Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1912 Battle Knife Set

Looking at the empty marshal's mansion, Du Long started to take action without much hesitation, collecting all the materials for the several magic circles he had laid out before.

These finished magic circle materials are valuable. This time, Du Lian'er did not use the finished magic circle he bought at all, which was equivalent to indirectly leaving some magic circle means for him.

After packing up the finished formation base materials, Du Long glanced around again, then flew away from the Marshal's Mansion and shot towards the heavily defended building complex in the core area of ​​Tianwai Immortal City.

"Haha!" Several figures flew out of the building complex, and the leader was the burly Marshal Tianpeng: "Marshal Du Long! You finally showed up!"

Marshal Tianpeng led the crowd to welcome Du Long with a smile on his face. With their group of generals personally showing up to greet him, it was natural that the many emperor-level warriors patrolling around this heavily defended building complex would not show up to intercept Du Long again. .

In fact, with Du Long's marshal-level status token and the fact that he was already a well-known figure in Tianwaixian City, even if Marshal Tianpeng and others did not come to greet him, there would be no one who would come to intercept him.

A group of people welcomed Du Long into the meeting hall. Marshal Tianpeng then said with a smile: "Brother Du Long! Looking at your calm and calm appearance, I guess your love has successfully refined the power of thunder. Bar?!"

"Yes! Thanks to Brother Tianpeng's concern, my daughter has successfully refined the power of Tribulation Thunder, and is currently in retreat in the cave world to consolidate her imperial cultivation!" Du Long had no need to hide this matter, and admitted it simply. Came down.

"It's really great! The Du family has another emperor-level person. This precious daughter of Du Long will definitely have limitless achievements in the future!" Marshal Tianpeng continued to praise.

The Heavenly King Li Jing and others on the side spoke in agreement one after another. They were all enthusiastic about Du Long and did not hesitate to send some words of blessing.

Du Long felt much happier when his precious daughter was praised by outsiders than when he was praised. There was a smile on his face. The group entered the meeting hall in a warm atmosphere, and the guests and hosts took their seats.

"Brother Du Long! When does your true self plan to travel?!" In the main seat, the smile on Marshal Tianpeng's face faded slightly and gradually became serious.

As expected, he is worthy of being the general marshal of Tianwaixian City. Once he talks about business, his whole body naturally begins to exude the aura of a superior person that makes people admire him.

"It's time for my clone to appear in front of the public. As for when my true self will travel, there is no need to set a specific time. I can secretly leave Tianwai Fairy City at any time after the clone appears in front of the public. !" Du Long's expression also became serious.

"Understood!" Marshal Tianpeng nodded sharply: "Besides, is there anything else you need my help with, brother?!"


Du Long nodded without any pretense at all: "First, I told you before about the latest information about the Blue Water Cave Heaven Secret Realm; second, I hope Brother Tianpeng can help me, I want to exchange my military merit into something that will help my strength. It’s best to exchange treasures directly and secretly where no outsiders can see them!”

"They are all trivial matters!" Marshal Tianpeng said with confidence: "This is the latest information about the secret realm of Blue Water Cave, please accept it first!"

Marshal Tianpeng sent the recording jade talisman he had prepared early in the morning to Du Long. He had obviously been waiting for Du Long to show up on his own initiative. Naturally, he was embarrassed to come and disturb his precious daughter when she had not yet passed the critical period.

Du Long reached out to take the jade talisman that recorded the latest information about the Blue Water Cave Heaven Secret Realm, and then put it directly into the space ring without any intention of reading it in public.

"Brother Du Long! This is a list of all redeemable treasures in Tianwai Fairy City. You can redeem all your military merit points!" Seeing Du Long put away the intelligence recording talisman, Marshal Tianpeng continued to speak.

As his words fell, a virtual scroll spread out in front of Du Long, with a large number of names densely recorded inside.

Such a massive amount of information is displayed through energy virtualization. Ordinary mortals cannot clearly see the text inside which is about the size of bacteria.

Scanning the list that recorded a huge amount of information with sharp eyes, Du Long secretly marveled at the treasure inventory in Tianwai Fairy City. The number and quality of redeemable treasures there exceeded his imagination!

Not to mention those magical weapons, magical elixirs, heaven and earth spiritual treasures, the exchange list also lists many Mahayana divine passage methods that made Du Long stunned, powerful magic formations that can withstand the powerful blow of the god, etc. wait!

In short, there are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't find in it.

"Isn't it?! In here... there are even the Mahayana supreme divine passage methods of Buddhism and Taoism?! The Mahayana Thousand Hands Divine Power, Tathagata Palm, One Qi Transforming Three Pure Ones, Killing Immortal Sword Formation..." Du Long Bian stared at the many treasures on the list with bright eyes, and muttered some magical passages that he was familiar with.

Even though he has experienced several battles and harvested massive trophies, he still cannot compare with the list in front of him. There is absolutely no comparison between the two.


Marshal Tianpeng stroked the steel-needle-like stubble at the corner of his mouth with great satisfaction: "This is the endless epoch since the emergence of the Heavenly Emperor's battlefield. Many powerful men from the Pangu world have experienced countless life and death battles, and they have just accumulated With such a fortune, it will naturally be a little stronger!"


Du Long was speechless on the spot. Such a massive treasure house was even worse than the treasure house he saw in the Great Thunder Sound Temple in Mount Xumi.

If this is just a little thicker, wouldn't the other small and medium-sized forces in the world be ashamed and angry to death? This Marshal Tianpeng is clearly showing off his wealth to himself, okay? !

‘In terms of Shinto Dharma. . . Those Mahayana-level divine passages cost one billion each. I already have the Tathagata Divine Palm, a Mahayana magical power that can integrate all kinds of magic, and many magical powers that even the emperors cannot practice to the extreme. No more energy needs to be wasted on practicing other divine passage methods! ’

‘In terms of the finished magic circle, a magic circle that can defend against the full blow of the God Lord’s power also requires one billion. . . You might consider getting one! ’

‘Then there are magical weapons. . . The sword on hand that has reached the level of a top-grade super artifact is still unable to maintain the demand in the most thousand-handed combat form. . . ’

'However, each top-grade super artifact requires at least 100 million military merit points. Even if I have more than 30 billion military merit points, it is still not enough! ’

‘It’s best to exchange for some top-grade super-artifact sword sets similar to the Coiling Snake Slash. As long as you pursue the hardness of the weapon, it doesn’t matter whether it has other powerful incidental attack methods! ’

With his mind spinning, Du Long immediately made a decision and began to turn his attention to the list of magical weapons, hoping to find a set-type high-grade super magical weapon similar to the Coiling Snake Slash!

However, after searching, he found that except for a few sets of low-grade and mid-grade super-artifact sword sets, there were no high-grade super-artifact sword sets at all. He couldn't help but show a look of disappointment on his face.

"What's wrong?! The items on this treasure list can't satisfy Brother Du Long?!" Marshal Tianpeng and others all focused their attention on Du Long, and naturally they noticed his abnormal expression at the first time.

"Um..." Du Long scratched his head in embarrassment and replied: "You must all know that I have the Buddhist Mahayana Thousand Hands Magical Power, and I have also been able to step into the path of swords on the Dou Zhan Road, so I want to exchange for enough thousand The high-grade super-artifact sword set required by the magic hand, but unfortunately there is obviously no similar magic sword weapon in it!"

"A top-grade, super-artifact-level sword set?! And you need a sword set with thousands of them combined together?!" Marshal Tianpeng's face was full of astonishment, and he no longer had the proud look he had at the beginning.

"Yes! I know that this request is difficult to achieve. It is an extremely rare opportunity to get one of the top-grade super-artifact war knives. I actually want to get thousands of them..." Old Du Long's face turned slightly red, showing a slight expression. He shook his head sheepishly and sighed.

"Alas!" Marshal Tianpeng sighed helplessly: "A set composed of thousands of top-grade super-artifact war knives... There really isn't one in the treasure house of this heavenly city!"

"Okay!" Du Long naturally didn't want to force others to make things difficult for him, so he could only shake his head and mutter with regret: "I actually don't expect to be able to exchange for a sword set of this level, but I just hope to exchange for one that can rival it in strength. I’m mostly satisfied with the sword.”

"Comparable strength?!"

The Heavenly King Li Jing, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly lit up his eyes and said: "Marshal Du Long is saying... As long as the weapon strength of the sword set can match that of a high-grade super artifact? It is not necessary that every sword has a top-grade super artifact. Additional features like the inner space of the fighting knife?!”

"Yes!" Du Long's eyes, which had already given up any hope, once again ignited a glimmer of hope: "Is there a similar sword set in the treasure house of Tianwai Fairy City?!"

"Yes!" Heavenly King Li Jing said with a smile: "Look for it in the list of top-grade artifacts. There is a sword set called Phantom Thousand Fantasy Slash. Not only is it cheap, but it also has 1,500 swords that can change in size on their own. Suit!”

Without saying a word, Du Long turned his attention to the weapons column of the high-grade artifact level. He quickly found the Phantom Thousand Fantasy Slashing Saber Set mentioned by Li Jing. Looking at its detailed introduction, he suddenly saw that there was a sword that was as strong as the high-grade super weapon. Artifact rivalry!

"Weird! Why is it that it is just a high-grade artifact sword set, but it has the strength to match the superior artifact?!" Du Long stared at the introduction of the sword in front of him with burning eyes, and subconsciously raised questions. (To be continued)

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