordsmanship was created by a powerful person in the supreme realm. The secrets of heaven contained within should be extremely profound. With my emperor-level cultivation strength, The probability of successfully understanding it shouldn’t be too high!”

Du Long still has some self-awareness. After seeing the space-time footwork created by the great goddess Nuwa, he no longer dares to look down on those senior masters who can reach the supreme realm!

"Hmm!" Marshal Tianpeng nodded slightly, and then released a shining golden item with a wave of his hand: "This is a set of medium-grade super artifact-level armor, and it is also the standard equipment for the commander of the Tianwai Fairy City legion. Starting today, Du Long My brother is the coach of Tianwaixian City’s right legion!”

Du Long stared at the golden armor suspended in the palace with bright eyes. A terrifying killing aura spread from the armor, allowing everyone at the scene to vaguely see some illusory battlefield scenes, as if this set of super artifact armor He was telling the world about his legendary battlefield experience.

Vaguely visible are the desolate scenes of countless soldiers galloping across the battlefields with loud killing cries, sword energy surging all over the sky, blood bathing in the void, and countless emperor-level warriors lying dead in the wilderness!

"Marshal Du Long!" Marshal Tianpeng said with a serious face: "As you can see, this set of Marshal-level armor is not newly manufactured."

"It has followed many generals into battle, and has experienced the baptism of life and death battles in the endless epoch. The illusory scene presented now is actually a collection of certain fragments recorded by the armor itself!"

"From now on, the new history of the armor will be written by you. I hope it will never have a new owner!"

Du Long's mind was slightly shaken, and he naturally understood the meaning of Marshal Tianpeng's last words. He clearly hoped that he could survive on the battlefield forever. Only in this way would this handsome-level armor not change to a new owner.

"I will definitely live up to the expectations of Marshal Tianpeng, and I will not let down the expectations of this commander-level armor!"

With a wave of his hand, Du Long drew this set of handsome-level armor in front of him. It could be seen that this set of brand-new armor had obviously been repaired by skilled craftsmen.

"From today on, I, Du Long, will be your new master!"

Looking at the middle-grade, super-artifact level handsome armor in front of him with a smile, Du Long had a faint smile on his lips, and with a wave of his hand, a drop of crystal clear blood sank into the armor.


Sure enough, it was worthy of being regarded as a handsome-level armor that had given birth to some intelligence. It seemed to be able to understand Du Long's words. After absorbing a complete blood bead, it immediately bloomed with thousands of golden lights, illuminating the entire meeting hall with splendor. .

Du Long subconsciously reached out and caressed the armor in front of him, which had successfully established a soul connection with himself.

He could clearly feel the armor trembling slightly. It seemed to have understood that it had finally come out of the dusty warehouse, and from now on it could accompany its new owner on the battlefield to fight bloody battles!


In full view of everyone, a purple-robed figure appeared out of thin air in the hall, and it was Du Long who cloned one of them.

There was no need to say any more nonsense. Du Long's clone immediately waved and put the commander-level armor on himself. Because the soul is one, although this armor was refined by the original master, his clone can completely share it. wear.

The super artifact armor is extremely fast to put on, and there is no need to bother putting it on piece by piece. It was almost just a thought, and it was already put on Du Long's clone in the blink of an eye.

Originally he looked like a purple-robed young master, but he instantly transformed into a heroic marshal wearing golden marshal-level armor. Du Long, who once commanded the three armies, naturally exuded the aura of a cold iron-blooded general.

"Tsk tsk! You are indeed worthy of being the military god who once commanded the three armies. Wearing this set of handsome armor, you immediately reveal the heroic spirit of a fierce man on the battlefield!" Marshal Tianpeng tutted in admiration.

"Yes!" Heavenly King Li Jing also praised: "From now on, the right army of our Tianwai Immortal City finally has a new commander. I hope that under the leadership of Marshal Du Long, he can shock the entire Heavenly Emperor battlefield. All forces!"

"Subordinates, please see the Marshal! From now on, I will obey all orders from the Marshal!"

Among the many generals attending the meeting, about a third of them took the initiative to stand in line, and then knelt down on one knee to Du Long, who was wearing a commander's armor, which was the highest etiquette in marching.

It can be seen that these generals are full of expectations but also a little uneasy. Although they are very confident in Du Long's personal combat power, they still have a wait-and-see attitude towards his ability to command the three armies.

"Are you all the main generals of the right army of Tianwaixian City?! Everyone is exempt from courtesy. From now on, we are good brothers sharing life and death!" Du Long's clone waved to the group of generals.

"Thank you, Marshal!" Many generals accepted the order and stood upright. Then they all looked at Du Long, as if waiting for his latest order.

"Everyone, please return to your original positions!" Du Long waved his hand and said: "After this Marshal and Marshal Tianpeng have finished talking about the business, I will immediately go with you to the headquarters of the right legion. If you have any official business, please wait for me to return. Let’s talk about it later!”

"I will obey my orders!" (To be continued)

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