Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1461 Great magical powers

Top-grade artifact, the Brilliant Thunder Cone!

Looking at the high-grade artifact in my hand, which is only the size of a palm, one end of this brilliant thunder cone has a four-edged sharp point, and the other end is a strange-shaped artifact in the shape of three Buddha heads!

As soon as I thought about it, I saw a drop of bright red blood appear above the magic cone, and then dripped directly on the magic cone, and was absorbed by it in an instant!


An invisible energy wave appeared, and the originally dim Lei Cone burst out with golden light, and an energy wave unique to high-grade artifacts radiated out!

Feeling that the sharp point of the brilliant thunder cone suddenly became extremely sharp in the palm of his hand, Du Long transferred the flame and lightning energy in his body to the palm of his hand without much hesitation, and instantly wrapped up the cone. He was starting to According to the method of the Huang Lei Cone Sacrifice, use all your strength to sacrifice this high-grade artifact!

According to the usage instructions inside the Brilliant Thunder Magic Cone, it is not enough to identify the master with a drop of blood. It also needs to be refined with the power of flames and lightning before it can be integrated with the power of flames and lightning in the body. Achieve the best results!

The blazing flames accompanied the electric snakes with full firepower, constantly burning and refining this high-grade artifact. The Huanglei Magic Cone continued to undulate with the flames above Du Long's palm, and the body of the cone had been burned by the flames into a three-pointed artifact. Different colors of magical runes!

Time passed slowly, and Du Long continued to practice for seventy-seven forty-nine days, and then he saw that the brilliant thunder cone gradually became docile amid the flames and electric snakes.


After exhaling a long breath, Du Long began to retract the thunder fire above his palm. He stared at the brilliant thunder cone flashing with three-color flame patterns in front of him with piercing eyes. He felt an extremely warm feeling in his heart. He felt spontaneously, as if the Dharma Cone in front of him was part of his body. This feeling was very mysterious!

After admiring the brilliant thunder cone that he had refined, Du Long put it away with a thought. However, no one expected that he did not put it into the Dantian space or the space ring, but directly put it away. Put it into your right eye!

At this moment, the Brilliant Thunder Magic Cone has become the size of half a tear, wandering in the Brilliant Thunder Eye refined by Du Long. If you look carefully at Du Long's right eye, you will find that in addition to the thunder fire burning in it, In addition, there is also a magic awl circulating in it!

At this moment, the Brilliant Thunder Cone is like a golden fish, swimming freely in the pool of Du Long's Brilliant Thunder Eye. It is extremely mysterious!

Feeling the magic of the brilliant thunder cone swimming in his right eye, Du Long glanced at a rocky mountain not far away. As soon as his mind moved, he saw a flash of thunder and fire suddenly burst out from his right eye, and he could vaguely see it. There is also a magic cone that shoots out accompanied by thunder and fire light!

Chi! boom!

In an instant, the huge stone mountain shuddered slightly by the light of thunder and the brilliant thunder method, and was blasted into rubble on the spot!

call out!

After one blow, the brilliant thunder cone immediately turned around and turned into a flash of golden light, returning to Du Long's right eye!

Looking with satisfaction at the long-range attack effect caused by the Eye of Glory Thunder combined with the Eye of Glory Thunder, Du Long nodded and murmured: "The power is not bad! The pain of practicing the Eye of Glory Thunder was finally not in vain! "

With his mind spinning, he regained his attention and once again looked at the last two sets of magical powers he had exchanged from the Sutra Pavilion, the Mahayana Thousand Hands Magical Technique and the Nine-Nine-Eighty Ordinary Transformation Magical Technique!

He had left all the hardest bones for last. At this moment, he had to choose one of these two sets of Mahayana magical powers to practice!

"Before choosing which set of Mahayana magical powers to practice, you must change the environment, so as not to encounter other Buddhist disciples in the process of practice and lose something!" Turn your attention away from the two sets of Mahayana magical powers in your mind. After taking back the cultivation method, Du Long murmured to himself in a low voice.

Then, he no longer hesitated and flew away from the island where he had practiced for many years, and once again entered the endless virgin forest!

Originally, he could use the Peng Xing Ten Thousand Miles Movement Technique to hurry up, but Du Long did not want to expose the Peng Xing Ten Thousand Miles Movement Technique too early, so he was not in a hurry, but went all the way to the depths of the forest to control the lightning. .

Flying over the Ten Thousand Mountains, he finally selected a cave that was completely covered by dense forests, and then went deep into the deepest part of the cave, where he found a huge cave as a secret place for him to practice two sets of Mahayana magical powers!

Sitting cross-legged on the hard ground, Du Long closed his eyes and began to learn the nine-nine-nine-eighty-year-old magical power of transformation. Relatively speaking, this set of the two sets of Mahayana magical powers is one that must be mastered before the journey to the West. As for the magical power of Thousand Hands, that's the next best thing!

If you want to practice ninety-nine and eighty ordinary magical powers, the most basic requirement is the Five Elements Dao, followed by the Space Dao!

According to the explanation of this magical power cultivation, if only one elemental path of the Five Elements has reached the stage of small perfection, you can only practice 2918 changes in it. If there are two elemental ways that have reached the stage of small perfection, then You can practice 4936 transformations, the three elemental ways can lead to 6954 transformations, the four elemental ways can lead to **72 transformations, and only the five elemental ways can be completed and completed. Cultivation brings about ninety-nine and eighty general changes!

In short, it is precisely because this set of exercises is extremely suitable for Du Long's practice that he immediately chose this set of Mahayana magical powers when he redeemed it for free for the first time!

Constantly checking and understanding the training method of this magical power in his heart, Du Long gradually understood what the so-called magical power of transformation was all about!

Everything in the world is composed of the five elements. This can be seen from the world outside where all dharmas are unified in the cave world!

All living beings in the world of All Dharmas Guiyi Cave Heaven are formed by the fusion of five elements. The five elements are the foundation of many living beings!

After studying for several years, Du Long finally began to practice the actual magical powers of transformation. During the practice, he also found that after practicing the magical powers of Fa, Tianxiang and Earth, he had a much clearer understanding of these magical powers of transformation!

The magical power of transformation, to put it bluntly, is to treat oneself as an energy body condensed by the five elements. To transform into a plant, the elements of wood and water are the main elements, supplemented by the other three elements, and then transform into the corresponding plant appearance. !

If you want to change it into rocks, buildings, metal objects, etc., it is even simpler. You can directly release the required earth element and metal element energy, and perform the corresponding fusion to naturally turn it into the corresponding item!

Time goes by day by day, and Dulong sometimes turns into a big tree, sometimes turns into a small grass, sometimes turns into a stubborn rock in the cave, it is really ever-changing and mysterious!

The seemingly simple transformation technique is easy to perform, but it is not so easy to make it realistic and vivid. It requires constant practice and hard work!

In short, he spent an average of tens to hundreds of years on each change. The cumulative time spent is extremely terrifying!

In the blink of an eye, more than 8,600 years have passed. Du Long only succeeded in mastering seventy-two changes, but in the end he could not succeed in ordinary changes!


Breathing out a heavy breath, Du Long, who had been practicing hard for many years, finally stopped and sighed a little depressedly: "Alas! It seems that it is just as the introduction of the magical power said, because the water elemental path has not yet been cultivated to the level of perfection. , now you can only cultivate to the stage of seventy-two transformations at most!"

'whee! ’ Ring Spirit Ling’er said with a sweet smile: ‘That’s natural, ninety-nine and eighty-nine ordinary transformation techniques. Why is the last ordinary transformation so difficult to practice? Even Sun Wukong only practiced until he had seventy-two transformations? ! When all the five elements and elements have reached small perfection, the cultivation level will undergo huge changes! ’

Du Long secretly nodded. With the Five Elements Path almost perfected, he felt the barrier that the Water Elemental Path could not break through. Naturally, he understood the huge role of the Five Elements Path perfected!

"The Five Elements Element Path has not been fully completed. The most intuitive impact is that the various forms it has transformed into are just physical, but lack their spirit!" Du Long sighed helplessly.

'Fortunately, you have the willow leaves given by Master Guan Zizai. With its help, your transformed form has charm, and it is not easy for outsiders to see through it! ’ The ring spirit Ling’er comforted her softly: ‘The same was true for Sun Wukong back then. He was able to rely on his seventy-two transformations to prevent the demon kings, big and small, from seeing through what was wrong with what he transformed! ’

"Yes!" Du Long nodded, and then took a deep breath again and said: "That's all! Let's stop practicing the magical power of transformation for the time being! Now you can start practicing the last set of Mahayana Thousand-Hand Magical Technique!"

As his words fell, he directly found a cleaner place to sit cross-legged, then gathered his mind and began to turn his attention to the practice method of Thousand Hands Magic Technique!

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