Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1462: Subduing Demons and Eliminating Demons

The Mahayana Thousand-Hand Magical Technique requires similar heavenly mysteries as the three-headed and six-armed magical power. It is still related to the Five Elements Elemental Path, space, and the Wind Path!

It can be seen that the reason why the Five Elements Path can be called the most important paths under the Five Elements Dao, like the Wind Path and Thunder and Lightning Paths, is naturally important!

The method of cultivating the Thousand-Hand Magic Power is very simple. The first level is three heads and six arms, which is the first level of the Thousand-Hand Power. The second level is three heads and twelve arms, the third level is three heads and twenty-four arms, and the fourth level is three levels. The head has forty-eight arms, and so on!

In other words, the Thousand Hands Divine Power does not actually transform into Thousand Hands directly, but it must be advanced step by step!

Three heads and six arms are necessary for the first level of the Thousand Hands Magical Power. If you practice all the way to the ninth level, you can reach the scale of thousands of arms. Thinking about the scene of thousands of arms flying all over the sky, it is extremely incredible!

It took ten years to cultivate three heads and twelve arms, and then another twenty years to master the way of attacking with twelve arms at the same time!

It took twenty years to cultivate three heads and twenty-four arms, and another forty years to master the method of attacking simultaneously with the twenty-four arms.

Time passed day by day, and nearly ten thousand years passed before Du Long reached the eighth level of the Thousand Hands Supernatural Power, with a total of 768 arms transformed from his three heads!

At this moment, Du Long's more than 700 arms each hold a Thousand Jue Sword. It is the Thousand Jue Sword Sword Formation that can be used in conjunction with the Thousand Hands Magic Technique!

With three heads and more than seven hundred arms, Du Long was like a monster covered with tentacles at this moment. He was swinging his sword in the underground cave and slashing everything around him. The sound of the divine weapons and swords piercing the air and the wind echoed throughout the underground cave. , huge energy fluctuations caused the entire cave to tremble and tremble!


As the sword light in the sky disappeared without a trace, Du Long had ended his training and returned to his normal human state!

"The Thousand-Hand Magical Power is truly worthy of being called the Mahayana Magical Power. It's just a pity. It seems to be an extremely gorgeous attack method, but because the Five Elements of Elements have not all reached the level of Xiaocheng, each arm can only exert 10% of its combat power for the time being. Output!" Looking at the dense knife marks on the cave wall, Du Long shook his head helplessly and muttered.

There were only a few thousand years left before this era. He felt that the practice of Thousand Hands Magical Power was a bit useless in the later stages, so he decided to suspend the practice of this set of Mahayana Magical Powers. After practicing hard for more than 20,000 years, it was time to go out!

"Look! Isn't that Junior Uncle Du Long who has disappeared for more than 20,000 years?! It seems that he came from the World of Ten Thousand Dharmas Returning to One Cave, and he must have practiced magical powers in it for more than 20,000 years, right? !”

"Nonsense! Not long after taking the test, I entered the unified space gate of all laws. Naturally, I can only go to practice magical powers!"

"Tsk tsk! Even a talented monster like Junior Master Du Long needs to practice for more than 20,000 years. How powerful a magical power must he have cultivated?!"

"That's right, Junior Uncle Du Long's combat power must have reached the peak of the Arhat Realm at this moment, right?!"


In the huge cave where the space array gate at the entrance to the Sumeru Holy Realm is located, as Du Long walked out of the space gate of All Dharmas Unified, the Buddhist disciples gathered in the cave immediately started talking quietly.

Du Long was too lazy to pay attention to what the other Buddhist disciples were talking about. He took out the communication array stone and sent a message to Princess Qingcheng: "Qingcheng! Where are you? My husband has been released from seclusion!"

Almost instantly, Princess Qingcheng's reply came over: "Husband! Qingcheng will rush over immediately, and we will meet under the Xumi Bang!"

Grinning slightly, Du Long walked out of this huge cave and came to the Xumi Holy Land Square!

I habitually looked up at the Sumeru Ranking that stood upright in the middle of the square. My name still stayed at the top of the Arhat Ranking. It seemed that I had surpassed Mukui's total Buddhist fate points of more than 10 million. Compared with the disciples of the Arhat Realm, It’s really not that easy to catch up!

He glanced down at the second place, and he was shocked to find that it was a familiar name - Kong Chan, the Buddhist disciple who lost to Jian Chen in the Hunyuan Competition!

When Du Long was going up Mount Sumeru, Brother Kongchan was outside on a mission to subjugate demons and eliminate demons, so the two of them never got to see him!

"I actually rose from the 30th place to the 2nd place during my retreat. It seems that Senior Brother Kong Chan gained a lot when he went out to perform the task of subduing demons and slaying demons?!" Du Long looked at Kong Chan's name. He couldn't help but murmured softly to himself.

Nowadays, Du Long's cultivation in various paths has reached a bottleneck. The possibility of breaking through a certain path in a short time, or re-cultivating a certain path and achieving a huge breakthrough is extremely slim!

In other words, it is difficult to obtain a large number of Buddhist points by practicing the mysteries of heaven and earth in a short period of time. He can only think of other ways, such as accepting the task of subduing demons and slaying demons!

On Mount Sumeru, the rate of earning Buddha Points through work is very slow. The possibility of earning a large number of Buddha Points in a short period of time is almost zero!

Only those Buddhist disciples who are not in a hurry and have survived for endless years will choose to slowly earn corresponding Buddhist points through work on Mount Sumeru!


Just as Du Long was thinking about these messy questions, a soft and gentle voice came from afar, attracting the attention of many Buddhist disciples in the Xumi Holy Land Square.

"Holy crap! Aren't those Junior Uncle Du Long and Princess Qingcheng?! After disappearing for more than 20,000 years, what exactly is this Junior Junior Uncle working hard on?!"

"I heard that Junior Uncle Du Long just came out of the World of Ten Thousand Dharmas Returning to the Cave Heaven. I guess he must have practiced a lot of magical powers in seclusion?!"

"More than 20,000 years... With Junior Master Du Long's talent, he must have made amazing achievements, right?!"

"Isn't that nonsense?! It's just a pity. After Mu Kui challenged Uncle Du Long in a martial arts fight, he was lucky enough to break through and reach the level of Heavenly Emperor. Not long after that, he returned to the Bauhinia Kingdom. It is said that he soon I’m about to take over the throne of King Bauhinia, which is really a blessing in disguise!”

"Who says not?! After that Mu Kui failed to challenge Junior Uncle Du Long, he was lucky enough to break through and reach the level of Heavenly Emperor. He also knew that he might not be able to become a disciple of any Buddha, so he chose to return very wisely. Bauhinia Kingdom, I will soon become the king of this country!”


Du Long dodged to face Princess Qingcheng. He heard the discussion of the Buddhist disciples, and naturally also heard some information related to Mu Kui. Although he felt a little emotional in his heart, it didn't show any of it on the surface.

After exchanging heart-to-hearts with Qingcheng, Du Long pulled her and flew away from Xumi Holy Land Square. Princess Qingcheng couldn't help but ask: "Husband! I didn't expect that you would practice in seclusion for more than 20,000 years this time. , seeing that this epoch year is coming to an end in thousands of years, Qingcheng is worried that you will miss the anniversary of this epoch!"

"Haha!" Du Long responded with a smile: "How can a husband miss such an important day?! It's just that the magical powers practiced this time are too mysterious and complicated, so it took a little more time!"

"That's it!" Qingcheng nodded slightly, and then changed the topic: "Have you mastered all the magical powers that your husband has chosen?!"

"Well! Basically, we have achieved the expected goal, otherwise it wouldn't have come out now!" Du Long responded with a smile.

"That's good!" Qingcheng responded excitedly: "Qingcheng knows that your husband is very talented, and there must be no magic method that can stump you! By the way! Where are we going now?!"

After looking around, he found that there were still some Buddhist disciples sizing him up. Du Long immediately switched to voice transmission and replied: "My husband has practiced the Brilliant Thunder Eyes Technique, and currently I only have one to go with it." Before the arrival of the new era, it is best to earn enough 10 million Buddha Fate points, and then exchange for a brilliant thunder cone! ’

‘Qingcheng understands! So are we going to the Luohan Hall to take on the task of subduing demons and slaying demons? ! ’ Through Du Long’s words and the direction in which the two were flying at this moment, Qingcheng immediately guessed where Du Long wanted to take her.

'hehe! Exactly! ’

Mount Xumi, Arhat Hall!

Du Long took Princess Qingcheng and walked into it. This was the place where he received the tasks of subduing demons and slaying demons. With Du Long's current strength in the Hunyuan True God Realm, he could only accept these tasks of subduing demons and slaying demons in the Arhat Realm!

It seems that every day, many Buddhist disciples are accepting these tasks of subduing demons and exterminating demons. No matter which force, big or small, they have similar tasks, which can not only benefit the people under their jurisdiction, but also train their disciples. This way, they can accomplish multiple things. The good deeds are naturally welcomed by all parties!

The arrival of the couple naturally attracted the attention of many Buddhist disciples, and they all secretly communicated with each other. With the status of disciples of Sakyamuni Buddha, and being the first on the Sumeru Arhat List, they are naturally among the many Buddhist disciples. The object of admiration!

His eyes swept across the many tasks of subduing demons and slaying demons, and Du Long did not spend much time selecting three tasks. The tasks of subduing demons and slaying demons in the Hunyuan Arhat Realm were too simple for him today. It’s over!

After only staying in Luohan Hall for a moment, Du Long chose three tasks just like buying groceries. Du Long's confident approach once again impressed the many Buddhist disciples on the side.

Presumably among all the Arhat Realm disciples in Mount Xumi, Du Long must be the only one with such confidence to choose the task of subduing demons and slaying demons, right? !

On the way out of Luohan Hall, Du Long, who originally wanted to leave Mount Sumeru and rush to the mission address, suddenly received a message. When he opened it, he saw that it was from Nakong Zen.

"Haha! Junior Brother Du Long! You are finally out of seclusion?! Senior brother, I send you messages every once in a while, but in the end I am unable to contact you. Today I finally heard that you were out of seclusion, so I immediately sent you a message ! We haven’t seen each other for tens of thousands of years. We brothers and sisters must get together on Mount Xumi and come to the No. 2 Zen Temple of Luohan Garden as soon as possible. Senior brother has prepared a fine wine and vegetarian banquet waiting for you and your wife!"

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